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Marshall's Park, The Complete Series . 01-2014

Page 7

by Lisa Worrall

  Aiden scrubbed a hand through his hair, still not daring to open his eyes. He swallowed and grimaced against the taste of his own saliva. Jesus, what did I order—kitty litter? He didn’t even remember getting home, or into bed. Who the hell had put him to bed? He swallowed again—grimaced again—and slipped his hand below the covers. Thank God! The relief was instant. He was wearing his boxers. But Patti couldn’t have got him up the stairs and out of his clothes, so that left—

  “It was me.”

  Aiden shot up in bed and scrambled back against the headboard, then cried out as the movement sent a bolt of blinding white pain through his skull and his stomach lurched in complaint. He really didn’t want to open his eyes for the next… ever… but he didn’t see how he could avoid it with Finn in his bedroom. Accepting his fate, Aiden opened his eyes to find Finn sitting on the small sofa under the window, a cup of steaming coffee in his hands.

  “Mornin’,” Finn said brightly, an amused smile curving his lips and dancing in his eyes.

  “Hey,” Aiden replied, attempting and failing to flatten his hair discreetly.

  “There’s water and Advil on the nightstand.”

  Aiden heaved a sigh of relief and leaned gingerly closer to the nightstand, grabbing the Advil and downing the entire tumbler of water he found next to them. The icy liquid slid down his throat, chasing away some of the kitty litter residue on his tongue, although he thought he’d probably need another ten liters to rehydrate. “Thanks,” he said gratefully, putting down the empty glass and leaning back against the headboard. “So…,” he dragged out the syllable. “Last night was… fun?” he couldn’t keep the slight quizzical intonation out of the sentence.

  “That’s one word for it.”

  “Finn, I’m,” Aiden searched for the right words, but all he could come up with was, “Aw crap, what did I do?”

  “Where would you like me to start?”

  “There’s enough to constitute a start?”

  “Oh yes.” Finn took another mouthful of his coffee and then stood up to cross the room and sit on the bed beside Aiden, stretching his long legs out in front of him and crossing his ankles. Not that Aiden had noticed the twitch of Finn’s firm thigh muscles as he did so. Who are you trying to kid? You’re hung-over, you’re not dead.

  “I should really preface the evening’s events with the fact that my date drank neat bourbon on a stomach full of antibiotics,” Finn said conversationally, grabbing one of the pillows and shoving it behind his back, snuggling into it.

  “Oh shit,” Aiden breathed. His ear infection and the last two doses of the antibiotics the doctor had prescribed. Don’t forget the tumbler full of bourbon Patti gave you when you were jumping like an, what was it, ah yes, an egg on an engine block. Aiden chose to ignore the hysterical laughter of his inner voice and repeated, “Oh shit.” He covered his face with his hands, his cheeks already burning with humiliation. “Just give me the worst points.”

  “Now that would depend on what you consider to be the worst points.” Finn’s voice held a teasing note and Aiden had the distinct feeling he was enjoying Aiden’s discomfort far too much. “It could be when you tried to play footsie with my balls; which runs a close joint second to you accusing the maitre ‘d of throwing us out because we were gay, and you tossing your cookies on my two hundred dollar boots as I helped you out of the car.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Of course, pulling a stray hair from my nose while I was taking off your pants is worth an honorable mention.”

  “Oh God, couldn’t you have just hit me over the head with something and put me out of my misery?” Aiden slid down the headboard and back under the covers, pulling them over his head, hoping Freddie Krueger would pull him down into the basement through the mattress—which would be preferable right now to having to look Finn in the eye ever again. Unfortunately, as Finn slid down the bed and under the covers with him, Aiden didn’t think he was going to get off that easy.

  “Aiden, it’s okay,” Finn said softly, pulling the covers down and forcing Aiden to look at him. “It was definitely the most interesting first date I’ve ever had.”

  Aiden groaned and stared up at the ceiling. “But not the kind that leads to a second date.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  Aiden stared at Finn in disbelief. “Why on earth would you want another date after last night?”

  “I’m interested to see how you’re gonna top it.”

  “From the sounds of it the only way to do that is if somebody dies,” Aiden muttered.

  “As long as it’s not one of us….”

  Aiden gazed at Finn in amazement, suddenly realizing he had a man in his bed. Albeit a fully clothed man, but it was definitely an improvement considering he couldn’t actually remember the last time a man in any state of dress was in his bed. “Seriously?” he asked incredulously. “You want to see me again? Even after I threw up on your shoes—?” He was silenced by the press of Finn’s finger to his mouth.

  “Yes, I want to see you again—as long as you never mention the shoes.”

  “I promise,” Aiden mumbled against Finn’s skin. At this point he would promise anything. The scent of Finn’s cologne was heady and intoxicating, and Aiden’s current attire not exactly equipped to hide his reaction.

  “Good,” Finn grinned, removing his finger then scrambling from the bed. “I’ll let you get go back to sleep but first, there’s something you didn’t do last night.”

  “What could—” Finn silenced Aiden once more, but this time involved the press of soft full lips and the warmth of Finn’s palm against his cheek. After the initial terror that his breath still held remnants of a used cat tray, Aiden melted into the kiss and lifted his hand to grip the collar of Finn’s jacket. Aiden’s remaining senses that weren’t enveloped in a fog of alcohol, exploded at the gentle probing of Finn’s tongue as he was given the most erotic fully clothed kiss he’d ever experienced.

  Breaking the kiss, Finn smiled and brushed his thumb across the sweep of Aiden’s cheekbone. “I think that’s officially my favorite part of our first date.” Aiden watched Finn walk to the bedroom door, still in a haze of first kiss delirium, blushing furiously when Finn delivered his parting shot. “One more thing—make sure you have your credit card with you on our next date, you owe me a new pair of boots.”


  Aiden’s unbidden moan seemed loud in the quiet of the room which had previously held only the sound of pleasured gasps and breathy sighs—not that he could have stopped it if he’d tried. How could he with Finn kissing his way across his collarbone?

  They’d been stretched out on the sofa entwined in each others’ arms ever since Finn had put Kaylee to bed and read Room on the Broom, her current favorite. Aiden had intended to put her to bed himself, but she’d indicated what she’d thought of that with a withering glare. A glare that clearly stated, without a single word being spoken, why on earth would she want him to tuck her in when she could have Finn, who gave each character a different voice, do it instead? He didn’t blame her. If he’d had the choice, he’d have picked Finn, too.

  Finn had been covering shifts at the park and Aiden had taken on an important client at work, so they had not spent as much time together as either of them would have liked over the last couple of weeks. Thankfully they had already had a much more successful second run at their first date, the original of which five weeks ago had been a disaster Aiden would rather forget—if he could have remembered it, of course. Having heard detailed descriptions of his behavior after drinking whilst taking antibiotics, Aiden was eternally grateful he had no memory of that night, although if you asked him, he felt Finn took far too much pleasure in reminding him every chance he could.

  Aiden’s breath caught in his throat when Finn’s hand slipped beneath his T-shirt and smoothed across the sensitive skin of his belly. Trembling with anticipation as Finn moved down to follow the path of his exploring fingers with his mouth, Aiden pulled his lower lip
between his teeth in an attempt to prevent another involuntary cry escaping. He carded his fingers through the soft strands of Finn’s dark hair and pushed lightly, hopefully leaving Finn in no doubt exactly where he wanted his mouth. Aiden whimpered as Finn blew warm air across his belly and palmed his length through his cargo shorts, his hips involuntarily pushing into Finn’s hand, seeking more, wanting more. Aiden held his breath when Finn popped the button on his shorts and eased the zipper down painstakingly slow. His fingers slipped under the waistband of Aiden’s briefs, a single fingertip skimmed the head of his cock and he—


  Aiden shot bolt upright, almost knocking Finn to the floor. He knew from experience Kaylee wouldn’t wait for him to go to her, she would already be on her way down the stairs. Panicked, he fastened his shorts and straightened his T-shirt. Finn did the same, and they simultaneously rearranged themselves in a more PG-friendly position on the sofa, a nanosecond before Kaylee’s nut brown head popped around the living-room door.

  “Hey, Cupcake,” Aiden said brightly, thanking God the lamp light hid his flushed cheeks and slightly disheveled appearance. “What’s up?”

  Kaylee flew across the room and jumped onto his lap, burying her head in his chest, then mumbling into the fabric, “There’s a monster in my room.”

  Aiden hugged her close and rubbed her back soothingly. “You know there are no monsters in your room. What kind of monster would dare to enter the pink and fluffy inner sanctum? Their street cred would be out the window as soon as they set foot in there. Unless it’s a pink and fluffy monster who’s into Barbie, Princesses, and dressing-up.”

  “Dad,” Kaylee drew out his name. “I heard a noise and when I opened my eyes there was a monster on the end of my bed.”

  “What did he want?” Finn asked curiously, reaching out to ruffle her hair.

  “I don’t know,” Kaylee replied.

  “Didn’t you ask him? Maybe he just needed to use the bathroom, or, or, ooh, maybe he was looking for Gordy Robinson’s bedroom next door but he took a wrong turn and ended up in yours instead.” Aiden bit back a smile at the sudden enthusiasm in Finn’s voice—he was obviously only getting started.

  “Finn.” Kaylee shook her head at him in the manner reserved for village idiots. “Monsters don’t use the bathroom.”

  “They don’t?” Finn looked incredulous. “Where does all the poop go?”

  “You are so gross.”

  “But there must be poop,” Finn continued. “I mean everybody poops, and if the monster spends all night eating kids, he’s gotta go sometime, right?” He stood up and held out his hand. “I think we should go ask him.”

  “Well he’s not there now!”

  “He’s not?”

  “No, he ran away when I saw him.”

  “You scared the monster away?” Finn clapped a hand to his forehead. “But that’s good, isn’t it?”

  “I guess so,” Kaylee thought about it for a moment and nodded.

  “Well, there you go. He’s obviously far more afraid of you than you are of him, because he ran away.” Finn opened his mouth in an ‘o’ of wonder. “I hope you didn’t scare him so much he pooped his pants.”

  “Eww, Finn, that’s gross!” Kaylee gasped, pulling a face. “He wouldn’t poop in front of people, that’s just eww, and besides, monsters don’t wear pants.”

  “He sounds like a very civilized monster. They’re the best kind. Some just don’t care where they poop.” Aiden watched Finn nod thoughtfully as if he were actually weighing up the pros and cons of non-pooping pant-less monsters and the far less etiquette driven monsters who didn’t give a shit where they, well, you know.

  Aiden shook his head as he gazed at Finn, who had sat back down on the sofa beside them. “Well, if the monster has gone to poop elsewhere, I think it’s safe for you to go back to bed, don’t you?” He was ecstatic to note that after she’d mulled the question over, she nodded in agreement. Finn’s spiel had been totally off the cuff and pretty much a rambling of nonsense, but it had done the trick. In fact, Aiden was a little jealous. It usually took him a lengthy discussion and two more stories before he got her to settle down after a monster episode.

  Sliding off the sofa with Kaylee held high in his arms, Aiden shot Finn a grateful smile and carried her out of the room. Upstairs in her bedroom, he laid her down and covered her with the Hello Kitty covered duvet, following their ritual of tucking it around her so she looked like a little pig in a blanket. She immediately closed her eyes and he leaned down to kiss her gently. Leaving her night-light on, he padded to the door and turned as she said his name.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “I like Finn.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Can we keep him?”

  Aiden’s heartstrings twanged painfully in his chest and he swallowed past the lump in his throat to reply. “Maybe. Now go to sleep.”

  “G’night, Daddy.”

  “G’night, Cupcake.”

  Downstairs Aiden found Finn in the kitchen making coffee. He stepped in close behind him and slid his arms around Finn’s waist, resting his cheek against his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he muttered.

  “Don’t be stupid. There was a pant-less monster at the end of her bed, what else was she s’posed to do?” Finn retorted, turning around and draping his arms around Aiden’s neck. “We’ll get there, we might need to do a little strategic planning is all.”

  “Planning?” Aiden raised an eyebrow, wondering what was going on in Finn’s crazy head.

  “Leave it to me.”

  “What are you thinking, Thomas?”

  Finn tapped the side of his nose and simply said, “Let’s go finish the movie.”

  Aiden took the mug Finn held out to him and narrowed his gaze as Finn tipped him a wink before heading back down the hall to the living-room, leaving a slightly concerned Aiden to follow. Sitting in the corner of the sofa beside Finn, Aiden lifted his legs and stretched them across Finn’s lap as Finn re-started the movie they’d seen the first ten minutes of before they’d been… distracted. He sipped at his coffee and picked up the DVD case to check out the blurb. If he was honest, once Finn had snuggled in next to him after putting Kaylee to bed, he hadn’t even registered the name of the movie, never mind the first ten minutes. Now the heat and ultimate frustration from the c-block had faded, not that he would have allowed things to progress to the point of no return on the sofa of all places while Kaylee was upstairs, his gaze widened at Finn’s choice of Saturday night viewing.

  “Really? This is what we’re watching?” Aiden asked in disbelief.

  “What?” Finn replied, dragging his gaze from the screen.

  “You do know we’re gay, right?” Finn frowned at Aiden so he clarified the question. “I just thought you forgot that when you picked this title.”

  “Trust me,” Finn said with a lascivious smile. “I almost had you in my mouth, I know I’m gay.”

  Ignoring the little shiver sliding down his spine at Finn’s remark, Aiden turned the DVD case around. “Then why are we watching Lesbian Vampire Killers?”

  “It’s a classic!” Finn protested, plucking the case from Aiden’s fingers. “James Corden is a comic genius.”

  “Who?” Aiden had no idea what or who Finn was talking about.

  “From Gavin and Stacey? The History Boys?” Finn stared at him as though he’d bought him a pony and then shot it, when Aiden shook his head. “You’re kidding me, right? Gavin and Stacey is classic British TV. You’ll be telling me you’ve never seen Dad’s Army next.”


  “Sweet Jesus, don’t you have BBC America?”

  “Nope.” Aiden chuckled as Finn gasped in horror, clasping the case to his chest.

  “It’s like I don’t even know you anymore,” Finn said, his tone mock-affronted. “I can see I’m going to have to educate you in the ways of the world, Aiden-San.” He tossed the DVD case to the floor and then motioned to t
he screen. “Sit back and suspend your disbelief—‘cause you’ll need to, we are talking about lesbian vampire killers after all—because you, baby, are in for a comic treat.”

  Aiden settled against the cushion, watching the opening credits roll, wishing he was as confident in that statement as Finn. Not that he ended up giving the film any more attention than he had the first time round. Twenty minutes in the casual foot rub Finn was giving him extended to massaging of his calves. Thirty minutes in it progressed to his thighs. At forty minutes the movie played to an interested audience of zero when Finn bit-kissed at the sensitive skin behind Aiden’s ear.

  Aiden curled his fingers around Finn’s neck and urged him back to his mouth. This time he took control of the kiss, exploring the dark heat of Finn’s mouth with his tongue, teasing Finn with alternate sensuous slides and short stabs, loving the whimper his ministrations drew from him. Nostrils filling with Finn’s scent, Aiden wrapped his legs over Finn’s, bringing their hips together, needing him closer. Suddenly Finn broke the kiss and raised himself on his hands, his gaze dark and intense as he stared down at him. Aiden’s chest rose and fell with the effort to get more air into his lungs, but with the first roll of Finn’s hips into his, he forgot to breathe at all.

  “Jesus Aiden, you feel so good,” Finn rasped, his voice cracked with raw desire. “You drive me crazy, you know that, right?”

  “I do?” Aiden’s mouth felt dry and he licked his lips, moaning as Finn rolled into him again.

  “Oh yeah,” Finn groaned. “With those big green eyes that right now are begging me to fuck you into the floor, you make me so hard I can barely stand it. I want to bury myself balls deep in you.” Finn leaned in to trace Aiden’s mouth with the tip of his tongue and Aiden could have sworn his brain melted at Finn’s whispered, “Make you scream.”


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