Marshall's Park, The Complete Series . 01-2014

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Marshall's Park, The Complete Series . 01-2014 Page 21

by Lisa Worrall

  “I know, but it’s scary to think what might be going on inside her little head. I can’t help but wonder if I’ve done the right thing.”

  “Well you can stop wondering right now.” Finn kissed him again. “She’s a great kid, Aide, and that’s down to you, no one else, just you.”

  “I love you.”

  “I know,” Finn replied with a grin and then stood up, holding out his hand to Aiden. “Not that I don’t appreciate the “moment”,” he emphasized with quotey fingers, “but I’m starvin’ and the Squirt said something about dinner.”

  “Is that all you think about?” Aiden chuckled, taking Finn’s outstretched hand and standing up.

  Finn goosed him as Aiden walked ahead of him. “Nope, and I’ll show you the other thing I think about later.”


  “And proud of it,” Finn replied, chasing Aiden from the room and mock-growled. “Now feed me, bitch!”


  Later that night, after Kaylee was asleep and Aiden had made her lunch for the following day, Finn laid his Monty costume out on the sofa in their bedroom and slid into bed to wait for Aiden. He sighed happily as he felt the coolness of the crisp white sheets against his bare legs and stretched languidly, staring up at the ceiling. He was glad Kaylee had seemed much more like her old self after her little outburst, but he knew it was weighing on Aiden’s mind, knew he was questioning himself. But he also knew that if he could be even half the parent Aiden was, he’d be happy.

  “You didn’t fall asleep on me already did you, Thomas?” Aiden said from the open bathroom doorway, his Texan drawl echoing in the stillness of the room. He turned the en suite’s light off and closed the door behind him, chuckling at Finn’s attempt at a fake snore in response. “Oh well.” Finn chuckled at Aiden’s exaggerated yawn as he slipped beneath the duvet and turned onto his side, putting his back to Finn. “I guess I’ll just go to sleep then.”

  Finn rolled over and pressed soft open-mouthed kisses to the back of Aiden’s neck and across his shoulders, while his fingers stroked the slight curve of Aiden’s belly. “I’m awake,” he mumbled into Aiden’s skin. He slid his fingers lower and curled them around Aiden’s already half-hard cock. “And so are you by the looks of things.” Finn gasped as Aiden rolled over and on top of him in one swift move. Sliding his hands the length of Aiden’s back, his palms conformed to the firm globes of Aiden’s ass. “Mmm, in a hurry much, Mr. Reid? I hope you don’t think just because we’re living together, you can take advantage of me whenever you want.”

  “That’s exactly what I intend to do,” Aiden said, his need audible. “Your ass is all mine, whenever I want it.”

  Finn ground his hips into Aiden’s, his drawn out moan going straight to Finn’s dick. “I think you’ll find it’s your ass that belongs to me, and I am going to take it any-fucking-time I please.” He squeezed Aiden’s ass, kneaded the muscle in his hands, kissing him hard and dirty, coaxing Aiden’s tongue into a duel with quick eager stabs. “Wanna know what else is mine?” He nibbled gently on the soft flesh of Aiden’s lower lip. “These lips… fuck… what you can do with them is—” Finn’s breath caught in his throat, his fingers scrabbling for purchase against the sheets beneath him when Aiden slid quickly down his body and showed him exactly what he could do with said lips.

  Finn’s head fell back onto the pillow and his mouth fell open, desperately trying to drag air into his lungs as Aiden’s mouth closed around the head of his cock. When Aiden sucked him down to the root and his sinful tongue lapped at the thick vein on the underside of his shaft, Finn almost forgot to breathe, unable to control his whimpering moans as Aiden set up a punishing rhythm, his head bobbing up and down.

  Aiden hummed wickedly against Finn’s cock, working the swollen flesh and sending sparks of sensation through him. Finn’s hands slid into Aiden’s hair, needing to ground himself, trying to stop himself from flying apart. Aiden pushed two of his own fingers into Finn’s mouth and Finn lapped hungrily at them, sucking on them, getting them wet. After a few moments, Aiden pulled his fingers free and slid them behind Finn’s balls, teasing his perineum before slowly circling Finn’s hole.

  He couldn’t have stopped the long low moan, even if he’d wanted, to when Aiden’s finger breached him, sliding slowly in and out until his muscle relaxed around him. Adding a second finger, Aiden stretched him gently and searched for the sweet spot that would have Finn writhing and pleading for more. Spots danced behind Finn’s closed eyelids at the press of Aiden’s fingertips and he pushed his clenched fist into his mouth to stop himself from crying out.

  Finn’s need for Aiden only increased each time they made love. He’d never felt such a complete connection and he loved the fact that Aiden didn’t hold anything back. When they made love Aiden always made him feel that he gave every part of himself to Finn, that Finn’s pleasure was his main concern—and Finn felt the same way. He wanted Aiden to have all of him. His eyes fluttered open when Aiden released his cock and pulled his fingers free, leaning up and over him to fumble in the bedside table.

  Aiden opened the lube and slicked up his fingers, sliding them back inside of him, pumping them in and out hard and deep. When he picked up the foil packet containing the condom, Finn reached up and stilled his hand.

  Aiden frowned, his gaze suddenly concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, nothing,” Finn said, taking the condom from Aiden’s fingers and tossing it onto the floor. “I want you.”

  “You have me, baby.”

  “I want to feel you inside me.” Finn jerked Aiden’s cock in long firm strokes. “Just you.” It took a couple of seconds for Aiden to realize what Finn was saying, but then the light of comprehension flooded his eyes, followed by a flicker of uncertainty.

  “Are you sure?”

  “You’ve given me everything, Aiden,” Finn said softly, hooking his legs over Aiden’s shoulders, presenting himself to him. They had both been tested, they were both clean, but not using any protection wasn’t something they’d discussed. “And now I want to give you all of me.”

  “Finn.” His name on Aiden’s lips held a note of awe and Finn trembled at the depth of feeling in that one syllable. Aiden leaned down and kissed Finn tenderly, slicking up his cock, his breath hissing through his teeth. “S’cold.”

  “I’ll warm you up.” Finn curled his hands around the back of Aiden’s neck and raised his hips, his body shaking with anticipation. The blunt head of Aiden’s cock nudged at Finn’s hole and he willed himself to relax, to let Aiden in. Having Aiden inside him, without any barriers between them, physical or emotional, was unlike anything Finn had ever experienced. The first rush of heat and swell of emotion when Aiden slid into him almost made every time seem like the first time. But now, nothing between them but love, heat and need was so much more intense. “Fuck, baby. So fuckin’ good.” Finn whimpered, pushing down on Aiden’s cock, urging him on.

  Finn bit his lip when Aiden pulled out and entered into him again in a sharp almost brutal thrust. He’d never felt so connected to the beautiful man above him. Finn could feel him everywhere, in every nerve ending, in every bunch of the muscles in Aiden’s thighs as he pounded into him, in every brush of lips against his skin. Aiden filled him completely and the delicious stab of the head of Aiden’s cock as it slammed into Finn’s prostate turned him into a gibbering mess beneath him. “Aiden… Aiden… Aiden.” He knew he was babbling, but his orgasm was uncurling in the bottom of his spine, his balls drawing up tight to his body as he met Aiden thrust for delicious thrust.

  “Finn.” Aiden gasped loudly, sweat dripping from his forehead onto Finn’s chest. “I’m coming.”

  Aiden made to pull out and Finn slid his leg off Aiden’s shoulder and hooked it around his waist, keeping him inside. “No,” he moaned, gazing up into lust-blown green eyes. “Stay with me… fill me.”

  “Fucking Christ, Finn.”

  Aiden pulsed hot and hard into Finn’s channel, his head rolled
back and mouth open as he came, blindly reaching out to jerk Finn’s cock giving him three, twisting strokes before Finn completely lost it and came hard, with Aiden’s fingers milking him through every pulse.

  “Holy fuck.” Finn wrapped his arms around Aiden’s shoulders, wincing a little as Aiden pulled out then collapsed on top of him in a panting heap. “I don’t think I’ve ever come like that,” he mumbled into the soft skin of Aiden’s shoulder, kissing the sweat-dampened flesh gently.


  “I love it when I leave you speechless.” Finn grinned and held Aiden tighter, challenging even a breath to come between them. They stayed in that position for a while until Aiden mumbled into Finn’s throat that they should clean up.

  Finn rolled them both out of bed in an attempt not to get the sheets messy and followed Aiden into the en suite. He smiled as Aiden turned on the shower and turned to face Finn, yawning widely.

  “You may have to do the honors,” Aiden said, rubbing a fist into his eye. “My motor skills haven’t returned yet.”

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Finn said, putting his hands around Aiden’s waist and guiding him toward the shower cubicle. “I’ll make sure you’re nice and clean—eventually.”


  “Finn, calm down. You’re gonna give yourself an aneurism.” Aiden kept his voice as soothing as possible, rubbing Finn’s shoulders at the kitchen table, where he sat, his head on his crossed arms atop the table top. He glanced up at Aunt Patti who was sipping at her coffee opposite, knowing by the lift of her eyebrows she was trying not to laugh out loud. Sending a quick glare her way, she covered a snigger and went back to reading the newspaper.

  Finn and he had been living together for almost a week and today was Friday, otherwise known as Show and Tell Day. His childlike glee at being Kaylee’s show and tell had touched Aiden’s heart and the last two days had been like living with Tigger on speed. Now the big day had arrived and ten minutes ago Finn’s howl had echoed through the house. Monty’s hand was missing. For a split second Aiden wondered if there’d been another kidnapping, but quickly shook that thought away when Finn instructed him in no uncertain terms to, ‘not go there.’ A search of their bedroom hadn’t yielded success and by the time they gave up, Finn’s mood had gone from fit to be tied to deepest, darkest despair—hence the head on the arms on the table.

  “How can I lose a glove?” Finn’s voice was muffled and Aiden had to strain to hear him. “What am I supposed to do, keep one hand in my pocket while I talk to the kids? They’ll call the police!”

  “Are you sure it was with the suit when it came back from the cleaners?” Aiden flinched at the velocity of Finn’s affirmation, and shook his head at Patti as her shoulders began to shake behind the newspaper.

  “I wanted everything to be perfect for her.”

  “It will be perfect,” Aiden said, pressing a kiss to the back of Finn’s neck.

  “I’m missing a hand, Aiden. A hand. How is that going to be perfect?”

  “Can’t you put it in a sling and tell the kids Monty had an accident?” Patti said nonchalantly, not even looking up from the paper.

  “Stop helping.” Aiden gave his aunt short shrift. Where the fuck can it be? We looked everywhere. A sudden thought skittered across the surface of his mind. “Did it fall out in the car?”

  “The car!” Finn bounced to his feet and sprinted from the room, only just managing to sidestep Kaylee as she passed him on her way in for breakfast.

  “Where’s Finn going?” Kaylee asked sleepily, her shoes scuffing on the tiled floor as she all but dragged herself to her seat.

  “He’s going out to the car,” Aiden said, pouring Coco Puffs into a bowl and then opening the fridge to take out the milk. He half-filled the bowl with milk and crossed the room to put it down in front of Kaylee, handing her the spoon he’d taken out of the old Welsh dresser that sat in the corner of the kitchen.


  “One of Monty’s gloves is missing.” Aiden sat down in the chair Finn had vacated and picked up his how lukewarm coffee.

  “It’s in my room,” Kaylee said nonchalantly, stuffing a spoonful of Coco Puffs into her mouth and crunching down on the puffed rice.

  “You’ve got it?” Aiden stared at her in confusion. “Why?”

  The slamming of the front door heralded Finn’s return. He slouched into the kitchen and threw himself into a chair. “It’s not there.”

  “I know. It’s in my room.”

  “You’ve got it?” Finn asked, his gaze flitting from Kaylee to Aiden and back again. “Why?”

  “We’re just about to find out,” Aiden said, trying to keep his tone even.

  “Mickey Mouse and my Monty were arguing who’s glove is biggest. So Mickey said we should borrow yours to measure.” She frowned at them as if it was totally obvious her stuffed animals had been having a “my glove’s bigger than your glove” pissing contest. “Why are you staring? It’s rude to stare. Mrs. Jobson says so.”

  Ignoring Patti’s uninhibited laughter, Aiden turned to Finn. “See, problem solved. Why don’t you finish getting ready?”

  Finn nodded, his expression still one of confusion as he walked to the door. Then he paused and looked back at Kaylee. “Kayles? Who won?”



  Aiden laid his head on the table and closed his eyes. What planet had he woken up on? Ah, yes, of course, planet KayFinn. Where else would he be?

  “Are you okay, Daddy?”

  “I’m fine, Cupcake,” Aiden said without lifting his head. “Have you finished your breakfast?”


  “Good girl. Make sure you have your backpack and then we can go.”

  “Just breathe, honey,” Patti said from behind her paper. “Although with your dear departed uncle, I found counting to ten while drinking a shot of whiskey helped, too.”

  “I’m not sure turning up to Show and Tell stinking of JD is such a good idea.”

  Hands ruffled his hair and Finn’s over-exuberant voice bellowed in his ear, “What’re you sitting around for? Come on, we’re gonna be late!” Then his footsteps echoed down the hall, leaving Aiden staring after him in disbelief.

  “Changed your mind about that whiskey?”

  Aiden stood up, kissed his aunt’s cheek and took a deep breath. If he was counting to ten as he followed Finn and Kaylee out to the car, it was purely coincidental.

  Sitting in the car outside the school, having seen Kaylee inside, Finn and Aiden waited until it was time to go into her class. Aiden glanced over at Finn in the passenger seat. “Finn? Are you okay?” he asked, his eyes taking in the high flush on Finn’s cheeks and the beads of sweat on his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Finn muttered, running a hand through his hair and blowing out a long breath. “Just a little nervous is all.”

  “But you talk to kids every day.”

  “Yeah, but not one to one in a room. It’s different at the park.” Finn shrugged. “None of them were my kid. I want this to be special for Kaylee, I don’t want to look like an idiot.”

  “Finn, honey, you’re dressed as a giant meerkat.”

  “Okay—any more of an idiot.”

  Aiden grinned and reached out to run his fingers through Finn’s hair, smoothing his bangs from his slightly clammy forehead. “Finn… your being here is all Kaylee needs to make her happy. Just go in, talk to the kids and answer their questions. You’re going to be fine.”

  Finn huffed out a nervous laugh. “I know I’m being stupid, but I’m all tense and I feel kinda nauseous.”

  Aiden glanced at his watch and the germ of an idea began to form. There was only one way to truly get Finn to relax, and if they hurried, they’d have just enough time. He pulled the keys from the ignition and opened his door. Climbing out, he stuck his head back in the car and grinned. “Come on.”

  “Is it time?” Finn looked decidedly green.

  “Not yet, just
come on.”

  “Aiden, where are we going?” Finn said, following Aiden up the path, having retrieved Monty’s head from the back seat, and through the double doors of the school entrance. “Aiden?”

  “Ssh,” Aiden replied, placing his finger over his lips. He grabbed Finn’s gloved hand and pulled him along the corridor, glancing this way and that until he found what he was looking for. A frisson of excitement flowed down his spine. He couldn’t believe he was going to actually do this, but “needs must” as Patti often told him. Quietly opening the door to the janitor’s closet, he pushed Finn inside and followed him, closing the door behind them. He gazed around him at the mops and buckets and various cleaning supplies and nodded to himself. “This will do nicely.”

  Finn’s expression had changed from confusion to annoyance, which was okay as far as Aiden was concerned. At least he looked less like he was going to vomit. “Why are we in the janitor’s closet? Aiden, what are you doing?” Aiden didn’t answer, merely smiled and pushed Finn against the closed door and dropped to his knees. “What are—?”

  “You need to relax,” Aiden said softly, searching for the discreetly placed zip that enable Finn to use the bathroom without taking the whole costume off. His fingers found his goal relatively swiftly and he yanked down the zip and then took Finn’s dick out of his pants.

  “Oh my God! You can’t blow me in school, Kaylee will get expelled!”

  “Not if we don’t get caught. Now shut up, I’m busy.” Aiden curled his fingers around Finn’s shaft and jerked him in long, smooth strokes. “Just close your eyes and concentrate on my mouth and my tongue.”

  “But what…” Finn trailed off as Aiden’s lips closed around the crown of his hardening cock. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” His breath left him on a sigh when Aiden’s dipped his tongue into the slit and lapped at the head.


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