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Marshall's Park, The Complete Series . 01-2014

Page 32

by Lisa Worrall

  Finn cleared his throat, not wanting to say too much in front of the little girl. How do you tell a child her mother didn’t want her anymore? He couldn’t. “It basically says that Melissa thinks Shelby might like to stay with you for a while.”

  “Can I, AJ?” Shelby asked excitedly. “Can I stay with you?”

  AJ blinked, obviously taking in the enormity of what Finn had said. For a moment Finn was certain AJ was going to freak out, but then a look of almost serene happiness came over AJ’s face and he wiped away the little girl’s tears and said firmly, “Absolutely.”

  Finn leaned into Aiden’s body where he sat on the arm of the chair Finn occupied. The little girl clung to AJ as if her life depended on it and his heart ached in his chest. She was filthy and the dress she wore was covered in stains that he couldn’t bring himself to think about. The laces in her tennis shoes were missing and her socks may have been white once upon a time, but right now they were a murky shade of grey. Katie’s brother was a lawyer in New York and Finn decided there and then, no matter what it cost, he was going to do everything he could to make sure that little girl stayed where she belonged, with his brother.

  “Your dress is dirty.” With typical childlike innocence, Kaylee didn’t hold any punches.

  “Kaylee,” Aiden said, his tone stern.

  “What? It is.” Kaylee shrugged at her father and crossed the room to hold her hand out to Shelby. “But that’s okay, ‘cause I’ve got lots of dresses in my closet. Come on.”

  Finn’s heart contracted. God, I love that kid! They were interrupted by the doorbell again and all hell broke loose.

  Aiden yelped and hit the ground running. “It’s the caterers!”

  “Okay, people, this is it,” Finn grinned. “Meredith, why don’t you and Mom take the girls upstairs and get them ready? AJ, Chris, we need to help them set up the tables then get dressed. Dad, can you go get Ben, Jay and Gamma from the airport? Their flight is landing in half an hour.” Everyone nodded as Finn reeled off instructions… although they didn’t move until he clapped his hands and yelled, “Come on, people. Let’s get this wedding started!”


  Finn stood in the living-room, gazing out of the sliding doors onto the garden. The tables were set. The guests were seated. The minister stood beneath the arch of the gazebo, and the soft music of the string quartet drifted across the yard, carried by the breeze.


  Finn turned at the sound of Aiden’s voice and he gasped. “Wow,” was all he could manage. Aiden had never looked more handsome. They both wore dark suits, pristine white shirts, deep burgundy cummerbunds and matching ties. “You look… wow.”

  Aiden smiled as he stopped in front of Finn and adjusted the rose in his lapel. “So do you.” He followed Finn’s gaze out onto the yard. “I guess this is it. No cold feet?”

  Finn shook his head, ignoring the note of fear Aiden couldn’t prevent creeping into his voice. “Nope,” he grinned and pulled Aiden into his arms. “Toastier than Mrs. Toasty from Toasty Street.”

  “Idiot,” Aiden said fondly, sinking into Finn’s embrace, his hands sliding over Finn’s shoulders and around his neck.

  Finn closed the gap between them and kissed Aiden, gently coaxing his lips apart with the tip of his tongue. He wanted to kiss away Aiden’s last minute concerns. Concerns he knew would be floating around in that head of his. Aiden allowed him entrance with a soft moan and Finn held him tightly, making sure the kiss was thorough enough that Aiden would be left in no doubt that right here, right now, was exactly where Finn wanted to be.

  “You guys!” Kaylee’s frustrated voice admonished. “You don’t kiss ‘til the sinister tells you to!”

  Finn reluctantly released Aiden and they turned to look at their daughter. She stood in front of them, resplendent in her bridesmaid’s dress, the same color as their cummerbunds and ties. The full skirt had a petticoat and a layer of tulle beneath it, with shoestring straps holding the sequined bodice in place, her ballet pumps, dyed to match her dress, poking out from beneath the hem. In her hand she clutched a white whicker basket filled with rose petals, atop of which sat a small white satin cushion with ribbons tethering their wedding rings in place. Her hair had been artfully pinned by Meredith, and ringlets curled around her face. Finn blinked and shook his head in stunned awe. She looked beautiful. The only thing that slightly ruined the moment was the fact that she had her eyes screwed tightly shut.

  Finn sniggered. “It’s okay, Kayles, you can open your eyes now.”

  “You’re finished?”

  “Yes, Cupcake,” Aiden chuckled. “We’ve finished.”

  Kaylee opened her bright green eyes and smiled widely when she saw they were telling the truth. “Phew!” Her gaze flitted between her father and Finn. “You two look pretty.”

  “Why thank you, Shortstack,” Finn replied, holding out his hand, beckoning her closer. “And you look absolutely beautiful. Like a Princess.”

  “I know,” Kaylee said without an ounce of self-consciousness. She gripped Finn’s fingers and frowned at Aiden. “Come on, Daddy. The sinister is waiting.”

  “Minister,” Aiden corrected, although Finn could see he was trying not to laugh.

  “That’s what I said.” Kaylee rolled her eyes and walked to the door. “Let’s go.”

  Aiden looked at Finn and shrugged, a smile on his lips. “The boss says we’ve gotta go.”

  Finn slipped his hand into Aiden’s, took a deep breath and said softly, “Sounds good to me.” He grinned at Kaylee. “Okay, Princess. Let’s go.”

  As he walked down the aisle hand in hand with Aiden, and Kaylee scattering rose petals ahead of them, Finn felt his heart pounding against his ribcage, the blood rushing in his ears. Adrenalin coursed through him, and he didn’t think he’d been so happy, and so scared, in his entire life. They walked past friends and relatives, then in the front rows, his immediate family on one side and Aiden’s on the other. His mother already clutched a handkerchief in her hand and his dad’s eyes shone with unshed tears. Beside her sat his father, and then AJ.

  Finn swallowed past the lump in his throat and blinked back the telltale sting behind his own eyes at the happiness on his brother’s face as he held Shelby on his knee. A different looking Shelby from the one who’d been left on the doorstep earlier. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back in a series of soft curls, courtesy of Meredith, and she looked beautiful in a deep purple satin dress Kaylee and she had chosen together. Taking a deep breath, he tried to concentrate on making it to the ‘sinister’ without crying like a baby.

  When they reached the makeshift altar, both Finn and Aiden bent to kiss Kaylee on the cheek and, once she had taken her seat on Dan’s knee, they turned to the minister. Finn gripped Aiden’s fingers tightly as the man addressed the assembled guests. He only caught the odd phrase here and there as he explained why they had all gathered here on this wonderful day, and he knew he should have been paying more attention, but all he could see was Aiden. He didn’t need anyone else to tell them why they were here. This man beside him was why. This man was the reason. The reason for everything. Aiden was—


  Finn blinked, the minister’s voice interrupting his reverie. “Huh?”

  The man had obviously dealt with idiots before, because he gave him a patient smile and said, “It’s time to say your vows. I understand you and Aiden have written your own.”

  “Oh,” Finn felt warmth suffuse his cheeks and he scrabbled in his pocket for the sheet of paper on which he’d written his vows. “Yes. Right. Of course. Um…” He trailed off at the pressure of Aiden’s hand on his.

  “Me first.”

  “Oh,” Finn blushed again, and stuffed the paper back into his pocket. “Okay. Sure. You go. I’ll do mine after.” He knew he was babbling but he couldn’t stop himself. His lips had taken on a life of their own. “But you go ahead. With yours I mean—” Aiden had pressed his fingers to Finn’s mouth, stilling the words
on his tongue.

  “Finn, honey, shut up.”


  Once the laughter had died down, Aiden cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice wobbling a little at first, then growing stronger with each sentence.

  “Finn, my love. Every day I wake up next to you I am thankful you took a chance on me…,” he glanced at Kaylee, “on us. My life, since I met you, has been richer than I could ever have dreamed of, and I can’t imagine a single moment without you. I love you, Finn. You’re everything I didn’t even know I was looking for, and now I’ve found you, I’m never letting go.”

  “Finn?” the minister said softly.

  Finn sniffed loudly and fumbled in his pocket for his vows. The lump in his throat was so big he didn’t think he was going to be able to breathe, never mind speak. He stared down at the words he’d written and then screwed the paper into a ball before tossing it over his shoulder. Aiden looked confused and Finn shrugged. “What? You don’t seriously think I can top that, do you?” Aiden smiled, his own cheeks wet with tears and Finn cupped his face in his hands. “I never thought getting arrested would be the best thing that ever happened to me, but it was, because it brought me you.” He brushed away the dampness from Aiden’s cheek with a sweep of his thumb. “You’re it, man. You and Kaylee, you’re the reason. For all of it. I thought I knew what love was, you know? But it wasn’t until I met you that I realized I didn’t have a clue. I know now. I see it in your smile, hear it in your laugh and feel it in your touch. Every day I fall in love with both of you all over again, and I will spend the rest of my life attempting to be the man that you both deserve.”

  Aiden sobbed and wiped at the tears now falling down Finn’s cheeks. “You topped it you bastard.”

  Finn leaned in to kiss him but was stopped by Kaylee’s shout of, “Not yet!” He shook his head and they both turned to the minister.

  “She’s right,” the minister said. “We haven’t got to that part yet. Do you have the rings?”

  Aiden beckoned to Kaylee who jumped off Dan’s knee and trotted over to them with her basket, the satin cushion sitting on what was left of the rose petals. “Here they are, Daddy.”

  “Thank you, Kaylee,” the minister said, indicating to Finn and Aiden that they should take each other’s rings. “Finn, do you take Aiden to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor and cherish him as long as you both shall live?”

  Finn smiled, his gaze never leaving Aiden’s as he slid the platinum band on Aiden’s finger. “I do.”

  “And do you, Aiden, take Finn to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor and cherish him as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” The ring slid effortlessly onto Finn’s finger and Aiden’s grin widened.

  “I do, too!” Kaylee yelled, much to the crowds’ delight.

  The minister smiled and said firmly, “Then by the power invested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husbands, and daughter.”

  Finn glanced at Kaylee, who bounced on Dan’s knee. “Kayles? Can we kiss now?” He shook his head fondly as she closed her eyes tight before nodding. That was all the confirmation Finn needed. He pulled Aiden into his arms and kissed him, holding him so close not a breath could come between them. Catcalls and cheers erupted around them, with Chris and AJ the loudest of all, but Finn didn’t care. He was going to savor his first kiss as a married man, and not even Kaylee’s shout of, “Are they finished yet?” was going to rush him.

  After all… it’s not every day Monty gets married.


  About the Author

  I live in a small seaside town just outside London, on the South East coast of Essex, that boasts the longest pier in the world; where I am ordered around by two precocious children and a dog who thinks she’s the boss of me.

  I’ve been writing seriously for three years now and love giving voice to the characters warring to be heard in my head, and am currently petitioning for more hours in the day, because I never seem to have enough of them.

  I like nothing more than bringing together two people in interesting and sometimes bizarre ways, and hope that the readers enjoy the characters’ journey as much as they and I do.



  Lisa Worrall Author






  Lisa Worrall

  Also by Lisa Worrall

  Available from Silver Publishing:

  Forever Dusk

  Mr Popsalos


  Masquerade: Behind the Mask

  Laurel Heights

  Going Under

  The Perfect Gift (Mr Popsalos 2)

  By Design

  Finding Myles

  Available from Dreamspinner Press:

  Bank Job

  “U.S. Male” in Uniform Appeal

  No Strings Attached

  Unshakeable Faith

  Running from the Past

  I Can See for Miles

  Available from JMS Books LLC:

  “Frozen Angel” in Tea and Crumpet

  Available from UK Mat Publishing:

  “Reunion” in British Flash

  Available from White Stiletto Press:

  Always Hope

  Is Love Still Enough?

  Summer Heat

  Not Just for Christmas

  ‘Tis the Season

  Too Much Christmas Spirit

  Westford Hall

  In the Heat of the Night

  Monty Gets Arrested (Marshall’s Park #1)

  Monty’s First Date (Marshall’s Park #2)

  Monty Meets the Ex (Marshall’s Park #3)

  Meeting Monty’s Parents (Marshall’s Park #4)

  Monty Loses His Head (Marshall’s Park #5)

  Moving Monty In (Marshall’s Park #6)

  Monty Meets the Parents (Marshall’s Park #7)

  Monty’s Trick or Treat (Marshall’s Park #8)

  Monty Punches Pocahontas (Marshall’s Park #9)

  Monty Gets Married… Doesn’t He? (Marshall’s Park #10)

  Dreaming of You & Halfway House

  Marshall’s Park The Complete Series

  Available in print form at Createspace:

  Always Hope

  Summer Heat

  Westford Hall

  A Nanny for Nate

  New York Cowboy

  Marshall’s Park - The Complete Series


  Unshakeable Faith

  Rainbow Awards 2012

  Honourable Mention

  and One Perfect Score

  Table of Contents

  Monty Gets Arrested

  Monty’s First Date

  Monty Meets the Ex

  Meeting Monty’s Parents

  Monty Loses His Head

  Moving Monty In

  Monty Meets the Parents

  Monty’s Trick or Treat

  Monty Punches Pocahontas

  Monty Gets Married… Doesn’t He?




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