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Sonny and Leo: Holiday Omegas Volume One

Page 18

by C. W. Gray

Sonny turned his head and watched Leo as he helped Myrtle and Hester decorate the altar they would use for the scrying and blessing. My honey bear learned his flowers, he thought with a smile.

  Flufflepuff stretched across his shoulders as Leo placed the handful of mistletoe and St. John’s wort they had picked beside the circle of amber stones. Mistletoe for divination and health, St. John’s wort for protection from those who would harm us, and amber to heal that which is broken.

  He rubbed his chest, hating that his parents still had the ability to hurt him.

  Aaron took his hand and laced their fingers together. “Remember when you were afraid to talk to Leo when you two first met? You thought he would hate you.”

  Sonny gave his friend an irritated look. “Do you have to remind me of that now?”

  Aaron watched him with wide blue eyes. “You thought he could never accept your genderfluidity because your parents didn’t. They’ve fucked with your head long enough, Sonny. Over this past year, I’ve watched Leo grow to accept himself. He’s pushed himself to learn about witch culture so he can love you as you deserve. He’s pulled you into his family, and they’ve made you their own.”

  Sonny’s heartbeat quickened. “He’s my honey bear and the best mate in the world.”

  Aaron nodded. “I’ve also seen you become more you. You do more than accept Leo and his family; you always try to make life better for them. You’ve become one of them, and while you were taking care of them, something happened. Before, you would hide yourself away as much as possible. The only places you felt safe were at home or in the shop. Now, you’re just you everywhere you go, and it’s so beautiful, Sonny. You’re beautiful.”

  Sonny closed his eyes, trapping his tears away. “I am beautiful. No matter what I wear, no matter what gender I’m feeling or not feeling today. I’m a beautiful person. We all are.” He squeezed Aaron’s hand. “I have an amazing family and the best brother in the world.” Gemma rubbed her head against his abdomen, making him laugh. “The best sister too.”

  He watched as his mate looked up and smiled at him. Leo always smiled at him. He always looked at Sonny as if he was everything important in life.

  “I think,” he said, voice soft, “that life is about loving. Loving our mates, families, and friends, of course, but also loving the world around us and everything in it. I can’t hate my parents. I want to, and they deserve it, but I don’t want that weight on me. They don’t love me and it haunts them. Everything I do that they don’t approve of eats at them and pulls them down. That’s what they choose to carry. I’m choosing love.”

  “They really don’t deserve it,” Aaron said, growling.

  Sonny shrugged. “I’m not forgiving them what they’ve done, but I’m choosing to let them go. They can sink under all that hate of theirs. That’s their decision. Me? I’m going to focus on loving me and mine. That’s what I want in my head and heart.”

  Leo said something to Myrtle, making her laugh, then turned and walked toward them. He’s so easy to love.

  Leo grinned and knelt in front of him. “Myrtle says they’re ready, sunshine. Do you want to do the blessing or the scrying first?”

  “Blessing,” he said quickly, catching Flufflepuff when she jumped into his arms. “The scrying is for fun, but the blessing is the most important part.”

  Leo nudged Gemma and Wendy off Sonny’s lap and helped him stand.

  Aaron gathered his wife and daughter in his arms, laughing when they both refused to shift to their human forms. “You two are going full bunny, huh? I guess there are worse ways to enjoy a party.”

  An hour later, all their guests gathered around the altar. Miles and his parents were nearby, and Ravenpaw and Flufflepuff were curled up with Cookie and some of the other familiars.

  Myrtle looked around them. “Any who wish to join in for a Litha blessing and baby scrying, come on up.”

  Sonny looked around hopefully. There were a lot of people here today, so surely someone else was pregnant too.

  Rosemarie and Kate stepped forward, hand in hand. “We’ll take that baby scrying and the blessing, please,” Rosemaire said with a smile.

  Sonny squealed and rushed to hug her. “Kate, you’re pregnant?”

  “Scent changed yesterday,” Kate said, cheeks flushing.

  Jesse and Katrin joined in the hug and soon all the Rocchi family was congratulating the young couple.

  After six more people came forward, they all settled down around the altar. Leo and Sonny held hands as they knelt on one side while Myrtle sat on the other with her rune bag in her lap. Hester and Blackwood sat on either side of her, offering their strength for the rituals.

  They all joined hands and Myrtle gave Sonny a wink before putting on her serious face. “The wheel of life turns and we find ourselves in the day of light and fire. Blessed be this Midsummer Solstice. The sun is at its peak, and the Goddess is heavy with child. Today we celebrate the light, for tomorrow that light will wane. Today we acknowledge the end of the waxing year and the beginning of the waning time. We say goodbye to the time of growth and fertility and welcome the seasons of harvest and wisdom. We say goodbye to a past of burdens and welcome a future of our own making.”

  They held their hands up high, and Myrtle closed her eyes. Sonny’s mind centered on the ring of amber on the altar. Shield of protection and the healer of that which is broken.

  “On this day of longest light, we call forth the protection of the Goddess to see us through the waning time of darkness and introspection. Shield us from harm in the body, mind, and soul. Shield us from past cares and worries so that we might better shine for our Goddess.” Myrtle opened her eyes. “Today, under the light of Litha, we call blessings of protection to all around us. We bless each of you by the earth, air, water, and fire that form the goddess.”

  As Myrtle’s last word hung in the air, a soft yellow light surrounded her. Tendrils spread to Sonny and Leo, then to the others gathered around them. Sonny heard the gasps and excited chattering, but his focus was on the warmth filling him. Peace settled into him, and he felt tears prick his eyes. Thank you, Goddess.

  Leo squeezed his hand and Sonny turned to him.

  “Is this normal?” Leo whispered.

  “Nope.” Sonny grinned. “I think it’s because Myrtle has Hester and Blackwood lending her strength. Now shut up and enjoy the blessing.”

  “Yes, dear.” Leo kissed the back of his hand, then closed his eyes and smiled, soaking in the warmth from the light.

  Several moments later, the warmth and the light faded, but the peace stayed inside him.

  Myrtle opened her eyes and lowered their joined hands. “The Goddess is kind to gift us such a blessing.” She let out a deep breath. “Okay, let’s see what Sonny and his cat-bear have growing, huh? Then I want a look at Katie here.”

  The people around them cheered, and Sonny rolled his eyes. “Toss your runes, old woman.”

  Myrtle chuckled and held her rune bag to her lips. “First, the past guides us.”

  She closed her eyes and whispered an incantation. After a moment, she tossed the runes from the bag, watching them as they fell within the amber circle.

  She considered them for a moment, then looked up. “The past has given you both strength of heart, though in different ways. Leo, your childhood has blessed you with an understanding of individual freedom and responsibility. Your children will benefit from your steadfast and hardworking nature.” She smiled softly at Sonny. “Your childhood blessed you with an understanding of unconditional love. Your children will benefit from your generosity and purity.”

  Sonny blinked. “Purity? Me?”

  Myrtle narrowed her eyes. “Don’t question the Goddess, boy-o.”

  She gathered her runes and gently shook her bag before holding it to her lips again. Sonny fought a smile. He always thought she looked like she was tossing dice in Vegas when she did a scrying with her runes.

  “The present molds us.” The runes fell again and Myrtle loo
ked them over. “You two are scared. You’re in a place our ancestors have been for ages. New parents want the best for their child and fear taking the wrong step.” She grinned. “You two aren’t alone. Look around you.”

  Sonny squeezed Leo’s hand and did as he was told.

  Rosemarie gave him a rueful look. She completely got what Leo and he were filling, that was clear enough. Each of the others gathered around the altar felt the same fear he did.

  Sonny let out a small breath and looked around the gathered crowd.

  Leo’s parents watched them with tears in their eyes. Aaron grinned and waved one of Wendy’s little rabbit paws at him. Janine and Ronald watched him, eyes full of love. Everyone gathered around them was there to support them.

  He met Leo’s gaze, and they grinned at one another. Sonny suspected he may look as stupidly relieved as his mate did. “We can do this,” he said.

  Leo’s grin widened. “Yeah. We have reinforcements.”

  “We’re going to have a baby,” Sonny whispered, letting it finally sink in. The pregnancy symptoms he had been feeling reminded him daily of his condition, especially at three in the fucking morning, but it was only now settling into him that it would all end with a tiny little being to hold and love.

  “We are,” Leo whispered back, eyes full of love. “Damn, I love you, sunshine.”

  “Love you too, honey bear.”

  “Keep your pants on, you two,” Myrtle said and gathered the runes. “There’s one more toss of the runes to see.” She pressed the bag to her lips. “The future reveals our fate.”

  The runes fell into the amber circle, and Myrtle stared at them for several moments, eyes wide. Blackwood frowned and leaned over, eyes on the runes. Hester did the same and began chuckling.

  “What?” Janine asked from the edge of the crowd. “What do you see about the baby?”

  “You used a lot of fertility magic, didn’t you?” Blackwood asked with a grin.

  Sonny narrowed his eyes. “Don’t judge me. I wanted a baby.”

  “You’ll have three,” Hester said, chuckling.

  Sonny felt the blood drain from his face and leaned into Leo’s side.

  “Like, over the next ten years?” Leo asked, brow furrowed in confusion.

  “Like, in about eight months,” Hester said dryly. “Triplets, cat-bear.”

  “Oh, fuck,” Leo whispered and hugged Sonny. “Oh, fuck.”

  “I don’t know what dickwad thought he saw,” Myrtle said quietly, “but I see two bear shifters and a little witch with a bear cub familiar.”

  Sonny gasped, the panic unfurling in his gut suddenly lessoning. He could see them clear as day in his heart’s eye. “Rowan, Juniper, and Ash.”

  Leo’s laugh was full of joy. “I see them, Sonny. Juniper has your eyes and chin. Rowan looks a lot like Burkhart and me, and Ash looks like Mom.”

  Sonny and Leo sat in a daze as Myrtle did the scryings for the others gathered at the altar. He They focused enough to cheer when Myrtle revealed that Rosemarie and Kate would have healthy twin brown bear shifters, but that was about it.

  Sonny leaned against his mate and watched their future unfold as the scrying mists lingered in his mind. He could see their little ones running through a meadow with their cousins, Juniper’s bear cub running clumsily beside them.

  It was a damn good life, but… “Shit, we’re going to need a nanny.”

  Chapter 30

  One Year Later

  Leo yawned, eyes barely staying open as he sat against one of the large oak trees in what had officially become the Litha clearing at his grandparents’ farm. A large bonfire roared at the center and their family and friends gathered around, eating and laughing.

  Thorwald and Burkhardt were leading the dancing, both in their bear forms of course. Jesse and Ronald were at the grill, doing their best to keep the chicken and steak platters full while Katrin, Neils, and Devon refilled bowls of vegetables and fruit dishes. Rosemarie and Kate were cuddled together a few trees over with their little ones, Samantha and Joy.

  He looked around, but couldn’t find Coleen. He growled then looked for Philip, but didn’t see his friend either. Lately, he’d grown a bit suspicious of the way the lion shifter was watching Coleen. In high school, Philip had always had a crush on Leo’s big sister, but had never tried anything.

  “Fucker better not mess with my sister,” he muttered, then winced and looked down.

  Rowan slept curled in his lap, content to stay in his bear cub form for the day. The youngest of the triplets reminded Leo a lot of himself. He was a shy and sleepy bear. Fortunately, he was sleeping.

  Ravenpaw looked up from his own nap. He slept curled around Rowan. Ravenpaw blinked once, yawned wide, then went back to sleep.

  Lucky cat, he thought.

  A familiar gurgling sounded from behind him, and he looked over his shoulder. Ash gurgled again as Leo’s Uncle Oscar carried her through the woods in a baby sack. The man was in his bear form and held the top of the sack delicately between very sharp teeth.

  There were several Rocchi bears shifted and playing in the trees, and they each took a turn carrying little Ash. The eldest of the triplets was a wild one, full of energy and joy in both her human and bear form. Leo dreaded the day she learned the walk.

  Where’s my Juni berry? He looked around for his little witch and spotted Myrtle with Juniper.

  The old woman adored all the triplets, but called Juniper her special bean. She currently had the baby on her hip and walked around the clearing, chatting to Juni about the plants they saw.

  He looked to his right when Gemma sat beside him. She held Wendy in her arms. The little girl was in her rabbit form again.

  Gemma nodded toward their left. “What do you think that bunch is getting up to?”

  Sonny, Aaron, and Miles were by the desert table, cackling together even though they were clearly trying to be quiet. They were replacing the plate of chocolate chip cookies with something. Flufflepuff supervised from a distance, eyes watching them carefully.

  “I heard Sonny and Aaron talking about farting cookies last night,” Leo said, yawning again. “I had baby duty though, so that could have been my imagination. I’ve seen a lot of things in the night.”

  Gemma chuckled and nodded at Wendy. “I’ve been there. Do you need Aaron and me to take a round again so you and Sonny can get some rest?”

  Leo sighed. “We need something. Three babies are hard to handle in the middle of the night. We’ll handle it, but we won’t say no to help. Don’t tell Sonny, but I talked to Dad about going to part-time at the garage. Myrtle loves watching the kids during the day, but she’s retired and should be doing fun things like yoga with rabbits or something like that.”

  Gemma smacked his leg. “Me and her only did that once, so shut it. You better talk to Sonny first. He’s hiring that new witch, so he’ll have more time.”

  “Ludwig specializes in making spelled soaps and candles,” Leo said, scratching Rowan’s sides and back. “He’ll be busy for a while filling inventory. I really don’t mind working less hours. I love spending time with the trips anyway.”

  Wendy hopped from Gemma’s lap and sniffed Rowan’s nose for a moment before settling in for a snuggle with her favorite bear.

  “I don’t know.” Gemma gave him a doubtful look. “I still feel bad that Aaron waited to open his restaurant until last month so I didn’t have to take time off from work to watch Wendy. He says he wouldn’t have had it any other way, but that doesn’t change how I feel.”

  Sonny, Aaron, and Miles snuck away from the table and headed their way. Sonny smiled wide as Leo watched him. His beautiful mate had told Leo that he was feeling “a little more neutral” today. He wore a pair of khaki shorts and a PRIDE t-shirt with his tan flat sandals and gold bangles.

  Leo loved how Sonny was so in tune with himself. He didn’t hesitate to express himself through his clothes and jewelry and grew less and less self-conscious with each day that passed.

  Sonny knelt beside him and kissed him deeply, tasting of pure honey. Memories of their early morning loving heated Leo’s blood, and he was reluctant to let Sonny end the kiss.

  His mate gave him a knowing look. “Myrtle said she had a surprise for us and all the kids.”

  Leo frowned. “Do we really trust Myrtle?”

  Sonny snorted, then stood up. “Come on, honey bear. I’ll grab Ash.”

  “Good luck,” Leo said wryly and stood up, Rowan, Wendy, and Ravenpaw in his arms. They’re getting heavier every day.

  Sonny chased after Oscar, laughing when Leo’s uncle increased his pace. “Give me my baby, Uncle Oscar! We have surprises to see.”

  It took almost an hour, but Sonny had finally convinced Oscar to come with them deeper into the woods. The bear still carried Ash, but now Miles rode on his back as well, Flufflepuff and Ravenpaw seated in front of him. Cookie followed along behind them.

  Sonny curled into Leo’s side, eyeing the trees in suspicion. “I still say these trees are watching us.”

  Leo rolled his eyes. “They’re just trees. Calm down.”

  Sonny narrowed his eyes. My honey bear better watch the sass.

  A tiny gnome peeked over a hollow in one of the oaks, starling him. “Hey, Sonny.”

  Sonny’s heartbeat spiked for a moment before settling down. “Lala! I’ve been looking for you since we got here yesterday.”

  The teenager scooted out of the hollow and sat on the edge. Whereas most gnomes dressed in traditional gnome clothing and hats, Lala was embracing their gender fluidity and wore a mish mash of styles. Sonny adored them.

  They had bonded last Christmas when Lala’s parents introduced them.

  When Lala came out to their parents, Hansel and Luelle had contacted Janine and set up a meeting between Sonny and Lala. They wanted their child to have as much support as possible and thought it might be nice for them to meet.

  Lala let Sonny pick them up and set them on his shoulder. “Where were you?”

  “I was helping set up Myrtle’s surprise. I can’t wait for you all to see. It’s right ahead in the next clearing.”


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