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Zane's Z-Rated: Chocolate Flava 3

Page 6

by Zane

  But he needed release and he had to do what a man had to do.

  He moved away from her, unbuckled his pants, and let them and his underwear slide down his legs as he took hold of his stiff cock.

  Closing his eyes, he began to jack off, losing himself in the imaginings of her big, soft pussy lips, her hot, wet hole, and her sweet cum. He bit his bottom lip as he shut his eyes and dreamed of everything he had been missing.

  A scant second later, he felt the warmth of her wet mouth close around the head of his cock. His eyes popped open and he looked down and saw her squatting—not kneeling as one would think a woman of her size would do—but squatting with the agility of an athlete preparing for a sprint. There was no preamble to her game as she deep-sucked him all at once, taking him to the back of her throat until he heard a small but controlled gag.

  He wanted to cry with joy when he felt her hands, small and pudgy-soft, as they massaged his heavy ball sac, then moved around to grip his ass to pull him forward even more. She’s swallowing me!

  She had him so deep, he felt engulfed and let out a teeth-gritting moan. Everything she was doing to him orchestrated the massive orgasm building inside him.

  “Nyrah, you got to stop … Nyrah!” he hissed.

  But she just squeezed his ass and sucked him harder and deeper.

  “Nyrah, I’ve got to come. I can’t hold it.”

  Her answer was her mouth clamping onto his cock like an octopus. Pulsating him like a hundred little suction cups.

  His jism roared through him like a high-speed freight train and shot into her mouth. He looked down to see her swallow his juice like she was drinking a Pepsi on a hot day, taking every bit of his thick hot sap, then stop to lick him clean.

  He was still hard, and he knew why. He still wanted to be inside her. He would be able to fuck her for a long time now that he’d come. But was she up for it?

  He stared at her, and the unspoken request made her do what he wanted. She lay back on the long table and opened her legs, her pussy wide and exposed. He moved forward but waited until she took hold of his dick and guided it in.

  She was tight, a sign that no one had hit that sweetness in a while, but once he was in, there was room. She had muscles and she knew how to use them as she kneaded his dick like an award-winning masseuse on a reality show.

  He moved inside her hard and deep, then yanked her sweatshirt aside and pulled her breasts out of the top of her nightgown, and just as he’d thought, her nipples were large and tight. He nibbled them with the tips of his teeth, and he could tell she liked that. He sucked them hard as he pummeled her pussy until finally she moaned his name. It sounded passionate and true coming from her lips, and he liked that.

  Deeper and deeper he pushed into her flesh, making her take every inch of his cock, enjoying the way her hands roamed up and down his muscled arms almost like she needed him, wanted him.

  Keeping his rhythm, he wondered what else he dared to do. Should I talk to her? Should I say things to her? He didn’t have to, because she did.

  “Oh, yes, give me that sweet, thick cock. Push it in. Fuck me as hard as you want; just fuck me!”

  Her husky voice that was now somewhere between Kathleen Turner’s and Kim Carnes’s of “Bette Davis Eyes” fame, made him slam into her even more.

  “My cock needs your wet pussy,” he hissed back. “I want to lick you everywhere, up and down your legs, up to your ass, anything—everything you want, everything we want.”

  It was nasty, it was wrong, he knew, but he couldn’t stop.

  She answered by widening her raised legs, giving him access to every last bit of her.

  He rocked inside her until they were both about to come.

  She could feel him tense, ready to spill, and she pushed him off and sank down to take him once again in her mouth. She felt him stiffen, then moan in howling, pleasured ecstasy as she let his juice slide down her throat like smooth, melting ice.

  • • •

  Spent, he leaned back on the table, his breath still coming in bursts as she gulped in the night air. He looked at her as she began adjusting her clothes, picking up and balling her damp panties and shoving them into her jacket pocket.

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” he said.

  “It was a moment, it was just sex,” she said, picking up the discarded bats and turning to look at him. Her hazel eyes seemed a little sad to him but the tiny smile that curled her lips seemed to be saying, thank you.

  When she turned and left the dugout and started toward her car, Jai ran behind her and caught her. He pulled her around and tried to kiss her, but she turned her face away.

  “That’s personal and not part of what we just did.”

  “No,” he said as he pushed his finger up her nightdress and gently circled her asshole. “This is part of what we just did. This …” he murmured, pressing his lips gently against hers, “is a kiss.” And he slipped his tongue gently into her mouth as his finger rimmed her.

  Her lips were soft, her kiss sweet, and he knew it was not good-bye.

  Twenty emotional moments later, each of them was in their own car as they headed out in different directions, to different houses on different streets. Their thoughts, however, remained on the same erotic road.

  • • •

  It was never going to be the same with anyone else for Jai. He realized it that night when he got home and his girl was still on the phone talking to her friend. He stared at her almost-perfect body. As she motioned for him to get her a bottle of water from the fridge, he knew that somewhere along their journey her affection for him had waned.

  He knew right then that it was over for them, and just the beginning for him and an unlikely woman who had brought back his passion.

  Tomorrow, he would call her. He would try to make her understand that he was what she needed, because he needed her.

  He was going to do everything he could to convince her that he was not about to try to change anything about her, but he’d be willing to change into anything she wanted him to be.

  Sex might have started this, but it wouldn’t end there. There was so much more to her that he needed, and wanted, to know; much more. For the first time in a long time, he slept the uninterrupted sleep of a man who had found his loving destiny.

  Control Freak

  Candy Jackson


  I think I’m going out of my mind.

  It’s been exactly one year, three months, two days, three hours, six minutes, and four seconds since I’ve felt the heat of a man. His lips on my lips, his legs tangled with mine, the weight of him lying on top of me, or my ass pressed against him, doggy-style.

  “Shit, I’ve got to do something about this self-induced torture.”

  Why I’d decided to abstain from sex is beyond me.

  At first it made all the sense in the world. I mean, I’m military, a soldier, and I had the kind of job where mistakes could cost lives, careers, and sometimes the presidency, so for me, it was a no-brainer. I had to be focused on bringing in aircraft, early mornings, late evenings, and sometimes in the middle of the night. There was no room in my life for sex. Yet, at the rate I was going, an airplane was sure to fall from the sky and it would have my name written all over it.

  The problem was, I was missing Terry.

  Lieutenant Terry Williams had been my poison of choice, had been my freaky lover, and I had come really close to doing something extremely foolish. I was falling in love with him.

  I had to transfer; had to get away. I couldn’t risk my career, my future, and my heart for a man who I knew would never marry me.

  While lying with him on what is now known as “our last night together,” I listened as he told me, not in so many words, that we couldn’t be together. As we spooned in bed and while he made excuse after excuse on why he wouldn’t commit, I thanked God my back was to him so he couldn’t see the disappointment; so he couldn’t see my tears.

  “Baby, you know how I fe
el about you; how we feel about each other.” At that moment Terry turned me to face him. I tried burying my face in the crook of his neck, but he wasn’t having it.

  “Look at me, Danny. Our jobs are demanding. I’ll be transferring soon, and then what? I can’t have you losing control of all you’ve trained for. It’s bad enough we’re doing this.

  “I could be discharged for seeing one of my students. You’re twenty-three years old, for heaven’s sake. I’m thirty-five. It would never work out. Surely you understand that?”

  With his eyes beautiful and sincere, he penetrated my heart with his words and I ached even more.

  We went on that night, making passionate love.

  I cried when I came, and cried when he came inside me.

  But the next day, I put in for an emergency transfer and took my air traffic controller skills all the way to Washington, D.C. I knew he wouldn’t look for me; he didn’t love me the way I loved him.

  During the two weeks it took the military to approve and provide my paperwork, I avoided Terry. I asked for and received permission to teach a class off base and, whenever it was time to turn in for the evening, I bunked with a friend to avoid going to my room. I couldn’t chance seeing him; I didn’t want him to talk me into bed.

  The cat and mouse game worked to my advantage. By the time I boarded the aircraft to Washington, D.C., I hadn’t had any contact with Terry. My heart ached, of course, but I needed to do it my way to keep him from pitying me. I felt like he thought I was a silly little girl.

  • • •

  Now, I’m sitting at my post with my mind full of nasty fantasies, wet panties, and my commanding officers are looking at me as though I have two heads.

  One year, three months, two days, three hours, eight minutes, and forty seconds.

  “Petty Officer Sanders.” The moment I heard that deep baritone voice, the one belonging to Captain Charles Tiller, I realized that my mind had been elsewhere. I immediately tried to snap out of the erotic scene that was floating around in my head, and pretended my attention had been on the unit flying in from Cuba.

  “Sir. Yes, sir.”

  I looked to my left, and with a quick nod of his head, Sarg gave me the okay to leave my air traffic post and let him land the plane safely. I hadn’t been in control of my position, or my nasty mind, anyway.

  “Oh, God, I need to get laid!”

  “Excuse me, Officer Sanders?”

  Oh, God, may the heavens strike me down if I said that out loud. I turned in my seat to stand and Sarg looked as though he wanted to fall to the floor in laughter. But this wasn’t funny, and I had about thirty seconds to replace my lustful thoughts with my game face.


  I stood, my five-foot, four-inch frame straight as an arrow, looked him directly in the eyes, and then saluted. But his eyes were on my breasts. Then they traveled upward and landed on the mole that graced my upper lip. He licked his lips. He was such a freak’n pervert!

  “You’re going on detail training, starting tomorrow.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but then closed it, knowing I had no excuse for the way I had been conducting business.

  I had become a total mess.

  Sooner or later Sarg was going to snitch on my comings and goings and, evidently, I had been right or else I wouldn’t be standing here getting papers handed to me about where I would report in the morning.

  “You will report to the landing strip classroom at zero five hundred, and if I hear you were late, it’s your ass, young lady.”

  It was my ass he watched as I returned to my seat.

  Right before I sat down, I heard his “Uhm, uhm, uhm.”


  I dared not try and go to my usual hangout when I got off. Nope, couldn’t risk the Captain spotting me at the NCO club. So, I headed back to the barracks with a bottle of white wine and a porn flick featuring two dudes and a girl.

  I reached under my queen-sized, down-covered bed, opened up my box of toys and, with my body freshly bathed and oiled, the mood in my room set, I imagined I was the girl.

  I used Terry’s face for the guy who was stroking me from behind, and yes, the man who had his dick in my mouth was Captain.

  In my mind, it was a very satisfying, perverted scene, and reminded me of the time I went down on Captain, my first day here. Couldn’t help it; he was fine as hell and he kept making passes at me. I tried avoiding him that day, but he kept following me around the base.

  First, he appeared at my lineup. I was checking in, waiting for my room assignment, and I was more than pissed that my room wasn’t ready. Of course, the Air Force had a great reason for the imposition. Hell, I had basically shown up out of nowhere. But I was tired from the flight, and was ready to pull off my clothes and take a long nap. Captain offered me his office sofa.

  I’d accepted his offer, lay down, and began to dream about giving Terry head.

  Then, I felt his hands on me.

  I woke up to real hands and a real dick in my mouth. The only part that had been a dream was Terry’s handsome face. Captain had skillfully managed to get me to do to him what I promised myself I wouldn’t do anymore.

  But, since I had started, I finished him off.

  Later, after the deed was done, I explained right to the Captain’s smooth, caramel face that it wouldn’t happen again. It was difficult, partly because Captain’s dick was perfect, his body firm and tight. His six-foot, five-inch frame of delicious caramel latte was one I would have gladly introduced myself to without hesitation. But first I had to get Terry out of my system, my mind, and yes, my heart.

  Captain wasn’t kind with his words to me and told me that I was to watch my step around base; that he would be watching me.


  I woke to the sound of my alarm clock. I forced myself to look over at my nightstand and there they were, the bold numbers telling me that I was only thirty minutes away from losing my job, or worse, being court-martialed.

  I pushed the toys out of my way, threw the remote at the TV, probably breaking something in the process, and quickly jumped into my fatigues. There was no time for a shower and, while tossing out everything in my dresser drawer from socks to head scarves, I realized I hadn’t washed clothes in almost two weeks. I thought about rummaging through my dirty clothes hamper for underwear, but the heat and stank panties wasn’t going to happen. I stepped out into the August summer only having washed my face and brushed my teeth.

  “Oh, well, it’ll have to do.”

  I did a quick jog to the other side of the base and walked into class two minutes late.

  The officer was standing at the front of class, facing the chalkboard. I wanted to thank the heavens above; his ass was fit for a magazine. My nipples stood to attention.

  “Good Lord, help me survive this class.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “No, no, no, this is not happening, I did not say that out loud.” He couldn’t have heard me; his back was to the class. With my head down and on a serious mission to find a seat, I heard his footsteps.

  “Indeed, you did, officer.”

  Before I could slide into my seat, the man was standing directly in front of me. I raised my head and my hand in salute. When I looked up, I was face-to-face with Lieutenant Terry Williams. “Oh, no.”

  Terry looked at my very erect nipples, pretending his eyes were on my name tag.

  “Officer Sanders, get to the front of the class.” All I could do was follow his orders.

  Standing in front of the twenty-something cadets who were fresh out of boot camp, with my breasts screaming to be suckled, was embarrassing as hell and Terry knew it. But he wouldn’t smile; he hardly looked at my face. Then it dawned on me; he was upset.

  It had nothing to do with me being late, and everything to do with me cutting out of Texas like a thief in the night.

  “Officer Sanders, please tell the class why you’re late.” I opened my mouth but he shut it for me. “No, don’
t tell them; show them how we do fifty push-ups while you give them your job description.”

  I didn’t dare hesitate; I wouldn’t challenge him because I knew what would happen. Terry wouldn’t hesitate to write me up. He stood over me the entire time; he even had the nerve to put his foot on my back for a couple of those push-ups.

  “I control the route and the terminals used for air traffic.”

  Up, then down.

  “And what else, Officer?”

  Up and down I went, seven more times before I caught my breath and summoned the strength to proceed. “I do this using visual, radar, and non-radar means.”

  Oh, God, I thought he was trying to kill me in the process of punishing me. “I supervise and manage air traffic control, better known as ATC, and its facilities.”

  Finally, I had finished both the job description and the pushups while the pimple-faced cadets took pleasure in my pain.

  When I stood to go back to my seat, he hit me on the ass, causing the class to burst into laughter.

  • • •

  All day Terry called on me to answer the questions from the manual he used to teach the newbies. He drilled me, challenged my answers, and insulted me when I couldn’t solve a problem. By the time class was dismissed, I was more than ready for another emergency transfer.

  “Class, that’s it. Pick up your details out front. Petty Officer Sanders, I need to see you, now.” The rest of the class filed out while I stood in place, afraid to move.

  I was nervous; scared even. I began to make my way to the front but Terry told me to go to the door and lock it.

  “For what?”

  “Because I said so, Petty Officer, and as long as I’m your commanding officer, don’t question me.”

  Yep, he was angry, but God, I had missed him. My skin had tingled the whole time his tight ass was facing the class.

  Terry was a good-looking man. When we were together, I thanked God every day for his parents because they made such a scrumptious-looking person.


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