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Free to Love

Page 12

by Lillianna Blake

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  An introduction to the fun Alex in Onederland series…

  Please enjoy the following preview for

  book 1 - “Common Grounds”

  Chapter 1

  I guided the sign over the hooks on the front door and felt my heart flutter. It was official. Common Grounds was no longer just a dream, but a reality.

  “Where do you want these books, Mom?”

  I turned to see my daughter, her arms full of books, near the front counter of the cafe. Rachel, with her golden hair and her bright green eyes, looked at me with pride. It was a wonderful feeling to see that in her eyes.

  “Right there on the shelf beside the counter. We’ll make that section the lending library.”

  “Great idea.” Rachel turned to shelve the books.

  Just as I was about to turn back to the front window, the door swung open and in whisked my best friend.

  “Alex! Oh, the place looks astounding!” She clapped her hands, which caused the multitude of jewelry she wore to jingle.

  “You just saw it yesterday, Willow.” I laughed and hugged her.

  “I know, but each day you add something new.” She hugged me in return. “I’m so excited for you.”

  “Thanks. I’m excited too. I can’t believe this is finally happening. And to think—when I first told you about the idea, I didn’t see how it could ever work.” I smiled at her. “But you were so supportive—never letting me give up.”

  “Well, I am always right.” Willow grinned. “By the way, have you heard from Samantha yet?”

  I was still pinching myself that Samantha Bradford, author of the B.I.G. Girls Club series, had agreed to come speak at my event. Her books and blog, Single Wide Female, had inspired me so much throughout all the changes I’d made.

  “Not yet. She’s supposed to arrive any minute. It’s still hard for me to believe that she’s actually coming here.”

  “Why? You’re an inspiration, Alex.”

  “I don’t know if I would go that far.” I shrugged and smoothed my dark hair away from my face. “Maybe I should have gotten my hair cut.”

  “Your hair is perfect.”

  “It’s not. It’s mousey and thin and outdated.”

  “We’re outdated, love.” Willow laughed. “Your hair suits you at that length. Besides, this is all about you embracing you, not you trying to look a part.”

  “True.” I smiled. “Maybe the real me wants to go purple.”

  “Purple. Hmm, I like that idea.” She fluffed her short, layered hair and showed off the black streaks beneath the dark red tendrils. “I can get you in to see my stylist.”

  “Let me get through my first week here, then we’ll see.”

  “Alright. Now, how can I help?”

  “If you’d like to line up the coffees so they face the customers, that would be great.”

  “I’m on it.”

  As Willow walked away, I nearly pinched myself. I was so excited, but I was also a little nervous. Most businesses failed in the first few months. I knew that. Even with my business degree and background, it would be a struggle. But, I was taking a chance—perhaps for the first time in my life. The thought filled me with anticipation and some dread as well.

  The door swung open and I turned to find the woman whom I’d admired so much from afar. I’d read so many of Sammy’s books and blog posts over the past months that I felt as if we were already friends. I still couldn’t believe that I’d gotten up the courage to invite her to speak at the opening of my cafe, and even more incredible, that she’d agreed to it.

  “Samantha!” I smiled so wide that my cheeks ached as I thrust my hand out toward her. “I’m Alex.”

  “Alex.” Samantha smiled and took my hand in her own. She gave it a firm shake, then patted the back of it. “The place looks beautiful.”

  “Thank you. It’s still in progress, but I’m sure it will be ready by tonight.”

  “Hi!” A little girl wound her hand around Samantha’s and gazed up at me with wide bright eyes. “I’m Abby.”

  “Hello, Abby.” I smiled. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “You too.” She giggled and ducked her head against her mother’s arm.

  My heart filled with longing, not for another child, but for the memory of Rachel clinging to my arm so many years ago. How was it that time had gone so fast?

  “Mom, do you want me to get some coffee going?”

  I looked over at my daughter and quickly brushed away the tears that had surprised me. I was proud of the woman she’d become, but there would always be a small part of me that missed those little fingers that had once gripped my own so tightly.

  “Sure, thank you, sweetie.” I turned my attention back to my guest.

  “This is my husband, Max.” Samantha said, her hand in his.

  “It’s so great to meet you.” I shook his hand, impressed by the warmth of his smile. “To meet all of you. I’m just so honored that you agreed to come here.”

  “Enough with that—it’s a pleasure for me to be here. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to share this milestone with you.” Samantha squeezed my hand again. “You’ve come through so much to create this, and every single moment from this one on should be filled with celebration.”

  “I’m trying to keep that in mind. When all the little details come together and the doors are finally open, I’m sure I will feel much calmer.” I led them to one of the tables and we all sat down together.

  “You will.” Samantha nodded as she sat down across from me.

  “Your flight was okay?”

  “It was.” Max nodded. “It was much smoother than we expected. It even landed early.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  “So, what do you have planned for tonight?”

  “Basically, I just want everyone to be comfortable and have the best night. More specifically, I’d like you to talk about anything you choose. I didn’t ask you here to advertise anything for myself. I want you to speak about whatever feels right to you.”

  “Okay, I think I can swing that.” Samantha laughed. “Are you sure you don’t have a certain topic you want me to highlight?”

  “No, not at all. The goal of this cafe is to gather together. When I thought of the name, Common Grounds, it had very little to do with coffee. What I want to create is a place where women can come—from all walks of life—to regain their strength and find their footing. It’s a place where they can expect support and friendship, without judgment.”

  “What a beautiful idea. I know that more than once in my life I could have used a place like this. It’s the perfect name as well.”

  “Thanks. Now I just hope the cafe can live up to it.”

  “I’m sure it can. The important thing to remember is that there isn’t so much to worry about. You will do well; just relax and enjoy your experience. Otherwise, you’ll look back and wonder how you missed out on all the great times.”

  “I hadn’t thought about that. You’re right. I’ve been so caught up in inventory and scheduling that I’ve almost lost sight of the whole point of this.”

  “Which is?” Samantha took a sip of her coffee and smiled at me over the rim.

  “That I survived—No! That I’m thriving.” Warmth filled my chest as I nodded. “I turned the hardest time of my life into the most liberating experience, and I’m going to continue to keep doing that.”

  “Stick to that feeling. Keep it very close to the surface. That’s what’s going to make the difference between this being just another cafe and its being the place you’re hoping it will be.”

  “I will. I’ll keep it in mind all night.”

  “Oh, I brought you something.” Samantha pulled out a small brightly wrapped present and set it on the table.

  Chapter 2

  “You’re already giving me such a b
ig gift by being here. What’s this for?” I glanced from Samantha to the present.

  “It’s to celebrate your big milestone of entering Onederland!” She grinned at me. “I figured that you might not have anyone else to give you a gift, and you’ve probably been too busy with the cafe to pick something up for yourself. So this is a just little welcome to Onederland surprise.”

  “Wow! Samantha, you’re so sweet. I never even thought about getting myself a gift. Well, I guess the cafe is a gift.”

  “It is, but this is something to remind you of just how special you are and how valuable all of your dedication and hard work is. You know, getting out of the two hundreds into the one hundreds is great, but it’s not just about the weight. It’s about moving forward in your life. It’s about being ready for a new phase and open to achievements of all kinds.”

  “I know what you mean. When I no longer saw that two on the scale, it was like a burden had lifted off me. I felt like I could do anything. I set my mind to meet that goal and achieved it, and it did really inspire me to set even more goals and work just as hard for them.”

  “Open it! Open it, please!” Abby kicked her feet and wiggled in her chair.

  “Of course. Would you like to help me?” I nudged the present between us.

  “Can I, Mom?” Abby looked up at Samantha with wide eyes.

  “Sure.” Samantha grinned.

  “Let’s do it, Abby!”

  We both tore at the bright paper until a snow globe was revealed. I thought it was a little strange at first.

  “Thank you so much. It’s beautiful.”

  “See this?” Samantha picked it up and pointed to the single yellow blossom in the middle of the snow globe.


  “That’s you.” She shook the snow globe until all the bits and glitter swirled and blocked the flower from view. “There will always be troubles that arise in our lives, and you can easily get swept up in them. But if you stand your ground and remember your roots, when the storm settles, you will always still be you.” She smiled as the yellow flower reappeared. “Never let anything make you lose sight of your goal, Alex. You’ve come this far. You’ve reached Onederland and that’s quite an accomplishment!”

  It truly did feel like I’d stumbled into a wonderland. Not only had I finally seen the numbers on the scale go under two hundred, here I was sitting across from one of the most inspiring women I’d ever known. And I was surrounded by friends and family during one of my biggest accomplishments to date.

  Only a year before, I’d been certain that my life was over when the man I’d expected to spend the rest of my life with announced that he wanted a divorce. We agreed to separate for a year, which had then turned into filing for divorce, and our official divorce date was now just around the corner.

  With the separation, I’d lost the accounting business I’d built from the ground up with my husband. We sold the house I’d raised my daughter in. I’d ended up with a sense of having no place in the world. It had all combined to create a very difficult emotional state as I quickly closed in on my fortieth birthday.

  After the year I’d had, it was almost unbelievable to me that now my heart was filled with excitement and my future seemed wide open for me to enjoy.

  After I chatted with Samantha a bit more about how the book signing would go, I walked them to the door and advised them on some nearby attractions to enjoy. The couple walked away with Abby between them.

  Once Greg and I had walked with Rachel like that. She’d loved to swing and jump. In that moment, with her laughter surrounding us, our lives had been perfect. I didn’t even for a second consider that I’d one day be single again, that I’d be opening a cafe all by myself. My life was so very different, and yet, it was just as perfect.

  “All set, Mom. I think everything is ready.” Rachel handed me a list that had all of the items checked off.

  “Thank you so much.” I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. “Have I mentioned that I absolutely adore you?”

  “Yes.” Rachel laughed and wiggled her way out of my grasp. “Don’t worry, I won’t forget.”

  “Not even after you go to college in two months?”

  “Not even then. I’ll have tons of laundry to bring home, remember?” She winked.

  “I hope so. I’m going to miss you.”

  “You’re going to be too busy with all this to miss me.” She kissed my cheek. “I love you and I’m so proud of you.”

  “Isn’t that my line?” I grinned.

  “I mean it, Mom. After what happened with Dad—I don’t know—I guess I expected you to fall apart.”

  “I did a little.”

  “Maybe, but look what you’ve created. This is amazing.”

  I looked around Common Grounds and had to agree. It really was amazing and it was mine.

  “Alex, what do you want me to do with these?” Willow waved huge faux palm fronds through the air.

  “Near the front door, please. Hopefully soon we can replace those with the real thing.”

  “If you have a better touch with plants than I do.” Willow laughed.

  “Well, you do have to water them.” I grinned.

  “You forget for one month and all of a sudden you’re a plant killer.” Willow laughed as she arranged the fronds in a vase by the front door.

  “Okay, everyone, thanks for all your help. Everything is ready for tonight’s opening. Let’s have some lunch!” I walked into the back and began unloading the catered lunch I’d ordered for the staff and friends that had been helping me.

  As we dug into our meal, I tried not to let the fear creep up inside me. There was so much that could go wrong. But if I gave any energy to those concerns, then it might paralyze my ability to get anything done. I hoped that as long as I kept my focus on what would go right, everything would fall into place.

  End of the preview.

  Get “Common Grounds” here:

  Save on the “Alex in Onederland” complete bundle (Books 1-6):

  The Complete List of Lillianna Blake Books

  Can be Found Here

  Amazon Author Page

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.




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