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The Numerati

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by Stephen Baker

  comScore (company), 5

  Consumers. See Shoppers

  Cookies (on computers), 2


  electronic résumés for, 195

  interest of, in collecting data about people, 134, 143–44, 150, 152

  interest of, in collecting data about their employees, 18–40, 63–64, 97, 106, 150, 204

  marketing research by, 13, 75

  See also Names of specific corporations

  Counterterrorism. See Terrorists

  Counties, 85–86

  Cows (fistulated), 169–75, 195, 198

  Craver, Jalaire (author’s wife), 41, 61–62, 85, 86

  and dating questionnaire, 182, 184, 190–91, 198–200

  Credit (consumer), 4, 8, 12, 125–26, 183, 205, 224n

  Criminals, 89, 133–41

  “Crossing Guards” tribe, 82, 88

  Cryptology, 128–30

  Cumby, Chad, 47

  Customer loyalty cards, 41, 43, 48–49

  Cycorp project, 107–8


  Danks, David, 227n

  Dantzig, George, 31

  Dantzig, Tobias, 7

  “Dark cutters,” 173

  Data, 221n

  altering, 126

  amount of, dealt with by human brain, 25

  analyzing, 11, 15, 183, 201–3

  collecting of, by casinos, 140–41

  collecting of, by governments seeking terrorists, 123–53

  collecting of, by political parties, 67–95, 225–26n

  collecting of, by retail stores, 41, 43, 48, 49, 70, 125, 141, 183, 192

  collecting of, from cell phones, 4, 5, 16, 195–99

  collecting of, from cows, 169–75, 195

  collecting of, on patients, 154–81, 205, 208, 227–29n

  correcting, 229n

  as empowering people, 199, 202–5, 216

  geometry applied to, 118–21

  individuals’ production of, 4–5, 18–19, 195–98

  in online data services, 182–200

  people as, 11–14, 207

  “repurposing” of, 152

  selling our own, 205

  value of, 7

  See also Algorithms; Behavior; Computers; Data mining; Privacy; Surveillance; Symbols

  Data masters, 204–5

  Data mining, 44, 57, 225–26n

  of audio files, 145

  of blogs, 99–116

  dangers of, 116, 126–27, 141–42, 148–49, 151–52

  of e-mail, 5, 18, 22, 35–37, 104, 106

  “false positives” in, 89, 113, 126, 132–33, 151

  by NSA, 124–31, 141

  of photos, 124, 142–44, 198

  Data serfs, 18, 40, 97, 204

  Dating services (online), 182–200, 205

  Democratic Party, 67–70, 73–86, 92–93


  and advertising, 10, 102–3

  of bloggers, 98

  vs. “buckets,” 54–55

  data mining and, 124

  of Internet survey respondents, 78

  and online dating services, 186, 188, 192

  and voting behavior, 70–74, 83–87, 92, 225n

  See also Age; Gender

  Deodorants, 101–2

  Dietrich, Brenda, 222n

  “Directors” (personality type), 189–91

  Disciplines (academic)

  algorithms as making study possible across, 14, 57–58

  and mathematical modeling, 23, 35, 129, 142, 149–50, 207, 213–14

  Dishman, Eric, 154–67, 174, 176, 178–80

  DNA, 160, 202

  behavior likened to, 22, 55–58, 92, 142, 145, 198

  “Domain,” 114

  Dopamine, 189

  Dowd, Matthew, 68, 92

  Driving sensors, 172

  Dubrawski, Artur, 146–47


  Eagle, Nathan, 195–99

  “Edges” (in social networks), 147–48

  “Eigenbehavior,” 197

  Einhorn, Jack, 14–15, 210–13

  Einhorn, Joe, 210–13


  data mining of, 5, 18, 22, 35–36, 104, 106

  memory issues revealed in, 174–75, 177

  See also Spam

  Emotion analysis, 16, 92, 101, 144–45, 183

  Engineers, 6, 29, 129

  See also Numerati

  Enigma machine, 129

  Enron Corporation, 21–22, 36

  Essex County (New Jersey), 85–86

  Estrogen, 189, 190

  Evans, David, 152

  “Explorers” (personality type), 189–91, 200


  Facebook. See Social networks

  Facial recognition, 63–64, 142–44

  Fair, Bill, 8, 93

  Fair Isaac (company), 8, 93, 222n, 224n

  Falls (by the elderly), 161, 162

  “False positives” (in data mining), 89, 113, 126, 132, 151

  FBI, 124

  “Feedback loop,” 126

  Finance, 21, 26–27

  See also Credit (consumer)

  Fisher, Helen, 182–85, 187–91, 198

  Focus groups, 98

  Ford Corporation, 226n

  Fox, Michael J., 165

  Friedman, Jerry, 126


  finding, as a business, 197–99

  and “Next Friend Analysis,” 146–48, 211

  See also Dating services; Social networks


  “Garbage in, garbage out,” 215, 229n

  “Gatorade” tribe, 103

  Gender, 100–101, 108–11, 115–16

  Generations. See Age

  Genetics, 225n, 227–28n

  See also Biology and biologists; DNA

  Geometry, 118–20


  codes used by, 129

  “smart carts” in, 48, 65–66

  spies in, 4, 120

  Ghani, Rayid, 44–51, 53–54, 57–64, 70

  Gish, Herb, 144–45

  Globalization, 10–11

  Goldman, Neal, 208–13

  “Gold standard,” 109, 111

  Goldwater, Barry, 73

  Google, 104, 106, 158, 159, 164, 199, 213–16

  advertisements on, 117–18

  amount of data handled by, 124

  founders of, 207

  “I’m Feeling Lucky” button on, 193

  mathematics as basis of, 7, 145

  and search engine optimization, 194

  successes of, 13, 90–91

  Gore, Al, 91, 95

  Gotbaum, Joshua, 67–70, 74–84, 89–90, 93, 115, 126, 207


  discrimination by, 202

  and health care costs, 174

  interest of, in identifying people, 13, 104, 106, 134–35, 143–44, 150, 152

  See also Specific countries and intelligence organizations

  Grocery store data. See Retail store data

  Gross, Neil, 221n

  Guantánamo Bay, 89, 175


  Habeas corpus, 127

  Haren, Pierre, 38–39

  Health care costs, 157, 159, 161, 174, 222n

  See also Insurance companies

  Hearing, 165

  See also Voices

  “Hearth Keepers” tribe, 78, 81, 93

  Heckerman, David, 58

  Henry, Mike, 93–94, 226n

  HIV/AIDS, 58, 203

  Hormones, 189–90

  “Horse races” (statistical tests), 224n

  Huber, Peter, 124

  Hyperaggressive disorder, 179, 180


  IBM (company)

  and algorithms, 222–23n

  behavior predicting by, 14, 188

  computer simulations used by, 29

  Entity Analytics group in, 135, 149

  mathematical modeling of employees of, 20–33, 37–38, 223n

  Watson Research Laboratory of, 20–22, 114

  IBM Anonymous Resolution (encry
ption software), 152

  IBM Global Services (company), 33

  ICX Technology (company), 124


  data collection about, 75

  encryption of, 152

  hiding of, 203–4

  See also Facial recognition; Names; Privacy; Voices: recognition of

  ILOG (company), 38

  Images. See Photos

  “I’m Feeling Lucky” button (on Google), 193

  India, 108, 145

  Inform Technologies, 14, 208, 210–13

  “Inner Compass” tribe, 78, 82, 93

  In-Q-Tel (company), 135

  Insurance companies, 159, 172, 174, 202, 222n

  Intel (company), 154–55, 159, 163–65, 167, 179, 205


  blogging on, 96–122

  collecting data about use of, 1–4, 42, 43

  criminals’ use of, 134

  dating services on, 182–200, 205

  early days of, 158

  government tapping of, 104, 124

  journalism on, 17–18, 39–40, 211–13

  privacy disclosures on, 205

  social networks on, 97, 98, 104–6

  surveys on, 78, 182–200

  terrorists’ use of, 130

  See also Advertisers; Computers; Data; Specific computer corporations

  Iraq, 131

  Ireland, 159

  Isaac, Earl, 8, 93

  Isoquant, 94


  Jacks, Tyler, 168

  Jackson’s Dilemma (Murdoch), 177

  Jonas, Jeff, 131–37, 140–41, 149, 150–53, 208

  Journalism, 17–18, 39–40, 211–13


  Kaine, Tim, 93

  Kansas State University, 169

  Kaushansky, Howard, 99–101, 103, 109, 114–16, 212

  Koch Cancer Institute, 167–68

  Kremer, Ted, 109–10, 112–14, 126

  Kumar, V., 51–53


  Language Analysis Systems (company), 149

  Las Vegas (Nevada), 131–41, 144, 150–53

  Loans. See Credit (consumer)

  Logistics, 65

  See also Operations research

  Lovers, 182–200, 202


  Machine learning, 46, 59, 106–16, 122, 164, 191, 193–95, 202

  See also Computers; Data mining

  Macular degeneration, 227–28n

  “Magic carpet” sensors, 156–58, 161–63, 168, 205

  Malchow, Hal, 225–26n

  Marketing. See Advertisers

  “Massive redundancy,” 64

  Mass-production, 10, 17–18

  and retail, 42–43, 54

  and “virtual assembly line,” 39, 40, 192

  Mathematical models (statistical models)

  academic disciplines’ contributions to, 23, 35, 129, 149–50, 207, 213–14

  of baseball players, 27–28

  of bloggers, 99, 104, 108–11, 121–22

  of criminals, 89

  doubts about, 89, 132–33, 215–16

  of journalism readers, 211

  of lovers and friends, 148, 182–200, 202

  Numerati’s use of, 12–13, 160

  of patients, 154–81, 205, 208, 222n, 227–29n

  people as more than, 11–12, 28, 30, 201–2

  of people’s writing, 176–78

  of shoppers, 46–66

  of students, 195–97

  of terrorists, 127, 132–33, 141, 148

  of voters, 67–95, 202, 204–5, 207

  of workers, 17–40, 202, 204

  of World War II convoys, 30–31

  See also Algorithms; Geometry


  competition over hiring of, 145–46

  as making sense of data, 6, 9, 15, 21–22, 30, 175–77

  myths about, 206–14

  NSA’s employment of, 104, 123, 127–31, 146

  See also Data; Mathematical models; Numerati; Symbols

  Mayo Clinic, 201, 228–29n

  McGraw-Hill (company), 210

  Medical records, 180–81

  Medical sensors, 155–59, 161–63, 166, 168, 172, 177, 205

  Medications, 166–68, 222n

  See also Health care costs

  Memory lapses, 154, 156, 159–60, 174–78, 180

  Metro (company), 48, 65–66

  Microsoft (company), 14, 19, 48, 58, 145, 159


  by advertisers, 42, 51–55, 57, 91, 205, 224n

  of voters, 67–95, 225n

  Mills, Fred, 124

  MIT, 167–68, 196

  Mojsilovic, Aleksandra, 22–23

  Money, 26

  Monitor (Yankelovich publication), 76–77

  Monitors. See Sensors

  Montclair (New Jersey), 82, 86, 90

  Morgan, David, 1–4, 9–11, 15–16, 19, 54, 187, 212, 228n

  Multiple discriminate analysis, 87–88

  Murdoch, Iris, 177

  MySpace. See Social networks



  finding people by, 13, 132, 141, 149–50, 226n

  on phone prompts, 176

  protection of, in data mining, 152

  NASA, 226–27n

  National Cryptologic Museum, 123, 125, 127–30

  National Science Foundation, 170

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  data mining by, 104, 142–46

  mathematicians working for, 104, 123, 127–31, 145–46, 214

  social network interpretation by, 35, 149–50

  Natural language processing, 107–8

  “Negotiators” (personality type), 189–91, 200

  Netflix, 52, 125, 162

  “Neural network” programs, 125–26

  Newton, Isaac, 184

  New York Times, 143

  Next Friend Analysis, 146–50, 211

  Nicaragua, 73

  Nicolov, Nicolas, 113–14, 116, 118–21

  Nielsen BuzzMetrics (company), 104, 121

  9/11 terrorist attack, 104, 123–26, 130–31, 135, 171, 221n

  “Nodes” (in social networks), 147

  “Noise,” 5

  No Place to Hide (O’Harrow), 75

  NORA software, 133–35, 152

  Norman (fistulated cow), 169–75, 195, 198

  NSA. See National Security Agency

  Numbers. See Data; Mathematical models; Numerati; Symbols


  defined, 9

  earnings of, 15, 208–14

  myths about, 206–14

  search for hidden correlations among people by, 1–4, 11, 56–57, 116, 165, 205

  successful methods of, 183

  tools of, 13, 14, 30–32, 39, 57–58, 205, 206–7

  See also Computer scientists; Mathematicians


  O’Harrow, Robert, Jr., 75

  Operations research, 30–33, 38, 43

  Optimization, 32–33, 37, 194

  Orcatech (Oregon Center for Aging and Technology), 175–78

  Outliers, 37, 61, 127


  Page, Larry, 207, 215

  Palmisano, Sam, 29

  Parkinson’s disease, 165–67

  Patients, 20, 154–81, 205, 208, 227–29n

  Pavel, Micha, 175–77


  as bloggers, 96–122

  data as empowering, 199, 202–5, 216

  innocent, inadvertently caught by mathematical modeling (“false positives”), 89, 125, 126–27, 151

  as lovers, 182–200, 202

  mathematical modeling of, 12–13, 20–40, 44–46, 99–100, 201–16

  as more than mathematical models, 11–12, 28, 30, 201–2

  Numerati’s search for hidden correlations among, 1–4, 11, 56–57, 116, 165, 205

  as patients, 20, 154–81, 205, 208, 227–29n

  as shoppers, 20, 41–66, 97

  as terrorists, 35, 123–53, 202

  as voter
s, 12, 58, 67–95, 202, 204–5, 207

  as workers, 17–40, 63–64, 97, 106, 150, 202, 204

  See also Behavior; Data; Mathematical models; Social networks

  Perot, H. Ross, 81–82

  Philipose, Matthai, 163–65


  data mining of, 124, 142–44, 198

  on online dating service profiles, 185–87

  on phone prompts, 176

  sharing, via computers, 9


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