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Fumbled (The Girls of Beachmont #1)

Page 15

by T. K. Rapp

“Is this for me?” I asked, waving the package in the air.

  “Sure is,” he said without bothering to see what I was talking about.

  I loved that he did this little thing, because it meant so much. Sure, it was just a toothbrush, but it also showed that he cared and he wanted me to be comfortable in his place. And I was.

  As I finished getting ready for bed I stared at my reflection, wondering where the time had gone. I’d met Tabor over a month ago, but I felt like I’d known him forever. Despite my comfort with him and his family, I was not so at ease with the sleeping situation. He had undressed into nothing more than boxers and was still channel surfing.

  Sleeping at his place the other night had easily been the best sleep I’d ever had. I wasn’t sure if it was him or the bed that lulled me into my rest, but I was willing try over and over again until I figured it out.

  I turned off the lights and joined Tabor. He inched closer to me, until we were huddled together in the middle of his king-sized bed. My back rested against his chest, the warmth of his skin offering me contentment.

  “What are you thinking?” he whispered in my ear.

  “Your mom and Abbi are great.”

  He nuzzled his face into my hair and began kissing my neck, sending chills all the way to my toes. His hand was splayed over my stomach, holding me against him, and my eyes began to flutter closed but I jolted upright.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting up next to me.

  Tabor’s hot breath was tickling my shoulder before he started kissing a trail that had no rhyme or reason. I shook my head, silently telling him to stop, but I didn’t really want him to.

  “I thought you liked that,” he murmured against my ear before kissing my jaw.

  “I do,” I answered breathlessly. “But your mom…and Abbi…we can’t.”

  I laid back and Tabor leaned over, partially covering me with his body. My hands roved over his body as he began to kiss me. His hand was caressing the side of my face and it was absolutely perfect.

  “Mercy,” I conceded against his mouth and his soft snicker was my reward before he deepened the kiss.


  I woke up cradled in Tabor’s arms as he slept. He was snoring lightly, his warmth radiating off his body. I tried to free myself so I could get dressed, but he only held me tighter.

  “I need to get up,” I said, turning to face him.

  “No,” he mumbled. “Sleep.”

  “Your mom and sister are leaving in a little bit and you have to get ready to go to your friend’s house,” I said.

  “We have to get ready,” he reminded me, probably knowing that I really hadn’t forgotten.

  “Okay, so now you really have to let me get up.”

  I kissed his neck and pushed away so I could move. I threw some water on my face and tried to wipe away the smudged liner and mascara that had escaped their boundaries in my sleep. My clothes were still folded neatly on the countertop and I made quick time of getting them on.

  When I emerged from the bathroom I found Tabor sitting on the edge of his bed, stretching and yawning. I averted my eyes because it was like looking into the sun. That and I knew he’d give me a hard time if he caught me checking him out.

  “Are you leaving?” he asked, his brows pinched together.

  “No, just heading to the kitchen.” I smiled. “Join me when you’re ready.”

  “What are you up to?”

  “Nothing,” I said, adding a wink.

  I closed the door quietly behind me, but screamed when I turned around. Abbi was coming from the hall bathroom and had her arms crossed over her chest.

  Tabor’s steps could be heard from the other side of the door, and when he opened it he looked between Abbi and me, trying to figure out what was going on.

  “Sleep good?” Abbi asked and then cringed. “No. Never mind. Forget I asked.”

  I laughed and looked at Tabor, who was trying not to give her any more ammunition.

  “Are you leaving?” she asked, looking me over, ignoring the reason I’d given her.

  “Nah, just getting something to drink.”

  “I’ll be there in a few,” Tabor said, kissing the tip of my nose before closing his bedroom door.

  “You do realize he’s completely fallen for you, right?” Abbi said, dropping the volume of her voice to just over a whisper. “I’ve never seen my brother as happy or at ease with anyone as he is with you.”

  “Really?” I asked. Because I felt the same way, and it made my heart soar hearing her words.


  Fifteen minutes later, Marta joined me in the kitchen where I was frying a package of bacon and scrambling eggs. Tabor’s fridge was stocked with enough food to feed an army, but watching the way he ate, the army consisted of one—Tabor.

  “Dani,” she said, standing next to me at the stovetop.

  I looked at her and smiled, encouraging her to continue.

  “I’m glad the two of you found each other. Tabor’s wanted to find someone, but he’s never been able to open up because it’s too hard. He’s been hurt a lot.”

  I continued stirring the eggs, though I was only going through the motions. I turned the heat down and gave her the attention she deserved, considering she was opening up about her son, the man I loved.

  Marta took my hands in hers and looked directly into my eyes. “Be patient with him. He can be stubborn when he thinks he’s right, and even worse when he knows he’s wrong. But the way he talks about you, I know he’s more serious than you realize.”

  Tabor entered the room and his face-splitting grin was infectious.

  “Mom, you cooked for me?”

  “That would be the work of your girlfriend.” She squeezed my hand and let go before walking over to give her son a hug.

  He wrapped his arms around me from behind while I finished getting things together, and kissed my cheek.

  “I wanted to make sure everyone ate before you take them to the airport.”

  “T had to get a driver again,” Abbi said, walking into the room and grabbing a piece of bacon.

  “You’re not taking them?”

  “I have to get some things done before we go to Wilson’s place.”

  The Hunters were gathered in the kitchen, filling their plates and talking in nonstop chatter. I wasn’t hungry because I had the next hurdle coming up—meeting the friends.

  I walked over to Tabor, wrapped my arms around his waist, and looked up at him. “I’ll see you in a little bit.”

  “Okay, babe, I’ll walk you out.”

  Marta pulled me into a hug and squeezed me gently. “It was so wonderful meeting you, Dani.”

  “You too, Mrs. Hunter.”

  “Marta. Please.” She smiled sweetly. “And I look forward to seeing you again.”

  Abbi walked over and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “See you later, babe.”

  We started laughing and she tugged me close for a beat before letting me go.

  Tabor escorted me to the front door and kissed me goodbye. He watched until I was in my car and the engine was started before closing the door.

  “I’m going to marry that man,” I said aloud and snapped my mouth shut.

  Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

  C h a p t e r 18

  D A N I

  “Your mom and Abbi get to the airport okay?” I asked as he walked into my condo.

  “Yes, and they asked me to give you this,” he said, pulling me into his arms and pressing his lips to mine in a heated kiss.

  When we parted I cocked my head to the side and bit my lip. “Your mom and your sister wanted you to give me a kiss?”

  “No, I added that,” he confessed.

  Tabor walked into the living room and sat down on the couch while I grabbed two water bottles from the kitchen.

  “What time do we need to leave to get to Wilson’s house?”

  “You remembered his name? I only mentioned it once,” Tabor stated, imp

  “I’m a teacher,” I said. “It’s in my DNA.”

  Tabor took the water bottles from my hands and pulled me onto his lap.

  “What you thinking about?” I asked him, wishing I could read his thoughts.

  “My mom and Abbi really liked you,” he said. “I don’t think they’ve ever taken to someone like they did you.”

  “I’m glad, because I like them, too.”

  He was lost in thought, so I lifted his face to look at me, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Dani, I’ve told you how I feel, but this is all so new to me,” he said quietly, and I felt the pang of rejection around the corner. I tried to slip off his lap to give me some sort of reprieve, but his hands tightened, holding me in place.

  “I understand,” I lied. “Really.”

  Tabor shook his head, uncompromising as he placed his hand to my neck. “I don’t think you do. Last night, when Mom and Abbi brought up Jenny, I hadn’t thought about her in a long time.”

  “Are you really talking to me about your ex-girlfriend?” I asked, masking my jealousy…or maybe anger.

  “Let me explain,” he said and I nodded. He looked adoringly into my eyes before sliding me off his lap and standing up while he paced the living room.

  “With Jenny, she saw me in dollar signs and future deals. We met my freshman year and Mom wasn’t lying when she said it was an on-and-off relationship. I loved her, I did. I guess that’s why I was always willing to give it another shot.”

  I winced at his admission, though I wasn’t angry. I had loved Philip—before he became a monster. Tabor must have seen my reaction because he was on his knees in front of me with his palms against my thighs.

  “Keep going,” I said, meeting his eyes and giving him a coaxing smile.

  “It was always drama and tantrums, but I tried so hard to be what she wanted. I was never going to be good enough. Then I got signed to the Quakes and she showed up out of nowhere, telling me how much she missed me and loved me. She fucked with my head so many times that I wasn’t sure if she was the crazy one or if I was.”

  “Did you give her another chance?”

  “I was going to,” he admitted. “For some reason I felt I owed her. Can you believe that? She’s the one who bailed on me, but she made me feel like I did something wrong.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “I didn’t. Because of my mom. She told me that I would get the love that I deserved. And if I stayed with Jenny, I would be getting the love I settled for. And I didn’t want to settle.”

  He looked so boyish and innocent, a far cry from the gladiator people in the city were used to seeing. I felt special that I had a piece of him that others would never know. Tabor was sweet, attentive, gentle, and selfless—all things I’d come to love about him.

  “It was almost six months before I told Jenny I loved her, and even then I only said it because I was supposed to. And with you, it’s easy. It’s almost too easy. Is this how it’s supposed to be?” he asked. “I love you, Dani, unlike anyone I’ve loved before, and that scares me more than anything, more than getting hurt on the field, because you have the power to break me.”

  “The feeling is mutual, Tabor,” I admitted nervously. “I know, when my story is written, you are my happily ever after. How’s that for scary?”

  “Well, I don’t I want a future without you,” he answered. I felt as if the air was leaving my lungs. I half expected him to bolt when I told him what I was feeling, but he was in the same boat. That tidbit might have been most terrifying of all. I was envisioning forevers with Tabor after just over a month of being together—that couldn’t be normal.

  “So where does this leave us?” I asked, leaning forward so I was inches away.

  “Here. Now. Together. Does that work for you?” he asked.

  “It does,” I said, closing my eyes as my stomach flipped. “I just want you. I don’t need all the extras, Tabor. Just you.”


  “We’re going to be late,” I said, frazzled as I adjusted my shirt and fixed my hair.

  “Worth it,” he said, putting on his shoes.

  “Do we need to bring anything to Wilson’s?”

  “Well, I’m bringing you…so you can bring whatever you want,” he teased, brushing my hair aside and kissing my neck.

  I swatted his hand away playfully and turned to face him.

  “You wanna go again?” he challenged, but I shook my head.

  “We need to go. There’s fashionably late and then there’s just rude,” I informed him. “Let’s go.”

  We pulled up to a house that was something I would have expected to see on the Real Housewives of Fill-in-the-Blank. Cars that cost more than my condo were lined in the driveway and I felt ill-prepared.

  I took for granted how down to earth Tabor was, and didn’t consider that his teammates might not be so. Sensing my apprehension, Tabor gripped my hand a little tighter and kissed my temple.

  “You look beautiful,” he complimented, eyeing me.

  My mind instantly flitted to our earlier impromptu make-out session and when my eyes met his, I knew he was thinking the same thing.

  “JT,” a massively built and attractive man called out from the front door. “Get your ass in here. And bring your lady.”

  “Wilson?” I asked, nodding at the man.


  “Damn,” I whispered to Tabor, who leaned in to hear me. “He looks like Idris Elba.”

  “Who?” he asked, but we were too close for me to repeat the name.

  “J…T!” he called out as we walked up the steps. “’Bout damn time.”

  “Sorry,” I said, straight-faced. “It was his fault. He tried on like a dozen outfits before we got here.”

  “I like her,” he said, eyeing Tabor and moving toward me. “You must be the Dani I’ve heard so much about. I thought you either didn’t really exist, or you were a dude.”

  “I exist,” I laughed, “and I am, in fact, a woman.”

  “So I see.” He smiled. “C’mon in and meet everyone. Might as well get it over with.”

  “That sounds totally intimidating,” I remarked with a smile.

  Tabor gave me a wink and dropped his hand to the small of my back as he trailed me inside. The warmth of his hand disappeared quickly as he began greeting everyone who congregated in the enormous kitchen.

  I thought Tabor’s kitchen was big, this one looked like it belonged in a five-star restaurant.

  “Everyone, this is Dani, JT’s girl,” Wilson announced.

  I laughed at the people and their comments, unsure who was saying what.

  “She exists?”

  “Damn, J, how’d you land her?”

  “Tell us what you see in him.”

  Tabor walked over and wrapped his arm at my waist. “You’re gonna scare her off.”

  “She needs to know what she’s getting into,” a woman’s voice said as she walked over to me.

  She was stunning.

  Her dark hair was pulled back with a headband and her curly ringlets bobbed easily with her steps. Her skin was a creamy cocoa, but it was her light brown eyes that drew attention to her face.

  “These guys are ridiculous. You should come outside with me so I can save you the headache.” She smiled before giving Tabor a hug and leading me outside.

  There were five other women outside by the pool, drinking wine and laughing. It made me miss the times I spent with my roommates, and I made a mental note to call them later.

  “Steph, Tawnie, Ericka, and Lisa,” she pointed as she said their names, “this is Dani, JT’s girlfriend.”

  “Hi.” I waved lamely and looked back at the hostess. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

  The other ladies laughed and I felt foolish, but the woman smiled. “I heard that you’re not a football fan…I figured that was a joke, but you’re serious.”

  “Afraid so.”

nbsp; “I’m Deloris Wilson, but everyone calls me Dee,” she said, shaking my hand.

  Her name echoed in my head for a moment when it dawned on me.

  “Dee Wilson, former model and spokesperson for Elemental?” I asked, closing my eyes when I realized I was right. She was one of the top models who’d decided to retire and focus on her family when she got married.

  “It’s okay, honey. I like that you’re new to this world—makes it a little more interesting around here,” she teased. “So tell us about you. JT said that you’re a teacher?”

  “Yeah, I teach history at River Valley.”

  “Tough school,” she said. “How do you like it there?”

  “It’s really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be,” I said, hoping I didn’t come off as too defensive. “We have some amazing kids and great teachers. Unfortunately, our campus has become the last chance school for a lot of these kids. But what people don’t realize is that our graduation rate has increased over the years, with more of our students going on to finish college.”

  Dee’s eyes were wide and she looked impressed with my information. The other women kept their eyes on Dee, who I assumed was their leader, of sorts. They were waiting for her reaction, and I realized they were little more than lemmings.

  “But you don’t love your job or anything,” she said with a wink and a smile.

  I returned the smile and shook my head. “I really do love what I do. My after-school program has been my biggest passion.”

  “Until JT,” she interjected and I laughed.

  “Until Ta…JT,” I agreed.

  “Are you going to the shoot with him tomorrow?”

  “He asked me to, but I didn’t plan on it.”

  She offered me a glass of wine and invited me to sit among the other women. Dee didn’t say anything, but I could see she was thinking. Steph, Tawnie, Ericka, and Lisa were talking about some new boutique that had opened up, but I couldn’t muster the interest to engage in the conversation.

  Fortunately, Dee turned to me and began talking.

  “Look, Dani, you seem really sweet and I can see JT is happy with you.”

  “Thanks,” I remarked, leery of accepting the compliment. “But?”

  “You need to go to that shoot. You are dating the star player of the Quakes—and if you tell my husband I said that, I will lie—but you can’t just let him wander free. There are women climbing over themselves, probably sacrificing babies, for a chance with JT.”


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