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Dark Curse 19

Page 14

by Christine Feehan

  She had been helpless as a child and vowed never to be so again. She'd spent years of her life controlling everything around her so she would never have the vulnerable, helpless feeling again. She looked around her at the cavern walls. Here she was nearly twenty years later and she was right back where she'd started, only this time, her own body betrayed her.

  «Stop being so afraid of me,palafertiil . I will not take anything you do not want to give me.»

  In the flickering candlelight he looked a little wolfish. She crossed her arms over her breasts wishing her gaze wouldn't drift down his hard, masculine body and that he didn't have that knowing look on his face. He was Carpathian with heightened senses and he would know her body was aroused-worse, he could probably smell her fear.

  Her chin lifted. If he could smell her fear, then what was the use of denying it? «You bound our lives together without consent. That tells me you take what you want and really could care less about what I want or how I feel.»

  «Is that what it tells you?»

  She couldn't help the small glance she shot at the passage leading to freedom. It was only a few precious

  feet away, but it might as well have been miles. «You don't have to sound so patronizing. Do you really think things are the same way back when you were born? What is it now, five hundred years?»

  He bared his white teeth in what could have passed for a smile, but was more of a warning. «You are a few centuries off, but I get the point. We have the right to claim our lifemates. If you do not fight the inevitable the transition will be a lot easier and smoother.»

  Her eyebrows shot up. «Really? For who? I must have some rights in this situation. Surely I can talk to someone who can advise me. The prince, maybe.»

  The tension in the cavern went up a notch. He didn't change expression, but tiny red lights flickered in the depths of his eyes. «If you want to know something, you have only to ask me. Lifemates do not deceive one another.»

  «You said you wouldn't make me a prisoner, yet you have. You gave me the way out, but then you refused to allow me to take it.»

  He stirred, going from stillness to muscles rippling beneath his thin shirt, as if a great cat stretched and unsheathed his claws. The air left her lungs in a little rush and she actually stepped back, although he had remained stationary.

  «The sun will burn your skin. You cannot expect me to allow you to hurt yourself simply because of an unfounded fear. That goes against my entire nature.»

  «I don't think you understand something as fundamental as freedom, Nicolas,» Lara said. «You're big and strong and have enormous power. When have you ever had anyone telling you what to do? I can't imagine many people in your lifetime have dictated to you.»

  «It is not the same thing.» He gave a small sigh. «I have never had to do this before, and it is something I do not enjoy.»

  «The 'it' being someone disagreeing with you?»

  «Arguing for no good reason. I cannot permit you to burn for the sake of defiance. What kind of a lifemate would that make me? Would you truly prefer someone who cared nothing for your health and safety?»

  «You say lifemates don't lie to one another. Can you truly say you refused to let me leave because you were worried about my skin burning, or was the reason really because I dared to defy your orders?»

  He moved then, a fluid glide that sent a shiver of fear skittering down her spine. He looked like a caged jungle beast, fierce and impatient and all too dangerous. «I refuse to answer such a question. I left my mind open to you, allowing you to see everything, including my motivation. There is nothing more to say on the subject.»

  She drew in a deep breath, feeling his anger smoldering beneath the surface, but she couldn't quite bring herself to apologize, not even to soothe him and keep him thinking she was accepting her fate with grace.

  Nicolas broke the silence first. «You have not eaten.»

  «I'm not really very hungry. It's been a long night.» She winced as soon as the words were out of her

  mouth. She didn't want him to suggest they go to bed.

  «I know you need blood, Lara, there is too much Dragonseeker running in your veins for you to survive without it. If you have problems with the idea of taking blood from a human, what do you do? Animal blood has never sufficed.»

  Lara shrugged. «Blood banks. I don't have to control people as if they were puppets.» She sent him a telling look and then paced around the chamber to put a little distance between them.

  He seemed to be everywhere, his presence dwarfing everything else. When he stopped moving, he went absolutely still. She could see the hunter in him. Patient. Motionless. Waiting. And he could wait forever. Panic rose and she crushed it down. No, he only seemed invincible, just as Razvan and Xavier had seemed all-powerful when she was a child. She had escaped them when she thought it impossible, and she could escape this man as well. She just had to keep thinking.

  Nicolas folded his arms across his chest. «Without blood we die. Is it not better to take what we need without scaring the person and then leave him without knowledge that we have done so, then terrorizing someone when it is completely unnecessary?»

  Nicolas watched Lara swing around, her hair crackling with energy, her eyes going aquamarine. «Ifelt that farmer's fear, that one moment before you took over his mind. And earlier, in the street, when I first met you, you made no effort to keep me from knowing what was happening when you took my blood.» Her hand slid to her belt, to the knife there, her only weapon should he attack her again. The smooth handle felt reassuring.

  «You cannot have it both ways, Lara. Either you want me to control his mind and keep him from being frightened, or you want me to just feed, uncaring of how the donor feels.»

  «Why not use a blood bank?»

  He sank down onto the edge of the boulder beside the mineral pool. «You already know the answer to that. The blood does not work for us. We can survive, but not thrive. I fight vampires. I need to be at full strength at all times. What would you have me do?»

  Lara pushed both hands through her hair in agitation. «I don't know. Something else. Something more respectful. People shouldn't be used for food like that. They have feelings. We aren't just mindless puppets.»

  «You are not human.»

  Her chin rose. «I may have a hodgepodge of blood running in my veins, like most humans do, by the way, but without a doubt, I think like a human. I know what it's like to be kept prisoner and dragged out so someone could tear my flesh open and drink my blood. They didn't care if I was scared, or repulsed. They didn't care what I thought or felt,I didn't matter to them anymore than that farmer mattered to you.»

  His dark eyes drifted over her face, taking in every detail. «Should our species give up our lives because we should not take the blood of others without consent? We are careful and respectful.»

  «It didn't feel very respectful to me.» Mentally she kicked herself. She was supposed to be stringing him along. She needed to use her trick of distracting, banal conversation, a sugary voice, even inject humor, all tools she had found invaluable when she was growing up. Conversation sidetracked people.

  Confrontation put them on edge and warned them they were dealing with someone of power. Her body reacted to her moods. The families she lived with eventually became uncomfortable with a child whose hair and eyes changed color when she was upset. She didn't blame them for thinking she was a child of the devil; many of them were superstitious and, quite frankly-well-she was a child of the devil or the closest thing to it-at least the great-great granddaughter of the devil.

  Nicolas reached for her hand. His palm slid along hers-skin to skin. Her stomach flipped. His fingers tangled around her fingers and her heart began to pound out of control. She took a deep breath and looked up at him. Instantly she felt trapped-captivated-by the intensity of his gaze. He turned her hand over and brought it to his chest.

  «I have lived centuries, Lara. I was born with darkness already crouching inside of me and I fou
ght it back every moment of my existence with nothing but honor. I am not making an excuse, I just want you to understand. This night I was too close, and you saved me. We're bound together, but the ritual is not complete. I may have been rougher than I intended with the farmer, but if I didn't calm him before he was aware, it was not intentional.»

  She moistened her dry lips. Deep inside where self preservation lived, she heard herself screaming, «No, no, be quiet, don't engage,» but it was too late, the words were already tumbling out of her. «There was a rush, when you seized him, I felt the rush pour into you. You're addicted to it. It's amazing to be all-powerful over someone else, for that one moment to hold life in your hand and choose for them.» She tilted her chin at him, tugging away her hand. «Maybe that's what kept you going on these years, not honor.»

  Nicolas stepped back, fury sweeping through him. His mind touched hers and he drew away, horror sweeping through him as he stepped back a few paces, just out of arm's length when he wanted to grab her and shake her. How dare she dismiss so easily his centuries of service, his fight against the darkness rising like a monster every day of his life. Worse, what kind of a lifemate would deliberately leave her mate vulnerable, completely helpless out of selfish convictions that weren't even logical or reasonable? He could see her plan as plain as day-she was waiting for the sleep of his people to overtake him and she would leave him alone and without safeguards.

  He hadn't felt anger in centuries, now it welled up, a black wall of rage. No one questioned his authority, and they never questioned his integrity. She had done both in the space of a few moments.

  His black eyes glowed hotly and his breath left him in a long, slow hiss. «You think to leave me when I succumb to the sleep of my people? You would do that? Leave me here, unprotected and without safeguards, knowing I could do nothing at all if I was found? You know what anyone would do should they find my body, yet you would betray me in such a way.»

  The waves of anger coming off of him swamped her, sent her stumbling back away from him. He looked every inch a wolf, white teeth bared, mouth set in cruel lines. There was no mercy in him for his enemies, and the moment he saw she intended to expose him to danger, she became his enemy.

  A scream welled up, but she bit it back, turning on her heel and running-to where, she didn't know. She only knew if she stayed, the full brunt of his temper would be on her and he looked as if he could kill her.

  He was on her fast, a lion bringing down prey easily, jerking her to a halt and spinning her around to face him. She threw up her free arm to protect herself from blows that never came. He caught her upper arms

  and gave her a hard shake. «I do not beat women, although if one needed it, it would be you.»

  Keeping a firm grip on her, he dragged her through the cavern to the chamber where the bed stood out so prominently. The sound of her heart thundered in both of their ears. He tossed her easily onto the mattress, one hand running through his thick hair.

  «Don't you touch me.» She crawled to the farthest corner near the headboard, away from him.

  He moved fast, a blur of speed, towering over her, showing her she couldn't escape. «You think I could not make you want me? You are my lifemate. Your body responds to mine no matter what your ridiculous mouth is saying.» The burning in his gaze turned to speculation. «Do you want to pit your power against mine? I could make your body mine easily, and you would crave me night and day. Perhaps it would simplify both our lives.»

  Lara could feel the instant tingling in her body, every nerve ending reaching for him and she was horrified. Her entire body was on fire just from the intensity of his gaze, and the low seductive tone he used, as if he was already brushing her bare skin with the warmth of his palm and pads of his fingers. She had no doubt in her mind that he could enslave her sexually and that she would be no more than a puppet living with this man. He was every bit as cruel, every bit the monster only packaged differently.

  The feel of her blade was reassuring against her hip. If not him, then herself. She searched for a way to disarm him, to dispel the tension between them. Her plan was still good, if she could just keep him calm an hour or so longer. The sun had to be up fairly high. She was feeling a bit lethargic herself. No matter how powerful, he couldn't stay awake forever. He would have to go to ground and sleep.

  «I wasn't going to leave you without safeguards.»

  «Your safeguards must be known to every vampire and mage from here to the sun and back. And do not try to lie to me. I did not see your intention to guard my body while my spirit rested. You did not even think about it.»

  She wanted to refute his accusation, but in truth, she'd thought only to get away. Before she could suppress it, her temper flared. «Who guards their captor? Now who is being illogical and unreasonable? You can't have it both ways.» Her hair banded with stripes as her stomach churned with impotent anger.

  His black eyes glittered ominously as his hand snaked out, caught her wrist and yanked her over, so that her cape fell open, exposing the scabbard on her belt. He ripped the leather free, tearing the knife from her belt and hurling it through the archway to the pool. It landed with a splash and disappeared beneath the steaming water.

  Lara had the strangest reaction. There was a part of her that wanted to curl up in the fetal position, there was a part that wanted to fight tooth and nail, but there was also the most horrifying reaction, a shiver of anticipation that made her womb clench and set wings fluttering inside her stomach.

  «Is that so I won't stab you through the heart when you go to sleep?» She fed his anger because she feared the dark seductive velvet in his voice-the burn of desire smoldering in his eyes. She feared the reaction of her own body to him and more than ever was afraid that he could enslave her will.

  His smile held no humor, nor did it light his eyes, but was a mere flash of strong white teeth. Her heart tripped as she saw the slight length and point to his canine teeth. The effect was subtle but it was there. She tried to make herself smaller as he settled on the bed beside her. One large hand cupped her face,

  forcing her to look at him, to stare into his mesmerizing eyes.

  «You tried stabbing me once. You chose life for us and I expect you to keep your word.» As he spoke, his thumb slid back and forth across her bottom lip.

  She jerked her head up. «You're trying to intimidate me.»

  Swift impatience crossed his face. «I do not think I have to try very hard. I left my mind open to you, gave you complete access, trusted you with everything I am, and you, in turn, closed your mind to me, accused me of heinous crimes and mistrusted me from the beginning. I grow weary of this argument.»

  She hoped he was. She hoped he was so weary he'd go to ground and leave her to make her escape. She kept quiet. His body crowded close, so close he seemed to be everywhere, surrounding her. He took her hand again and held out his other palm. Veins of minerals appeared in the walls of the chamber, glowing briefly as if hot. She blinked at the sudden bright light. There was a tug on her arm and something heavy and warm snapped in place around her wrist. She opened her eyes to see him enclosing his wrist in an iron shackle, tying them together.

  Lara's face went pale. She jerked her arm away. «What are you doing?» With her free hand she tried to push the iron bracelet from her wrist, but it was snug.

  He paid her no attention, murmuring under his breath. She felt the surge of power and knew he was layering on safeguards, binding the shackles with magic so she would have no hope of getting them off if she didn't act fast.

  Forcing back a sob, Lara countered his magic.Iron that binds and fastens tight, I seek to unlock that which holds me tight. I summon thee mineral ,blend with light, forge me a key to undo this plight . Power surged as raw minerals from the earth blended with fiery light to form a key.

  Nicolas twisted quickly, pushing her to the bed, holding her arms down to keep her hands from rising to direct energy into patterns and to prevent her from grasping the key as he threw out a sp
ell of his own.

  Cease this action, intended to unbind, I take in your energy making it mine.

  The key disappeared in a burst of light. At once she knew he had bested her. He was centuries old and she was rusty in her practice. She had forgotten that in the early days, when Nicolas was young, mage and Carpathian shared secrets. She was helpless, completely under his domination, a prisoner unable to escape. She blinked up at him, wanting to punch his face, but terrified of the repercussions. He leaned close, so close she could see the long dark lashes that veiled his smoldering eyes. His lips brushed the side of her mouth.

  «You look like a trapped kitten, about to hiss and spit fire at me. Go to sleep. We will sort this out the next rising.»


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