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Primal Heat

Page 17

by Piper Davenport

“Yes,” I hissed, and he slapped me again, continuing to slide into me slowly. “Harder, honey,” I begged, and he gripped my hips and slammed into me, burying his dick to the hilt, then moving faster and faster, slamming into me over and over as one hand slapped one side and the other slapped the other.

  “I can’t wait,” I warned.

  “Come, baby.”

  He gave me one more slap and I exploded around him. He reached between my legs and started in on my clit as he continued to fuck me and built yet another climax in me.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Almost. Slap me,” I panted out, reaching between my legs and slapping my pussy as he took care of my ass, fingering my clit while he lay waste to my rear end.

  “Get there, baby.”

  I felt the swell, and pressed my fingers against my clit. “Now!”

  We fell in a heap as our orgasms washed over us, and Stoney pulled me against his chest. “Jesus Christ, I love you.”

  I laughed, still trying to catch my breath. “Love you, too.”

  “I want more kids,” he said.

  I reached over and stroked his cheek. “How many more?”


  I rolled my eyes. “How about two more?”


  “Three. We’ll make an even number with Fox.”

  He grinned, kissing me. “Deal.”

  “We should get back downstairs.”

  “Yeah. I’ll get you a washcloth.”


  We cleaned up and headed back downstairs, grinning the whole way. As we joined our friends and family, I relished in the glow of their love.

  I was a lucky girl who’d been blessed beyond reason.


  One year later...

  “I’m home,” I called, kicking my shoes off and walking into the kitchen. Felix slid off a stool and made a run for me, hugging my legs. “Hi, sweetie.”


  I rubbed his back and gave Stoney a questioning glance. He shrugged and I lifted Felix’s chin. “You okay?”

  “Are you having a baby?”

  “What?” I asked. “What brought that on?”

  “Xander said that his dad was having a baby with his new wife and was replacing him. You and Dad got married so does that mean you’re going to have a baby?”

  Stoney turned off the stove and picked him up, dropping him gently on the sofa before taking his place across from him on the coffee table. I sat beside Felix and took his hand.

  “As a matter of fact, honey, I am going to have a baby.”

  “What?” Stoney said.

  “Just found out,” I said. “I was at the doctor.”

  “We’ll be talking about that later,” he warned.

  “I look forward to it.”

  We’d been married for three months, and although we’d legally fixed Felix’s birth certificate and added Stoney as his father, my man insisted on more kids as soon as possible. He’d made it his own personal mission to ‘put a baby’ in me, and he’d succeeded.

  “Are you going to replace me?” Felix asked.

  “No way,” I said for the millionth time, and I’d tell him a million more until he believed me.

  “The new baby will call you Mom, right?”


  “Can I call you Mom, too?”

  I bit back tears. “Baby, if you want to, you absolutely can. But it’s up to you. I don’t want to replace your Mama, but I would love to be your mom if you’d like me to be.”

  His whole face lit up and his body sagged against me. “I thought you’d be mad.”

  “Why would I be mad, honey?”

  “Because I’ve wanted to call you Mom for a while, but I didn’t want you to think I was replacing Mama Ria.”

  I pulled him into the shelter of my arms and held him tight. “Sweetheart, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. On paper, I’m technically your mother because I adopted you, so if you feel like you want to call me Mom or Auntie, or Brina, it’s absolutely up to you. I love you no matter what.” I laid my hand on my belly. “And this baby is going to be so lucky to have you as their big brother.”

  “Yes,” he hissed, pumping his fist in the air. “Thanks, Mom.”

  He slid off my lap and hugged Stoney.

  “Love you, bud,” he said.

  “Love you, Dad. Can I play Super Smash Bros before dinner?”

  “Is your homework done?” I asked.

  “Yep,” he said. “Dad helped me.”

  I smiled. “Okay, go.”

  He made a run for the stairs and I shifted so I was facing Stoney, taking his arms. “Hi.”

  “Hey, baby.”

  “I haven’t been feeling so great,” I explained.

  “Yeah, I knew you weren’t feelin’ well.”

  “Right. So, I called my doctor and she had a cancelation today, so I decided to drop in before I came home. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to needlessly worry.”

  “Next time tell me you’re going to the doctor, even if you think I’ll ‘needlessly worry.’”

  “Okay, honey.” I smiled. “Anyway, she had me take a pregnancy test. Newsflash. That’s why I’ve been feeling so crappy.”

  “Holy shit.” He dragged his hands through his hair. “When?”

  “About seven months from now. She thinks I’m about eight weeks, but she’ll know more when I have an ultrasound. We can do one as early as next week.”

  “Will we find out what we’re havin’?”

  “Not this soon. But in a couple of months, definitely.”

  He stood, pulling me up with him and wrapping his arms around me. “Baby, I’m so proud of you.”

  I looped my arms around his neck. “Proud of you, too, Noah. More than you will ever fully know.”

  Stoney had worked hard over the past year to make amends with my brother. After he’d handed the Los Psychos biker over to my brother, they’d started to work toward a more amicable relationship, but once Luca had made his bones with the information Maria had left, Luca had calmed down quite a bit. There was enough evidence to send six very bad men away for life, and Luca got multiple commendations and a promotion for his work.

  Luca had let me watch the video message. Well, he let me watch the edited message. He’d removed a lot of the stuff pertaining to the case, leaving in the personal stuff Maria said about us and why she did what she did. She’d been at some dinner party with a man she’d been dating and overheard a conversation about trafficking women and children. These people had decided to branch out from drugs since they were losing ground in Monument. She decided to watch and listen, occasionally recording conversations and taking pictures of paperwork when she felt it was safe. The problem was, she’d been found out, which is why she’d stashed the evidence with me. It took these men a long time to catch on that I might have what they wanted, hence the kidnapping and sale of Felix. They weren’t expecting that act would bring down the Howlers’ on them, as well as my brother.

  Luca had discovered that Felix’s teacher’s aide was being blackmailed by Los Psychos. Luca didn’t disclose what the blackmail entailed, but she had evidence that earned her a reduced sentence on the kidnapping charge, which I wasn’t happy about, but it got Luca an additional ‘big fish,’ so I’d had to let it go.

  Sunday dinners had grown into a blood thirsty, but good-natured, game night, complete with Stoney’s sister, Marlowe, who’d been accepted into the fold and there was rarely a week she missed dinner. Even Stoney’s mom, Carla, came on occasion, but was still taking a little time for her to warm up to me. Felix, though, was all over his new grandmother, and thankfully, Carla was madly in love with him as well.

  I could tell my parents were finally released of their guilt. The fact their daughter hadn’t fallen off the wagon had somehow made her death much easier to accept. It certainly had for me.

  Not that Maria’s death was any less sad, but knowing she hadn’t done it to herself mean
t we could move forward in a more clear way. The guilt wasn’t there anymore.

  Our wedding had been a glorious celebration of our love. We’d walked down the aisle at our church, then partied at the club, and my new biker family had lovingly folded my parents into the group, although, they were still leery of Luca.

  He was on his best behavior at the wedding and reception, but hadn’t darkened the doors of the compound since, and probably wouldn’t again unless he was forced.

  “I want you to sit here and relax while I finish dinner,” Stoney said, kissing me gently, then heading into the kitchen. “I’ll get you some water.”

  I grinned. “Is this how it’s going to be for the duration of my pregnancy?”

  “Maybe,” he retorted, filling a glass with ice and water from the fridge, walking it over to me, kissing me again. “Fair warning, baby, if you thought I was protective before...”

  I chuckled. “Oh, I figured.”

  “We’re gonna need a bigger house,” he said, relighting the stove top.

  I sighed. “I know. I’ll start looking this week.”

  “We’ll start looking this week.”

  I smiled. “Yes, we. The royal ‘we.’”

  He laughed. “I’m getting a pay bump at Rocky’s shop, so we’ll be able to find something nice. Maybe by your parents.”

  “You’d be willing to live close to my parents?” I asked.

  “Yeah, baby. They’re not gonna be this spry forever. They’ve probably got ten years before they’re gonna need to slow down and need a little help. It’d be good to be close so we can do that.”

  I jumped off the sofa and rushed into the kitchen, wrapping my arms around him. “Oh my god, I love you so much, you have no idea.”

  He laughed, wrapping an arm around me. “Pretty sure I do.”

  I snuggled closer to him kissing the nape of his neck.

  “Is it a hug fest?” Felix asked.

  I waved an arm, inviting him in. “It’s a total hug fest. Stonewells for life.”

  “Yeah!” Felix said and wrapped his arms around our waists.

  We stood in the kitchen, our little family finally complete, and held each other for several minutes, while I cried silently into Stoney’s shirt.

  With all the sadness that had befallen us in the past few years, it was all healed by a letter from my sister. I wondered now if that had been her plan all along.

  I closed my eyes and sent a little thank you up to heaven. To my sister who brought me the only man who could make me whole.

  Unedited excerpt copyright ©2020 Trixie Publishing, Inc.


  It was supposed to be an easy job. Fast money with no complications. Then she showed up and changed the game. Now I have to decide whether to hold my cards close to the cut, or go all in and risk losing everything.


  I am the lucky bearer of one dumbass older brother who fancies himself a high-roller. I should disown him, but he’s my only family, and when he’s not on a losing streak, he’s pretty decent. But now, he’s dragged me into a world I have no business being a part of, and I see no way out.

  But then Otter steps to the table and I must decide if I cash out or ante up.


  I had just lit the torch and lowered my mask when my president yelled my name. I frowned, shutting everything off and raising my mask. “Yeah?”

  “Jordy’s runnin’ a game tonight. He asked if you’d work it.”

  I sighed. I was in the middle of a sculpture that I was actually loving. It had been a long time since I’d created something for myself. I had a long list of client requests, but I’d been inspired last week and ran with it.

  “I’m in the middle of somethin’, Doc. Can he find someone else?”

  “He’s offerin’ you fifty-grand and give the club ten.”

  “Jesus, high rollers?”

  Doc nodded. “Sounds like it. He wants your expertise as much as your brawn, I think.”

  I had been raised in Vegas by a family of card sharks. I’d learned to count cards before I learned to count to ten, and if I wanted to live a life of poker games and pussy, I’d make millions.

  But I didn’t.

  I’d visited Savannah over ten years ago and didn’t leave. I’d fallen in love with the southern hospitality and chose Harleys instead of cards, of course, never foregoing the pussy.

  “What time does he need me there?”


  That gave me two hours to work, and an hour to clean up and get to the game. “Yeah, tell him I’ll do it.”

  “Thanks, brother.”

  I nodded, lowering my mask and relighting my torch.

  * * *

  Pulling up to the private parking lot under the building, I backed my bike into a spot, then pulled my suit jacket from my saddlebag. Replacing my club leather for Armani, I slid my phone and keys into my pocket and headed inside.

  Upstairs, Blurr was booming. I doubted the nightclub patrons had any idea there was illegal gambling happening below them, but Jordy kept a tight lid on both clubs. There were two floors separating the gambling from the dancing and the games were locked down tight.

  A bouncer I didn’t recognize stood outside the entrance to the games. Other than the burly man guarding the door, you would think it was a door to a utility closet.

  “No entry,” the man said.

  “Easton Ottenheimer,” I replied. “Jordy’s expectin’ me.”

  My birth name was foreign on my tongue, considering I had gone by Otter for more than ten years.

  “Right. I’m Vinnie.”

  I gave him a chin lift and walked through the door. The hallway was lit with one red lightbulb and I continued straight, entering the code on the panel on the wall, then a secret door slid open, allowing me into the room. Tonight’s set-up included roulette, blackjack, and four coveted poker tables with a hundred-grand buy-in per game.

  “Otter!” Jordy greeted me with a huge grin on his face. “I’m so glad you could come.”

  “I bet.” I smirked. “Big spenders tonight, I heard.”

  He grinned. “One hundred grand buy-in, plus twenty-grand just to get a seat at the table.”

  “Who’s at the table?”

  “Atticus Adler and Buford Davis.”

  “Are you fuckin’ high?” I ground out. “Do you really wanna get into bed with the Dixie Mafia, Jordy?”

  One of the worst things about the Dixie Mafia was that they weren’t organized or loyal to anyone, which meant they didn’t have a moral code. No honor among thieves type thing. There was no honor, period.

  “I’m not gettin’ into bed.” He grinned. “It’s just a little over the clothes heavy petting.”

  “Jesus,” I hissed. “You’re a fuckin’ mad man.”

  He laughed. “I’m a rich fuckin’ mad man.”

  “Hey, Dad,” a young man greeted, virtually bounded into the room. “Are Beau and I in?”

  “Haven’t got the final count.”

  “But we’re ready,” he whined.

  “Tuck, you’re being rude. Meet Easton,” Jordy said. “Easton, my son, Tuck.”

  I gave the kid a chin lift. ‘Kid’ probably wasn’t entirely accurate, because he wasn’t much younger than me, but he seemed entitled and immature.

  “Nice to meet you,” Tuck said, then turned back to his father. “How long until we know?”

  “An hour.”

  He huffed. Like a fuckin’ four-year-old. I had to look away.

  “Fine,” Tuck said, and stomped out of the room.

  “Sorry about that,” Jordy said. “The boy is almost thirty and thinks he’s due everything. His mama’s influence.”

  I highly doubted his mother created that mess, but I kept that opinion to myself.

  “Let me give you a rundown of the players and their known traits.

  I nodded and we spent the next hour mapping out the room, figuring out the best seating arrangement, making sure to accommodate Atti
cus and Buford’s need to be close to the bar.

  “I think we’re ready,” Jordy said. “I’ll let Tuck know he and his friend are in and we’ll open the door.”

  I nodded, taking a minute to scan the room, get to know the servers and bartenders, and then I stood against the wall by the entrance and took stock of every person who walked in. They all had their buy-in and their cover charge, which were counted and verified by three bouncers.

  Everyone had followed the rules, so Jordy deemed the games open and the men took their seats, while some of the women they’d brought as dates played roulette or blackjack.

  For the next hour, I walked the room, watching quietly, but noticing Tuck and Beau were up to something, I decided to hover by their table. The little shits were cheating. Not only counting cards but signaling to each other. I didn’t know what they were signaling, but it was neither subtle nor smart.

  I caught Jordy’s eye and signaled for him to meet me in the back. We walked back separately in an effort not to raise suspicions, and I closed the door behind us. “Tuck and his buddy are countin’ cards.”

  “My son doesn’t cheat.”

  “Well, I’m telling you he and his friend are. What you want to do with that information is up to you, but you better hope no one else notices.”

  A rather feral scream indicated I’d spoken too soon.

  Rushing back into the room, Jordy and I arrived to find Tuck seated in his chair, a knife handle sticking out of his thigh. I didn’t know how long the blade was, considering you couldn’t see any of it.

  “Dad!” he screamed.

  “This bastard is cheating,” the man with the knife accused. I believe his name was Bobby Joe Waller and he appeared not only did he have the ability to use a knife, but also how to hide it from security.

  “My leg!” Tuck squealed, grabbing the handle.

  “Don’t fuckin’ touch that and don’t move,” I warned. “You’ll make it worse.”

  “How the fuck did you get a knife in here?” Jordy demanded

  I saw Beau stand slowly and attempt to sidle out of the room, but a bouncer shook his head, removed his gun from his holster, and pointed it at Beau. “I don’t think so.”

  “If anyone was cheating, it was him,” Jordy accused. “Take care of him.”


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