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Let's Scrooge

Page 28

by R. L. Caulder

  I guess Gabriel heard my prayer after all.


  I Married My Brother

  Gabe is passed out in my arms as Jay drives us back home. I’ve never been so glad to see my house. I snuggle my little guy closer and kiss his head.

  “He’s such an angel,” I whisper to Jay.

  “Yeah, well, so was Lucifer,” he comments.

  I gasp.

  “Did you just call our baby the Devil?!”

  “Nope,” Jay deadpans.

  “Well, good, because—”

  “Lucifer is not the Devil,” Jay cuts me off.

  “Ah, whaaa?”

  He just laughs.

  “That’s a religion lesson for another time. We have to get Gabe to his room and you to yours.”

  The way he says it makes me instantly alert.

  Need sixteen cups of coffee?

  Try some Jay with a hint of I’m-gonna-fuck-you-silly, and you’ll be the perkiest bitch ever.

  Luke helps me tuck Gabe in bed, but when I go to my room, it’s empty. This is an even bigger let down than the Mile High debacle! I search the entire upstairs for my guys, but they’re nowhere to be found; so, I head downstairs. It’s two in the morning and that calls for cookies and milk—I am Santa, after all.

  I finally find my quad of men in the living room, waiting by the Christmas tree.

  “Are you going to tie me up with Christmas lights?” I ask hopefully.

  Matt grins.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  I give him a ‘duh’ look—what woman doesn’t want to be tied up and fucked by four men under a Christmas tree?!

  “But, first, our Christmas gift to you,” Mark announces as he pulls out a box.

  “Oh. . . I kinda thought orgasms were my xxx-mas gift, but, ok. Cool. Let me open it.”

  I take the box and open it. Inside is a shirt—it says, ‘I married my brother’. I burst into laughter.

  “What is wrong with you four?!” I demand.

  Jay waggles his brows at me.

  “Everything,” he decrees. “Now, about your Christmas orgasms. . .”

  “Wait! You all have to open your gift first!”

  “Is it better than ours?” Matt teases.

  “Waaaaaa better,” I sing.

  “You got us shirts that say, ‘I married my mother’?” Luke suggests, making us all laugh.

  “Kind of,” I concede.

  I walk over to the piano and open the back, pulling out their gift.

  Mark sighs.

  “What did I tell you about putting things in there?”

  I ignore him and just hand him the gift.

  Wordlessly, my four men huddle together and unwrap their present—it’s a pink frame and inside is a grainy black-and-white photo of our unborn daughter.

  “We can name her Gabrielle,” I joke.

  Jay rolls his eyes.

  “No way are we letting you blackmail us into that one,” he teases.

  “Speaking of blackmail. . . don’t you owe use some blow jobs?” Matt reminds.

  I scowl.

  “I just gave you the best Christmas gift, and you’re wondering about blow jobs?!”

  Mark laughs.

  “I guess you don’t need our baby batter to wash away your sins.”

  The other three just look at him like he’s insane.

  “Ugh,” I grunt.

  “Kidding,” Mark laughs. “Come here, little momma.”

  He tugs me into his lap and the other three all rest a hand on my still-flat stomach.

  “When are you due?”

  “Late July.”

  “And it’s for sure a girl?”

  “For sure.”

  “A daughter,” Jay muses.

  “Someone for Gabe to play with,” Luke adds.

  “And teach Christmas songs,” Matt jokes.

  “Great,” I groan. “I’ll be hearing ‘O Fanny Bum’ for years to come!”

  “I can’t wait,” Mark whispers in my year.

  I smile softly.

  “Me, neither.”

  “Now, about the Mile High Club—”

  “I want a refund!” I blurt.

  Mark chuckles and slips my nightgown off my shoulders.

  “How about a refund times four?”

  My other three husbands crowd back around me.

  “How do I say ‘no’ to an offer like that, Mr. Brothers?”

  “It’s Father,” Mark corrects in his ‘priest voice’.

  “Oooo, yes, Daddy. Refund me with your baby batter!”

  They all groan—but give me what I want. And when I’m almost dizzy with lust, I hear Matt begin to hum a Christmas song.

  Luke joins in, as does Jay, and Mark sings the words.

  “O Come, O Come, Evangeline. . .”

  And I do, over and over.

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  When I Think of You, I Touch My Elf: A Darkness Rising Novella Prequel by R.L. Caulder

  Author’s Note

  This is a novella prequel to the Darkness Rising series, which is a Reverse Harem, Paranormal Romance.

  Chapter 1


  The front door slams shut behind me as I drop my worn backpack onto the ground and kick off my leather boots. I remove my cream scarf from my neck and hang it on the entryway rack, where my thick, black, winter coat follows.

  The smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies teases my senses and with a deep breath and the taste of chocolatey goodness on my tongue, my shitty mood fades away.

  Cookies fix everything. That's a fact.

  "Lana, is that you?" Beth's honeyed voice carries from the kitchen.

  "It's me!” I call back, making my way through the house towards her. When I get there, the kitchen is an absolute mess of dirty utensils and bowls, ingredients strewn all over the countertops haphazardly, as Beth tries to navigate the chaos.

  Eyeing the Beth tornado that’s taken place, I ask, “Do you need help with anything?"

  Her short, dirty-blonde hair is sticking in different directions, a few strands plastered to her cheeks, caked with wet flour. I can't help but smile as she stops what she's doing and rushes over to give me a big hug.

  She wraps me up in her maternal embrace, her head fitting snugly underneath my chin. I close my eyes and let out a big breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

  The boys and I are so lucky to have her as our foster mom. She's always made sure we have everything we need and then some, even if she goes without. But what we’re truly grateful for is the bottomless well of love she has for us. It never seems to run dry. Her patience with raising six kids on her own without ever letting us see her frazzled practically makes her a saint in my head.

  Years ago, Beth lost her own husband and son in a freak accident. Instead of yielding to her grief, she decided she had enough love left to give to the kids who needed it. Her career at the Department of Children and Families allowed her to do just that, and that's how she found us. To this day, she says that something had drawn her to each of us, that her heart had chosen us before she’d even realized it.

  She steps away from my embrace just enough to look up at me with her big, gray, doe eyes. "Did you have a good day at school?"

  I can't hold back the groan that comes from me at the mention of college. I throw my hands up in frustration. "It's killed my holiday spirit! Who makes kids go to school on Christmas Eve? That place is a prison and a thief of joy for all who attend." I end with my arms crossed over my chest and a severe scowl on my face.

  Her tinkling laugh softens my face immediately. "Lana, please never lose your dramatic side."

  The corner of my mouth tilts up in a smirk. "Tell that to the boys. They act like I'm ridiculous most of the time."

  She lets go of me and heads back to the counter. "Well, you are r
idiculous! But we love it, dear."


  A dramatic sigh comes from me as I think of the boys. I suppose you'd call them my foster brothers since we've all grown up here for the past fourteen years. I was six when I was removed from my first foster family once I told the DCF worker about the physical abuse that I’d suffered there.

  We all come from homes that have left us traumatized. Though the scars that mar our hearts are invisible, they’re ever-present and, at times, incapacitating.

  Mentally shaking off the direction my thoughts are taking, I redirect myself to the more crucial issue: the boys.

  I’ve never thought of them as my brothers, thankfully, because the physical reaction I have to each of them now would be extremely unsettling if I had. The ache I get between my legs at the simplest of touches from them is slowly driving me insane.

  A girl has needs.

  Too bad for me, they only think of me as their foster sister. Ash, Hale, and the twins, Leo and Luke, have been on countless dates with countless women at our college. Countless because I really will drive myself insane and into a manic, jealous rage if I get to counting.

  Zedd is the only one who hasn’t been on a single date or in a single relationship but that’s because he’s too busy with his head in a book and acing every class he's in. The boy would marry his textbook if it was allowed.

  It stings a bit every time they go on those dates but I keep reminding myself that I have no right to be upset. I have no claim on them, past friendship. We have an amazing relationship and that has to be enough. It has to be. Despite the tension that I feel inside me, I will be forever grateful to Beth for bringing us together, even if it has to stay platonic.

  Her voice draws me from my thoughts. "Where are those pesky boys anyways?"

  I walk over to the cookies that are cooling on the rack and snatch one before Beth can see. Blocking her view of the cookie, I list off where the guys are while slowly making my exit from the kitchen with my hidden snack. "Zedd is finishing up tutoring another student, Ash and Hale wanted to hit the gym, as per usual, and the twins are at swim practice."

  Just as one foot crosses the threshold into the living room, Beth tuts. "Ah-ah, Lana. Don't think I didn't see you grab that cookie. You know I have to evenly distribute them among all of you or World War Three will break out. That's coming out of your portion!"

  I whirl on my sock-clad feet to stare at her with a hand over my heart, my mouth agape. "And here I thought I was your favorite!" I exclaim in mock dismay. As I shake my head, a few of my wavy, copper locks bounce with the movement.

  She's kneading the dough for the cinnamon rolls she makes every Christmas as she smirks at me. "You know I love you, sweet girl.” With a dramatic sigh, she says, “But alas, I must divide my love equally."

  Despite our prodding and joking over the years about her having to pick a favorite, she would never do it. She's an incredible mother, through and through. She's always made sure none of us feel left out or forgotten about and her attention and affection has helped us all heal from our pasts. Not entirely, but we’ll get there one day.

  With a shrug of my shoulders, I pop the warm cookie into my mouth, knowing the jig is up. I groan in delight as the chocolatey goodness hits my tongue and melts, giving my mouth an orgasm.

  "Do you have any homework to finish up before you can relax for winter break?"

  Her mention of homework kills my serotonin high and I glare at her, grumbling, "I just need to finish a short story for literature."

  She begins to cut and mold the dough into rolls, shaking her head and grinning at my glare. It’s like I’m not even intimidating to her! "Go finish that up, then come help me with dinner when you're done. I'll forget about the cookie you took if you're down here within an hour."

  The wink that she sends my way, and the promise of my thievery being forgotten, puts a pep in my step as I quickly agree and scramble up the stairs to my room like my ass is on fire. She knows the way to my heart.

  I knew I was her favorite.

  Chapter 2


  The cash register chimes as the store employee collects my change from the purchase. He hands me a few crisp dollar bills, my receipt, and hands over the bagged gift. A tingle of excitement runs up my spine. Lana is going to flip when she opens this.

  Not for the first time, I wonder why this matters so much to me this year. Why do I want to be the reason she goes to bed with a smile on her face?

  I want her to think about me.

  We all told her we were busy with one thing or another after classes got out but really, we needed to go shopping for Christmas presents. Christmas is her favorite holiday, and her excitement is infectious. This year is no different.

  Every year, she somehow manages to get us the most thoughtful gifts while we’re all floundering for what to get her. But this year, we decided we’re stepping our game up. She’s always appreciative and excited of whatever we get her but this year, we want her to be wowed.

  Something has changed within our group dynamic recently and I’m still trying to make sense of it. The answer niggles at the back of my mind but I suppress it, squashing it. I’m not ready to face the truth yet, regardless of how I’m distantly aware of it. Quite honestly, I’m afraid of what the future will hold if anyone gives voice to the change in our dynamic. What will it mean for all of us if one of us admits it?

  I steel my heart. Our family will always be my first priority and I wouldn't jeopardize that for anything, especially not my unreciprocated feelings for a certain beautiful redhead. No matter how hard my cock throbs and aches for her.

  As I walk out of the store, a small body crashes into mine and the floral perfume that overwhelms my senses makes me immediately cringe.


  "Oh my gosh, Hale!” Her peppy voice is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears and I just barely contain a groan and an eye roll. “Crazy running into you here."

  We dated briefly, but it never got far and most definitely was never serious. For some reason, she’s never seemed to understand that and continues to pester me through text and at school.

  She reminds me of Tinkerbell in every way. She's petite with blonde hair and blue eyes and blows up in the face of conflict. One of the many reasons why I called things off.

  She tugs at her white cashmere V-neck sweater, clearly wanting to draw attention to her ample cleavage, but my eyes stay glued to her own. I try not to roll my eyes at the display. She might not be for me but that doesn't mean I have to be a dick to her. Beth raised me to be a gentleman.

  But maybe that's why she hasn't gotten the hint.

  "Hey, Brittany. I've got to get home. Merry Christmas." With a polite smile, I take a step around her.

  Her small hand catches my bicep, stopping me in place, and I swallow the groan of annoyance that threatens to escape.

  Her voice goes up a few octaves in a mockery of a sweet voice. "Who'd you get jewelry for? This is the nicest shop in town."

  That’s not saying much, since we live in a small town in Arizona in the middle of nowhere. Indulging her, I answer, if only to rid myself of her that much quicker. "The guys and I are shopping for last-minute gifts for Lana and our mom."

  Her face contorts into a picture of jealousy and disgust at the mention of Lana. With a roll of her eyes, her fake saccharine tone disappears, replaced with a vile bite to her words. "What's so special about her anyway? Don't think no one’s noticed how you’ve all stopped dating recently. What, does she have a magical pussy or something? Isn’t it weird since she’s basically your sister?"

  The curl to her upper lip only further infuriates me. My blood boils at the venom she spews about Lana and my vision goes red, my breathing ceasing. There’s a spark of something unrecognizable in my chest, something unfamiliar.

  "Hale! Let's go, man. We’ve gotta get home."

  Ash's voice from a few shops down pulls me from my anger and the spark dies down.

  I glance his
way and see him chuckling to himself as Zedd and the twins join him where he stands. He knows how much Brittany annoys me and is clearly enjoying my discomfort. Dick.

  I push past Brittany once again and toss over my shoulder, an icy chill to my words. "I won't allow anyone to speak about my family like that. Don't ever speak to me again."

  As I walk away, her boot stomps against the ground with a loud huff.

  I shake my head. A woman in her twenties, throwing a tantrum in public. How embarrassing for her.

  Zedd watches me curiously as I near them. "Is she really still trying? How long has it been now?"

  Leo answers before I can, "She still wants to schlob on his knob, that's for sure." At the words, Luke makes the dick sucking motion with his hand, tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek, like we need the demonstration to understand Leo’s words.

  I elbow the dramatic duo in the ribs, eliciting a loud oof from them both, before making my way towards our SUV.

  Though the twins have relented, Ash continues to tease me, "Brittany and Hale sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I—"

  A swift punch to his shoulder shuts him up too.

  I snatch the keys from his hand and get into the driver's seat. Everyone piles in, chattering excitedly about the gifts they got for Lana and Beth, while I make a contented, humming sound as a smirk appears on my face.

  My gift definitely tops theirs.

  Fuck, I am so infatuated with Lana. I’ve got to snap out of this.

  I can see Ash scrutinizing me out of the corner of my eyes. "Since you’re clearly looking so smug over there, want to tell us what your gift for Lana is?"

  "Nope," I respond, making a popping sound on the ‘p.’


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