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Let's Scrooge

Page 39

by R. L. Caulder

  I went to my room upstairs and pulled a box from under my bed and left it in October’s room. It was a simple black box with an orange ribbon tied with a bow in the center. I searched the rest of the house and exhausted all options, ready to call for some back up, when it dawned on me—the greenhouse. Norman was the first one to tell us about October’s fascination with the little greenhouse out around the side of the house. It was her safe space, and we knew she went there sometimes when she was feeling stressed out. We also got to hear extremely vivid recounts of Norman’s first time discovering her little escape.

  I was out of the house in seconds, heading around to the back, where I already noticed the greenhouse door was hanging wide open. It was warm inside the glass paneled building, and I could immediately feel moisture beading on my skin. I pushed through all sorts of weird looking plants that I knew didn’t exist back in the mortal world, until I finally saw her. Her orange hair was like a beacon in the moonlight, and she was sitting with her back facing me, staring at what looked like a rosebush.

  I crept up on her, tiptoeing the whole way, but I could tell immediately she knew I was there. Her shoulders stiffened, but she didn’t turn around. My heart sank. I could tell right away that she was bothered, sad. I hated seeing her sad. We’d had to watch her hate herself, the world, and us for a whole year, unable to do anything about it. Now that we had our girl back, I lived every day in fear of losing her again. I needed to fix this right now. It was a good thing it was time for the reveal.

  Placing a gentle kiss on the side of her neck, I smiled against her skin as she stilled. Little goosebumps pricked her skin, and I could already see a flush rushing over her. No matter how mad she was, I knew the effect I still had on my girl, and it never failed to make my dick hard as a rock. If we didn’t have anywhere to be right now, I’d probably take a cue from Norman and fuck her against the glass. But alas, I was on a schedule.

  “What do you want, Michael?” she asked softly. Her voice was quiet, but sad. It hurt my chest.

  “Came to see what you were up to out here.” I kissed her again, running my palms down her upper arms.

  She snorted humorlessly. “Oh, so now you care?” She shifted, and I allowed my arms to fall to my sides. She turned to face me, and her icy blue eyes were red rimmed. I hoped she hadn’t been crying. “Seriously, what do you want? Don’t you have some mysterious activity to run off to?”

  I smiled, but it was forced. Damn, we’d really botched this whole secrecy thing. “I’ve got all the time in the world for you, babe. Come with me.” I beckoned her as I held out a hand, palm up, and she stared at it dubiously. Wiggling my fingers, I said, “C’mon, beautiful, there’s something I want to do.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re about to prank me?” she asked, suspicion in her eyes.

  I winked. “No more pranks, Tobs. You know that.”

  She sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes as she bypassed my outstretched hand and stood, wiping loose soil from her clothes. “This better not be lame,” she said as she swept past me, brushing my shoulder with hers.

  I caught up with her outside the greenhouse and steered her inside. Her shoulders were still stiff, and she had her nose slightly in the air. I was fighting a battle between being concerned and being amused. I wanted to laugh, because October’s dramatic actions were nothing short of adorable. When we reached the foyer, she turned to me, crossing her arms, and it was a fight to keep my eyes straight ahead and the smirk off my face. She tapped her foot expectantly.

  “I left a little present for you on your bed,” I said, and she raised a surprised brow. “I know I’ve been a little distant this week…but I promise it’s not what you think.”

  “And how would you know anything about what I’m thinking?” she asked. “That would imply you were around long enough to realize something was wrong.”

  Shit, she was fucking right. I sighed, running a hand through my hair guiltily. “I didn’t mean it to come off like that, I’m sorry. But I wanna make it up to you. Let me take you out on a date.”

  “A date?” she asked with a small laugh. “Where the hell are we going to go on a date in this place?”

  “To the theater, duh.”

  Her cheeks turned scarlett, making my dick even harder. Instantly, I knew what prompted that visceral reaction from her. I knew she was thinking back to what she, Freddy, and Norman had gotten up to the last time she visited the theater. Fuck, I wished so bad that I could’ve been here to see that.

  “Just go upstairs and open your present. I’ll wait down here.”

  She watched me, suspiciously still. “You don’t want to watch me open it?”

  “Just trust me, okay?”

  “That’s the problem,” she said sadly. “I do fucking trust you, even though I don’t want to.”

  Her words broke my heart. I stepped forward, placed a hooked finger under her chin, and raised her face up to meet my gaze. I didn’t try to give her any words of comfort, because I knew she wouldn’t want to hear them right now. So instead, I brought my lips to hers, and she didn’t fight it. Her lips were so soft, I swear my heart melted. Even after a couple of months together, kissing her felt brand new every time.

  I ran my tongue along the seam of her lips, tasting the sweet flavor of her chapstick, smelling the fall scent of her that reminded me of crushed leaves and crisp air. My fingers had a mind of their own and tangled in her long, wavy orange hair. It felt like silk, and I was so tempted to give the strands a hard yank. I still thought about that first time back in the morgue two months ago. I remembered it vividly, and she’d played a starring role in the majority of my dreams since then.

  I’d give anything to reenact that day right this second, but I knew if I took too long, I could ruin the surprise. We didn’t have much longer until they’d be expecting us. I pulled away reluctantly, not wanting to end the kiss, but I smiled when I noticed her face filled with a pretty pink blush that set off her paleness perfectly. She blinked at me, and I just gave her a wicked smile. “You know I love you, right?”

  She sucked in a sharp breath, and I could have sworn her bright eyes filled with silvery tears. But she just nodded her head.

  “Good. Because I never want you to doubt it for a fucking second, you hear me? I love you, Tobs. Always have and always will.” She was about to say something, but I shushed her with another quick kiss, then said, “Go on, we don’t have all night.”

  Narrowing her eyes at me, she just turned on her heel, grumbling the whole way. I watched her ascend the stairs, wearing nothing but a tight pair of spandex shorts and a Nirvana T-shirt. I wouldn’t even lie and say I wasn’t staring at her ass until she disappeared up the landing.

  Chapter 5


  “Why the hell is it so dark, Micheal?” I grumbled, my hands out in front of my face because it was pitch black and I didn’t want to take a nosedive off the side of the platform.

  “Shh. I got you, little freak,” Micheal whispered into the shell of my ear, causing the small little hairs on my arms to rise with excitement. What is it with dark spaces and stolen kisses? Gets a girl going, even when her heart was racing.

  First, he surprised me with this absolutely honest to god silk, flowing gown in the richest emerald green that reminded me of sparkling gems. The off the shoulder gown made my pale skin and orange hair stand out beautifully against the material. I’d never felt prettier, even in the matching heels, the back of the gown sweeping behind me like a flowing river. I knew for a fact that the theater wasn't putting on a show, and when he took me through the backstage entrance into the dark…I became more curious about what exactly he was up to.

  A single spotlight shined down on me in the middle of the stage, heating my skin and blinding me from seeing anything beyond the light. Something cool and wet landed on my forearm, puzzling me, and I glanced up to see a snowflake. Tiny, crystal clear snowflakes fell down from above on the catwalk. Frosty the Yeti, our local abominable snowman, wa
s flurrying together a shower of snow between his huge hands.

  “Wh-what? How? Why?” I stuttered out in disbelief. That’s when all the main lights turned on, stunning me into silence.

  All around me were shining, glittering decorations displayed around the whole theater, everything in bright Christmas colors. The glowing lights on the ginormous Christmas tree looked to be made out of flickering flames of red and green. It had a witch’s spell written all over it. Stockings hung on tiny hooks along the aisle seating leading to the stage…but the material looked like it was made out of…hairballs. Note to self—stay away from the wolves’ handy work…namely, the stocking stuffers. When I spun around, I saw a table of food was set up behind me, the aroma of sweets filling the air, colorful pastries shaped like little snowmen and trees.

  I wondered which one was the aunties’ creation…but I instantly knew by the green slug that was slopping off the table near the end. I looked away with a slight shudder, not knowing where to look next. I outright giggled at the stringed snowflake cut out hanging from the ceiling because some of them were cut out in sex positions and I instantly knew which demon did that. A movie projector was flickering on the projector screen that rolled down, showing a realistic image of decayed logs in a fireplace burning with a cauldron brewing on top. It was all starting to make sense—the bakery, the Pumpkin Eater candy, Toil and Trouble Café, the guys roaming in and out of each shop…just to bring Christmas alive in a town that had never known such a thing existed.

  A banner was strung across the doorway leading inside the auditorium, the words written in cobwebs spelling out, “Merry Christmas,” and that was when my eyes started watering.

  “Oh no! You aren’t supposed to cry! It’s supposed to make you happy! Don’t worry Toby, yo girl Jessica is here!” Jessica came slithering down her web from the banner in a rush and skittered to my side.

  All eight of her beady eyes stared at me with worry, biting her tusks into her bottom lip as she shifted on all of her legs. What surprised me and made me laugh was the compact portal mirror attached to her fuzzy back, Mads face peering back at me.

  “Merry Christmas you bitch. I freaking love you and may have been a tiny bit wrong about the guys. Give them my love and go get some dick. I’ll be seeing you soon.” Mads giggled at my dazed face expression, a watery smile spreading across my face

  “Where are they, Jessica?” I asked my familiar, feeling my throat close up at all of this.

  “Well, they’re waiting for you in the dressing room with a present.” I was already running to the back of the theater with my dress hiked up in my fists so I didn’t trip. “You have an hour before the town shows up, don’t ruin your dress!” Jessica shouted just as I slammed through the door leading into the maze of the back of the building, the dressing room door wide open at the end of the hallway.

  I skidded to a stop in the doorway, my jaw dropping at the sight before me.

  “Merry Christmas, love.” Damon grinned devilishly, eyes flashing a bright yellow as he rocked back and forth on his heels with a cheerful whistle.

  All that I could see was the carefully wrapped box with a purple bow on top, because first, he was buck ass naked, and second, the box was the only thing covering his dick.

  “For the love of the great pumpkin! Damon, you bastard! I told you no one wants a dick in the box for Christmas!” Jason said suddenly, making an appearance as he raked his hands through his hair, his muscles flexing under my very watchful gaze.

  “I think you're completely wrong. Our girl looks like she’s very eager to rip open her gifts. Aren’t you, my carrot top?” Freddy cooned from the shadows, then he strode over to a scowling Jason, wrapping his arm around his shoulder with a grin as he winked at me.

  I thought I was drooling because Jason, aka Damon, wasn’t the only one with a dick in the box. Freddy’s abs shifted as he flexed them for me, all the tight muscles drawing me closer through the door and having me really wanting to open my presents. Suddenly, a dozen candles flickered to life, creating a glow around the room. That was when I spotted a smirking Michael, his arms crossed over his impressive chest and a freaking bow wrapped around his hard cock.

  “I do believe we owe you many orgasms. It seems we failed as boyfriends, but don’t worry, baby girl. We’ll make it up to you.” His eyes darkened as he talked, his black eyes glossy and reflecting my image in his gaze.

  My face was flushed with desire, my pupils dilated and my chest rising rapidly up and down under their watchful gazes as they kept coming closer.

  “Nothing to say, my little freak? We have an hour, and we want to make you feel good. Will you let us make you feel good, October?” Norman whispered in my ear from behind, his body heat warming my back. thatWhen he pressed up completely against my back, I could feel he was naked through the exposed part of my dress.

  Velvet soft yet hard muscles closed around me from all sides, and when I spinned in Norman’s arms, it was to see only a Santa hat resting on top of his head. My fingers spread across his chest, gliding over his pecs as I looked up into his green eyes and found it hard to talk.

  “You guys are in so much trouble,” I told them, my voice rough at all the emotions straining in my throat. “But I fucking love you all. You guys did this for me? All of it?”

  “We know how much you miss Maddie, a bit of normal in your life, and your parents,” Jason muttered beside me, stroking my cheek as a tear fell down.

  “This is our home now, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to keep tradition around. We just start new ones together,” Freddy said, planting a soft kiss on my shoulder.

  “This is our Christmas. If you want this?” Micheal asked, grabbing my hand and placing it over his racing heart.

  “Don’t you know we’d do anything for you, October? We aren’t going anywhere,” Norman whispered, a promise in his deep, raspy voice.

  It all became too much. I was crying and laughing at the same time as I grasped the back of Freddy’s neck to kiss him with everything inside me. He immediately responded, kissing me back so fiercely that I swore the place caught on fire. I broke away slightly with a gasp, smiling at them when I tipped my head back to look at each of them.

  “I love you guys so much. I need you…all of you, right now.”

  Suddenly, multiple fingers were caressing my body, sliding my gown up and over my head gently before placing their large hands back on me in loving strokes that set a blazing heat in my lower stomach, an ache that had my thighs clenching together. My eyes remained locked with Freddy, as if I needed the contact to keep my head on straight. His wide lips were twisted into a satisfied smirk the whole time.

  I felt palms skim down my thighs, and a pressure had me widening my stance, making room. My heart was raging, and I was sure both Norman and Freddy could hear it like a drum in the silent room. Hot lips peppered the back of my neck with kisses, trailing agonizingly down the side of my throat to my shoulder before nipping at the skin. The little stinging sensations had me tingling with pleasure.

  “You better be ready for us, red,” someone whispered in my ear. His hot breath tickled the hairs on the nape of my neck as he skimmed his lips over the sensitive spot, and I shivered.

  Leaning my head backwards and letting my eyes fall shut, I rested on a hard chest as palms skimmed over my flat stomach, making their way farther down. I whispered, “I’ve been ready for a long time. You left me wanting and in need for days.”

  I could have sworn someone in the room growled, probably Freddy, and the thought of his beast coming out made my heart race even faster. I moaned the second I felt fingers dipping lower, spreading me open in a single fluid motion. Those fingers began to swirl in small, tight motions, sending zingling strikes of pleasure through my veins. My breathing was ragged now, and my hips were undulating, begging them for more.

  “Beautiful…” a soft voice said, but it was quieter than I would have expected. It was breathy and distorted, and I realized I was hearing someone's tho

  As the fingers kept swirling, I felt another sensation—a slight vibration on my breasts. It started out soft and pulsing, and my eyes flew open. I looked to the side and saw Michael right there, his eyes changing color and that black magic racing up his arms like smokey tendrils. I knew he was sending his power out towards me, heightening every sensation. The vibrations swirled around my nipples, and I moaned again, eyes wanting to roll back in my head. I saw Freddy glance at Michael and grin devilishly.

  I suddenly felt myself being lifted off the floor, and a small yelp fell from my lips, along with a laugh. Next thing I knew, I was being set down on something incredibly hard. I squirmed, and arms came around my torso, and I realized quickly that I was sitting in a lap. I craned my neck, glancing over my shoulder to find I was in Jason’s lap. He winked at me, and I felt my whole body flush. His hands once again skimmed down my stomach, and his thick fingers spread me open, dipping into my wetness as I let my head fall back against his chest again in ecstasy.

  “That’s a good girl, love” someone else whispered. It sounded like Jason, but I knew it was Damon. Opening my eyes, I saw Jason’s mirror image, only with horns and yellow eyes, staring down at me. His thick cock was in his palm, and he was stroking himself leisurely.

  Jason’s fingers moved faster, and then soon, Norman was kneeling down in front of me. He spread my thighs open gently, and I let them fall slack. He licked his lips before lowering his face to the apex of my thighs and peppering kisses on my chilled skin. I squirmed again, needing a release that would blow my mind so badly, I almost couldn’t stand it.


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