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Straight Up [Frostbite Falls Christmas 4] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

Page 9

by Willa Edwards

  If she’d had any function left in her limbs she would have combed her hands through the springy hairs sprinkled across his chest. She’d never understood women that enjoyed bare-chested men. What was a real man without a little hair? Just enough to grab on, to tug at the right time to have him moaning beneath her.

  He leaned up on one arm, staring at her with such intent she sucked in a deep breath. “I could watch you come all day, Vic. It’s so damn gorgeous.” He traced her jaw and across her throat.

  “Sounds good to me.” She smiled back at him.

  “I bet, honey.” Sam chuckled before placing a kiss on her lips.

  “Let’s start with one at a time, baby.” Trevor playfully nipped at her inner thigh, and she fought the urge to roll her eyes. Like hell she’d let them out of this bed without giving her at least a few orgasms. Ten sounded like a good number to start with.

  Trevor pulled the thumb from her pussy. She whimpered at the withdrawal, her muscles clenching him the whole way. She only had a second to process the emptiness before Trevor traced a damp path down her body to rub against her asshole. Every nerve ending in her ass flared, alive with heat. She barely had enough time to process his intentions before he started pushing the digit inside.

  She screamed, the invasion so foreign she didn’t quite know how to process it. She’d never experienced anything like it. She sucked in a deep steadying breath, determined to find a way to enjoy it. No matter what.

  “How does that feel, Vic?” Sam’s kind eyes stared up at her. “Does it hurt?”

  She shook her head. There wasn’t any pain. It was more strange. But the way he looked at her, with so much affection, had every ounce of discomfort floating away. “I’m fine. I’m good.” And it was true. Slowly, carefully, the sensation changed, morphing into something different. Not completely pleasure yet, but getting closer.

  Sam kissed her, hard and deep, as Trevor did the same between her legs. He sucked her clit as he fucked his thumb into her ass, each press and withdrawal morphing the sensation from foreign and awkward to pleasurable. She moaned into Sam’s mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck, needing the solid point of contact to stay stable in the world. The combination of sensations was almost too much to handle.

  Everything in her body tingled, holding on the edge of her control by the tips of her fingernails. She’d waited six months to get here. Six full months of planning and scheming to get to this moment, and she wasn’t about to let it go without a fight.

  But that wasn’t really true. She’d schemed to get them into her bed last night, sure once she’d captured them she could be able to keep them. Last night had been the result of her manipulation. This was better.

  She’d always thought she could create anything she wanted with a little thought and a plan. But somehow the raw truth of this moment only made it sweeter. Trevor nipped at her clit, and she couldn’t hold back any longer. She clung to Sam’s shoulders, as she screamed against his lips. Her whole body tensed, every muscle clenched from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Her body bucked as each ripple of sweet heat raced through her, threatening to set her and the whole damn house on fire. That would be a fitting response to all her father’s belly aching about the coffee pot being removed. She’d take the whole place down with her.

  Trevor licked her through each contraction, keeping the pleasure going for so long her throat hurt from all her screams. He withdrew his thumb from her ass only when her breathing returned to a less concerning rhythm.

  Or at least it had been a more normal rate, until Sam looked at her with his eyes full of fire and her heart started to pound all over again. “Are you ready for more, honey?” He nibbled the edge of her ear, sending a shiver down her body.

  She nodded, licking her lips. She wanted more. When it came to the two of them, she’d never get enough. Which might be inconvenient in the long run. It would definitely be difficult to run her store from this bed with Trevor between her thighs. But it might be a challenge she was up for. She’d need to find something to do with her free time, now that she didn’t have to spend it trying to get them in bed.

  With an arm around her waist, Sam hauled her on top of him. And she went easily, more than happy to feel all his hard muscles against her body.

  “I still can’t believe you’re here.” He shoved her coat off her shoulders to fall back on the floor behind them. Grabbing the hem of her dress, he yanked it over her head.

  She brushed her fingers along his jaw, still smooth from his morning shave. “Me neither.” And for all her scheming and planning, she’d worried this moment would never come either.

  Sam unfastened her bra and peeled it off her body. She almost purred, naked and spread out against him. No bunched up or hastily shoved aside clothing kept them apart. Just naked skin on naked skin. His hands stroked her back, tracing soft fingers across her skin, as if he enjoyed the feel as much as her.

  “Then we better make it worth it.” He smiled up at her.

  She couldn’t agree more. But instead of responding, she pressed her lips to his in a soft chaste kiss. Conveying what she couldn’t in words with the movement of her mouth. For all her many talents, expressing emotions wasn’t at the top of the list. She only hoped he knew what she meant.

  To her left, Trevor extracted two condoms from the nightstand drawer and dropped them on the sheet beside Sam. “Now that we have you here, you know there’s no way we’re letting you go.”

  She giggled, feeling freer than ever before. “That’s what I’m counting on.”

  Grabbing one of the condom packets, she ripped it open. Her whole body hot and shaky beneath Sam’s blatant interest. With one smooth motion, she rolled the latex over Sam’s cock, sheathing him quickly.

  She wanted to move slow, to take her time and enjoy her fill of them. Now that she finally had them all to herself, she wanted to enjoy every touch and taste and feel. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t hold back.

  They had plenty of time for leisurely and drawn out later. Right now she just wanted them. Hard, fast, demanding enough her every cell knew she belonged to them and vice versa.

  Lifting her leg, she grabbed Sam’s cock and aligned him with her slit. Sam’s eyes squeezed tight at the brush of the head against her damp flesh, and she fought back the same urge. If she wasn’t worried that it might result in her falling off this bed, and more importantly releasing Sam, she just might have. But she had far more important items to focus on, like having Sam inside her.

  With a wiggle of her hips, she sank onto Sam’s cock. She moaned as each glorious inch pressed inside her. She gripped his chest as every muscle in her body began to quiver beneath the pure pleasure running through her. He groaned with her, throwing his head back against the sheets. His hands held on to her hips, not pushing or pulling her, but allowing her to control the motion.

  “God, Vic, you’re killing me.”

  She smiled, loving the power she held over him. If he wanted to, he could throw her down and slam into her in one long push and she couldn’t stop him. More than that, she wouldn’t try. But he let her take the lead, reveling in her power over him, just as much as she did.

  When he was finally completely inside her, she paused, focusing on breathing as sensation ripped through her body. She tangled her fingers in the hair along his chest, loving the way he groaned and the way he jerked inside her when she tugged on them. God, she was going to have so much fun playing with them. Or at least she would once she figured out how to be naked around them without mounting them in less than ten seconds.

  “Ride me, Vic. Show me how hot you are.”

  She’d never really liked being told what to do. That’s probably how she’d become the queen of Frostbite Falls to begin with. More than her father’s job or her family’s money, she had demanded the title. But when they told her what to do—in this room at least —she didn’t mind it. In fact, it was hot. But that didn’t mean she could just let him slide.

��As you wish.” She slowly, leaned up inch by torturous inch until he was almost completely out of her, before she fell back down. Tormenting herself as much as him with her deliberate movement.

  Sam groaned, long and low, his hands gripping her hips. “Damn it, Vic.” He grunted, his mouth a hard line, his teeth gritted together. Yet he still didn’t push her to move faster. He let her set the course, even though it was torture to him.

  “Not hot enough for you?” She glared at him, unable to keep the smile from her face as she slid up and down on him in long slow strokes. Her hands clenched on his shoulders. Her thigh muscles ached with the slow deliberate movements, but the look on his face made it all worth it.

  His eyes slid open, and the hazy quality had her stomach twisting. She loved that starstruck look in his eyes, and she loved even more that she was the one who’d put it there. He tightened his hands on her hips, the desperation in his touch bleeding through to her. “You’re always hot enough for me, Vic.”

  “That’s better.” She pushed back up, moving a little faster on his cock. “And don’t you dare forget it.” She tangled her fingers in the fur across his chest, tugging lightly, and he grunted beneath her. “I’m the one in charge. You are mine to play with.”

  “Damn right.” His hips rose up to meet hers, thrusting a little deeper inside her. “I’m all yours, baby. Any way you want me. As long as you want me, I’m satisfied.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Her point was made, so she sped up. He’d learned his lesson. There was no reason to go slow anymore. It had nothing to do with the fact that her inner thighs were burning, or the desperate needy ache in her clit. That wasn’t it at all. Every good student deserved a reward for good behavior. It was as simple as that.

  She rose up and sank back down on his cock, releasing a little whimper at the friction of his cock sliding into her.

  “That’s it, baby.” He shifted his hips up to meet her downward thrust, impaling her further on his cock. She cried out at the invasion, so sweetly brutal her whole body trembled. “You’re so fucking hot. So beautiful. I could stay inside you forever.”

  The idea didn’t sound all that bad to her either.

  “Remind me not to get on your bad side, sweetheart.” Trevor chuckled as he yanked off his shirt, revealing rippling muscle from the top of his shoulders to the edge of his jeans. He unbuckled his belt as he toed out of his shoes. A wicked smile kicked up at the corners of his lips and did crazy things to her insides. His eyes never left hers, always watching, and getting off on what he saw. “If that’s how you treat someone you’re happy with, I hate to think what you’d do to your enemies.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  Damn, these were the men for her. With a shove, he pushed his pants and underwear down his legs, kicking them away. But it was the sight of the massive erection he sported, thick and large and all hers, that had her body flaming.

  She really was a selfish girl. Her boys had been right about that. But it wasn’t material possession she lusted after. It was these men. She wanted both of them. In every way she could think of, and a few more she’d have to research on the Internet.

  “You remember all those fantasies I told you about yesterday?” She glanced back and forth between the two sets of dark eyes focused on her. They didn’t need to respond. From the way their breathing picked up speed, she had no doubt they knew exactly what she talked about. “I have another one.”

  “Really, baby?” Trevor brushed his fingers along her back, bringing every nerve in her skin alive beneath his touch. “And what’s that?”

  Victoria took a deep breath, her fingers shaking even as her temperature skyrocketed. “I want both of you. At the same time.”

  Chapter Ten

  Sam paused beneath her. The wild look in Trevor’s eyes had her heart pounding.

  “Are you asking for what I think you are?” Trevor’s voice was husky, like he couldn’t take a full breath. Apparently his lungs were as paralyzed as hers.

  “Yes. I want you in my ass, while Sam is in my pussy.” Always a straightforward kind of girl, she didn’t see the point in talking around the question now. Not when being direct would save so much time.

  “Are you sure, Vic?” Sam’s hands tightened on her waist. The strain of holding himself back was already evident on his face.

  She nodded. “Yes. I’ve been dreaming about this for months. I want this more than I can describe.”

  “Us, too, baby.” Trevor cupped her face in his hands, yanking her mouth to his for a kiss that was far sweeter than she would have expect with his cousin’s cock buried deep inside her.

  “Trevor, do you have anything to prepare her?” Sam’s voice was a growl, the effort it took him to remain still becoming more and more apparent with each passing minute.

  Trevor opened his nightstand drawer, fishing through the contents until he withdrew a little tube. Given what she’d suggested, it could only be one thing. Lubricant. From all the naughty books Grace had convinced her to read—which hadn’t been that hard a sell—she knew what came next. But reading, and doing, were two different things. “Yup, we’re covered.”

  A hand cupped her cheek, warm and soft against her skin, calming her breathing she hadn’t realized had become ragged. “If this is still what you want, Vic.” Sam’s calm voice pulled her back to her body. “We can do this another day. We have plenty of time if you’re scared.”

  “I’m not scared.” Which wasn’t entirely true, but not completely untrue either. She was a little apprehensive. This was a new experience for her. But just as much as she was hesitant she was excited, too. Desperate and needy, in a way she’d never been before.

  She focused on loosening her hands. She leaned down to press kisses to the six small crescent marks she’d carved into his shoulders. “I want this.” And she did. More than she could express in words. “I know you’ll take care of me.”

  “We will, Vic, I promise.” An edge of concern filled his gaze, but he didn’t deny her either, trusting her to decide for herself. He wasn’t treating her like china doll, or like a remote untouchable queen to be worshiped from afar, but like an equal partner, capable and complete unto herself.

  “You ready, baby?” Trevor’s voice was deep and rusty from behind her.

  She nodded, her whole body shaking with just those three simple words. “Yes,” she answered through a creaky voice, to make her point clear. She didn’t want to take any chance she might be misunderstood.

  Sam maneuvered one hand up her back, pushing her to his chest. The bed dipped with the addition of Trevor’s weight behind her.

  His heat warmed her back a second before his breath puffed against her nape. “This is going to be a little cold at first, but it will warm up.”

  The click of the bottle opening rang through the room. Trevor’s hot hands held her cheeks apart. She hissed at the cool lube spread against her back passage, sending a shiver up her spine. Trevor rubbed the substance into her body, warming it quickly. Each brush of his fingers brought to life nerves she never knew existed, shooting a tingle through her body.

  “Take a deep breath, baby. I’m going to push a little deeper.” His voice was a harsh growl in her ears, barely restrained. And another surge of lust flooded her body.

  She nodded and did as he said, breathing deep as he pressed a finger inside her. The sensation was foreign but not unpleasant. Especially when Sam’s hands held her as Trevor pressed his finger deeper.

  “How does that feel, baby?” Trevor’s free hand traced along her side, stabilizing her as new sensations ran through her body.

  “I feel full. Full of the two of you.” She shifted her hips in tiny increments, unable to stay still with both of them inside her. She was probably torturing Sam, squirming around on him, but at the moment she couldn’t care. She was far too focused on the quivers racing through her body to worry about Sam’s torment.

  “Not as full as you’re going to be.” Trevor chuckled in her ear, sendi
ng another surge of heat rushing through her.

  He thrust another finger inside her, and the shivers she’d felt before turned into earthquakes. Her cunt clenched on Sam’s cock with each twist and flick of Trevor’s fingers inside her. Yet it still wasn’t enough. Not enough of them. That selfish naughty part of her was back, and she wanted it all. Everything they could give her and more.

  “You’re always making promises and never fulfilling them.” She turned her head to glare at Trevor, but she had a feeling her smile cut much of the irritation in her voice.

  “Oh, I’m going to make good on those promises, baby. Just you wait.”

  He pulled his fingers out of her, and she whimpered at the loss. It was amazing how quickly she’d become used to the extra pressure. The combination of his fingers along with Sam’s cock ignited a whole new set of erogenous zones in her body.

  The rip of a condom wrapper echoed behind her, a few seconds before she felt the pressure of Trevor’s cock against her asshole. She sucked in a deep breath, her body shuddering. If just one brush had her shaking, she could only imagine how it would feel to have him all the way inside her.

  “Are you ready?” Trevor kissed her shoulders, his gentle care only proving further this was exactly where she was meant to be. With them.

  “Yes,” she whimpered, leaning into Sam’s chest, needing both their support. “Please.”

  Victoria wasn’t a woman to beg. She was the queen. She merely asked for what she wanted, and everyone scurried to do her bidding. But something about the needy pleasure they’d created inside her changed everything. She wasn’t the queen here. She was just a woman. A woman who desperately wanted them both, and would beg for them.

  “Okay, baby. Take a deep breath and try your best to let me in.” He gripped her waist, holding her still.

  With the shift of his hips, the pressure increased. She did as he said, sucking in a deep breath as he pushed inside her. Yet even with the calming breath she still wasn’t prepared for the sensation of him pressing past muscles that didn’t want to surrender. It was so much more than she’d anticipated. More than she’d ever experienced before.


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