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The Werewolf's Ball: The Resplendent Alpha

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by Gabrijela Fouche'


  The Resplendent Alpha Series

  Gabrijela Fouche’

  The Werewolf’s Ball

  Copyright © 2021 by Gabrijela Fouche’ All rights reserved.

  Book Cover Design by Xee_design1 Designs

  Book Edited by Random World Editing Services

  All rights Reserved. Except as under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without prior written permission of Gabrijela Fouche’.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the production of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons – living or dead- is entirely coincidental.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit and erotic fiction. This book is intended for audiences 18+. This book contains explicit and graphic sexual situations and may not be suitable for the tastes of all audiences.


  Sebastian Daniel relaxed in the cushioned makeup chair. He was early for the shoot and enjoyed this quiet time as the stylist did her thing. Not that there was much to do, but Natalya McClain rarely chatted and enjoyed combing and playing with his long dark hair. She was also one of the few stylists who gave scalp massages and every now again, if requested, a neck and shoulder rub. She had strong hands. He didn’t ask her often but sometimes; it was just too hard to resist. His gaze flicked up to her in the mirror, her face was soft and her expression tranquil. He could feel her nails raking his scalp and he wanted to growl or rather, his wolf wanted to growl. His wolf loved the scratching, he supposed most dogs would.

  Sebastian was a model and his exotic looks landed him a lot of work in and out of the country. He was relatively handsome and he knew it, but with his long hair, he was stunning. Most alpha werewolves had long hair in the fashion industry. In other areas in life, alphas have other features that made them stand apart from other werewolves. Some had massive muscles, like overblown bodybuilders, others had massive cocks. His cock was nothing to be ashamed of and it was thick and long and he’d never had a complaint, but he’d seen his share of hideously werewolf dicks. I think I’d rather just stick with nice hair, he snorted silently. Whatever the case, there was something special about werewolves. He thought perhaps it was because of selective breeding. There were many alphas in the modeling industry. In the Remus Lupin scattered all across the world, alphas excelled at their chosen professions and were successful in every field. In his field of work, if there was a man with long hair walking down the catwalk, chances were, he was a werewolf and more than likely an alpha. It wasn’t always the case.

  His gaze shifted back to Natalya, her co-workers and many of the models called her Nat, because she was a small, petite woman. The woman was fairly nondescript and perpetually wore the obligatory lab coat with numerous pockets that held makeup and pins. He didn’t think he’d ever seen her without it. The thing came down to her shins and nearly swallowed her. He thought she must have snagged the coat from a doctor’s office and added the extra pockets later. It was her uniform.

  When he stood, her nose came to just about his sternum. No, Nat wasn’t beautiful, she was just on the edge of pretty, almost there, but not quite. She did have a head of beautiful red hair and pretty hazel eyes. But no, she wasn’t what he’d consider a beauty. She was nice wallpaper, something you’d have in the back room, nothing you’d see up front. In his profession, he’d come across many beautiful women, in and out of makeup. Nat didn’t wear makeup, maybe a little lipstick, but no, no makeup. So, why did he keep looking at her? Huh. That bothered him. He felt his wolf shift within. Did his wolf like her? Was that it? Though he and his wolf were one, there was a duality there as well. Sometimes he didn’t have control over his wolf. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like it when he wasn’t in total control.


  Natalya McClain sat on the bus bench, gazing out the window. It had been a long day and she’d been on her feet for most of that. She let her body sway with the rocking of the bus. She thought back to earlier that morning, when they’d moved eight models through to their shoots. One of the models was Sebastian Daniel. Every time Sebastian had a shoot, he chose her chair. It was all she could do not to climax right then and there. She wasn’t a fool; she knew she was in lust with the man, if not love. How could she not be? He was always sweet to her and spoke to her like a normal person. Many of the models, men and women, looked down on the less beautiful. As though they could catch ugly from their stylist. That was the business and she’d never taken it personally, only because she knew she could never compete.

  If she were pretty, she might hold out hope, but Natalya was a realist. She’d been told all her life that she was a plain Jane. Not ugly, but no pretty girl there. She’d never thought about it because it had been told to her so frequently, that it was simply a fact of life.

  “Not everyone can be pretty, Natalya, so you must be pretty on the inside,” her mother had told her over and over throughout her life. She knew her mother had meant well and had tried to prepare her for the harsh realities of life. When you were average looking, you had to be above average in your thinking and learning. It would balance out. After working in this field almost ten years, she knew Sebastian was out of her league. She’d been working with him for over three years now and he seemed ageless and just as beautiful when she’d seen him that first time. She had nearly orgasmed back then. Heat suffused her cheeks and she looked around the bus. Everyone else was looking out the window and didn’t notice her. She snorted softly. She was never noticed and always overlooked. She sighed and laid her head against the window, thinking about the first time she’d seen the beautiful man. It had nearly made her cry. How could a man be so beautiful? His full sculped lips, deep brown eyes that were almond shape and high cheeks and lickable jawline. His strong neck would make a vampire orgasm to bite it. He seemed haughty and arrogant in the beginning, but over time, she’d gotten to know him a little better.

  Today, she’d tried out her Japanese on him. He’d been surprised. When she’d first met Sebastian, she had asked about his parents, life and so on, small talk. He’d mentioned that his father was French and his mother was Japanese. That very day, she’d gone home and ordered Rosetta Stone and the Japanese course. For three years she’d been studying the intricate language and had practiced with an online chat group. She had honed her skills for only one purpose, to speak to Sebastian. She was a fool and she knew it. Fool, fool, fool. She was a bonified stalker and a groupie. But the look on his face had been priceless and the luminous smile that had radiated from his eyes had been worth it. They had carried on the rest of their conversation in Japanese. Her best friend Tonya, had looked over and grinned. Only Tonya and well, maybe Cristian knew of her crush on the handsome man. Tonya knew that she’d been teaching herself Japanese. She’d just laughed and rolled her eyes.

  “You’re a hot mess. But, hey, learning is a good thing. You never know what kind of job you can get with that knowledge.” Tonya was always on her side.

  You’re an idiot, woman. You know that man, hell most men don’t want nothing to do with a girl like you. Stay in your own shallow end, she scolded herself. It was a conversation she had with herself over and over. Nat sighed heavily and jolted the bus stopped. She got up and walked down the aisle. Getting off the bus, she turned to walk the two blocks to her apartment. She was supposed to go to belly dancing class tonight but she was just too tire. Her back hurt and she just couldn’t bear the thought of movi
ng and stretching her body. Tomorrow, she’d go and make it up, she knew Tonya would forgive her. They went to the same class together. Her life was filled with self-help projects, hobbies, food to fill the vast void in her life.

  “You’re just too fussy when it comes to men,” Tonya had told her once. She was, she knew she was. But most of the guys she met where either shallow or ugly as sin and that was ugly inside and outside. She’d dated plenty over the years. They all wanted sex with no attempt at a relationship. Hit it and quit it. She just couldn’t bring herself to stay with them or date them. She had tried, really tried, but had been humiliated or embarrassed or just pissed off at them time after time. She had been told over and over how plain she was and she should be grateful for the date or a pity fuck. Grateful! No, she’d rather not date and be alone than to have a man think she should be grateful for the crumbs of attention he might throw her way.

  She climbed the stairs to her apartment and unlocked the door. She threw her bag off to the side and kicked off her shoes.

  “Oh, that feels sooooo good.” She wasn’t even hungry, just wound up. She was always this way after working on Sebastian. She didn’t know why she tormented herself. He would never notice her in that sexual way in a million years. She’d seen photos of him with some of his dates and girlfriends, beautiful, tall, leggy women. Stunning and they matched him in elegance. There were of two different worlds, he was the beauty and she was the beast. She’d been called that once, oh, not to her face. She’d heard one of the male models talking to one of the women models. She’d been behind a heavy canvas curtain, digging out supplies. The couple had been in their chairs and were chit chatting in friendly conversation. She wasn’t sure how she came into the conversation.

  “These girls do make us look good,” he said, his voice slightly bored.

  “It’s pretty easy, I mean, you have to have a great canvas to start with,” the woman replied, her annoying tinkling laughter bounced off the walls, before she continued. “Nat does such a great job. I don’t know how she does it. I come in looking good, but when I get in front of the camera, it’s like I’m a whole new person.” That made Natalya wanted to smile, she thought that was nice of the girl to say so. Nat was older than most of the women models, who were in their late teens and early twenties. Women models had a short shelf life.

  “Well, it takes a beast to make us beauties,” the male model had said and it was like a gut punch to her. Nat had nearly dropped her supplies and had to fight for control. To be called a beast had hurt her to the core. She knew she was no beauty; she had never been delusional that way. She knew she wasn’t pretty, but she certainly wasn’t ugly and most assuredly, not a beast. She’d had to take a few minutes to collect herself before going back around. She felt her eyes sting at the memories and wiped angrily at her face.

  “People’s opinions are like assholes, everyone’s gottem, especially those two assholes!” Tonya said when Nat had relayed the conversation between the models. That had made her smile and feel better. Fairy fuck them all. No, she was under no illusions about herself and Sebastian. But she couldn’t help the way she felt. Three years later and that feeling hadn’t diminished. It had only grown stronger. Like a moth to a flame and she knew she burned for him. Stalker much? she thought.

  “You’re an idiot,” she mutters as she made her way to the bedroom. She stripped down and looked into the full-length mirror. Butterface. A date had called her butterface. He told her she should be glad she was on a date with him. She snorted. She did have a very nice body. Her hands went to her high firm breasts, they were way more than a handful. A tiny tight waist and hips that flared out. She had junk in her trunk and she turned and looked at her rear aspect. She grinned and jiggled her rump. It was helpful when she did her belly dancing. That was one of the biggest reasons she had started taking the dance class. It kept her body tight and toned, especially when she filled her evenings with ice cream. Plus, it was sexy as hell.

  When she’d been in high school, they’d had a carnival at school. Some of the entertainment had been a troupe of belly dancers. Some of the dancers were good, some of the dancers were hypnotic. She couldn’t keep her eyes from the women and she’d thought she might be gay. But as she looked around the crowd, most of the women were just as enthralled as she. She turned around to face the mirror.

  “You might be a butterface, but you got a bangin’ body.” She turned and went to take a shower. She would use the attachment to start the evening festivities. She wasn’t fooling herself. She wasn’t too tired for belly dancing; it was because Sebastian had come to her chair today. She wanted to fantasize about him and let her body enjoy that game. She turned on the shower and got the heat just right. She leaned her back against the cool tiled wall and spread her legs. Picking up the wand, she turned the dial to medium jet. She smiled as she brought the wand down and let the heated water spike between her thighs. The water pressure was just right and she felt the first tingling deep within. She used her other hand and spread the gentle folds of her labia. The hot water pounded her clitoris and she moaned. She thought about Sebastian, going over his features. He was on his knees and her hands were tangled in his beautiful hair.

  She’d seen him in nearly nothing on some of the shoots. The man didn’t have an ounce of fat on him. His ridged abdomen was cut with muscles, his sixpack well defined and all she could think was how nice it would be to lick him from top to bottom. His skin was dark from summer sun and he had fur all over his upper chest and a soft trail that led to his hidden cock. Most of the models shaved and he did as well, but there were times when Sebastian was in full hairy glory. He had dark nipples that begged to be bit and sucked. He had long strong powerful muscular legs. Many of the male models had great upper torsos, but lacked below. Not Sebastian, he was a marvel to human evolution. Nat imagined his mouth on her and she groaned, the sound echoing off the tiles. She could almost feel his tongue as it flicked her clitoris and she helped it along with her own finger. Her muscles clenched and she felt that inner moisture. She was getting close. She could imagine his hands going up and gripping her hips then her rump. She could feel his strong fingers digging in almost painfully and his hot mouth now full on her pussy. She could feel his tongue flicking inside her and she moved her finger faster. Her heart was racing, beating frantically as she got closer to release.

  He used his teeth on her and she screamed as the orgasm punched into her with a ferocity, she’d rarely experienced. She dropped the wand and water shot around her but she didn’t care. Her legs felt like jelly as the pulse moved through her, over and over. A soft smile moved across her mouth. With a shaking hand, she reached over and turned off the water. She stumbled out of the shower and stumbled to her bed without drying off. Her ears were pulsing with the aftershocks of the orgasm and her hand reached blindly under her pillow and she grabbed one of her vibrators.

  “Oh man,” she panted. She turned the knob and the vibrator came to life. It was the thick vibrator with the little nubby nubs. She called it the Big Bad Wolf. She had two others, Mr. Long and Slender and Mr. Hurt Me Good. She pulled her mind back to Sebastian and he was now in her bed, above her. Her eyes were tightly shut and she could see him over her, his strong muscular arms holding him firm in place. She’d actually touched his arms, all in line with doing her job of course. They were like iron and it had only been a brief touch, but it had been enough. He was so beautiful; it made her heart hurt. Nat spread her legs for him and she set the vibrator to her clit. Her hips jerked as she was hit with another orgasm and though this one wasn’t as powerful, it still rocketed through her. In her mind, she could feel his warmth and she moved the vibrator to her opening. As it entered, so did Sebastian and she was wet and slick as she slid the pseudo cock in and out slowly. Her hips moved with their own rhythm. She knew it wasn’t real but she could see him and feel him and smell him. She knew his scent by heart and she imagined him kissing her, deeply, passionately and Nat came one more time, letting the explosion
of the orgasm rush through her body, her blood, her brain.


  There was movement all around him but Sebastian was oblivious to it. Living in a large city meant large populations and his sense of smell and hearing were keen. The wolf gave him the ability to detect drug use, alcoholism, fertility, arousal and corruption of the body. He could hear at distance and had listened into more than one conversation. Now, he just let the noise wash over him. He had learned over the years to ignore smells unless they punched through his consciousness, like a bum betting for change. There were quite a few models, males and females that were on some kind of drug or drank alcohol on the job. Models that purged after they ate were unhealthy and he could scent them easily. It would only be a matter of years before their teeth rotted out. His lip curled. The beauty industry was demanding and people did stupid things to keep that beauty.

  What he didn’t smell were other female werewolves. Those were rare, so very rare. He’d only met a few in his life. Beautiful and stunning creatures. They only mated with the richest alphas out there.

  His mother and father were human, but his grandfather was a werewolf and Sebastian had inherited the gene. He and his family had emigrated to the United States when he’d been ten years old. He’d spent his earlies years in Osaka, Japan. He’d grown up in the world of the Japanese culture and coming to the United States had been a severe culture shock. He had become shy and withdrawn. When he’d gone through puberty, he’d become the werewolf. Thankfully, his grand-pere had been visiting and had instructed him.

  “Vous avez la chance de porter le loupe n vous, you are blessed to carry the wolf within you,” his grand-pere said long ago. Sebastian carried the werewolf and perhaps one day, the wolf. Not all werewolves were created equal. There were many werewolves that were unable to change to true wolves. The werewolf was the working man’s equivalent in werewolf society. Only older alphas became true wolves. His grandfather was one of those. He could change from man to werewolf to wolf. What had once been frightening and overwhelming had become an asset. When he’d gone to high school, he’d noticed that the girls liked him and hovered around him. He’d lost his virginity at sixteen and hadn’t looked back.


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