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The Werewolf's Ball: The Resplendent Alpha

Page 8

by Gabrijela Fouche'

  “You really are a werewolf,” she said softly and her eyes searched his face and her free hand reached out and touched his face, to feel it. Her fingertips were chilled. He let out another breath. He needed her calm because the really bad news was coming up.

  “Tonight, I was going to tell you who I was. Me and my wolf have chosen you to be our mate. That was one of the reasons I wanted to get to know you. My wolf has loved you for a long time. But I wasn’t paying attention. But now I am. When werewolves love, they love forever. When they choose a mate, it is forever. We wanted to choose you for our mate.”

  “You keep saying we. There are two of you?”

  “No, we are of one body but we are also dual. We can occupy the same body at the same time. Shifting as you saw. Though I am one, my werewolf is a part of me but in a way, he is separate. I had this big plan to take you up to my room and tell you all of this. But I made the mistake of touching you in front of the alphas.”

  “What? Alphas? What are you talking about?” There was confusion in her eyes.

  “The men, the ones with the long hair. The models. They are werewolves. They are alphas and they are powerful and dominate. When they saw me touch you and kiss you on the cheek, you came up on their radar. When they came and asked you to dance, they were issuing a challenge to me and a claim to you. Each one marked you by licking your palm. Each bit you by laying their claim.”

  “What? That’s crazy. Don’t I get a say in this?”

  “No. No you don’t. It’s my fault. I didn’t realize it. But they saw you as a prize. As someone I coveted and they wanted what I wanted. It’s something dark in our werewolf culture. Dominance is everything. Everyone wants to be an alpha. But alphas want what other alphas have. They want you.”

  “But. But. They can’t have me. I’ll tell them no.”

  “It’s too late. You danced with them and they licked and bit you. You’re now up for grabs. You must choose one of them or they will rip you apart. They will rape and kill you.”

  Her mouth opened and closed and he could hear her heart racing and smell the fear.

  “They see that I’ve laid my claim as well. This is very ritualized because back in the day, the claimants would rip each other apart. There would be bloodshed and death. Because I’ve not danced with you yet, I’ve got to take my turn with you. But here’s the thing. When I take you out to dance, the others will try to take you away from me. How many men did you dance with?”

  “Four. Ian, Brian, Mike and Ross. Luke had come up and asked, but I told him no.”

  “That little fucker.” He wanted to go kick the shit out of Luke. Four. It was manageable. If he’d not seen her, she might have danced with more and he wasn’t sure if he could fend off so many.

  “Was that why all of those men were watching me? Waiting to take their turn so they could lay claim to me?” her voice trembled. He nodded and squeezed her hand again.

  “So, here is what’s going to happen. You have to choose. Tonight, you have to choose a mate.”

  “But I don’t want to mate. I don’t want to choose.”

  “You don’t have a choice. They will kill you if you don’t. You have to be mated. They’ve all laid a claim. I don’t have a choice either. I want you. I want you as my mate and I’d hoped to give you time to process it and give you a choice to accept or decline. But there are four others and they won’t be denied. You either choose me or one of them. There is no alternative.”

  “How does it work? Do I tell them who I choose?”

  “I’ve got to take you out there for a dance. Now. This dance is our mating dance. When you danced with them, they were grinding against you, right?” At her nod, he continued. “When I take you out to dance, you are only to look at me. They will touch you and grab at you. They will try to rip me away from you. If you look at any of them, then you’ve opened up a challenge. They can take you from me. If, when I dance with you, you look only at me, then I keep you and I mate with you. I will be dancing and practically fucking you on the dancefloor.”

  “But won’t people get upset? Won’t they stop it?”

  “No. When we go out there, we’ll be surrounded by werewolves. Humans will be kept outside that circle. The four other alphas will come at us and try to separated us. You must keep your eyes on me. If you are turned around, you must close your eyes immediately. If any of those alphas catch your eye, then you’ve opened the war. I can’t stress this enough. I’m sorry. You should have had a choice. Brian and Ian are good men. But Mike and Ross, they are brutal.”

  “I know. I felt Ross, it was like he wanted to be rough and hurt me and I wanted it. Why did I want it?”

  Well shit. Now was the time to tell her about the werewolf magical elixir called pheromones. She sure as hell wasn’t going to like it one bit.

  “Our species puts out what we call pheromones. It is a chemical response most animals have, humans as well. We as werewolves can smell and detect it and know what it is. Humans can smell but don’t understand its effects. When our bodies put this chemical in the air, it affects humans. Specifically, females. It makes you want to mate with us.”

  “So, you’re telling me there is a werewolf roofie? Was that why I was wanting to climb all over those men and fuck them?” her voice raised.

  “It’s how we secure our mates. To bind them to us and also bind us to our women.”

  “So, you’ve been using pheromones on me?” she snarled, her eyes narrowing.

  “My wolf did. I didn’t realize it. When we get past the age of thirty, our bodies produce more of it naturally. We’ve no control, just like you have no control when you are in your fertile state. Which you are in right now. Your brain and body want to mate. To produce children.” Good, you’re being logical, his wolf whispered. Natalya lifted a hand and swung hard before he could stop her. She smacked him hard across the face and his ears rang. Guess you didn’t explain it right, the wolf snickered.

  “So, all this time I thought I was losing my mind. But you fucking werewolves drugged me with your juice? And if I say no, you’ll kill me?”

  “No. I won’t kill you. If you choose one of them, I won’t be happy, but I won’t stop you.”

  “So, you’d let that freaking sadist, Ross get his paws on me?”

  “Nat, I can’t make this choice for you. I can only support that choice. I want you to choose me. I want you. My wolf wants you. But you have to choose. We’ve got to get out on that dance floor and we’ve got to do this. They will come hunt us down otherwise.”

  Natalya was silent for a long time. Her brain was working at lightspeed. She was caught in a nightmare and it was of her own making. Or was it? Had she only been drawn to Sebastian by his animal putting out those pheromones all these years? Was that why she wanted him so badly? Why most of her waking moments orbited only around him? Bastard. Yet he’d said his wolf had done it without his knowledge. Shit, this was too surreal.

  She shuddered when she thought of Ross. Deep down, she knew he’d eventually kill her. She had loved Sebastian for so long, but did she want him like this? To be drugged into loving him and he loving her? What choice did she have? She would have to choose one or die. She looked into his beautiful eyes. She saw compassion there. She’d only seen avarice in the others. Well, maybe not Ian. But the others. They only wanted her because Sebastian wanted her. They wanted power over Sebastian. This was seriously a fucked-up society.

  “I choose you,” she said softly. She lifted a hand to gently touch the area she’d slapped. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

  “Thank you. We’ve got to get out there. When we get to the dance floor, the lights will go out. When they come back on again, the werewolves will be surrounding us. Upon your very life, look at no one. If you hear a scream, look at no one. If hear anything, look at no one but me. If you feel someone grab your leg, don’t look down. If you can’t keep your eyes on me, keep your eyes shut. No matter what you feel, hear, experience, don’t look. Once the song is done, I will
take you by the throat. I will kiss you deeply and you will let your body hang limply, as though you’re unconscious. Don’t lift your hand or do anything. You must be totally submissive. If you make any move, it will be a challenge to my dominance and leave you open for the taking. I must dominate you and they must see it and accept it.”

  She swallowed and nodded. What in the hell? She was going to be bound to this man and she couldn’t look. She was terrified. Any slip up and either one of them could die and she was pretty sure that Ross asshole would be doing his best to get her attention. He wanted her and he wanted to tear her apart. She shivered at the thought. Sebastian pulled her up and pulled her into his arms. He tilted her face up gently and bent his head to kiss her. He did and his mouth moved over hers and his tongue pushed its way gently into her mouth. She raised her arms and held onto him for dear life.

  “We can do this. Just keep your eyes on me. I’ll guide you through the whole dance. You simply be submissive and let me take care of your body. If your face isn’t directly in front of me, close your eyes. When we walk out, keep your eyes on the ground. If you sense anyone near, close your eyes. They aren’t supposed to try anything until the dance starts.” She nodded. Again, she thought of Ross and knew he’d try something. She took a deep shaky breath and let it out. He took her small hand in his and his hand didn’t seem as hot. He’d not tried to take her as the others. He’d not tried to force his will.

  Sebastian opened the door and held tightly to her. She heard the music and then the lights went out and it was black all around them. People were talking and calling loudly. There was movement around her and she closed her eyes. If Ross were near, he’d show is fucking wolf eyes and she’d be screwed. She allowed Sebastian to lead her and she felt bodies around her. Hands caressed her, moved on her body. They were hot hands and she knew they were werewolves. There were too many hands to just be the fab four. Others were wanting to touch Sebastian’s claim, his possible mate. The excitement buzzed around her like bees. It was nearly a physical thing. His large warm hands brought her around and he stopped and she stopped.

  She felt his hand on the back of her neck, holding her tight. She let her body relax. He had to dominate her. The lights came on and she almost looked around her but caught herself. Her heart slammed painfully in her chest. She looked into Sebastian’s eyes and they were blazing molten gold. The music began and she almost laughed. Animals, by Maroon 5. Yeah, fucking appropriate. Sebastian’s hand came to her waist and drew her hard to him. She could feel his erection and felt the heat of him.

  He moved his hips to the beat of the music; he was grinding her hard. One hand went to her dress and began to push it up along her thigh. It was all she could do to keep her body limp. He lifted one of her legs and shifted his hips in deeper and rocked her body. His eyes were so brilliant now she thought she would catch fire. She felt her own heat begin to burn and shine and she sensed a presence near and closed her eyes. She felt someone’s hand sliding up her leg, heading for her crotch. Sebastian swung her easily away. He was protecting her and she heard a loud snarl to her left and kept her eyes closed.

  She felt Sebastian put her hand on his chest and he pressed it hard. He wanted her to keep her hand there. She would never again hear this song and not think of tonight. It was officially their song now. His hand was at her back and his hip now lifted her off the ground. She felt his hand on her breast and he squeezed it. Then suddenly, she heard ripping and felt his shirt being ripped from his body. She felt the warm hard flesh of him beneath her hand and she clinched her eyes tighter. There were more snarls and she felt someone trying to rip her clothing from her. Fear was starting to curl around her.

  The song was coming to its conclusion and the werewolves knew it and they were trying hard to get her. She would have to be limp; she would have to submit. She could feel Sebastian’s hot hand beneath her dress and the palm of his hand pressed hard on her sex and she nearly screamed when she climaxed. The orgasm took her by surprise and her eyes shot open. His face was an inch away from hers and his eyes glowed with an unearthly bloody gold and incredible satisfaction. His hand seized her by the throat and she closed her eyes and let her body hang by his grip. His mouth covered hers violently, so violent and different from his earlier kiss. He had shown her earlier that he was kind and gentle. This kiss was for dominance, it was to show the world his control over her. His restrained violence and she felt another climax building and his hand tightened and his kiss deepened and she lost herself in the exquisite orgasm that took her over. She hung suspended and let Sebastian have her, body and soul.

  Sebastien’s heart was pounding hard and he could smell her. Smell her orgasms and he knew the others could smell it as well. They could smell his dominance and her complete submission. He wanted her so bad and he was near to taking her here in front of the others. He could and she’d let him. He wouldn’t do that to her. His eyes scanned the crowed, all eyes were gold and glowing and all of them wanted her but she was his. He only needed to consummate it and she would be his mate for life. He saw Ross’ dark glare and he grinned savagely. He let his canines grow and he snarled in challenge. His face began to push out and his wolf was a hair’s breath from attacking the man. Then Ross nodded sardonically and turned to leave. I’ll kick his fucking ass later, the wolf promised.

  Sebastian swept the now limp Natalya into his arms and walked swiftly for the elevator. He needed to get her to the room He didn’t need any interference. Until he actually mated with her, she was in danger. He reached the elevator and hit the button. The door slid open and he stepped in quickly. He hit the button for his floor and as the doors were closing, he saw Tonya running toward them. He glared at her and shook his head. Nothing was going to stop him. No one was going to stop him. When the doors closed, he let out a sigh. She started shifting in his arms.

  “Stay still. I don’t know who will be outside the elevator doors. You won’t be safe until we’ve consummated our bond.” Her body went limp and a few moments later the elevator stopped. The doors slid open and there were dozens of werewolves lining the hall. These bastards really wanted Natalya. Shit. He walked quickly to his door and fished around in his pocket for the keycard. Quickly slipping it in, the door opened and he stepped inside and slammed the door. He threw the bold over and locked the door. He leaned heavily against the door. He could hear movement outside in the hall. Were they going to listen? What in the hell?


  Sebastian walked over to the bed and laid Natalya down upon the turned down sheets.

  “There are dozens of werewolves outside the door. I’m sorry. We’ve got to consummate our bond now.”

  She opened her eyes and raked them across his body. He felt himself swell. She was so beautiful. How could he have ever thought her otherwise? How could he have not seen her? Was that what the purpose of his werewolf was? To see someone so clearly that his human side ignored? Her eyes were stormy and there was fear in her eyes but also lust. That was clear, her eyes were dilated and her mouth was swollen and ready for him. He sat on the bed beside her. He cupped her face gently and he leaned down to kiss her. Her hands came up and grabbed him by his hair and pulled him closer still. His hair fell around them in a curtain and her fingers raked his scalp. He groaned or was that his wolf? Damnit. He had to tell her.

  “I need to tell you something. When I mate with you, my werewolf will mate with you too.”

  Her eyes grew large.

  “Will he hurt me?”

  “No, he could never hurt you. I could never hurt you. We will occupy the same body at the same time as we mate with you. I don’t know if I will disappear and he will come out or if I will stay. I just don’t want you to be afraid if I disappear.”

  “You said your werewolf has loved me for three years. Maybe I’ve loved him for three years too. Something has drawn me to you. Maybe it was your beauty that drew me at first and it was him that kept me. I won’t say I’m sorry. Take me, make me yours. Make me his. Bond me, bi
nd me to you and you to me,” she said softly and Sebastian thought his heart would break. She had a kind and giving soul and he and his wolf would have the babies they wanted and the mate they needed.

  He began to kiss her gently, pulling at her pins that held her hair. Her hands were on his chest, her small nails pushing into his flesh and scratching him with need. He was trying to be gentle and not frighten her but she was making it difficult. He lifted her easily and began to untie the back of her dress. She was now biting his neck and licking him. His brain was filling with a ravenous fog, a need to dominate and take her. The wolf was pushing him.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” she said and laughed seductively. He felt his wolf pushing harder now. He lifted her dress off of her and tossed it to the chair near the bed. Her hands found his belt and zipper and within a few seconds, he was naked, his cock as hard as alabaster. He watched as her mouth found it and his knees nearly buckled. How in the hell was he supposed to take his time? Her lips were warm on his cock, wet and sliding. Her nails were raking down his back and rump. Her eyes were closed as her head moved back and forth, taking his length deep into her mouth. Then she stopped and looked up at him. Her pink tongue came out and moved around the tip of his shaft and he groaned and growled deep in his throat. His fingers found their way into the silken locks of her hair. Her hands gently cupped his balls and she manipulated her fingers. His breathing was becoming harsh and ragged.

  She was moving faster and sucking him harder and if he didn’t stop her, he’d not have the ability to bury himself inside her, he would spill his seed here and now. He pulled her back and got into bed beside her. It was his turn and he laid her back against the pillow. Shifting his body down, he laid between her thighs and pulled at her blue lace panties. Her legs were firm and soft. He remembered how her hips had moved when she danced. She would dance for him now. For he and his wolf. She was theirs now. She was the glue that would keep them whole, keep them together and keep them strong.


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