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Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Corinne Davies

  “I forgot to mention something earlier. I don’t think it’s a big deal or you’re that kind of person, but my guys mentioned just because I’m used to it doesn’t mean everyone will be.”

  Tara was trying to follow what Jessica was saying as well and think up answers to every question that plagued her. “Jessica, what is it?”

  “I’m Mated to both Jelani and Marcario.”


  “Married, committed, forever and ever, that sort of thing.”

  “Oh, that’s it?” Tara couldn’t help but chuckle at the relief on Jessica’s face. “I don’t care about that. Both of them seem like very sweet men and I’d never want anyone to feel uncomfortable around me. I’m a single mom and that has gained me a certain reputation with certain narrow-minded people, too.”

  “Oh, forget about them.” Jessica gave her a quick hug. “You’ve found yourself right where you need to be. Ecstasy is the most accepting place in the world.”

  “That’s nice to hear, but we’re only here until I find out about the car and then I have to keep going. I have a job in Manitoba waiting for me.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that before.” Jessica waved her hand. “Sometimes you think you need to be in one place and you end up somewhere else you never imagined or were too scared to believe.” She smiled over at the two men in the doorway. “Maybe we’ll find you a couple of your own.”

  “Oh, no.” Tara shook her head. “I wasn’t good enough for one. I’d go insane trying to make more than one happy. My life is me and my little man. I want to do what’s best for him.”

  “That sounds pretty lonely.”

  Tara shrugged and pushed those exact feelings down deep inside of her. “Nah, I’m happy with the two of us.”

  * * * *

  The Bennetts had a beautiful home in the middle of the forest. Tara hadn’t been certain where they’d been headed when they pulled down a long driveway, framed by trees on either side. The inside of the house was completely open concept and there was a large deck off the back of the house. All the ecologically friendly equipment incorporated into the home design fascinated Tara. Jessica told her that her brother-in-law Vencel Solfalvi had developed it and that had been the practice house for his ideas. Jessica and her husbands had bought it off him when they’d come back to Ecstasy Lake to stay. Her sister-in-law, Mai, lived a couple minutes up the road with her two husbands and their children. Once Tara got over the surprise of Jessica’s multiple husbands, she learned they weren’t the only ones. Even Carol, who worked at the clinic, had three.

  Zack was running around the backyard kicking a soccer ball around with Marcario and Jelani. The brothers were obviously playing terribly and making it all the more dramatic for her son. Marcario dove for a slow-moving ball and missed it completely, rolling over and lying flat on the ground as the ball finally moved through the goal posts they’d set up. Zack hollered and cheered and jumped around after scoring on them again. “I’m doing good, Mom!” He gave her two thumbs up and then ran over and held out his hand to help Marcario up off the ground.

  “He’s such a sweet boy, Tara.” Jessica passed her a glass of sangria. “You’re so lucky. I can’t wait to start a family, too.”

  “It’s the hardest job there is, but I wouldn’t change my decisions for anything in the world.” Tara looked out over the quilt of colours painting the trees around them.

  “His father?” Jessica asked softly.

  “Uninterested in either of us five minutes after the deed was done.” Tara sipped at her wine and tried not to think of the soul-crushing moment when she realized she’d been so very wrong about someone. At the time she had been sure fate had brought them together. She’d managed to get out of the house and go to a beach party with some friends. He’d appeared out of nowhere and asked her to dance. She’d thought he was the most fascinating man she’d ever met. They had ended up in a corner away from everyone and had talked about anything and everything. He’d made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world, so when he started kissing her she’d figured this was meant to be. Her romantic heart had latched on to the idea of him being her soul mate and they were destined to be together. The sex was phenomenal. Even if she hadn’t had anything to compare it to, she knew it couldn’t get better. He obviously didn’t think so, because after she fell asleep in his arms he left. She woke up alone on a beach in the middle of the night, alone and devastated.

  Her father had backhanded her the moment she walked in the door, accusing her of doing all sorts of terrible things. She denied it all of course, but three months later she realized one night really had changed the direction of her life.

  “I’m sorry.” Jessica’s soft voice pulled her back to the present.

  “Not your fault. I was the naive one, but I have my Zach so it was a fair trade. I can’t believe all the colours in the trees around here. You must be into photography or painting with all this inspiration available.” The setting sun created a wash of golden light in the sky, creating a beautiful backdrop for the explosion of colour in the trees.

  Thankfully, Jessica took Tara’s gentle hint and changed the subject. There were things in her life too painful to talk about and she’d rather they stay in the past.

  “Jelani’s the shutter addict out of the three of us. I swear the man never goes on a walk without at least one camera with him. Tomorrow, I’ll take you both for a drive and show you the best places to see the changing leaves. This is the most beautiful place on the earth. The time frame is so short, then all the leaves fall off and we get covered by snow again.”

  “That sounds nice, but if my car’s okay, then I’ll probably end up on my way by then.” She rubbed the heel of her hand against the back of her neck. The ache that had started there earlier was nagging her again.

  “Are you all right, Tara? Maybe Jelani should’ve sent you for X-rays.” Jessica looked like she was about to call her husband over, but Tara shook her head.

  “No, I’m fine. It aches a bit, but it’s to be expected.” Tara was terrified the accident had caused more damaged than she originally thought. If that was the case how was she going to work and support her little guy?

  “How about I call my friend, River? She’s going to school to be a massage therapist and is in her second year. She might be able to give you a bit of relief, or at least she’ll know some ideas of what will help.”

  “No really, I’ll be okay, Jessica.”

  “You’re used to doing everything on your own, aren’t you?”

  Jessica’s comment was much too close to the truth for Tara’s liking. Tara had done everything on her own for as long as she could remember. First it was taking care of her parents and the dozens of things they did for their church and now it was her and Zack. “We all have to take care of ourselves, Jessica. No one’s going to do it for us.”

  “Okay, I’m going to stop asking you then.” Jessica patted her arm and smiled at her.

  “Thank you.” Tara mentally sighed. She didn’t want to owe anyone more than she already did. She needed to get back on her feet and headed in her original direction as soon as possible. She had a plan and there’d been all sorts of diversions already.

  Jessica pulled a cell phone out of her pocket and made a call. “Hey, River! Got a second?”

  “Jessica? What are you doing?”

  “I said I wasn’t going to ask you anymore, so I’m going to find out the information. That way I’ll have it when you change your mind. We take care of each other in this town.” Jessica grinned at her and then focused on her conversation. “River, do you know what we can do for someone who might have strained their neck in an accident…yeah, her name’s Tara.”

  Tara didn’t know what to say. She wanted to protest Jessica’s going out of her way, but the information would come in handy. She would have to figure out a way to repay their kindness.

  The low rumble of a large motorcycle caught her attention and made her heart skip a beat. She took a quick swal
low of her drink, hoping it would calm her a bit. Don’t be such a ninny, it might not be him. But she hoped it was. Lars had made her feel…safe and wonderful. She wasn’t about to jump into bed with him. As much as I would love to. She’d learned a lesson the hard way, but she couldn’t resist the intense draw she felt to him when he was near. Perhaps it was because he got her and Zack out of the car after the accident. She read something somewhere about rescuer worship or something.

  It didn’t stop her hands from trembling or her heart from fluttering in anticipation of seeing him again. She heard someone walking down the path along the edge of the house, but the man who turned the corner wasn’t Lars.

  “Hey, guys, looks like a great soccer game you have going on.”

  “Hey, Cris! Want to give us a hand?” Jelani asked. “This little guy’s kicking our butts.”

  Cris wasn’t looking at the men. He stood there staring at her. Tara felt as though her world had tilted on its axis and the entire universe stopped moving. His eyes were a dark brown almost like dark chocolate. A hunter-green bandana held his hair back from his face, but some refused to be contained and curled around the edges close to his face. He looked exactly the same as he had seven years before and her heart skipped a beat the same way it had the first time she’d seen him.

  “You!” Her body ached to feel his hands on her skin and a deep heat radiated up from between her legs in memory. Thoughts she’d refused to remember over the years rushed into her head, the feel of his teeth on her skin, the brush of his rough cheek against her inner thigh. The way he’d growled “mine” into her ear as he pressed his cock into her.

  A small, high-pitched laugh washed away all those heated thoughts. She glanced at Zack and then back at the man who could take him away from her. He could destroy her life and leave her more alone than she’d ever felt. She had to get out of here and fast.

  Chapter Four

  Cris learned long ago there were things in life you couldn’t avoid. It was set in stone as decisions Fate made and you went along with them. He’d fucked with Fate once before and paid the price. He’d lost his Mate. The one person in the world meant for him, and he hadn’t realized what kind of treasure she was until it’d been too late.

  When he rounded the corner of the Bennetts’ place he’d wanted to check on the woman who’d been in the accident earlier that day and let her know about her car. What he had never expected was Fate granting him a second chance. The setting sun made the tips of her hair glow like embers around her heart-shaped face. It had been longer six years ago. He remembered the satin curls that corkscrewed around his fingers. She was thinner than he remembered and she looked tired. The creature inside of him snarled. He should’ve killed the drunk for threatening the life of his Mate instead of calling the police.

  “Tara!” He didn’t even remember moving when he gathered her up into his arms. Wonder and excitement rushed through him like a cyclone. His primitive side recognized her scent and howled in his head. It took all his restraint not to echo the sound to the sky. “I’ve been looking for you for years.”

  Tara stared up at him with wide eyes and something akin to horror in her expression. The acrid scent of panic flooded his senses. He expected shock, but the fear confused him and his animal. She gripped his arms, but her body was rigid and he was willing to bet if he let her go she would’ve taken off running. Why’s she afraid of me?


  “Holy shit.” Jelani looked back and forth between the little boy and Cris repeatedly. Cris didn’t have to ask what his problem was. He could see the resemblance. It was like looking at a picture of himself thirty years before.

  “I think we better take this inside.” Marcario stepped between Cris and Tara to lead them in the house. Cris snarled at Marcario for trying to separate him from her.

  Jessica wrapped an arm around Tara and led them into the house while Marcario and Jelani blocked the doorway. Marcario set his jaw and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Do you really want to get into that right now, too, Cris? Does she know?”

  Cris paced the deck, trying to pull his primal side back under control. Inside he could hear Tara pleading with Jessica to take her away from here. “Don’t let her leave.”

  Jelani looked back over his shoulder through the glass door. “Jess won’t leave with her, but, Cris, what’s going on here? Tara’s obviously your Mate and Zack’s a spitting image of you.”

  “I didn’t know.” Cris leaned back against the railing and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Trying to sort out his feelings was hard enough, but keeping his primal side under control was taking more effort than he ever thought he’d need.

  “How could you not know?” Marcario looked furious, as if Cris has abandoned his child. “Shifters always know when they have found their Mates.”

  “I knew she was my Mate. I knew the moment I touched her skin. She was mine in every sense of the word.” Her whispered confession about being a virgin still echoed in his thoughts and made his cock twitch. She came to him and he lost her. “I left her for a few minutes. I had to let the animal out and I ran and ran. I remember I was so incredibly happy, but I knew I had to be careful. Letting the animal out would give me better control when I explained it all to her, but when I got back, she was gone. I couldn’t find her anywhere. I asked everyone who might have known her and followed every shred of information I found. She didn’t work in town and no one really knew her. Eventually I gave up because I didn’t know where to find her…I never knew she was pregnant.”

  That hurt the worst. She had to go through her pregnancy alone. At least, he assumed she was alone. What if she’d found another man? “Is she married?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. We haven’t gotten to know much about her except she’s on her way to Manitoba, but I don’t know if it’s because of a man or a job.”

  “If she has a man in her life, he’s doing a piss-poor job of taking care of her. I know the look of someone who’s used to taking care of themselves.” The condemnation in Marcario’s gaze softened. “I’m willing to bet she works twice as hard to make sure Zack has a normal life. Jessica wanted to make sure she got one good meal before leaving Ecstasy Lake.”

  “She’s not leaving.” There was no way she was going to walk out of his life and take his son with him.

  A vehicle screeched to a halt out in front of their house. “That will be the cavalry.” Jelani grinned. “Jessica was on the phone with River when you arrived.”

  “Fuck! I guess no one’s going to listen to me when I tell them to go away and leave her to me?”

  “You could try.” Marcario shrugged. “But I’m willing to bet it won’t go well.”

  Every part of Cris demanded he march into the house and claim his family. Hearing the terror in Tara’s voice as she spoke to Jessica inside infuriated him.

  “Why’s she frightened? She should want to kick my ass. That I would understand, but the fear. I don’t get it.”

  “Because you’re a threat to her cub, dumbass.” River practically bounced as she rushed around the corner. She skipped up the stairs and gave him a quick hug. “Is it true? Are you really a daddy?”

  “All right, kit. Give the man a break, and what did I tell you about hugging other men?”

  River stuck her tongue out at her Mate. “I’ll go inside and try to make her understand you aren’t a complete creep for abandoning her.”

  “I never abandoned her.” Cris felt his lips curl up as he snarled his displeasure.

  One of River’s Mates, Hugh, the oldest McNamara brother, growled low in his throat in response. Cris knew it was an automatic reaction from a shifter protecting his Mate. He was battling the urge to find that drunk and tear him apart for hurting Tara.

  River rolled her eyes and patted Hugh’s chest. “Love you, too, grumpy bear.”

  “River, could you please check on Tara? I’m willing to bet she’s hurting but won’t say anything. She kept rubbing her nec
k when I was trying to talk to her.” It killed him to stay out here when his Mate was inside hurting. He wanted to pick Tara up, hold her tight, and let her know that he would protect her from now on.

  “Is this a story you want to share?” Gavin McNamara accepted the beer Jelani handed to him. Both Jelani and Marcario started playing host and handing out bottles to each of them. Cris was grateful for the distraction even if it was only for a minute to collect his thoughts.

  “I only know my side of the story. I don’t know anything about the woman inside other than she’s my Mate and I met her over six years ago and never saw her again until I walked around the corner today.” What if she’d hated Zack? That little guy would’ve been forced to grow up like I did. I promised myself I’d never do that to my children.

  Boyd stood next to the door and was looking inside where the women had gone.

  “If it’s any consolation, from what I’ve seen Tara’s a wonderful mother.” Jelani had an instinctual way of knowing when something bothered a person. “Her first concern after everything that happened today was Zack’s well-being.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. But is she okay, too?”

  “It’s too soon to really tell how much of an injury she sustained. Whiplash and other soft-tissue type injuries can take up to three or even four days to come up. She’s already complaining about her neck a bit, and I’m hoping it doesn’t get much worse than that for her. She’s insisting on continuing on her way as soon as possible.”

  “What shape is her car in?”

  “I heard it was completely undriveable.” Cris wasn’t above sabotaging her vehicle to stop her from leaving town. In fact he was already planning on offering the mechanics free advertising if they delayed letting her know the condition of her car. “It was towed over to Luc and Georges’s garage.”

  “You know if you pass on the information now she might not believe you,” Hugh said.

  “I know and I don’t blame her.” Cris wished this had all happened a different way, but if it had, he might never have met his son. “Oh shit. A damaged car is the least of her problems right now.”


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