Text Me Baby One More Time

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Text Me Baby One More Time Page 18

by Teagan Hunter

  Shepard: You hussy.

  Shepard: Tomorrow. After our movie date?

  Denver: Or before. I mean, whatever floats your boat.

  Shepard: Fuck. I wish I could kiss your dirty, sexy mouth right now.

  Shepard: And your neck.

  Shepard: Those tits too.

  Shepard: Fuck it. I’ll kiss all of you. Even your feet.

  Denver: See, I knew you were a freak.

  Denver: Quit bothering me. I’m trying to dress shop!

  Shepard: One more thing…

  Denver: No. Go away.

  Denver: Fine. What?

  Shepard: Never mind. You ruined the moment.

  Denver: Tell me.

  Shepard: Nah.

  Denver: Shep!

  Denver: SHEPARD!

  Denver: Ugh. I am going to murder you. It’s a good thing I look good in orange.

  Shepard: Do you want to do dinner before the movie or after?

  Denver: I thought I was dinner.

  Shepard: You’re right. After sounds good.

  Denver: I was kidding. Let’s go before. I had to skip lunch today so I’m certain I’ll be ravenous.

  Denver: Okay, okay. You got me. I wasn’t really kidding, but I WILL need sustenance at some point.

  Shepard: I am so lost right now.

  Shepard: Dinner before or after?

  Denver: YES. God, Shep. Just feed or eat me. WHY IS THIS SO HARD?

  Shepard: I’m really starting to rethink this whole “we should try again” shit.

  Denver: But are you really?

  Shepard: Nah. I kind of like the chaos.

  Denver: Good answer.

  Shepard: Why’d you have to skip lunch?

  Denver: I’m behind on my deadline on some articles about some sort of famous baseball star.

  Shepard: Make sure you mention his dick length in there. It’s super important for all his adoring fans to know this information.

  Denver: *solid four inches* NOTED.

  Denver: Any other requests?

  Shepard: Nah. I’m actually really excited to read it. And also a little nervous.

  Denver: Why nervous?

  Shepard: I know I’m not the world’s nicest person. I know I’ve been a sleaze ball. I know I hurt you. It’s hard to wrap my head around what you could possibly write about me.

  Denver: You’re also not the sleaze ball you once were. Sure, you tried to pick a girl up in a grocery store a few weeks ago, but people change. You’re in a…well, I wouldn’t say relationship, but a committed “let’s see where this shit takes us” thing. (Which, by the way, is an exclusive thing. Keep those four inches to yourself and to me, thanks.) As for us…clean slate, remember?

  Shepard: A few things coming your way…

  Shepard: I am very impressed that we just had The Talk without actually having it. (And, by the way, we’re on the same page. Keep those beef curtains closed to anyone but me.)



  Shepard: Ham wallet?


  Shepard: Taco shack?

  Denver: Better…slightly.

  Denver: God. I need to go scrub my eyes out.

  Shepard: I’m not sorry.

  Denver: Oh, you should be.

  Denver: But in all seriousness, you don’t need to be worried about the article. I like the Shep I’m getting to know now.

  Shepard: So you like me?

  Denver: I tolerate you.

  Shepard: You liiiiiiiiiiiiike me.

  Denver: YOU ARE OKAY.

  Shepard: Do you…like-like me?

  Denver: See above.

  Shepard: But also yes, right?

  Denver: *grumbles* yes

  Shepard: Ha. Knew it.




  I reach for the flowers Shep’s holding out for me and bring them to my nose.

  “They don’t have a scent,” he tells me.

  “I noticed. That’s…odd. Thank you for my non-smelling flowers.” I pull the front door open wider. “Come on in. I’m almost ready.”

  He doesn’t budge.

  “Don’t you want to know?”

  “Know what?”

  “What they mean?”

  “Ah,” I say. “Yes. Tell me.”

  A wolfish grin stretches across his face as he leans down close to me, his lips hovering dangerously close to mine. I can feel his breath tickling my senses and I want to press my mouth to his so badly, which is kind of sad because it’s only been two days since I last saw him.

  “Tell me,” I say again.

  “The wait is all part of the fun.”

  I know exactly what he’s trying to do: get me all hot and bothered and then leave me hanging and waiting all through our date.

  Not tonight.

  “It’s anticipation, isn’t it?”

  His lips quirk up in the corners. “Maybe.”

  I lift onto my toes, bringing myself closer to him but still not letting our lips touch. His pupils widen, and I hear the hitch in his breath.

  Shep wants this kiss just as badly as I do, but I’m determined to best him at his own game, so no kiss for him.

  I brush my mouth against his, so soft and quick I know he’ll be certain he’s imagined it.


  He grunts in response.

  “Two can play that game.” I step back, leaving him standing in the doorway.

  “Goddammit,” he mutters before he finally steps inside and closes my door, shaking his head at my antics.

  I smile, making my way into the kitchen to get my new bouquet of flowers in some water.

  “Is that what you’re wearing for our date?”

  Glancing down at my outfit, I begin to worry. “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Nothing, surprisingly. You look normal. And sexy.”

  “Ass.” I flip him the bird and dump the old flowers from him into the trash. “It’s jeans and a t-shirt—you can’t mess those up.”

  “To be fair, I think that’s called a blouse, not a t-shirt.”

  “Technically, it’s a called a mind-your-own-fucking-business.”

  “They must have a difficult time marketing those.” He smirks.

  “Or a swimsuit coverup. Same thing.”

  “You’re wearing swimwear on our date? In October?”

  I lift a shoulder and fill the vase I’m holding with water. “What? It’s my get lucky shirt.”

  “You’re telling me you wear this for others?”

  “I have, yes.”

  “Does it work?”

  “Like a charm.”

  “And is that what you’re trying to do tonight? Get lucky?”

  “Obviously.” I fluff the flowers, arranging them so they look cute and full. “I thought you knew I only keep you around for orgasms.”

  “Damn. Here I thought it was my charm and good looks.”

  “I mean, you’re cute and all, but that charm? That’s not getting you very far.”

  “Words hurt, you know.”

  “Not when they’re true.” I wink at him then make my way down the hall to my bedroom to grab my things.

  “Real shit ain’t funny!” he calls, but I hear the laughter in his voice anyway.

  I work on putting the finishing touches on my hair, coating it with another layer of hairspray and checking to make sure my makeup is on point.

  It’s weird how having Shep in my apartment feels so normal now, especially when a month ago he wasn’t even on my radar.

  Well, that’s a lie. He’s always been on my radar. I had just learned to ignore the blipping coming from him.

  I can’t anymore, though. It’s not possible, not after everything these last few weeks.

  On Sunday when he chased me inside, I felt like the happiest girl in the world, like I used to feel when I’d sneak my cell phone into my close
t at night and text with him. My heart would beat in my chest with anticipation as I waited for him to text me back, relishing the thrill that would run through my veins when I’d hear someone on the stairs.

  The forbidden aspect of texting with Shep might have been what started our entire relationship, but it was him who kept it going. He captivated me with his words and wit, and I knew almost right away I’d found someone special.

  I had no idea he’d break my heart, but I knew no matter what, it would beat for him.

  Young love isn’t always right, but when it is, it’s the rightest kind of right there is…and if my heart is telling me one thing, it’s that Shep and me? We’re right, and I’m ready to fight for it.

  “We should just stay in tonight!” he yells from the living room. “That way I can ravish you on the couch.”

  “Not a chance!” I snatch my bag off my bed and make my way back down the hall. I stand in front of the TV, holding it up. “I already have my movie purse packed.”

  His brows shoot up. “What do you have in there?”

  “Nothing yet. We’re hitting the dollar store for some candy. Scoot. We have a show to catch.”

  “You do know I signed a massive contract with the MLB, right? Meaning I do have some money in my bank account?”

  “Sure, but where’s the thrill in buying candy?”

  “I thought the movie was supposed to be the thrill, not actually getting into the theater.”

  “Move your ass, Shep.” I put my hand out for him to grab. “You’re wasting valuable candy-choosing time.”

  “It’s weird,” he says, putting his hand in mine and letting me do all the work to pull him up. “I’ve known you for a long time now, yet I’m still learning things about you.”

  “I like turtles.”


  “I like turtles—sea turtles. They’re the cutest little creatures ever. I still cut the plastic on my six-packs of soda because I can’t stand the thought of a little baby sea turtle getting stuck in one.”

  He stares at me, unblinking.


  “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  “What? Why? Because I—”

  His mouth covers mine and I don’t hesitate to move my lips against his. He pushes his tongue against mine and we’re pulling at one another like we didn’t just do this two days ago.

  I can’t get enough of him. He can’t get enough of me.

  It’s scary and thrilling all at once.

  The kiss is hard and hot and over way before I want it to be.

  “God.” His forehead drops to mine. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of kissing you.”

  “I don’t think I want you to.” I swallow the lump in my throat. “Why’d you kiss me?”

  “Because you’re cute, Den. And because I really fucking wanted to.”

  The smile stretches across my lips. “Good enough for me.”

  “ARE you eating the popcorn one by one?”

  “How are you supposed to eat it?”

  He shoves his fingers into the bucket then crams a handful into his mouth. “Vike vis.”

  “So classy, Shep.”

  He swallows and nods toward my purse. “Funny coming from you. I cannot believe they didn’t check your bag. It’s obvious you’re carrying half the candy aisle in there.”

  “And…” I dig through my purse, rooting around until I find what I’m looking for. “Half the chip aisle.”

  “Nobody brings chips to the movies.”

  “I was hungry! You refused to feed me before the movie.”

  He yanks the bag from my hands and pulls out a box, shaking it my way. “Chicken nuggets, Denver—you made me stop and get you chicken nuggets!”

  “What?” I snatch said nuggets from his hand. “I was hungry! I told you to feed me before the movie.”

  “I couldn’t get reservations until after.”

  “It’s obvious I would have settled for the dollar menu, Shep.”

  “I swear, for the next fifty years, I’m only ever taking you to places with dollar menus.”

  I freeze, my chicken nugget hovering just inches from my mouth. Is he saying…

  “Just shove it in your mouth, Den. I meant what I said.”

  I laugh, devouring my last-minute dinner and chewing not only on it, but also on his words.

  The next fifty years with Shep? While it sounds exhausting, it’s not entirely unappealing.

  Almost makes it hard to believe we were sworn enemies just a few weeks ago.

  Now I’m sitting next to him in a dark theater contemplating a real-life future with him.

  Fate is weird.

  “First of all,” I start once I swallow, “that’s what she said. Second, that…uh, that doesn’t sound half bad. I mean, I don’t know about fifty. That’s going to make me super old and I’d rather not have wrinkles, but I wouldn’t complain about spending some time with you.”

  “So you love me—noted.”

  “I never said that.”

  “You didn’t have to. You implied it.”


  “Shh!” He holds his finger up to his mouth. “The movie is starting.”

  “We’re the only people in here!”

  “No you’re not!” someone yells from the other side of the theater.

  We’re seated in the very back row, tucked away in a dark corner. This guy must be in the same spot on the other side because when I peek around the projection box, I don’t see him.

  “Oh, and one other thing: no one eats chips during a movie! It’s loud and obnoxious. Just eat those chicken nuggets I can smell from here and skip the chips.”

  “I-I… Okay.”

  “Shh! The movie is starting!” the stranger says impatiently.

  Shep shakes with laughter next to me and I toss a glare his way.

  “What?” he whispers. “I told you to skip the chips.”

  “Shut up, you ass!”

  The movie begins playing, but I can’t focus on the screen. All that’s running through my mind is Shep and a possible future.

  I want to be with him. If I’m being damn honest with myself, I’ve always wanted to be with him, even when I hated him…except when I think about Shep, commitment doesn’t come to mind. The heartache from before does.

  Is he that same guy he was then? Has he actually changed? I’ve watched him over the years, a different girl on his arm every day. He never settled down, never tried. He can say he was waiting for me all he wants, but that doesn’t make it true.

  “Stop thinking so loud or we’re going to get yelled at again,” he says in my ear.

  “I’m not thinking.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re worried I don’t mean what I said.”

  “How’d you know?”

  “Because I know you, Den. I’ve always known you, better than anyone else in the whole fucking world.”

  He pushes up the armrest between us then takes the purse and food and shoves them into the empty seat next to him.

  He hauls me onto his lap and suddenly I’m straddling him.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper.

  “This movie sucks.”

  “It’s just the previews.”

  “I’ve heard it sucks.”

  The bright screen illuminates the glow in his eyes, and I know just what he’s after—me.

  “Shepard Clark, are you trying to get me to make out with you in a movie theater?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I was hoping we’d be alone, but this is close enough.”

  Then he’s kissing me. And I’m letting him.

  Spreading my legs farther apart, I sink down onto him more, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my fingers in his hair. It’s soft, messy as always.

  He drags his fingers down my back and his touch feels like the sun itself brushing against me. His hands dip into the waistband of my jeans and I suddenly wish I had worn something else—something with easier access.

  He voices my
thought against my lips. “Why couldn’t you have worn a skirt?”

  He trails his mouth from my mine, down my chin and over my neck, sucking at that same place below my ear. I’ve had a permanent hickey since he discovered it and I’m not complaining.

  I can feel his cock straining against his jeans under me and I grind down on him, swirling my hips, causing him to gasp.

  “You witch.”

  “Watch it,” I mutter. “I’m on top—I’m the one in control here.”

  He chuckles lowly. “It’s so cute you think that.”

  Without warning he pops the button on my jeans, and I realize I didn’t even notice his hands were anywhere close to my center.

  With deft movements, he slides one into the waistband of my undies, and I have to catch the gasp that tries to leave my lips when his fingers brush against my swollen clit.

  “Shh,” he rumbles. “Keep quiet.”

  He works me over, rubbing tight circles until I’m about to combust then pushing two fingers inside me.

  Shep swallows my gasps and moves his tongue against mine as he thrusts his fingers in and out of me. The orgasm hits me out of nowhere and I ride his fingers until every last shiver runs through me.

  My heart rate works to even out as I sag against him, feeling satiated and exhausted and so fucking high all at once.

  He pulls his fingers from my center and I relish the emptiness. When he brushes against my clit once more, I bite my lip to keep from making a sound.

  I watch with rapt attention as he draws his hand up to his mouth and sucks both fingers inside.

  Oh holy fuck…

  He pops them free and winks. “Guess you were right about me having you for dinner after all.”

  I can’t help the stuttered gasp that squeaks out.

  “Are you two fucking?”

  The moment is broken at the interruption.

  “No!” Shep hollers back, lips twitching. “This trailer is just really intense!”

  “It’s for a kids’ movie, but whatever,” the stranger says.

  We burst into laughter, not caring how loud we’re being.

  “Shh!” he says again.

  We laugh harder.

  I rest my head against his chest. “I want this to last forever.”

  I don’t know why I say it, but I do know I mean it.

  “I think I’d like that.”

  “This scares me, Shep.”

  “Me too.”


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