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Blood Born

Page 24

by Jamie Manning

  Then things took a horrible turn for the worse. As I was running toward Kayla, my stake in my hand, a wiry little vampire broke off from the fight against Aldric and started running toward her. I knew I wouldn’t make it in time, no matter how fast I could run, so I tried to yell and warn her. But the noise of the fighting was too loud, and she was too far away. She couldn’t hear me, and there was nothing I could do to stop the vampire who fully intended to kill her.

  Just before I had to watch my best friend murdered, Lila came flying out of nowhere and ran head-first into the vampire. He tumbled to the ground but quickly recovered. He had his hands around Lila’s neck, and I heard the snap of her bones just as I made it to them and drove my stake through his dead heart. He disappeared in a cloud of ash, Lila’s body falling to the ground in a bloodied heap. I ran over to her, knowing I was too late. Her eyes were open wide, her face twisted in horror. I knew instantly that she was dead.



  No!” I screamed, dropping to the ground beside Lila and scooping her body into my arms. I felt tears burn my eyes as I cradled her, her lifeless body limp in my hands. Within seconds, Erik was at my side.

  “What happened?” he cried, taking Lila from my arms and into his. He rocked back and forth with his sister, his face streaked with tears. “Lila! No!” He cried and screamed and yelled and I was crying, too. I was crying because I didn’t save her. I was crying because I wasn’t fast enough and an innocent girl died. I was crying because Erik was in pain, and I felt so bad for what he was going through.

  Unfortunately, we didn’t have long to mourn Lila’s death. The vampires that were still alive were steadfast in their charge. A human dead was a victory for them..

  “Erik,” I called out, putting my hand on his. “Erik, we have to get up. They’ll kill us if we don’t.”

  “Leave me alone!” he cried, never taking his tear-filled eyes off his sister’s face. He had closed her eyes, and it looked like she was just sleeping. The sight was too much for me to bear. I left them alone and ran off to help Kayla. My anger had surpassed my control. I was in such a violent rage that it didn’t matter anymore if I lived or died. I only cared that the rest of my friends—who were risking their lives to help me—didn’t fall prey to the bloodsucking parasites I had unwillingly become a part of. I wanted them all dead, and I wasn’t stopping until they were.

  But suddenly, everything stopped. As fast as the vampires had descended upon us, they were just as quickly backing down. Each of them stopped fighting, running together into a giant huddle of shadows on the other side of the clearing. Kayla, Aldric and I stood stunned. Erik still cradled Lila’s lifeless body. I looked at Kayla, who was just as confused as I was. What were they doing?

  “What the hell?” Kayla said to no one, lifting her hands to amplify her question. The scent of her blood was overwhelming, so I knew she was running ragged and her body was stressed.

  “Aldric?” I asked, spinning around to face him. But he was turned in the same direction as the huddle of vampires. He was focused on the house. On Chance.

  I looked over to where Chance had been propped against the side of the house, but he was gone. Panic ripped through me like a tornado, and I began a frantic search of the area. I didn’t have to look too far. I found him standing a few yards away from the house. But he wasn’t standing on his own. He was being held up by the same powerful-looking vampire from the dance.

  “Aldric,” I whispered, fear paralyzing my body.

  “That’s Sebastian,” he said, never taking his eyes off his former friend. I could see the veins filled with lifeless blood bulging on his temples. I couldn’t be sure if it was from anger or fear—or both. Kayla joined us, and the three of us slowly crossed the clearing toward the house.

  “Good to see you again, Aldric. It’s been far too long.” Sebastian’s voice was soft and distinguished, like it was in the noisy gym earlier tonight, making him sound more like a lawyer or dignitary than a monstrous vampire. I hadn’t been able to see him too clearly in the dim lighting at the dance, but out here beneath the moonlight, he was striking. He had the same youthful looks as Aldric, with wavy blond hair cut short. His features were flawless, of course: amber eyes that glowed like the rest of his coven; high, pronounced cheekbones; defined jaw. He smiled when he spoke, his full lips rising up into the perfect slant. Even though he had his lethal hand squeezed tightly around Chance’s neck, I couldn’t help but be enamored by him.

  “Go to hell, Sebastian,” Aldric said calmly. Hearing him speak broke my gaze and I looked over at him. His eyes quickly darted to my face before turning back to Sebastian.

  “Oh I’m already there, my friend. Have been for centuries. But you know all too well what that’s like, don’t you?”

  “Let him go.” My first thought was that Aldric’s voice had changed before I realized I was the one who spoke. The sound of my voice surprised me. Judging by Sebastian’s brief but shocked expression, I wasn’t the only one caught off guard.

  “Avaline,” he said, again with that winning smile. “Nice to see you again. We didn’t have time to get acquainted at your little dance. I’ve heard quite a bit about you, young lady.” I wanted to rip his head off for calling me ‘young lady,’ and tear out his heart for calling me ‘Avaline.’ I hated him.

  “Do as she says, Sebastian. Killing him won’t do anyone any good.” Aldric’s tone was flat, unaffected by emotion. His reference to killing Chance, though, made me jump. Just the thought made me sick to my stomach. My eyes immediately went to Chance’s face. His eyes were filled with tears, his skin and hair matted with his own blood. I fought off the sweet smell it produced and focused solely on his pain. He kept grasping at Sebastian’s hand, desperately trying to breathe. Aldric must have sensed my frustration and anger.

  “No, Ava.” Two words, so low only I could hear him. I reluctantly did as he said and stayed put. The rage in me was boiling over.

  “Do you think I have concern for this pathetic human?” Sebastian asked. Chance groaned and pulled on Sebastian’s hand. His legs began kicking wildly beneath him, swaying frantically in the air.

  “Stop!” I screamed with panic. “You’re killing him!” Aldric grabbed me as I tried to lunge forward to help. I struggled to break free of his grip.

  “Precisely,” Sebastian smirked. “To prove that no human is more important than a vampire. We are far superior beings. It’s time to take our place at the top.”

  “You’re wrong, Sebastian,” Aldric said. “You’ve always been wrong about that.”

  “And you’ve always had a soft spot for humans, my friend.”

  “We were human once, Sebastian. Remember that?” I kept looking from Aldric to Sebastian to Chance, who was beginning to turn blue.

  “That was so long ago,” Sebastian said. “I’m much happier with my life now.”

  “Happier? Or simply content? I would give up my life, my powers, everything I have now, to be human again.” He looked at me as he spoke, and I could see envy in his eyes. He was jealous of me, of my humanity. It was the first real human emotion he had ever openly shown. I wanted to say something to him, apologize for being human when he couldn’t be. But I couldn’t. I was too worried about Chance and the fact that Sebastian was slowly killing him. I watched the life slowly slipping from his eyes as he was choking and flailing. I knew that if I didn’t do something, he would be dead in seconds. But what? What could I do to stop Sebastian? Nothing. But Aldric could.

  “Stop him, please.” I leaned into Aldric, my body trembling with nerves. I was begging him to save Chance. I would’ve done anything. I would’ve given my own life if I thought it would have helped. Aldric didn’t respond. He simply stood motionless and watched as Sebastian choked the life out of Chance.

  I wasn’t as surprised as I thought I would be. Aldric was, after all, a true vampire. And he and Sebastian had been friends or acquaintances or whatever for God knew how long, so naturally he would take his side
over a human. I wanted to rip his throat out.

  “I’ll turn him.” Aldric’s words were like a slap in the face. I pulled away from him in shock, totally taken aback by what he said. I’ll turn him? What the hell was he saying?

  “No!” I spat the word like poison. Aldric finally looked at me, his face stern and unwavering.

  “It’s the only way, Ava,” he said, his voice barely audible. “He will kill him, make no mistake of that.” I knew he was telling the truth. I could feel it. But turning Chance into a vampire? I couldn’t let that happen, either.

  “There has to be a different way,” I cried, my eyes brimming with tears. I was pleading with Aldric, trying to get him to see that turning Chance into a vampire would be worse than letting Sebastian kill him. A never-ending existence as a monster is hell on Earth. And with Chance being a Healer, how would he be able to help people again? Would he lose his abilities? The risk was too much.

  “I’m so sorry.” Aldric lowered his eyes for a moment, already mourning what was about to take place. He had given up, resigned to allow the inevitable to come to pass. When he brought his eyes back to mine, I gave him a go to hell look and turned back to Sebastian.

  “Take me instead,” I blurted out, surprised by the sudden thought, but completely satisfied in saying it. I knew I would give my life for Chance one day. The time just arrived quicker than I had expected. It didn’t matter, though. I was ready.

  Sebastian must have eased his grip on Chance’s neck; I heard him suck in a deep breath and cough it back out. The blood that had been sealed off in his head began to flow through his body again, his face returning to a more normal color. Sebastian surprised us all when he opened his hand, letting Chance crumple to the ground.

  I wanted to run to him and make sure he was okay, but Sebastian’s glare kept me locked in place. I stared back at him, too afraid to move.

  “I’m afraid you can’t trade places with your precious human,” Sebastian said. “You are meant for something far greater than lunch.”

  “Sebastian,” Aldric interjected. I was caught off guard by him, and turned to watch his face. There was something hidden there, something he wasn’t telling me.

  “Of course.” Sebastian bowed his head in mock adoration, clearly poking fun at Aldric. He smirked, obviously indifferent about what Aldric had to say. I kept looking from one to the other, trying to figure out what Sebastian had meant by ‘something far greater.’ What was I meant to do? And why wouldn’t they just say it?

  “As I said, Avaline,” Sebastian began, but stopped. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I do mean Ava. I’ve never understood why you dislike the name Avaline. I’m sure your parents had good reason for giving it to you.” Sebastian was smiling as he spoke of my parents, his eyes moving back and forth from Aldric to me. I could do nothing but listen, my mind spinning as it tried to figure out his game. Kayla fidgeted next to me, clearly uneasy herself.

  “Please,” Sebastian went on. “Forgive my digression. You have a much higher purpose, Ava.” He emphasized my name again with a mocking tone. “So I decline your offer of trading places with the boy.” He turned his body to face Aldric. “And you, my dear old friend, are in no position to make such an offer. What you have done to poor Ava here has you in enough trouble as it is.”

  Trouble? What was he talking about? Why was Aldric in trouble for saving my life? Who was he in trouble with? What secret was being held between these two? I wanted some answers, and was about to demand them, when a flash of movement to my right took center stage. He moved so fast I didn’t have enough time to react. I could only stand by and watch as Erik stormed toward Sebastian with rage in his eyes and a stake in his hand.

  Sebastian seemed unmoved by the sudden attack. He simply swung his arm as Erik reached him, sending him flying across the clearing. I watched in horror as his body sailed through the air like debris in a storm, landing hard against the ground far behind us.

  “Erik!” Kayla screamed and ran to help her friend, while I decided this was the only moment I would have to make my move. I sprinted toward Chance at super speed. But Sebastian was much faster. He swept in front of me before I could reach Chance and shoved me hard. I mimicked Erik’s flight as I soared back and crashed into the ground. As I struggled to stand, I saw Aldric rush Sebastian and the two of them began fighting. More equally matched, the two powerful vampires spun in circles, their bodies rising and falling on the air as they each delivered punches to the other.

  A quick glance showed me two things: one…Erik was alive, being helped up by Kayla; and two…Aldric’s attack on Sebastian woke the seemingly comatose vampires huddled together by the woods. There were only a handful of them left—ten or so as far as I could make out in the faint moonlight—but we were still outnumbered. With Aldric fighting Sebastian and Lila gone, it was up to Kayla, Erik and me to take on the rest. The odds were really against us.

  I tried to not let our disadvantage discourage me. I jumped up and into a full run, heading straight for the charging vampires. Erik and Kayla joined me, and the three of us went head-on into the crowd of killers. I couldn’t keep track of all that happened. My mind was in such a numb state that I could only see fangs and venom. I fought with an intense fury, unlike anything I had ever felt before. My mind, body and soul were consumed with the fight, to the point that I had completely forgotten about what I was fighting for.


  I barely had time to listen to the voice in my head before a giant vampire breaking from the cluster and speeding off toward Chance brought my mind out of a cloud of rage. I stopped dead in my tracks, the body of a vampire I had just killed slumping to the ground in front of me. I didn’t hesitate. I sped after the large vampire, who was clearly going after Chance. I caught sight of him soon enough to stop him, but I was suddenly and unexpectedly sideswiped by another vampire, who clipped my legs and sent me toppling to the ground.

  She jumped on top of me like a hungry lion, her voice growling and her fangs spewing venom. I gave as good as I got, though, my hands twisting her tiny arms until they both snapped. She writhed in pain, which fueled my rage as I brought one of the broken arms to my mouth and sunk my fangs into her skin. I drank quickly, leaving her only half dead as I tossed her to the side and jumped up.

  But I was too late.

  The vampire charging at Chance reached him before I could even start running. I watched in mortified horror as he lifted Chance from the ground like a rag doll and sank his large fangs into his neck.



  Nooo!” I screamed and ran faster than I ever had before. My body was convulsing with pain and fatigue and fear. The vampire had enough time to drink a lot of Chance’s blood before tossing him aside and flying away. I went after him, pushing off the ground and crashing into him mid-air. We fell to the ground like a gigantic rock, and I attacked him with all my strength. He fought me as hard as he could, but with rage and anger and pain controlling me, it took less than a minute for me to drive a stake I found in the dirt through his chest. I didn’t even wait for his body to turn to ash as I darted over to Chance.

  He wasn’t moving. I knelt beside him, the powerful scent of his blood now stronger than ever. The smell flowed through me, wrapping me in its sweetness. It swept through my mind fast and strong, covering all my thoughts with its tantalizing pull. I fought the urge to taste it as I watched it pour from the wound in his neck. I tried to find his pulse, first checking his neck before lifting his arm and applying pressure to his wrist. It was faint, but he was still alive.

  “Help me!” I screamed into the night, the fear of my worst nightmare coming true washing over me. I had failed. I couldn’t do the one thing I had promised myself. I couldn’t protect him. I lifted his head into my hands and cradled him in my arms, just like Erik had done with Lila. I couldn’t help but fear that I, too, was going to be saying a final goodbye. Tears flooded my cheeks and splashed onto Chance’s bloodied forehead as I cried harder than ever before. Ton
ight had brought all of my emotions forth. I had experienced intense pain, anger, fear, all the human characteristics I still possessed were alive and vibrant and tearing me in half. And now the emotional torture of loss was very imminent.

  “Aldric!” I pulled my eyes away from Chance’s bleeding neck and found my Creator in the throes of battle with Sebastian. I watched the two of them spar with matched force, their undead bodies swirling around the open field in a frenzy, tossing snow and dirt all around. I wanted Sebastian dead, wanted Aldric to rip his head from his body and send his undead soul straight to Hell. Until now, I had wanted nothing more. But Chance was dying, and I couldn’t help him. Aldric was my only hope.

  “Aldric!!” I screamed louder than ever, and Aldric looked over at me. That was all it took for Sebastian to make his move. His hands hit Aldric with a mighty force, sending him reeling across the clearing. My eyes followed his body as it sailed through the air and crashed into the hard earth, the impact shaking the ground like a quake. I wanted to rush over to him, to make sure he was still alive, but Chance’s needs outweighed his. I rocked him back and forth, the fear of him dying strangling the breath out of my lungs. I couldn’t let that happen. I wouldn’t.

  “You won!” I screamed at Sebastian, who stood fifty feet from me, smugly glaring at Aldric’s immobile body. “They’re dead! Just leave me alone!” I couldn’t control my tears, their traitorous actions evident on my streaked face. I had never felt more defeated, more of a failure, than I did while holding my dying friend and telling the enemy that he got his way. I suddenly wanted to crawl back into the coffin I came from and die for real.


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