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Teach Me to Love

Page 3

by Tressie Lockwood

  “Yeah, I admit that got to me at first.” He shrugged. “But it’s been years. What we had is in the past. Now, you tell me about your Asian.”

  She mimicked his shrug. “He died before our wedding day. Nothing much to tell.”

  “Somehow I doubt that, but we’ll leave it there.” Gavin stood up when she was finished eating, and he gathered their trash to dump into the receptacle. Afterward, they headed out to his truck. Gavin paused at the door. “Okay, the night is young. What would you like to do? Just name it. I will lay it at your pretty feet.”

  She grinned. “Really?”


  She hesitated. “Okay, well I know you’ll think I’m nuts, but I always wanted to try miniature golf. I’m lousy at most sports, but this is different, right?”

  Gavin looked insulted, and Bryah had to press her lips together to keep from laughing. “I’ll have you know that I am very good at miniature golf, and I consider it a great sport. Not everyone can master the more confined spaces to put their balls into.”

  This time, Bryah did laugh, and Gavin joined in. She was pretty sure he’d chosen his wording on purpose. They headed over to Grapevine Highway

  to a place called MountasiaFamilyFunCenter. Bryah stood in awe at the layout of the golf course. Caves and waterfalls—she felt like a little kid as the excitement began to build inside her. When they got to the start of the course, and Gavin stood behind her to show her proper club swinging techniques, Bryah’s emotions took a whole other direction.

  Gavin wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his hands over hers. His breath warmed her neck when he spoke. “Stand with your feet slightly apart and hold the club this way.”

  How was she going to concentrate with his shaft, which was obviously stiff, pressing into her back? She swallowed and tried to focus. When Gavin guided her through hitting the ball, she felt something else hard and frowned. “What’s that?”

  “Oh, sorry.” He reached a hand up toward his underarm and shifted something. She realized then that he was armed. The fact that he was a ranger came back to mind, although it was never far. Gavin had a commanding presence even when he was smiling and looking out for her comfort. She could so fall for him.


  She screwed up her lips, eyeing him. “You just want to feel me up.”

  Gavin laughed. “And you want me to.” To demonstrate, he scooted in close, this time making no attempt to teach her anything. His palms grazed her arms, sending shivers over her skin and drawing goose bumps to the surface. He laced her jaw line with tiny kisses and nuzzled under her chin with his nose. Breathing deep, he took in her scent. Bryah told herself to move away, but her feet refused the order.

  “I know what you want,” Gavin whispered in her ear.

  She swung her head in his direction. “You don’t—”

  He covered her lips with his. Bryah, at first, gasped, and then she accepted the kiss, wanting it as much as he had. She admitted to herself from the first moment she’d opened her door to him, she’d wanted to see what it would be like to kiss this sexy man and feel his arms around her. If nothing else, intimacy in her life had been missing far too long. She twisted in his hold and lifted her arms to encircle his neck. His hard body lined hers, and Bryah felt herself getting wetter and wetter. If she didn’t stop now, things would go a direction she didn’t intend.

  With their tongues intertwined, greedily tasting each other and their lips locked, Bryah couldn’t bring herself to draw back. She moaned, desperate for more. After several minutes with her lost in his touch, it was Gavin who regained his senses enough to break the kiss.

  Panting and wiping the corners of his mouth with his knuckles, Gavin shook his head. “I knew that was going to be good, but not that good.”

  Bryah blushed and swung away, fiddling with her club. “That was moving a little too fast for me.”

  “Forgive me. That was my fault.” He moved around with a hand extended to touch her arm, but withdrew like he dare not. “We should get moving so we don’t block anyone else.”

  “Oh, right. Yeah.”

  Bryah took a swipe at the ball, screwed up the hit a few times, and then Gavin took his turn. They moved from hole to hole, enjoying themselves. Bryah found herself laughing until her stomach muscles ached between her lousy playing and Gavin’s funny stories of his encounters with people in his job. After a couple hours of playing, they headed to Gavin’s truck. After he drove her back to her house, he walked her to her door like a gentleman and waited until she got it unlocked.

  “I had a great time tonight,” he told her.

  She laid a hand on his chest and felt his heartbeat thumping fast. She was hot for more action like they’d had at the start of the miniature golf game, and from the feel of it, he was too.

  “So did I,” she murmured.

  “Go out with me again.”

  Bryah hesitated. She’d rehearsed to herself over and over during the date that this was the first and last time. Dating a ranger was a mistake. But, like earlier, when her feet had disobeyed her brain’s command, her mouth wouldn’t form the word no. “Sure, I’d love to.”

  Gavin scooped her up against his chest and kissed her gently before releasing her just as quickly. “I’ll call you tomorrow to set the time and date. Now, go inside so I can be sure you’re safe.”

  She couldn’t argue when he was being chivalrous. “Good night,” she whispered, and went inside. With her back pressed to the door and her breaths coming in ragged pants, she listened to him start his truck and roar off down the street. She must be out of her mind, and yet, nothing but excitement zinged along her veins.

  Chapter Five

  Bryah had been seeing Gavin for a couple of weeks, practically every day. She’d long since abandoned the resolve not to date a policeman and opted for not to fall in love. So far, she believed she was safe. Now, sexual attraction was a whole other matter.

  “So, you’re saying at the four month dating mark is when sex happens,” Gavin said, looking at her like she was an alien.

  She laughed. “Four months isn’t a long time. I mean, we hardly know each other, and we’ve only gone out, what, a hand full of times.”

  Gavin walked over and took the club from her hand. They had made mini-golfing their habit because Bryah loved it even though she stunk at the game. He switched the club to his other hand, then threaded his fingers between hers. A small tug had her flat against his chest, Gavin’s apparent favorite place to keep her. Bryah wasn’t complaining. He stared down into her eyes, a challenge in his blue depths.

  “Yeah, somehow I think we’re not going to make it, darlin’.”

  “That’s because you can’t keep your hands to yourself, ranger.”

  He reached around and smacked her on the butt. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. Your game isn’t getting any better.”

  “Oh, that is so cold.” She rolled her eyes at him, and he laughed. Hand in hand, they returned to his truck and drove on down the highway. When she spotted the Krispy Kreme, Bryah squeezed his arm. “Let’s stop, please. I am having a major craving for something sweet.”

  Rather than hit the drive-thru, Gavin parked the truck, and they headed inside. Gavin stood behind Bryah with his hands on her shoulders while she ordered. “I’d like one Boston cream, one chocolate glaze cake, one plain, and one New York cheesecake.” She glanced over her shoulder at him to find his eyebrows nearly in his hairline.

  “That’s some sweet tooth. I’m not sure there’s any left for me to buy.”

  Bryah elbowed him in the stomach only to hurt herself for her troubles. His abs were flesh-coated steel. He noticed her wince right away and rubbed her arm while holding her tight. “Be careful. I don’t want you hurt, ever.”

  A warm feeling rolled over her at his words, and for a minute, Bryah forgot everything and everyone else—that is, until someone cleared their throat. She looked around, embarrassed at the woman standing behind the counter. The slight dis
gust in her expression didn’t faze Bryah for a moment. She had to admit, spending time with Gavin made her happier than she’d been in a long time.

  Gavin put in his order, rounding out their donuts to a dozen and promising she could take the rest home for tomorrow. Bryah was turning her head from his kiss when she noticed a man enter who just didn’t look right. She was about to ask Gavin what he thought, but his attention was already on the man. Bryah’s stomach tightened. Please, no.

  The man wore a Stetson pulled low over his forehead, and his clothes were rumpled. He kept one hand shoved inside his denim jacket pocket. Bryah couldn’t believe the man would even wear it in this heat. Sure, the restaurant was cool, but outside, the weatherman had said the temperature had gotten up to ninety-nine. After the sun went down, the night cooled just a little.

  Gavin gave Bryah a quick squeeze at her waist. “You stay right here. Don’t move.”

  He didn’t have to tell her twice. She’d had more than enough drama lately and prayed this would not be another episode. But as she watched Gavin talk to the man, offer his southern charm smile, and direct the man to the door, she breathed a little easier. Gavin might look like he was all friendly and easygoing, but she’d learned in the short time she knew him, that he was always on alert, even when off duty.

  When he delayed coming back, fear tightened the muscles in her chest. She prayed things didn’t get out of hand after he’d left the restaurant. Or maybe he’d gone out there because he knew they would. No, she told herself. This was not like what had happened to her fiancé. Even while she chanted the words to herself, her fear wouldn’t let her believe it.

  With stiff, jerky movements, Bryah made her way over to the door. Just as she reached it, Gavin pulled it open and met her face to face. Bryah sagged into his arms. “Tell me it’s okay.”

  “Of course.” His arms came around her, and he crushed her to him. “What’s wrong, Bryah? Nothing happened, yet you’re shaking. Did it remind you of what happened at school?”

  She shook her head, but didn’t look up. He guided her to the counter, where they paid for their donuts, and then returned to his truck. Bryah didn’t utter a word until they pulled up in front of her house. As he usually did, Gavin took her keys and unlocked the house. This time, he led her inside to her living room, flicked on a light, and then pulled her down on the couch.

  “Now, talk to me,” he insisted.

  Bryah wrung her hands together in her lap while she stared at the floor. She swallowed a few times, trying to pull herself together. When she shut her eyes, she remembered the past in vivid color, saw his casket, and felt herself screaming at his loss. “I told you I used to be engaged, but he died.”

  “Yes.” He waited in silence for her to continue. She appreciated that.

  “He was a policeman in Baltimore city. We had just set the date. Since neither of us wanted anything elaborate, we were planning a tiny thing with our closest family and friends in a month’s time. But one night he was working the night shift. On his way home, he stopped at a convenience store. And…”

  “Oh, no, darlin’, I can see where this is going. I’m so sorry.” Gavin lifted her onto his lap and held her tight. “If it helps, you can tell me the rest. If not, it’s okay. I can’t really calm your fears. I can only be here now for you.”

  Bryah burst out crying. Her sobs wracked her body while she clung to Gavin. He stroked her back and whispered gentle words. She couldn’t really hear him over her crying, but the low rumble of his voice comforted her, and she didn’t feel so alone.

  After a long time, her cries settled to sniffs and sighs. She lay curled in Gavin’s arms, her hands in her lap and her face buried against his neck. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he murmured.

  “I used to tell myself that at least the police caught the man who shot him, that knowing that helped me to heal. I don’t think I’m holding anything inside, but seeing you tonight deal with that guy…he had a gun, didn’t he?”

  Gavin hesitated, but then answered truthfully. “Yes. His permit checked out. He didn’t actually commit a crime, but I did call a buddy to keep an eye out tonight.” Gavin tucked a wayward curl behind her ear and lifted her chin. “I know how traumatizing something like that can be. I see it in my profession sometimes. There are no words that could take away your fears, but I’m here. I’ll stay if you want me to until you’re feeling better.”

  She looked at him. “Gavin—”

  “No strings. Just an ear to listen and strong arms if you need to be held,” he promised.

  She saw the sincerity in his eyes. Besides, Gavin had never pretended to be anything other than what he was. From what she saw of his character, he didn’t scheme and plot. If he was trying to play on her emotions, he would have said so, but he was too honorable a man to do something like that. After a while, she nodded. “Yes, I’d like that. Thank you so much. It’s so pathetic that I’m sitting here crying over another man when we were out on a date.”

  He looked pained for a second, and then he smiled. “No worries.”

  Later, Gavin followed her to her room, and Bryah showered and dressed in an oversized T-shirt and men’s boxers. Gavin showered and laid beside her in her bed just in his boxers. She wondered if it was a good idea, or if he would keep his hands from roaming, but the truth was, she didn’t want to be alone. She’d been alone for what felt like forever. And if she was really honest with herself, she’d admit that she cared about Gavin. The thought of losing him like she’d lost her fiancé was what had gotten to her tonight. They’d just been hitting it off, and even if the relationship wasn’t going anywhere, she’d like to think he would remain a close friend.

  Bryah settled in his arms, and after she’d found a good, comfortable place with her head on his chest, she drifted off. The steady beat of Gavin’s heart made her feel safe and secure, like no bad guy could touch her as long as he was near.

  * * * *

  Bryah woke with a start and looked around her room. She glanced at the bedside clock to find it was two in the morning. Thinking about how she’d confessed her past pain to Gavin made her recall that he was there. His arm was a heavy weight thrown over her waist. Bryah watched him sleeping. His broad chest rose and fell while he uttered soft sighs.

  In the moonlight, Bryah made out Gavin clearly. From his peaceful face to his rock hard abs to his… Wetness pooled between her legs. Gavin’s shaft tented his boxer shorts, and Bryah had to dig her fingernails in her palms to keep from stroking him. They’d agreed his staying was with no expectation of sex, but all she wanted was to ride him and bring herself to a screaming orgasm. Was it rebound? How could it be when it had been two years since her fiancé passed? And it wasn’t like she’d just met Gavin tonight. Still, she’d been upset, and her emotions might be out of whack.

  She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. With her back to Gavin, she struggled with what to do. The man was hot, no doubt about that. They were both adults. Hell, before her fiancé, Bryah had thought nothing of hooking up with a man just for sex. Not often, but she’d been open to it. After she’d fallen in love, her whole life seemed to change. Now, she lived the quiet, staid life of a schoolteacher like women in her profession couldn’t and didn’t get theirs when they wanted. She sighed.

  Gavin shifted behind her, and he sat up to rest a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, you okay? Bad dream?” His voice was deeper with sleep, turning her on even more.

  “I’m fine.” She spun around and pushed him until he fell backward onto his pillow. His eyes grew wide, but she knew he’d get it when she laid a hand over his shaft. The thick member expanded seconds after her touch, and she marveled at how it lengthened under her fingers. Bryah shifted her gaze from Gavin’s erection to his face and was surprised at his hesitance.

  He covered her hand with his. “Bryah, I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. Are you sure about this?”

  She tried to stroke and squeeze him. He shudder
ed like he was fighting the pleasure she gave him, but he didn’t allow her to move more than an inch.

  “Tell me, darlin’, or we go no further.”

  “I’m sure it’s what I want,” she whispered.

  He removed her hand from his shaft, and she thought he was rejecting her, but instead, he sat up and rolled her over onto her back. His thumb brushed her cheek, and he stared down into her eyes before giving her a gentle kiss. When he drew back, Bryah sucked in a shuddering breath. Just like the first time he’d kissed her, he robbed the ability to reason from her mind until all she could think about was having more of him. No wonder he’d asked if she was sure. The man had skills of seduction without even trying.

  “I’ve wanted you from the first moment I laid eyes on you.” His gaze dropped to her lips. “I know it wasn’t an appropriate time to think that and probably why I screwed up, but it’s true nevertheless.”

  She could find no words to respond. He tugged at her T-shirt, and Bryah glanced down to see that her nipples were defined through the thin material. Gavin pushed a hand through his hair, which had fallen over onto his forehead. His breaths came in heavy pants as he watched her.

  “You’re killing me in that shirt, sugar.”

  All of a sudden, Bryah’s nervousness disappeared, and she grinned. “Then take it off of me, ranger. I know you’re not afraid.”

  His eyes almost glowed with excitement. “Heck no.”

  Bryah’s shirt was soon on the floor, and her boxers followed. Gavin shimmied out of his single garment. At last, there was nothing between them. Bryah lay on her back, allowing Gavin to explore her body with his fingertips and his gaze. The naked lust in his expression boosted her confidence like nothing ever had. She was not ashamed of her body even with its flaws. She kept herself reasonably fit, and her breasts hadn’t yet sagged to the point of being embarrassing.


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