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Smuggler’s Contubernium (Mea Lupus Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Kahaula

  “Never,” rumbled Bhar. He stood naked next to Aphelele, covered only by a few smears of dirt. His long auburn hair, removed from their braids due to his shift, was like a curtain around his shoulders. His large left hand was rubbing circles on Aphelele’s back. Aphelele chuckled and rubbed a smear of dirt off Bhar’s cheek.

  Those two fit so perfectly together it made my heart melt. They reminded me so much of my parents. My mother had only two punalua, two spouses, and both men had also loved one another. It was their love for each other that had gotten them through the loss of my mother.

  My mood dropped quickly with that reminder. Soon enough, everyone I had known would grow old and die. I would be there for the growth of my family in the generations to come. Becoming Chosen had been a great honour. Not just because of the elevated status I and my family would have in the Imperial Union, but also because I would be a Kupuna Loa, a Living Ancestor. I was expected to watch over and guide my family.

  The responsibility of that was staggering. I thanked our Gods for guiding me to my large pack so quickly after becoming Chosen. Watching my pack mates and Kara laugh made me send another prayer of thanks. From the moment she had entered our lives things had gotten complicated. I believed in a good way.

  “Isn’t that right, Oli?” What? Kara smiled kindly with a knowing look. She always said my mind was so active that it tended to kihele, go galavanting. “I was just saying that you were taking a break from studying.” I groaned and fell back on the grass. Kara laughed and I smiled knowing I had caused that.

  “Aye, pup,” teased Bhar, “You should get back to your schoolwork.”

  “Fuck you, Bhar. I’m a fully grown man,” I said sweetly as I gripped my semi-hard cock behind my tech suit. I tried to roll fast but he stomped over too quickly and his foot caught me right in the ass.

  “Get up you lazy fuck,” Bhar grumbled. I tightened my ab muscles and sprung backwards out of the way of his second kick.

  “Nimble fuck, thank you very much,” I winked at Kara who fought to hold in her laugh when Bhar had to correct his overbalance after missing me. He growled half heartedly but Aphelele saved me by wrapping his arms around his beloved.

  “Conchobhar, he’s having to do decades worth of learning in just a handful of years, let him have his break,” Aphelele whispered soothingly in Bhar’s ear before kissing his neck.

  Bhar turned in Aphelele’s arms and huffed playfully as he nuzzled his nose against Aphelele’s nose. Reaching out, Bhar kissed Aphelele lovingly. Their kiss deepened but broke off suddenly when we all turned at the soft breathy moan of Kara. Her eyes were liquid lava, her body sending out rolling waves of desire into the air around us.

  “Well, now that Bhar’s gotten me all dirty I should go take a bath,” Kara stood and slyly brushed her hands along her body to clean herself of dirt and leaves. Mid-turn Bhar stepped in close to her body and lifted her up. With no choice but to hold on, she locked her legs around his hips and braced her hands on his shoulders.

  “If I’ve done the crime then I should do my penance,” he nipped at her lips then looked over his shoulder, “You coming, Aphelele?”

  Aphelele only chuckled and motioned for Bhar to lead the way. They walked out and I was left alone with my unsatisfied hard dick, yet again. I sighed. I thought about the mountain of coursework that was waiting for me back at my desk and willed my dick down. I had had enough. I resolved to make my move and show Kara that I was more than her ‘sweet wolf’.


  Life with the wolves had gotten so comfortable. Too comfortable. I had placed the data relay orbs all throughout the Mea Lupus Quarters. The only signal that access had been accomplished was the message from Sunny saying that my ship was all updated and cleared for me to take off on my next cargo run.

  Nothing about our code phrase set off any alarms, not even for Adohi. If anything, the lack of red flags only fed into his baser urges, provoking him to confront me for what his gut was screaming at him. No amount of hard fucking in the dark empty corridors of the Mea Lupus Quarters could assuage his paranoia about me. A dangerous part of me lived for those moments when he confronted me with his suspicions of my lies that he could never prove. It felt thrillingly cathartic to have him pound into me or for me to ride him against a wall in defiance.

  I honestly didn’t know why I was still here.

  Sunny’s message was originally supposed to be sent in two parts. Saying my ship was ready meant we had gotten access to the local Mea Lupus hub. I wasn’t so arrogant as to think I wouldn’t trip safeguards if I tried for anything deeper. Her telling me that my ship was cleared to take off on my next cargo run meant that we had gotten all the keycodes needed. Keycodes that were necessary if I wanted to use the local Mea Lupus hub to springboard my damnatio memoriae program into other systems to infiltrate out.

  I sighed. Sunny had sent me that message a month ago. I had messaged her back saying I was waiting on a bigger shipment. It was a message for her to pass on to Ai. We had discussed this contingency. She was to slowly and methodically use the data relay orbs and the keycodes to start selling off anything useful she found.

  We both agreed that we would stick to safe data. Mea Lupus and Imperial Union Legion movements in relation to smuggler routes. Schedules of where patrols weren’t going to be would be a hot seller. Neither one of us were going to put anyone in direct danger. If we did that we not only crossed a moral line but we’d become the prime target of a very pissed off empire.

  I nibbled my lip and pressed my face into Bhar’s neck, breathing in deep. The data we were selling off was definitely going to get my wolves laughed at but it wouldn’t put them in any real danger either. They’re not your wolves, Kara, I reminded myself, they’re not your anything. I sighed again and felt Bhar press his chin into my hair.

  I peaked over my shoulder and saw Aphelele’s concerned eyes. This time the wrinkles beside them weren’t from laughter. I tried to smile but it must have come across as a grimace because Aphelele’s brow crinkled as well. We were back in our shared quarters. No, not ours, theirs. I was fucking this up. Instinctively, I curled into Bhar’s shoulder and pressed my face down onto his collarbone.

  “Hey,” Aphelele kissed my hair softly. “Did you want to lie down or did you want to actually take a shower?”

  “Shower,” I mumbled, then added, “Hot shower, please.” Bhar rumbled low in his chest and the sound soothed me somewhat until I snapped back once more to the reality of why that was not why I was here.

  This wasn’t some pleasant vacation. I wasn’t here to be adored and cared for. I wasn’t here to wake up to warm bodies holding me tight. I wasn’t here to have Quintillus make me breakfast with a smile, hearing all of them laugh about something they were looking forward to later in the day while he sat judiciary duty. I definitely wasn’t here to encourage Oli, challenge Adohi, ease Aphelele’s burdens, or make Bhar smile more.

  A deep sense of desolation and frustration swept through me. The armour I had walked in here with was hanging off of me in pieces. Every fortification in my mind was going tits up the more time I spent with these wolves. And I couldn’t bring myself to stop yet.

  “Drowning in your mind,” Bhar’s gruff voice shook me from my downward spiral. I hadn’t even realised he had set me down on the bathing area’s bench next to Aphelele. Bhar’s thick and calloused thumb rubbed gently between my brows, the crease there easing.

  “It’s just cramps,” I grimaced. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t exactly the whole truth either. “And I’m bleeding a bit heavily this cycle.” Bhar’s expression became fierce and Aphelele gave me an admonishing look. “What? Don’t tell me a woman’s menstruation scares or disgusts you,” I rolled my eyes and stood up.

  “No, I’m angry you didn’t tell us sooner,” Bhar’s gruff response full of worry momentarily stunned me. I barked out a laugh in disbelief. Aphelele tapped on the panel near the shower section and turned on the overhead sprays to a high temperature that had the l
arge room steaming up. One more set of taps and across the way the massive soaking pool also began to heat up.

  “I have 2 older sisters,” Aphelele smiled wistfully at me, then nodded, “Of course we could smell you but some women are private about such things so we wanted to help only if you wanted us to.” He shrugged and smiled kindly, waiting for me to tell them what I wanted.

  “And how can you help me?” I eyed them suspiciously, refusing to acknowledge just how touched I was that they wanted to help instead of beat a hasty retreat. “My cycle seems to have grown into a monster these last few months.” I sighed and ran a hand over my face, mumbling, “Probably all the stress over the Ferryman.”

  “We’re working on that,” Aphelele’s beautiful midnight skin contrasted my own brown as he caressed my arm reassuringly. “But for right now, if you let us, we can help you.” I had nothing to lose and only more of their trust to gain. I nodded in permission. That and I really did want some relief. I had never had problems with my cycle like this in the past. I was willing to try if they were offering.

  Bhar helped me out of my tabard dress and Aphelele undid the few braids still in my hair. Aphelele quickly took off his tech suit. They both led me hand in hand into the massive shower stall that spanned half the large room. Their personal quarters had been made to accommodate a contubernium. It was still considered the largest pack grouping in historical record so this estimating up had become a rule of thumb for Mea Lupus barracks and quarters across the Imperial Union. Or so Oli and I had learned together when he was studying Mea Lupus Logistics Through the Centuries.

  Remembering our joint study session from a few weeks ago made me smile. Then it felt like something died in my chest and my smile fell. I held in a sob. I could try and blame the hormones of my intense cycle but that would be a lie. I knew I wasn’t a good person but I had never done something so evil like this in my life. These wolves were nothing but supportive and kind, but that wouldn’t stop me from robbing them blind and disappearing.

  “Everything’s going to be okay,” Bhar cupped my face and pulled it up to look at him. For just a moment I let him see the pain and self-loathing I harboured inside. Confusion flashed through his eyes and I pulled back the tempest within.

  “You don’t know that,” I whispered. I turned my head slightly and kissed his palm. Before he could say anymore I felt warm hands wrap around my hips. Aphelele pulled me back and down into his lap on the shower stall bench. The poly-resin looked liked wood and warmed with the heat in the room.

  A few months ago I would have sneered at the absolute waste of all this water on a frontier station but at this moment I didn’t care. Aphelele immediately began washing my hair. He scrubbed and massaged my scalp in deep circles. I sighed happily as Bhar washed and massaged my legs, starting with my feet.

  The two worked in tandem to loosen my muscles and pay care to every strip of skin. I felt... worshiped. I reached out when Bhar stood to quickly and efficiently wash himself. Aphelele pulled me back into his chest and held me tight.

  “This is for you, not us,” Aphelele rumbled in my ear. He placed both hands gently over my womb and pressed lightly. I took in a breath of surprise, it was like having a heating pad and survival blanket on my tender flesh.

  When Bhar was done he straddled the bench facing us and pulled me into his arms. It was Aphelele’s turn to get clean while Bhar rubbed his hands in slow circles over my lower back. I groaned into his chest at how good it felt. Between one sigh and the next I felt Aphelele’s hands on my womb again and they both pressed down gently from either side.

  Butterfly kisses were peppered all along my neck, shoulders, and back. My armour cracked and fell further. They whispered endearments along my skin, weaving their words with their actions. They had no goal except to help me feel better. In their cocooned embrace I looked down and saw a small pool of blood on the bench between my legs.

  “Damn,” I sighed. I wasn’t ashamed of my natural cycles, but I was sad that they had worked so hard to wash me only for blood to be smeared along my thighs again so quickly.

  “Is it not helping?” Bhar slightly sucked in his lower lip, his question slightly nervous. I sucked in a breath, taking in his transformation. This is Conchobhar, not Bhar. This is who he is only with Aphelele. The realisation was like the scythe of my namesake had hit me square in the sternum. The victory I should have felt at endearing myself to the pair was a dull and costly win. I swallowed back my epiphany and its guilt, trying to think of what to say.

  “There are other ways we can massage you,” Aphelele said mischievously. This cheeky side of Aphelele was also normally reserved for Conchobhar alone. I chose to laugh instead of cry. I needed to pull myself together.

  “And what way would that be?” I looked over my shoulder at Aphelele and winked. I knew I had mastered my outward appearance when he leaned forward and kissed me, a coy smile on his face.

  “Shall I show you?” He teased. His hand fisted around his hardening cock. I laughed incredulously, but before I could speak Bhar was turning my face to his.

  “Only if you want,” Bhar was all seriousness. His eyes, however, shined with a tender and desperate need to do something for me. It was a selfless look that begged for me to tell him how he could best help me.

  “Okay,” I breathed out. Bhar kissed me, his lips embracing and drawing out my bottom lip. His tongue wrapped mine in a gentle twist. Carefully, they both lifted me so I could slowly slide back and down on Aphelele’s waiting cock.

  Aphelele did nothing except wrap his hands around my breasts and softly knead the sore tissue. His thumbs made lazy circles around my nipples, soothing the ache this cycle had caused in my body. Bhar pushed down on my chest with one large hand so I was flush against Aphelele’s front.

  Bhar painted me with kisses down my chin and neck. I turned my head and saw Bhar kiss Aphelele. I took in a breath at how beautiful they were with each other. I felt like a voyeur into their intimate moment. They turned to me and Bhar cupped my face bringing it to Aphelele’s then his for a kiss. I felt my internal muscles spasm at being included. Aphelele groaned and we kissed each other harder and more fervently.

  Bhar pulled back and I whimpered at his loss from our shared fold. His smile was achingly sweet. He curled both arms under my thighs. He slowly lifted me up Aphelele’s hard shaft. Aphelele’s hands slid down the contours of my belly before he gripped my hips and pushed me back down. They worked perfectly together so that I didn’t have to do anything except rest back and enjoy.

  “Does it feel good, Kara?” Aphelele chuckled darkly, “Do you approve of our internal massage?”

  “Oh, Yes. I very much approve,” I giggled breathily. I felt giddy with the heat and their focus. I felt my hips twitch and was surprised to feel an orgasm building. Aphelele and Bhar stopped suddenly. “What... what happened?”

  “Do you trust us Kara?” Aphelele whispered in my ear, nipping and nibbling the edges. Bhar’s eyes followed the hand he trailed down my body. Neither one of them were perturbed or put off in any way. Only devotion reigned supreme here.

  “I trust you all,” I answered honestly. “You’re good wolves.” I added quietly. It’s me you shouldn’t trust.

  Aphelele’s arms took their place next to Bhar’s under my thighs. They both lifted me off Aphelele and held me suspended. My stomach wobbled at the change but it reinforced the giddy sensation of being worshiped. I was being held aloft by wolves as they looked up at me in supplication. It was a heady sensation that had my spine straightening. Bhar saw the change on my face and he smiled sharply like he knew what I was thinking.

  I felt one of Aphelele’s hands position Bhar’s cock just inside my core while he gradually pushed his own cock, covered in my blood and honey, into my ass. Together they forged ahead as they let gravity sink me down on them both.

  I curved one hand around each man and pulled them to me. As tight as could be they wrapped themselves around me. Their arms were still hooked under my thigh
s, but now I was also pressed between their chests.

  Bhar shook and buried his face in my neck, taking in lungfuls of my warm wet scent. Aphelele placed his hands back on my hips. Instead of them lifting me like before, Bhar steadied me while Aphelele rolled my hips in wide circles. I arched back and screamed. I was so full of them, so deeply filled. The stirring motion only intensified that feeling. I whimpered at how good it felt, and how deep it eased the ache inside me from the cramps.

  “By the Gods, you’re so much hotter inside,” Bhar gasped out. His next words were spoken with disbelief and utter conviction, “You melt us down to nothing,” his arms shook from strain or from pleasure but his searing kissed devoured me. “Nothing without you,” he breathed against my lips, his words like a prayer.

  I pushed the damp strands of his long hair away from his face and kissed his cheeks, his brow, and down his nose. I didn’t want to pretend. For just this moment I would show Bhar and Aphelele how much this moment and their selfless care, meant to me.

  “Hold us tighter, Kara,” Aphelele whispered in my ear, his hands swirling my hips in faster circles. “Our beautiful one. Show us your strength.” He rolled his hips up and Bhar followed. The dual sensations of them pushing up and into me together while being swirled around them had me crying out. “Show us, beautiful one. Show us we’re yours.”

  They picked up the pace and it was all I could do to hold on. All feeling of cramping or pain gone, I tightened and loosened my core. Aphelele and Bhar cried out and moaned but kept going. My clenching and releasing was our collective heartbeat. The three of us as one.

  My eyes rolled back and my breathing stuttered. The pleasure and the connection pounding in my blood for Aphelele and Bhar was too much. My thighs shook and my rhythm faltered.

  Aphelele and Bhar moved faster and deeper. They felt me on the precipice and knew what I needed. A climax that I never knew I had in me erupted through my body and soul. I whimpered and sobbed, clawing at both men in rapture. Aphelele growled and tightened his arms around me in a fierce hug as he came. Bhar’s pained shout of relief exploded as he pressed his face under my chin. His hot shuddered breaths matched his hip’s shivers when he came as well.


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