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Smuggler’s Contubernium (Mea Lupus Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Kahaula

  “Wait!” I called out but Kastur ran inside the room and Pollux clambered quickly after his twin. I caught up to the twins and saw them still as statues. “What...?” A breathy moan followed by the wet sounds of sex roared in my ears.

  “More! More,” whimpered the dark haired beauty on the bed.

  “Yes, melli, yes,” moaned Quintillus.

  “Kara,” Kastur and Pollux whispered out her name in awe and desire. Kara was on her knees facing us on the bed. Her body was drenched in sweat and the cum of our pack mates. A rumble of approval left my, Kastur’s, and Pollux’s chest at the sight. Quintillus had his arms wrapped around her from behind, their fingers intwined, as he gently slid in and out of her.

  My mind struggled to stop and make sense of what I was seeing and feeling. I barely knew this woman. Kara cried out and my eyes snapped up to her face. Seeing her come matched what I had seen in my dream. Except this time she seemed pained, like it wasn’t enough. Quintillus whimpered and thrust one last time before he collapsed behind her groaning.

  Quintillus coughed and he rolled to his side. It was such a strange thing to see that it snapped me out of my lust filled stupor and I took in my surroundings. Oli was on the floor at the foot of the bed passed out. Aphelele was propped against a nearby wall holding Bhar who’s body was shaking. Adohi sat in a chair to the left of the bed, his head lolled to the side. His breathing was laboured and his chest heaved with the effort.

  What in the literal fuck is going on here?

  Kara raised her hands to us and I forgot why I should be concerned. Warmth and longing thrummed through me. Kastur and Pollux were already naked and walking towards her. Kara reached out to them and caressed their faces. Pollux kissed Kara then Kastur kissed Kara. She sighed in contentment.

  “We waited so long,” her pained whisper made me feel instant remorse and contrition. Her gaze fell on me and I lost the will to push back against my concerns. There was no need to be concerned. We were all here now. “I should be painted by all my wolves.”

  “Of course,” Kastur smiled dreamily as Pollux kissed his way along her shoulders. Pollux slid his cock into Kara from behind and whimpered, burying his face in the damp strands of hair between her shoulder blades. Kara’s breasts jiggled with the powerful and rough thrusts from Pollux.

  Kastur kissed Kara passionately biting on her lower lip and drawing it out only to suckle on it gently to ease the sting. I didn’t understand how but I stood there. I watched as the twins brought Kara to another climax. Pollux grunted, his cum dripping down her thighs.

  “You have to share, brother,” Kastur tsked. Pollux smiled happily and lifted Kara off his cock. She leaned back on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Of course, brother,” Pollux spread Kara’s thighs as wide as he could get them. Kastur ran a finger up and down her dripping slit, making her moan. She watched him with heat in her eyes as he licked his finger clean.

  “Are you real?” He whispered in breathless hope, “Please tell me this isn’t another dream.”

  “Feel how real I am, Kastur,” she arched her back then chuckled saucily, “As your brother Pollux did.” Kastur’s face split in another dopey grin of innocent joy. Pollux kissed Kara’s head and buried his nose in her hair, breathing in and out in serenity.

  Kastur dropped to his knees before them both and slid slowly into Kara. In contrast to Pollux he slowly built her back up with the steady rocking of his hips. This isn’t normal, my brain screamed.

  “What...,” I desperately tried to focus, “What’s happening?” Kara’s screams of pleasure threatened to break the thin tether I had on my clarity. I wanted to enjoy this. I liked watching the twins worship our Kara. Pollux’s fingers swirled small circles over her swollen clit and I wanted nothing more than to taste her. To fill her with my cum as Kastur did now.

  Confused and conflicted, a whine bubbled up in my throat. I needed my pack. As automatic as any muscle memory I reached out and opened up our telepathic pack link. I cried out and gripped my skull in my hands. It was too much.

  “Worship her.”

  “Desire her.”

  “Love her.”

  “She’s ours.”




  “Our mate!”

  I didn’t know who was saying what. I didn’t know who was feeling what. All of my pack mates, our entire contubernium and something—someone else, swirled and danced in my mind. I stood in the eye of a solar system wide storm full of scorching particles and stellar winds that swept around me.

  Hands touched my neck and waist. My tech suit sagged open and was pushed off my body. The telepathic storm in my mind continued to overwhelm me with its raw terror inducing beauty. Reverence and humility filled me. I had no idea who’s hands helped to strip me naked.

  “Don’t worry, Gaius,” Kastur smiled. When did he move close to me?

  “We’ll help you,” Pollux smiled.

  “She needs you, Gaius,” Kastur again.

  “She’s been waiting,” pouted Pollux. The look seemed so foreign on my serious pack mate’s face.

  “Don’t make her wait any longer,” They said in unison. They lead me to Kara who was writhing on the bed.

  I could feel her in my mind. She was the wind that whipped us into a storm. Her exhaustion coloured her thoughts and I was overwhelmed by her. I couldn’t form words with my voice. Against all logic I reached out to her telepathically like I would any of my pack mates.

  “What’s happening to us?” I asked rhetorically. There was no way she could hear or reply to me. Only my pack mates could.

  “I don’t know,” she replied in my mind. I barely had time to feel any shock before I watched Kastur and Pollux collapse to the floor simultaneously. I reached out but Kara turned me to her instead. She sealed her lips over mine and nothing else mattered.

  Her thighs pulled me in and I melted into her. She tightened around my cock and twisted her hips but I pressed my weight onto her, pinning her beneath me. Time had no meaning. My whole world was her soft lips and breathless sighs.

  She drew me in and wrapped her hands around my neck cradling my face between her beautiful breasts. I licked and played with her puffy and tender nipples gently, tasting the remnants of my pack mates cum all over her skin. I had to add to her beauty. I had to give of myself like they had.

  Careful of her swollen and red clit I pressed my palm down on her. Grinding her clit firmly in wide swooping circles made her hips cant up for more. I gasped at how responsive she was. How beautiful and delicious she was. Tendrils from my mind brushed the kaleidoscope of her thoughts.

  I opened my mind to her and we came together. For one heart stopping moment I saw the beacon that was the multifaceted jewel of her mind. The joining of our minds set off our bodies’ climaxes. I shuddered and felt my cum fill her, joining in with all of our offerings to her.

  Kara’s legs loosed and fell to the bed beside me but her hands still gripped my head tightly to her chest. We trembled together with the power of what we had accomplished. We were complete. I breathed deep and smelt all of us on her. It felt right. What we had done felt profound, divine.

  Yes, our Divine Mate.

  No, that’s not possible. Clarity started to rush back in. I tried to lift my head but I was bowled over with exhaustion. Keeping my eyes open was a battle I was rapidly losing. What’s happened to me? I blinked sluggishly and looked around, seeing my weak and exhausted pack mates. They barely moved. What’s happened to us?

  I fell on my back and saw the metal ceiling. The world was tilting, my vision darkening at the edges. Someone groaned beside me. I turned my head and saw it was Kara. The same Kara that I barely knew but had mind blowing telepathic enhanced sex with. Her eyes widened with panic.

  “Wait,” I croaked out. Her movements were jerky with fear and confusion. She looked around her at the sprawled bodies and I could hear her heartbeat begin to race. “Please, wait.
Kara!” My words were a weak whisper. She began to scramble off the bed and I grabbed her ankle.

  Kara cried out at my clinging but strengthless grasp. She kicked out in fear. The last thing I saw was her shocked and pale face. The last thing I felt was my body flying, my skull smacking the wall, then darkness.



  “Gaius! Gaius!” Kastur’s voice was panicked, “Gods, please wake up!” My mind felt so fuzzy and my head hurt. Lifting my hand was a challenge but I managed to touch the back of my head. It was matted with blood but the wound had finished healing.

  “Thank the Divine Couple,” relief poured from Kastur’s voice.

  “What happened?” Flashes of Kara, a shining jewel, and pleasure flooded my mind.

  “Fuck if I know—,” began Kastur.

  “She took everything! FUCK!” Yelled Adohi. I heard something being thrown. It hit a far wall and a crash sounded out.

  “She did it to protect herself,” Quintillus sounded like he couldn’t decide between being scared out of his mind or pissed off at Adohi, “because we obviously couldn’t protect her!” I heard a snarl and the thud of a punch.

  I sprung from the bed, quickly putting on my tech suit. Adohi and Quintillus were trading blows back and forth, still naked. My head was pounding and I remembered Kara’s shocked face before I hit the wall. She had run. Our... she had run.

  I swallowed back the soul destroying desolation that threatened to drop me to my knees. I had given up hope. But she had found us. Our Divine Mate was Mortal. I couldn’t yet wrap my head around it. Stopping a fight that was escalating mattered more than my despair.

  “Kara ran,” Oli turned his eyes to me and I saw nothing but agony. Tears dripped down his face, he was the youngest of us but he more than us understood the curse of long life without a mate or a family to love. He was already starting to lose his Mortal family. “Her ship is gone, Gaius. She’s gone.” He hung his head and silently wiped the tears from his face.

  “If you had just done your fucking job and found the Ferryman, she wouldn’t have run!” Bhar pushed Quintillus away from Adohi and raged in his face. Adohi laughed bitterly as blood dripped from his split lip. Aphelele leaned on the wall and shook his head, probably in shock.

  Pop! Pop! Boom! BOOM!

  We dropped to the floor as warning klaxons blared. Adohi dropped to the floor and laughed hysterically as he rocked back and forth. His hair fell forward and I couldn’t see his face. All I saw were his fists clawing at his hair as he continued to laugh loudly.

  Bhar looked at Adohi with disgust. The twins paled, as freaked out as I was about Adohi’s apparent mental break. Aphelele pushed off from the wall and reached out.

  “Don’t fucking touch me!” Adohi screamed up at Aphelele before he could touch Adohi’s shoulder. My pack is falling apart. I had to prioritise.

  “Kastur, Pollux go find out what the fuck that was and turn off that fucking alarm,” I ordered, “All of you, search the Mea Lupus Quarters.” Adohi ignored me and kept rocking back and forth. The command helped them to snap out of their confusion and fear for their pack mate. I stayed behind to watch over Adohi. He remained silent for the minutes everyone was gone.

  “No major damage,” Kastur reported.

  “I can smell where there were small explosions but nothing that would have really done any damage,” confirmed Bhar.

  “I turned the alarm off,” Aphelele walked back in, his lips set in a flat line.

  “We’ll have to do a more thorough search later,” added Oli.

  “Why?” Quintillus and I asked at the same time. He nodded to me and I repeated the question.

  “The burnt smell is coming from all over the place,” answered Oli.

  “I confirmed on the sensors that the alarms went off in multiple sections all throughout the Mea Lupus Quarters,” supplied Aphelele. Adohi laughed bitterly again. I turned to him and grimaced.

  “I found what looks like a shard,” Pollux entered the room and opened his palm. Before I could take the tiny scrap of metal, Adohi shot up from the floor and snatched it from Pollux’s hand. He briefly examined it then snorted in disbelief and approval.

  “Don’t you lovesick idiots get it yet?” Adohi snarled. His eyes were wild with righteous victory and a ferocious touch of insanity. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I put my hands up in a placating gesture.

  “Explain it to us,” I said calmly. Adohi’s face changed instantly. His eyes pleaded with me for forgiveness—for what I didn’t know, but his shame was clear. So was his shock.

  “There is no Kara,” he said numbly. He shook his head, he sounded like he was impressed. “She doesn’t exist.”

  “Make sense, Adohi,” interrupted Pollux angrily, “She definitely exists because we all just fucked her in some kind of... I don’t know what crazy orgy!”

  “She wasn’t a dream,” Kastur’s conviction seemed more to remind himself, “I felt her. I fucked her. We all did.”

  “You’re all still not listening!” He gripped the metal shard so hard that blood dripped from his fist. The same fist he shook at us in exasperation. “She took every bit of data I had on the Ferryman, including any information I had about her.” Adohi walked to the door and motioned for us to follow him. Once inside the command centre he pointed at all the consoles around us. “See for yourselves.”

  Quintillus rushed to a desk and began looking through files. Kastur and Pollux found their own consoles and went through files. Over his shoulder I could see Pollux tapping into his Mea Lupus network on Nova Roma as well.

  “It’s not just our Castra 3 command centre where the data’s been wiped,” Pollux’s brows shot up in bewilderment.

  “It’s not just the data,” Oli’s voice was as empty as his eyes, “Every time I try to search for Kara or her ship the Lyre there’s nothing. Anywhere.”

  “Check your search history,” Adohi commanded flatly. Their tapping all stopped suddenly.

  “What the fuck...,” said Kastur incredulously.

  “All scraps of her existence have been wiped out—even every record of a search for her gets purged.”

  “No,” gasped Quintillus. He crumpled in his chair and began sobbing quietly into his hands. Adohi looked at him with sadness and empathy.

  “See,” Adohi’s words dripped with self-loathing, “He understands now.”

  “Understands what?” Aphelele asked the question we were all dreading.

  “Kara is the Ferryman,” Adohi looked up at us and took in a shaky breath. He let us see how broken he was inside. “And there’s not a single way to prove it or track her.”

  Epilogue: Gaius


  Divine Couple, I feel so fucking hollow.

  Grim despair permeated the command centre of the Castra 3 Mea Lupus Quarters. No one was saying a word. We all just sat around and waited for the scheduled call to come in. Of all the ways I dreamed of how meeting our Divine Mate would go, this had never been it.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my jaw. I had stopped daring to hope. When I touched Kara’s mind I knew. We all knew without a doubt who she was to us. But what we learned after, absolutely gutted us. Some more than others. I looked in my periphery at my pack mates. How will we recover from this?

  I thought back to what I woke up to after having the most spiritual experience of my damn life. Fear for Kara’s disappearance had caused chaos. It was only Adohi who had put all the pieces together. Once he revealed and convinced us that Kara was the Ferryman, things only went downhill from there. Quintillus was inconsolable. Even now he sat numbly in his chair with a cold and bleak look on his face.

  I looked away because I couldn’t take seeing his expressionless eyes anymore. Adohi blamed himself for not making the connections sooner, but Quintillus? He was empathic, a Truthseer, it should have been impossible to fool him. Yet she did.

  Our own Divine Mate had manipulated us. We were all still struggling to understand how she
had done it. It took us two days to do an extensive search of the Mea Lupus Quarters. Kastur and Pollux had recalibrated the internal sensors to pinpoint every single blast location. There were thirty two in total.

  All that was left was a tiny handful of metal shards. Not that they could be used as evidence. Adohi could only extrapolate and guess at their original design and purpose. He believed they were surveillance and or data mining bots. They were in nearly every room throughout the entire Mea Lupus Quarters.

  I clenched my jaw even tighter. I didn’t doubt that they were set to self destruct as soon as Kara made her escape.

  Kara had manipulated my pack mates into bringing her in for protective custody. All the while she stole data for the Gods only knew what. We couldn’t even identify what she had accessed. A full barracks reset had to be done and a detailed report sent into the Mea Lupus Assembly.

  We also learned the hard way that any mention of her—or picture of her—resulted in automatic redactions. Whatever program she had set off in our system was pervasive and thorough. Only after the third failed attempt to send in our report did Adohi find a work around. We had to create a new blank identity.

  It was also Adohi’s brilliant idea to tag that blank identity with the only physical evidence we had from Kara: her bodily fluids. We used what was on the bed, after we separated our own DNA out, and then attached her DNA profile to the report.

  Within minutes of submitting our report we were contacted by the Daughters of Menrva. Primus Pilus Revna wanted more details.

  Connecting you now.

  I sat up a bit straighter and did my best to focus. We had only briefly met her at the Senate in New Rome. The screen flashed and Primus Pilus Revna appeared on the large viewscreen; she sat in what appeared to be her office on her flagship the Ferrata. Her dark blue eyes looked black. Her pitch black hair was pulled back in a faux mohawk of braids. She looked seriously pissed off.

  “Primus Pilus Revna—,” I began.

  “Where is she,” she growled out. I was momentarily taken aback by the urgency and command in her voice.


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