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Volunteer (Selected Book 3)

Page 8

by Robin Roseau

  It looked like meatballs in in the nearest bowl and some sort of vegetable in the further. Posey and Violet removed the lids from the two middle bowls. I saw some sort of soup in one, and something mushy in the other.

  "Your dinner came from the kitchen in the Testing Center," Posey said. "It is safe for a human." She gestured with a tentacle. "All these are made from human foods, but with spices native to our old home. They are not poisonous to you, but it is very unlikely you would enjoy the flavors. You will need to be exceedingly daring if you want to try any."

  Azalea spoke, the first English she shared with me. "Not tonight," she said. "If you wish to try our foods, it will be another time."

  "All right," I said.

  They didn't pass the big bowls. They passed the personal bowls. Each of them took responsibility for serving from one of the bowls. They used spoons and forks that, while not quite human, were clearly identified as for their purpose. It was a tossup whether they used a hand or a tentacle for serving. I watched this before I transferred some of my food from my platter to my own plate.

  They waited until everyone was served. Then they all looked at me.

  "Do you say grace or anything like that?"

  "No," said Violet in Catseye, followed by something longer.

  "But you're all looking at me."

  Bluebell responded to that, but of course, I didn't understand. I cocked my head. "Is anyone going to explain in English?"

  She waved a tentacle back and forth at me, and I decided that, no, no one was going to explain.

  I smiled. "Thank you for inviting me to dinner. This smells wonderful." I picked up my fork. They each picked up a bowl, but not each the same bowl. I dived a fork into a bit of salad, and they each dipped a tentacle into a bowl.

  Then they began to slurp.

  I stared for a minute, not saying anything. Violet was eating soup, and I watched the contents of her bowl decline visibly. Azalea, who of the parents was closest, was working on some of the mush -- I suppose it looked a little like mashed potatoes or oatmeal.

  Posey and Bluebell ate differently. They picked up their larger bowls, each using one hand and an opposite tentacle. Then with a free tentacle and a fork, they speared one of the balls and passed it to another tentacle, wrapping around it for a moment. When the tentacle opened, the food was gone.

  I slowly ate my salad.

  This went on for a minute before Violet began speaking rapidly in Catseye. Bluebell spoke one word, somewhat sharply, and Violet slowed down. Not that it would have mattered. I had no idea what she was saying.

  But then Posey snorted and spoke English. "My sister wants to know what we have to do to shock you. She offered a few unlikely suggestions."

  I smiled. "I am sorry to disappoint you, Violet."

  Violet added a tentacle wave. Posey snorted. And Bluebell said in careful Catseye, "You are not disappointing anyone."

  "Posey, why are you speaking English but no one else is?"

  "Do you want me to stop?"


  "You have honest questions. Should we leave you ignorant? But for small talk, I will only speak Catseye."

  I nodded.

  After that, it was, indeed, small talk. One advantage of the way they ate: they could talk and eat at the same time, and they did.

  And an advantage of having so many limbs? Posey let one of her tentacles move over to me, and it latched to my back, the tip hanging over my shoulder. It felt nice.

  After she left it there for a while, I asked about it. "Posey, does this mean anything?" I reached up and touched the tip of the tentacle.

  "Perhaps you didn't notice Mom and Violet doing the same thing," Posey replied. I looked over and realized they were exchanging similar touches. "Do I need to stop?"

  "No. Please don't. I'm sorry I can't return the gesture."

  "You may use your hands later in the same fashion, but it is quite all right. You really do taste good."

  Violet glared at her sister for a moment, but then she returned to her meal.

  I had as much as I wanted. When it became clear I wasn't going to finish everything they'd provided for me, Violet asked in English, "Skye, may I try some of the human food?"

  "Of course." I started to pass the platter, but Azalea reached over and set a hand and a tentacle across my arm. A moment later, Violet passed her bowl across the table to me, and I dished up the things she asked for. Then Posey asked for some as well. Neither of their mothers did.

  Neither of the girls commented on the human food, but they ate what I'd given them. However, they didn't ask for more.

  Soon we were all done. Bluebell spoke, and both girls got up to begin clearing.

  "May I help?" I asked.

  Azalea answered, and again she pressed down on my arm. I took that to mean I should stay where I was.

  The girls cleaned and provided fresh, hot towels. The Catseye cleaned their hands and tentacles. I cleaned hands and mouth, and then the towels went into a basket to be whisked away by Violet.

  Then the girls returned and began speaking to their mothers. The conversation went around and around, and I could tell there was some sort of negotiation involved. I watched all of it, amused, becoming more amused when Violet waited until Posey was deep in conversation with Azalea to move behind my chair. I felt tentacles against my back to the point they wrapped over my shoulders and partway down the front of my dress. When that happened, though, I clasped them quickly before they could become too forward.

  I looked over my shoulder at her. She nodded briefly, and the tentacles withdrew slightly. I bent down and kissed one, and she let them settle in place.

  Finally Azalea spoke English. "Our daughters are attempting to convince their mothers what sort of entertainment we should offer."

  "Have I disappointed you so far?" I asked. "I haven't been too shocked by anything so far."

  "I believe the only faux pas so far was performed by Violet. She should have known better."

  Violet spoke in Catseye, but there's something that comes across in any language, it seems. "Mom," said using several more syllables than might normally be required.

  "What has been decided?"

  "The discussion is between a variety of games," Azalea explained. "We had intended to pick from amongst human games, but our daughters hope to teach you a game."

  "Would we all play?"

  "Of course."

  I smiled. "Then I am happy with whatever is decided."

  "You will lose the game they wish to teach you."

  "Is there money involved?"

  "No." But she smiled.

  "Did I ask too specific a question for my own good?"

  They all offered a Catseye laugh. "Only if losing badly will bother you."

  I shrugged. "I can't afford to wager money."

  "Catseye don't wager," she said. "We don't even have a word for the concept. If we need to speak of it, we have to borrow words from one of the other species."

  "Then I am happy with whatever is decided."

  There was continued discussion. And then Azalea said, "We will teach you the game our daughters wish to play."

  Everyone stood up, and we moved to the game room. They surprised me. We sat in a circle on the floor, but they had cushions to sit on and more to lean against. I didn't understand how, but the cushion didn't slide away as I leaned against mine. We got comfortable with me between Bluebell and Azalea. They all took off their shoes, and so I did as well, and then from that point forward, I was always touched somewhere by someone, but who touched me would change.

  The game was played with wooden markers and stones. The markers were a little like dominos, but there were no dots on them. But there were different colors, and we were each given a supply of the markers. The stones were also colored and looked like gemstones, although I thought perhaps they were glass or some similar, alien material. We received a supply of stones to match our wooden markers. Finally, we each received a small statue, similar to a ches
s piece, matching the color of our stones and wooden markers. The statues appeared to be of the same material as the stones.

  It was Azalea that explained the game. "This isn't originally a Catseye game. Most species have games of conquest, and this is one. For some species, this is a game of war. For others, it is political influence. For us, it is business influence. Do you see how the concepts are related?"

  "Yes. But if this isn't a Catseye game, why are the statues of a Catseye?"

  She smiled. "Because this is a Catseye household. In a Temier household, they might be a Temier. If you play in a mixed household, it depends upon whose set is used, but it wouldn't be unusual for each player to bring a set of statues, as you called it, in her own species. Does it offend you to play as a Catseye?"

  "Not at all."

  The game was simple in some ways but not so simple in others. The statues represented ourselves, or our main enterprise. For those species who considered this a war conquest, it might represent the general or the capital. The primary goal was to protect myself -- my little statue.

  The markers represented lines of influence, or walls, depending upon how you saw it. And the stones were an investment in the strength of the influence.

  By the time Azalea finished with the rules, I was deeply confused. She offered a small practice game, and we each counted out half of our markers and half of our stones.

  I only understood slightly better after the practice game.

  What I understood was that I could be captured, and if I were, I became a vassal of whoever captured me. I could also be made a vassal if anyone owned over half of my stones, which could be captured as well. But even as a vassal, I was still playing, and being a vassal was better than losing.

  But if I lost all my stones or all my wooden markers, I lost.

  Play went counter-clockwise, and in deference to me, I went first. I built a wall and invested three stones to protect it.

  Azalea was next, then Violet. When it was Posey's turn, she turned to Bluebell and spoke at length in Catseye. Violet muttered about halfway through. Bluebell said one word, which I knew. "Yes."

  Azalea explained. "Posey has offered a partnership with her other mother. She has said if Bluebell assists Posey in making you Posey's vassal, then Posey will assist her mother against Violet and me. Did you understand Bluebell's response?"

  I groaned. "She agreed. So now they're both going after me?"

  "That is the agreement. Are you offended?"

  "No." I smiled.

  I remained a free player for two rounds, but the writing was on the wall. It was actually Bluebell that claimed me as her vassal, but then she gave me to her daughter.

  "Now you must move," Azalea explained. "You must sit beside Posey, and you must play as she directs you."

  I got up, and everyone shifted. Violet looked a little mutinous, shooting dirty looks at her sister, who seemed oblivious. I tried to bring my cushions with me, but Posey only said "no" in Catseye, and I found myself sharing her cushions.

  As soon as I was settled, she immediately wrapped two tentacles around me, and she kept them there for as long as I remained her vassal.

  By the end, I understood the game, but I didn't understand either the tactics or strategy. I played the way Posey whispered. I thought she would have me capture her sister, although it was Bluebell that was directing Posey. Instead of capturing Violet, together we crushed her. She attempted to make a pact with her other mother, but it was too late, and Azalea turned her down.

  After that, Violet watched the rest of the game, and she brightened considerably after she asked her sister something and Posey agreed, whatever it was.

  That became obvious when Violet added her tentacles, wrapping around my arm instead of my back, although they stretched up and across my shoulder until she was resting a tip along the edge of my ear.

  "Does this mean something I should understand?" I asked, gesturing back and forth between them.

  "Catseye like to touch. Normally there would be far more Catseye for friends, but these two only have each other and their mothers," explained Azalea. "Basically they're starving. Not literally. Do you understand?"

  "This is just touch."

  "It is just touch, and offers of friendship."

  "All right then." I looked at both of them and smiled.

  It was two moves later that Bluebell, Posey, and Violet all screeched together. I didn't see it at first, but the two girls withdrew their tentacles.

  "What just happened? Did I do something wrong?"

  "No," said Posey. "You don't see it?"


  "My mother just stole you from me."



  "Come sit here, tiny human," Azalea said, patting the cushion beside her. She smiled. "I am also starving."

  I laughed, collected my little box of stones and markers, and moved. Azalea wasn't shy with her tentacles, even wrapping one across her front to caress my face. Then she leaned to whisper into my ear. "Are you sure you don't mind?"

  "It's nice," I said. "Just no marking my face."

  "I remember."

  Play went around the room once, then Violet asked Azalea a question. I could imagine what question, and her reaction wasn't surprising when Azalea offered a one-word answer. I didn't know the word, but I didn't think it was some form of "yes". Instead of moving beside me, Violet leaned against her sister, and I saw both of them touching, much the way they'd been touching me.

  I couldn't have guessed the relative abilities of the three remaining Catseye, but the partnership between Posey and Bluebell seemed to remain in force. I was playing as Azalea indicated, but that didn't seem to be enough, and a few minutes later, Azalea whispered to me. "I am sorry, little human."

  She ordered me to do something, and I didn't see why she apologized, but then Posey and Bluebell, working together, wiped me out on their next pair of turns. Azalea had sacrificed me.

  I shrugged. "Am I ever going to truly understand this game?"

  "Probably not," said Posey.

  "That's all right. I'll just do my best in the future."

  Both of the daughters sat up straighter at that.

  "I am sorry, Little Human," Azalea said to me. "I must ask you to move away."

  "That's all right." So I moved back to my own cushion and watched the game play out.

  Two minutes later, Violet asked me, "Skye, would you be willing to sit between me and Posey?"

  "Of course."

  Both parents looked at each other, and then Bluebell clearly said, "No." She spoke for a minute, and both girls slumped. But she spoke longer, and they both brightened.

  "Mother said 'no'," Violet said. "You and I lost, and it would be a reward to allow us to touch."

  "She said more than that."

  "She pointed out you are staying until morning but she also pointed out your back is deeply marked, and when you see, you might grow upset."

  I looked over my shoulder, and I could see some red marks. It didn't look that bad. I shrugged. "They don't hurt."

  I tried to follow the rest of the game. Somehow, sacrificing me also somehow weakened Bluebell and Posey. In another pair of turns, their partnership dissolved when Bluebell took advantage of a weakness Posey was showing and captured her statue. I didn't fully understand why Bluebell did that, but it didn't seem to matter. Azalea finished her off three turns later.

  At that, a family discussion ensued. Both girls clearly making one argument, and, I thought, the mothers taking the opposite. But I also wondered if maybe they were teasing, and they allowed themselves to be convinced.

  Posey looked to me. "Our mothers are evenly matched. Mother Bluebell is slightly ahead, but not by enough. If they continue to play, they will play for hours, and we would be obligated to watch. They have agreed to call a..." She turned to Bluebell, spoke for a moment, and then turned back to me. "To call a draw."

  "You must tell us what you think," Azalea said.

; "I'll play again when invited, but I don't think I'll ever be very good. I understand the rules, but I don't think I'll understand the strategy." But I smiled. "I had a nice time. Are we playing another game?"

  "There is a human treat that Catseye enjoy."

  "What is that?"

  "Ice cream. Do you enjoy ice cream?"

  "I do, but only a few flavors."

  "If you don't like what we have, we can get you anything else," Posey said. She rose to her feet then pulled up her sister, and the two of them pulled me up. The three of us headed to the kitchen, tentacles wrapped all over me.

  I begged off and asked to use the bathroom. Violet offered to show me how it worked, and it was a good thing she did. I wouldn't have figured it out.

  Once she left me alone, I turned around and looked at my back in the mirror. I was covered in little red circles. I stared over my shoulder for a while, then washed up and returned to the kitchen.

  Both of the girls were waiting for me, and as soon as I arrived, they began pulling out tins of ice cream. They had six different flavors, five of them weird, plus vanilla. "Do you eat any of these?"

  "The vanilla," I said.

  "What other flavors do you like?"

  "I'm boring with ice cream." I told them the flavors I preferred, making sure to mention vanilla.

  "We have sauces you can put over them," Posey said. That involved pulling more things from their refrigerator. We ended with quite a collection on the counter. "Except for our spices, everything in our kitchen is human, and you could eat it safely. We will always warn you if something is not safe, but never take one of our foods unless we know. Just in case."

  "Thank you for warning me," I said. "What is everyone else having?"

  "You are the guest. What would you like?"

  "A little of the vanilla," I said. "And then I want to see what you do."

  They didn't just like ice cream; they adored ice cream. My vanilla looked quite boring in comparison to what they did. There were five bowls with five different types of ice cream, and four of those had things heaped over them besides. The portions weren't unreasonable, but the things they added. I found myself shaking my head.

  "You're going to eat it that way when you could do something like this?" Posey asked, gesturing.


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