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Laura's Submission: The Whole Story

Page 2

by Alex Carlsbad

  The bastard! These were private pictures where had he come into their possession? She had all but forgotten about their existence. Most of them had to be a good ten years old which made her only sixteen at the time.

  The lecherous bastard was going to try to blackmail her with underage nudies that surely had to be illegal for him to have in his possession. Now she remembered that the Garrett’s where lawyers. That had to be how they had somehow come into possession of her sealed criminal record!

  She slammed her own folder with Billy's case shut and stood to leave. Laura had made up her mind to report the bastard immediately to the school and the authorities. Her record was sealed and there was nothing to be ashamed of she knew. All these photos had been taken ten years ago when she was a minor. If anything, Carter Garrett was the one that was putting himself in jeopardy and the sooner she exposed his cheap attempt at blackmail, the faster the man was going to have to face justice.

  "I know what you're thinking, Laura and I fully understand. But before you leave the room and do something stupid, just one more second if you please," Carter Garrett bent over and pulled out from his legal briefcase one other manila folder from which he produced a single colored photograph that he put on top of the stack in front of Laura Hancock.

  Her audible gasp filled the room and Garrett didn't have to look at her to know that she was going nowhere. He resumed his seat and patiently waited as she resumed her own across the table from him.

  "I can see by your flustered expression that you do understand your predicament now.”

  False sugar imbued his intonation with mock concern. He looked down to admire the photographer’s skill yet again. This particular still of a young but clearly adult Ms. Hancock was one he truly loved. He wondered if now was an opportune moment to inform her of the exact number of times he had brought himself to gleefully climax staring at it. Perhaps not now. Perhaps it could wait. He looked at her and then stood up again and walked over to the minibar at the corner of the room where he poured her a cold glass of water and ice that he put in front of her as he placed himself behind her swooning figure.

  “Here, drink,” he told her and enjoyed her first act of obedience as she picked up the glass and took a loud gulp to steady her nerves.

  “How old were you here?” he asked and then answered his own rhetorical question, “I think you were— let me see,” he fished out his smartphone and pulled up a screen. “It says here that in that particular photo, you were twenty-two years old and already gainfully employed as a full-time teacher here. Apparently the man fucking your naked little body is none other than a much younger Mr. Melrose who was the principal three years ago. How interesting, wouldn’t you say?“

  "Where did you get this," she whispered her voice husky with stressed consternation.

  “I will get to that, don't worry, Laura. But first, let us cover the preliminaries. Shall we?”

  He walked around and resumed his seat for a second time this afternoon. He smiled to himself openly now for he was quite certain that before he stood to leave, he would be a truly relieved man tonight.

  "So as they say in court, here is where we stand. From that evidence I have in my possession I think we can be certain that building a case to show how unprofessional and outright illegal your behavior has been wouldn’t be difficult. Never mind workplace ethics, I do believe you might even get yourself convicted for criminal behavior. Can you imagine the splash that this will make in the press?” He leaned back in his chair and stretched out his arms, "I can see the headline in tomorrow’s papers: TEACHERS CAUGHT HAVING SEX IN ELITE PRIVATE SCHOOL!"

  He opened his eyes and saw that Laura was crying now with tears running down her cheeks. He caught himself wondering what it was about female tears that elicited such a strong response from his manhood?

  "It appears to me that given the pictures, even the best defense attorneys will find it rather challenging to prove that you were not at fault somehow. Believe me I am speaking from experience here,” More experience than you would ever be able to imagine, he smiled to himself.

  “What do you want?”

  “What do I want? I simply want to inform you of the filth that exists about you out there. It is up to you to decide what you want us to do about it.”

  She looked up at him and he almost came in his pants seeing her beautiful features streaked with mascara and tears. “I don't understand. What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I can see you think that you know what I mean. But I don’t think that you truly do. You probably think I'm blackmailing you for some sort of sexual favors? Or maybe so that I make you turn a blind eye on my son’s bad behaviour? Something of that sort? Am I right?” He looked over and saw her nod gingerly.

  “Well that's not exactly what I'm doing here. I’m a man of certain immodest means to put it very, very, very mildly. I come from an affluent family and I have also done pretty well myself. So well in fact, that I have had the rare opportunity to explore what makes life worth truly worth living. You see, most people think that money and a sex are goals unto themselves. Suffice it to say that my affluence his enabled me to figure out a long time ago what really floats my boat, shall we say.” He looked at her and his face hardened considerably. For a minute she felt as if she was staring at one of the gargoyles that lined the old European gothic cathedrals.

  “I have found my true passion in life to be breaking down the character and personality of women I like.”

  She gasped and he held up a finger silencing her outburst. “Then, I build them back up into submissive creatures of unadulterated sensuality whose only goal in life is bringing joy to their dominant man.”

  He once again allowed the silence to build between them filling the time with mental images of what he was planning to do to her innocent and pristine body. He especially had some serious designs on that wonderful heart-shaped somewhat bubbly ass that she so much insisted on hiding from the world in those tight baggy little suit pants.

  “Now do you understand what I want from you? He looked at her and saw her eyes glaze over in resigned acceptance of her situation. Laura nodded briefly in his direction.

  “I am doing this for my own pleasure of course but there is no reason why you should suffer. After all looking at all the materials I have on you, and trust me I do have plenty, it appears to me that you do enjoy sex tremendously. You might have been able to suppress your innate eroticism that is purely genetic by forcing yourself into a strict and solitary existence catering to your professional life here, but there is a dark undercurrent I feel in you. It once ruled your life and is hungry to break out of the chains you have imprisoned it with.”

  “I see no reason why we should hurt the school, the kids’ innocent understanding of how they think life works, and the high esteem and respect that everyone has for you. Above all, however, I think that years from now you will look upon this day as the day of your rebirth and awakening.

  “Okay,” she whispered her voice week and shaky.

  “I didn't hear you. Speak up, please!” he ordered.

  “Okay, I'll do it.” she replied.

  “I’m not sure you understand what you're agreeing to,” he said. “There will be huge demands and stress placed on your body but it will be your mental state that shall be most shattered during the next couple of weeks. Once you start on this journey, there is no going back. You will have started down a path that has no links to your old life whatsoever. Even if I drop dead by some miracle of happenstance, you shall never be able to return to your little cloistered life you have been leading the last six years here.”

  “Do you understand?”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  A Belly Dancer's Backdoor

  “I’ll still give you a couple of hours to mull over that but first as a token of your initial commitment I want something from you.”

  She jumped as if he had shocked her with electricity. “No, I'm not going to fuck you right now. Nothing so crass. Today's Mo
nday. Trust me, by the end of this week you will be begging me to screw you at every opportunity. No, what I'm really after right now is something very simple for me but might prove a bit challenging for you.”

  She looked at him questioningly

  “I want you to stand up right now take off your boots, your hose and your panties and look into my briefcase. There you shall find a silicon 2 inch anal plug with a diamond handle. I call him Albert for the letter A because he is the smallest dildo I have. By the time we're done with your butt and pussy, we will have gone through all the letters of the alphabet, trust me. Alfred is only 2 inches long tapers off to a small flange that will accept your anal ring. You shall take it out and insert it all the way into your butt and present yourself to me for inspection. I shall film you throughout this so that I can be sure that you will not change your mind and for some inane reason decide to press charges against me.”

  He looked across the table and saw her visibly shaking with fright. God, how was he going to be able to walk out here from here without coming in his pants?

  “You can see it is studded with a 36 carat diamond worth close to sixteen million dollars at the handle. I inherited it from my mentor who got it from the old Sultan of Turkey himself. It had been used for the same purpose of starting a submissive off on her journey of surrender. I am told it dates back to Genghis Kahn. I have the handle and flange placed every couple of weeks onto a new dildo by some of my master craftsmen in Europe. Do you understand the honor you are about to receive?”

  She nodded again

  “Then stand up, slut for you are not to be called a slave yet. There are weeks of training before you're initiated to that level. Right now you're no different any other gutter slut and whore doing tricks for money in the street. If you do as I tell you, you shall be able to work yourself up from here.”

  He observed her as she stood up her legs clearly shaking at the knees as she openly was crying in full out sobs staring at his eyes searching for compassion that was never there.

  “Proceed, whore. I don't have all night for your theatrics.”

  She gingerly stepped around the table to where he could see her. There she pulled off one of her boots then the other before slowly running her fingers up her toned legs and under her skirt. He had the feeling she had done that before, perhaps years ago back when she had been made to whore herself out but clearly her body could still remember the moves.

  She had a tight simple gray skirt that under normal circumstances ended right above her knees. Now she bunched it up and he noticed her slip her thumbs under the side of her hose that she then rolled down to the floor and stepped out of. Her legs were exquisite, cleanly shaven, beautifully toned with that softness characteristic of a young woman's skin.

  "It appears you are no longer shaking, Laura," he said.

  She didn't apply but merely grimaced as she turned her back to him and then unzipped the side of her gray dress that she shimmied out from dropping it to the floor. Her ass was phenomenal. Perfectly symmetrical it was almost a thing looked like something chiseled out from under the hand of some Italian sculptor.

  Suddenly a thought occurred to him, "Can you belly dance?"

  He wasn't sure why he even asked the silly question, but the way she was undressing for him and the motions of her body reminded him of a girl he once knew who had been a professional Middle Eastern belly dancer. He had trained her and then sold her to one of the Middle East sheikdoms where she had fetched a phenomenal price.

  She looked over her shoulder her back still to him now only in a dark lace bra, "Yes, I can," she replied in a soft voice.


  "Very well, go on! I don't have all day," Carter said nonchalantly.

  His mind was doing small somersaults of joy thinking of what a trained submissive belly dancer from North America would fetch a broad. He didn't often dabble in the sex trade because he didn't really need the money.

  What he did enjoy however were the connections such auctions often brought. Frequently, he would meet people not unlike himself who had however come from different backgrounds and cultures and expectations.

  It was such a joy to rub shoulders with that small but very exquisite club of dominants!

  She finally undid her her bra and let it fall to the floor and turned around cupping her small girlish breasts in the palms of her hands.

  "If you're trying to impress me, Laura girl, you're succeeding," he was mentally commending himself for having remembered to lock the door on the inside lest some absent-minded member of the staff happened to saunter by.

  "Please tell me now what you are going to do? Be as explicit as you can," he said, his voice gentle in intonation but laced with the menace of his power.

  "There is something I want to take from your bag and slip into me. I want it in my body, snug and tight squelching my insides," she said.

  This woman had a beautiful way with words. So beautiful in fact that he might have to reconsider his policy of no fucks on first interviews.

  "I want it to squelch my insides and stay in me making me shudder with thoughts of my master until I see you again, sire."

  "Go ahead," he said. Concentrating on keeping his smart phone steady from the excitement coursing through his veins.

  Naked except for that silver crucifix around her neck Laura Hancock, knelt at his feet and looked into his briefcase. Her hands were small and even though the dildo was the first she was going to have to experience, they made it still look big as she plucked it from the inside of his legal briefcase and brought it out.

  He noticed her look inside again and almost chuckled out loud because he knew she was searching for lube. He had intentionally omitted bringing any tonight. He wanted her to feel at least some discomfort initially lest she imagine that what she was embarking on was a simple journey of sexual adventure that she could take on in a lighthearted manner.

  He wanted her to experience the baptism of at least a moderate amount of pain and therefore had also chosen to attach the diamond studded flange onto a small but very rigid a little dildo covered in indentations meant to cause discomfort for the wearer. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the surface of the object that was about to go into her body. Carter brought his fingers over the pause button prepared to hold the recording and chastise her for her hesitation but then relaxed when she took the dildo and apparently having steeled her nerves for what was to follow, turned her back to him still crouched on the floor at his feet and brought the tip of the sexual object to her puckered opening.

  Carter didn't know if she had ever head anal intercourse before but judging by the size of her butt orifice, he was willing to wager that it had been a very long time indeed, if at all, since an object or cock had penetrated her there.

  In fact now that he looked at the delightful rosebud between her beautiful heart-shaped cheeks, he realized that it had to be one of the smallest almost child-size anuses he had ever seen in his life.

  "Go ahead sweetie," he encouraged her in mock support. He saw a violent shudder shake that lovely butt of hers as she gingerly brought up the tip of her invader to her puckered opening that appeared to clench even tighter. She was going to have to find a way to relax herself, Carter thought. She was so nervous that unless she started doing something like perhaps stimulating herself with her other hand, the next couple of minutes were going to prove super painful indeed.

  As if having read his thoughts, Laura brought her other hand between her labia searching out her bean of pleasure that she then slowly started rubbing as she forced the dildo into her body.

  Mr. Garrett Changes His Plans

  Perhaps one of the things that he had found most attracting in the lithe little brunette where her breasts. Laura's breasts weren't large, but he could tell that they were perfectly shaped as he had so often noticed through the thin material of her business clothes. Apparently her tits were firm enough to make it possible for her to often go braless. Carter knew that women only did that when they e
njoyed the tingling sensation their bouncy breasts elicited as they rubbed against whatever material they were covered with. He was somewhat amused that the otherwise conservative school had permitted the young teacher to walk around like that. Her seemingly always erect nipples left no illusions as to the paucity of her lingerie department beneath.

  Laura was a beautiful specimen in every sense that a New York City girl could be. She was a perfect product of the cultural and ethnic melting pot of the big metropolis.

  "Fuck it," he growled and stood. He bent forward and scooped Laura up like a toy doll against his business suit clad six foot four frame and spun her around to face him. His eyes locked onto hers as she stared back, her fear making it impossible to even blink, like a deer caught in a car's headlights at night.

  "Change of plan, slut," he snickered. "Let's leave Albert for later. I think I shall not be able to walk straight unless I finish off what your little striptease started." He had turned off the smartphone and placed it on the table. Then he reached out with both hands and grasped a nipple between thumb and forefinger. His viselike grip on her young flesh made her nipples spring to full attention. This made him laugh at her enjoying how her body betrayed its natural wild instincts. He pulled downward on her nipples stretching her breasts into the shape of small pears. Carter was amazed however to see that instead of whimpering or pulling back Laura just stood there and stared back at his eyes in spite of the tears that suddenly started pouring down her high cheekbones. Most girls when having their tits squeezed by his viselike steel grip usually reacted by hunching back and trying to pull away. Laura however appeared to be doing exactly the opposite. She straightened out as if proudly presenting her chest for punishment and if anything, she actually arched her back forward displaying herself to him fully.


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