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Page 3

by Jaclyn Quinn

  Determination had him lifting the bottle of lube off the bed before yanking the comforter off and grabbing for those damn pillows. He’d be damned if he let this opportunity pass him by. He heard Griffin release a heavy breath from the other end of the phone, as if he would have honestly been upset if Jeremy had ended this now.

  And that totally blew Jeremy’s mind.

  Jeremy propped four pillows up on the mattress. He took a deep breath then walked to the side of the bed, facing Griffin. He stroked himself, still so fucking hard. Sitting down on the edge, he pushed himself until his back hit the pillows, and his legs from the knee down hung off the frame.

  “Wanna see that hole,” Griffin rasped out as he also grabbed pillows and mirrored Jeremy’s position, sounding just as turned on as Jeremy felt. There was something sinfully erotic about having someone watch you with unabashed desire, speaking such filthy, hot-as-hell words. Jeremy pulled his feet up onto the edge of the mattress, his legs still pressed closed as he drew in a couple deep breaths. “Spread out on those sheets for me. Let me see you.”

  Jeremy stroked his aching dick as he slid out one foot and then the other, letting Griffin finally see his most intimate area. He was so close to coming, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could take this. “Beautiful,” Griffin breathed out. “Holy shit, I wish I could touch you. Put my mouth right there and feast for hours.”

  “You keep saying things like that and this will be the fastest one-night stand of your life. A ten-minute stand. Is that technically what it’s called if we never touch? A hands-off stand?” Oh my God, Jeremy, shut up!

  Laughter rang through the phone. “A…can’t-wait-to-see-you-with-those-beads-in-your-tight-hole stand?” Griffin said, a huge smile spread across his gorgeous face. “Or…I’m-not-sure-I’ve-ever-had-this-much-fun-during-sex stand?”

  Jeremy snorted, feeling lighter and sexier than he ever had in his life. Somehow, Griffin knew exactly what he needed right now.

  The laughter died down when Griffin instructed in that deep baritone, “Get yourself nice and wet for me.”

  Jeremy grabbed the bottle of lube, his hands still shaking, but this time it was from anticipation, not doubt. There was no backing out now. He was completely hypnotized by the deep cadence of Griffin’s voice. His body and mind were finally on the same page as he poured lube on his fingers and ran them down his erection, over his sac and taint, and around his sensitive rim. “Oh fuck,” he said softly, bravery coming from who knew where when he locked eyes with Griffin.

  Griffin licked his lips, tugging on his balls and gripping the base of his cock. “Fuck, that’s hot. Pretend it’s my tongue, hot and wet, tracing that pink hole. Pushing into you.”

  With those words Jeremy whimpered and pushed his finger inside, imagining it was Griffin’s mouth on him.

  His body loosening, his muscles on fire when Griffin said, “Add another one.”

  He loved this feeling…the pressure against his prostate, his balls aching with the need to come. Jesus, he was desperate for something…anything. He wasn’t ready for this to be over, but his body craved something deeper. “Need more…”

  “Get the beads really slick. Every single one.”

  Of course. The beads. He’d completely forgotten about them. Frantically, he patted the bed next to him, his hand finally landing on the connected, silicone spheres. He squirted more lube in his hand, covering every bead. “Fuck…and I was going to use Google.” He locked eyes with Griffin again, feeling courageous. “Keep talking. Tell me what to do.”

  “Hell yeah.” Griffin braced each foot up alongside the window frame, tugging on his dick as he said, “Slowly push them in…one by one. Wanna see each one stretch that hungry hole.”

  “Yessss,” Jeremy hissed as the first one popped in. “Feels so good.” He gently pushed the next one in, waited a moment and then the next, feeling his sensitive ring burn deliciously as the beads got larger. He was lost in the sensations…feeling full from the beads, each one slightly larger in size toward the end. The last and biggest one popped past his ring, every nerve ending firing off from the welcome intrusion.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling.” Jeremy could hear the slick slide of Griffin’s hand on his dick getting faster and faster on the other end of the phone.

  “On edge. Wanna come. Want it to be you inside me.” Holy shit, did I just say that out loud?

  “Wanna be inside you, too.”

  Yup, I did.

  “Stroke yourself. Imagine my hands on you, touching you everywhere. Pulling at your nipples.” Jeremy slid one hand up, tugging on the hard peaks. “I’m sliding my hand down, fingers running through that dark patch of hair. I keep stroking you as I cup your full balls with my other hand.” Jeremy’s hand followed the path, like Griffin’s words were controlling it, telling it what to do, and Jeremy was just along for the amazing ride.

  He cupped his sac, heard a moan from the other end of the line and focused on Griffin. Griffin’s breaths were coming in short bursts of air, his hand flying up and down his hard shaft, his other hand playing with his balls. “Do you feel me touching you?”

  “Yeah”—Jeremy swallowed hard—“yeah, I feel you.”

  “Tease that red rim. Feel those beads inside you, the pressure building, the burning ache in your balls. You’re gonna come so hard, Jeremy. Gonna come yelling out my name. Gonna make me come so hard.”

  “Gonna come. Wanna come…” he said between pants. “Oh fuck…” His hand was flying up and down, the friction so good against the soft skin of his painfully hard shaft.

  “That’s it, Jeremy.” Griffin sounded just as out of breath on the other end of the line. “It’s my hand moving up and down that pretty dick, my finger hooking through the loop at your hole…” Jeremy pressed his eyes closed, picturing Griffin in the room with him.

  “Yes,” he whispered. “Gonna come…”

  “Feel the stretch as I pull the beads out one by one, your body letting go, your voice calling out my name when you come.”

  Jeremy whimpered, his body beginning to buzz and tremble, stroking faster as the first bead popped out. Pleasure so intense wrapped around him, inside him, pressure building until it shot out of his cock in white ribbons while Griffin’s name left his lips on a shout. The world went black, the roar of Griffin’s release on the other end of the line echoed in Jeremy’s room as if the man were right there beside him.

  His sweaty body shuddered, his mind drifting, his eyelids too heavy to open as he faintly heard that deep baritone say, “Goodnight, Jeremy.”

  Chapter Three

  “We’re so happy to have you here, Jeremy. How was the move? Hopefully not too difficult?” Amy, Jeremy’s new co-worker, smiled warmly as she walked him from Human Resources to the Bursar’s Office. He couldn’t believe he was actually here, living in another state on his own. When he’d gotten the call that he got the job in the tuition office, he couldn’t wait to get here and get started.

  “It wasn’t so bad. My brother Craig made the trip down with me last weekend and helped me settle in.” He’d rented a small, one-bedroom apartment on the second floor of a house, only minutes from campus. It had been hard saying goodbye to his family, but this was the right move for him. He’d have to be at the university for a year before he’d get tuition remission for graduate classes, but in the meantime, he’d be gaining experience. Everything in Jeremy’s life was about building his future.

  Except that one night. That night was about building an intense org—

  “That’s great. I’m sure you’ll fit right in here. I’ve worked for UNC for twenty years, and I don’t ever see myself leaving.”

  Jesus, his new coworker had no idea where his mind had just gone—where it had gone over and over again since that incredible night a month and a half ago. He’d never seen or talked to Griffin again. When Jeremy had left for the interview the morning after that amazing night, Griffin’s car hadn’t been in his driveway. The guy had obviously gone to work, b
ecause he hadn’t been there by that afternoon either when Jeremy had packed up and left to go back to Delaware.

  He’d debated calling him over the last several weeks, but even though he’d love to see the gorgeous man again, that wasn’t what a one-night stand was. The last thing he wanted to do was taint that night with an embarrassing phone call and the brush-off he was sure to get.

  Amy opened the door to the Bursar’s Office and let Jeremy go in first. “Let me show you to your desk. You can take your time today, get yourself settled. You’ll be training with Aaliyah, which works out because IT has been backed up with returning students. They still need to replace the computer at your desk, but it most likely won’t be until the end of the week. You’ll have to go over to Campus Police and get your ID badge and a parking sticker. That can all be done today. Also, Miriam was thinking it would be a good idea for you to take one of the student-led tours this week. Get acquainted with the campus.”

  Jeremy had liked the administrator when he’d interviewed. Miriam seemed like a good mixture of authoritative and approachable, with just enough humor to not make her intimidating. The office had a staff of ten, each person with their own desk. There were a few cubicles spread out, a couple of desks without walls, and an office in the back, which had to be Miriam’s.

  Was it stupid that he wished one of the cubicles was his? When he’d worked for the bank back home, he had no privacy at his teller station. He mentally added cubicle to his list of things to work toward then silently laughed at himself. What could he say? Most people wouldn’t get excited about a cubicle, but to him, it symbolized moving up, and that was always his end goal.

  “Everyone, can you take a minute to meet our new Cashier?” A couple of heads popped out past cubicle walls, but some of his new coworkers actually came out to meet him. “This is Jeremy Anderson. Jeremy, this is…” Jeremy listened as Amy went through the employee’s names, trying to remember each one. He was sure he’d mess them up at first anyway.

  Already he had a sense of who he could trust and who rubbed him the wrong way—hello, Ms. Snooty. One of the older women with a severe white bun stared at him, sizing him up in a way that made it look like she was smelling something bad. He followed his instincts when it came to meeting new people. It was part of being an introvert. Yes, he was career driven, but he was also incredibly shy and awkward around people he didn’t know.

  That night flashed again in his mind, heat zinging in the pit of his stomach. You sure as hell got past your shyness when you got off with a stranger. Griffin hadn’t felt like a stranger at the time, though. The guy had made Jeremy feel relaxed enough to…do the things he did. It said a lot about Jeremy’s comfort level with him, that somehow had developed over an extremely short period of time.

  “Jeremy?” Amy smiled at him and waited, as if she’d said his name a few times already.

  Jesus, his mind had drifted again. Being back in Vintage Ridge made his thoughts of Griffin multiply dramatically. “Yes, sorry.”

  Amy laughed softly. “No problem. It’s a bit overwhelming your first day, but you’ll fit right in.” She led him over to a desk in the corner of the office. From that spot, he could still see the counter if anyone came in. It wasn’t big, but it was his. “Why don’t you get your desk set up? Supplies are in that closet over there. You can use the computer behind you in the meantime. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Amy.” He sat down, staring at the empty space in front of him. He had no idea how to set up a desk, but he figured pens were a good start. After grabbing a few basics from the closet, Jeremy sat quietly, feeling incredibly awkward and out of place. This was going to be a long day.


  Jeremy looked up and was met with a friendly smile. “Hi.”

  The younger woman, who seemed close in age to him, brushed her long, black hair over her shoulder. “Do you want to go to lunch with me?”


  She giggled as she hooked her purse in the crook of her arm. “Uh…yeah? Come on. I can show you where the Student Center is. Tell you which foods are safe to eat.” Her smile lit up her whole face, her gleaming white teeth made brighter by the rich darkness of her skin. Even as a gay man, he could appreciate how beautiful she was.

  Jeremy’s shoulders relaxed, and he smiled back. “That would be great.” He stood and walked around his desk, following her out of the office. Once they stepped outside, he inhaled a deep, cleansing breath before admitting, “Um, so…can you tell me your name again?”

  “Aaliyah Hill. And you’re Jeremy…?”


  “That’s right. Anderson. So, Jeremy Anderson, how’s life in Vintage Ridge so far? Amy said you moved from Delaware or something?” Aaliyah had short legs, but the woman moved fast, weaving through a group of students while Jeremy hurried to keep up.

  “It’s been okay. I don’t really know anyone here”—don’t think of him, Jeremy—“so it’s been kind of quiet.”

  “Well, lucky for you, I’ve decided you’re my new best friend. Life with me is never boring.” She bumped his shoulder, making him take a step to the side. He couldn’t help but laugh at her bold sense of humor and infectious smile. As they walked, Jeremy lost count of how many people said hello to her. She was completely opposite from him, her outgoing nature shining brightly in the September warmth. Man, he wished he could be more like that.

  “How long have you worked here? You seemed to know everyone.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, taking long strides to keep up with her.

  “I went to school here,” she said. “Started out as a Student Worker. Then after I graduated, I worked in Financial Aid before moving to the Bursar’s Office. So, almost eleven years.”

  “Eleven years? You look like you’re twenty.”

  “See? I knew you were my new best friend.” She laughed, pulling open the door to the Student Center for him. He reached above her head, holding the door for her instead, and she ducked slightly, entering the building first.

  When he took in the busy center, he was glad she’d asked him to go with her. Walking into that building brought back the anxiety he’d felt on his first day of college seven years ago. His experience hadn’t been terrible, but it sure as hell hadn’t been parties and endless sex. No, it had been studying…and studying and more studying. He actually hated thinking about how he’d wasted his college years, but there was no going back now.

  After getting their lunches, Aaliyah found a table for them to sit at. She was a wealth of knowledge about the university and kept the conversation moving, which he was grateful for. “Man,” she said, looking over his shoulder. “The scenery alone is worth working here. Young, muscular guys. All of them completely legal.” She laughed and took a bite of her salad. “So, what’s your type?”

  He’d been here before…the not-so-subtle way someone tried to find out if he was gay. Honestly, it was pretty obvious which way he swung, but he appreciated when someone didn’t assume anything about him. “Tall, dark, and handsome. Pretty typical, I know.”

  But there was nothing typical about the man he was thinking of. Raven hair encircling taut brown nipples, and a strip leading down to a cock Jeremy had only looked at but never touched. A lean torso with sweat dripping down the center, and a voice deep and confident that said, I wish I could touch you. Put my mouth right there and feast for hours. Jeremy squirmed in his seat; that sexy baritone echoing in his mind was enough to make him hard in seconds—and this was not the place for that.

  “Classic, not typical,” Aaliyah corrected, pointing her fork at him. “And lucky for you, there’s an abundance of tall, dark, and handsome here. Along with tall, light, and sexy. Average, tan, and cute. Short, built, and cocky. Oh, and my favorite…male, male, and willing.” She winked at him, and Jeremy busted out laughing.

  His shoulders eased, and for the first time in a week, he truly felt like things were going to be okay.

  The next few days were a whirlwind o
f training for his new job, settling in his new apartment, and exploring Vintage Ridge with an energetic Aaliyah. He was amazed what an easy friendship they’d fallen into, but everything with her was just…easy. Now that it was finally Friday afternoon, he couldn’t wait to finish the day and go home and crash for the weekend.

  Aaliyah had shown him how to do a number of things in the office, including how to enter the tuition payments received that day into the database. She’d set him up at the computer behind his desk until he had a working one. It was the kind of work he loved. Losing himself for a couple of hours in numbers, learning new things. Not at all weird, Jeremy.

  But by the time lunch was done, even he was eager for the weekend to start. He felt like he’d been running on empty all week.

  “What are you doing this weekend?” Aaliyah asked as he held the door to the office open for her.

  “My couch and Roku are calling to me. I plan to order in, change into sweats, and binge watch Stranger Things until it’s time to be back here Monday morning.”

  “Wow, Jeremy. Don’t go gettin’ crazy now, you party animal,” she teased.

  “You sound like my brother.” He huffed, but hell, even he knew it was true, and at this moment, he couldn’t find it in him to give a shit.

  “Well, let me know if you feel like crawling out of your cave of laziness.” She gave him that megawatt smile then walked back to her cubicle.

  Jeremy came up in front of his desk and tossed his keys down a little too hard as they slid across the surface and fell onto the—

  “Ow! What the hell was that?”

  That voice. Jeremy closed his eyes, his pulse beating erratically. It couldn’t be him. He’d just been thinking too much about him. There was no way in hell that the voice coming from underneath his desk was—


  Oh, shit. Yup, that’s the voice...

  “Wow, uh… What are you doing here?” That damn voice made goosebumps spread across his skin, a thrill shooting straight to his cock.


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