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Hidden Power

Page 18

by Tracy Lane

  “You mean like Kronos did?” Iragos replied with a wide and knowing smirk, causing the dark mage to scowl. “The fact is, Druella, if it weren’t for these two, Kronos might very well be ruling this Council as we speak. If he allowed the Council to survive, that is.”

  Iragos advanced on Druella, smiling slightly as she flinched and took one unconscious step back. “There is no telling what he would have done,” he continued, voice firm and thundering through the hallowed halls, “given complete power over the orb. Thanks to these two, that orb rests where it always will: the Cavern of Secrets. I think if we are to defend ourselves against another Kronos, or the Kronos, these two are our best and brightest hope…”

  Later, as the Council sat behind closed chambers, discussing Aurora and Kayne’s fate, she sat opposite him in the dining hall, sipping on root tea and tearing off tiny crumbles of a sage muffin.

  “What did he mean, do you think?” she asked, watching Kayne shuffle his food around his own plate. Neither of them, it seemed, were very hungry.

  “About what?” he asked, hooded eyes suggesting he knew exactly what she meant, but was merely afraid to say it out loud.

  “What Iragos said, back there in the Chambers, about Kronos… escaping.”

  Kayne sighed and pushed his tray away. His hood was down now, spilled around his shoulders, as was the custom when dining or in one’s own room.

  He looked so striking with his freshly shorn hair, his jagged jaw line and pure green eyes, she had to force herself to breathe. “I suppose he means that, no matter where they’ve got Kronos locked up, anything is possible with a dark mage of his power and… cunning.”

  She swallowed, pushing her tray away as well. Slumping back in her crystal chair, she fixed Kayne with her own gaze. “And they’re expecting the two of us to stop him?”

  He smiled, dazzling her with its intensity, and leaned forward. “Why not?” he asked, bluffing with his cockiness. “It’s not like we haven’t done it before.”

  She scoffed, leaning forward as well. The dining hall was mostly empty, but she knew they couldn’t kiss. Not like this. Not here. “But that was before we knew any better,” she reminded him. “Now? I’m not so sure I’m up for Round 2.”

  “That’s what squire training is for, Aurora,” he said, leaning back to look at her admiringly. She loved when he did that, and could think of no better way than to spend the rest of the evening.

  Or, for that matter, the rest of her life…


  Far beneath the bowels of Mage City, deep below the lands and hills and valleys of the Land Below, Kronos paced in his cramped cell. Gone were his cloaks and his finery, his hood and his velvet slippers. Now he wore dirty, damp rags, his left ankle chained to the wall of his cell.

  Something dripped in the hallway, constantly, into a dank, moldy puddle below. He paced as far as his leg chains would allow, or about halfway to the door of his cell, then turned and paced back to his stone cot, carved out of the impenetrable wall of his cell.

  His salt and pepper hair no longer flowed around his head but merely slithered around his face, as if still wet though it had been days since his captors allowed him to bathe.

  Outside his cell door, stationed at all times, half a dozen Guardians stood sentinel, thick in their natural armor, unblinking in their distrustful gaze. Having stolen the Orb, he had disgraced not only their position but, having been charged from birth with protecting the orb, their entire race.

  Now they watched him like a hawk, hoping – just hoping – Kronos would try to escape. The Guardians would love nothing more than to tear him to pieces, savoring every moment of his pain.

  Kronos vowed to never let that happen. Nor did he intend to squalor the rest of his life chained to a wall. No, Kronos had magic on his mind. Dark magic.

  For what the Guardians, the mortals, or even the enchanted in Ythulia didn’t understand was how powerful dark magic could be when one dwelled within darkness.

  The longer Kronos stayed below ground, hidden from the sunlight, isolated from others, the stronger his power grew. One day, he knew, he would be powerful enough to break free.

  It might take months, it might take years, or even decades, but Kronos could wait. He quite enjoyed the darkness, but forced himself to scowl for the benefit of his captors.

  After all, if they thought he was enjoying himself, they might decide to take him somewhere closer to the light. And that just wouldn’t do. Not for the plans that Kronos had in store, not only for the Guardians, but the Council of Brightness.

  To say nothing of the sniveling young runts who had put him there: Kayne and Aurora. For those two, he had special plans. Very, very special plans indeed…

  About the author

  Tracy Lane lives in Kissimmee, Florida with her son Jesse and her daughter Brittany. Since publishing her first book, Paranormal Properties, in February 2013, she has written a few short stories and plans to write more young adult and middle grade books.Visit her website at

  Also by Tracy Lane

  Paranormal Properties. The Weir family has just arrived in Dusk, North Carolina, one of the most haunted cities in America, to scope out some of the town’s 127 reported “paranormal properties,” which just happens to be the name of their own ghost hunting show: Paranormal Properties. What Jake Weir doesn’t know, and what his parents could never imagine, is that Jake can see ghosts! And hear them. And talk back to them! This talent comes in handy when he runs into Dusk’s oldest, most famous ghost: Frank Barrone, a one-time lounge singer made famous by his booze-soaked ballad, “Barroom Eyes.” Frank was gunned down by a local mobster in 1951 and has been searching for his killer ever since. When he learns that Jake can see and hear him, Frank makes young Jake a deal: if Jake will help Frank find his killer, Frank will help his parents find a ghost to film for their upcoming Halloween Special on Public Access TV. Ages 9 and up. Awards: 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Award Winner (Children's/Juvenile Fiction). Accelerated Reader Quiz No. 163449 EN - 5 Points.

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  I want to thank everyone at Pants On Fire Press for believing in me again and to my friend Jason Arritola for thinking of such a wonderful name for this story.


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