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Possessive Camp Counselor: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 172)

Page 7

by Flora Ferrari

  “I’ll always love you Tess, no matter what and you’ll always do it for me. Now, can we go? There’s a giant tornado coming.”

  She smiles and nods, sighing some and drying her eyes before snuggling up into my jacket some more, looking totally satisfied for someone who’s trying to outrun a catastrophic weather event.

  In the rear view, I can see the first signs of the sky starting to spiral and I just know it’s only a matter of time before a twister touches down. I only hope we can outrun it.

  “Sean, look! Over there.” I follow the line of Tessa’s arm as she points across at the horizon line.

  “A flare,” I say to myself, registering the direction and the color.

  “What does that mean?” Tess asks me, and I shrug.

  “I can’t say for sure, but somebody might need help. Sending up a flare with that coming. I think somebody needs help.”

  “Shouldn’t we just go, like you said, keep going so we can get out of here?”

  Looking back again, I pull out, back onto the highway, picking up speed but keeping to the limit. No point in getting into more trouble than we already are by driving like a lunatic.

  Groaning, I flick on my CB radio, something else that was switched off when it should’ve been left on, like my phone and my computer.

  There’s plenty of static but then a scratchy, broken signal starts to come through, Tessa and I looking at each other.

  I can’t quite make out what he’s saying, but I think I recognize the voice.

  It sounds a little like our friendly neighborhood ranger, Brad.

  The man I should’ve listened to yesterday instead of chasing him away, acting like an angry wolf.

  He was invading my territory though, and at the worst time. Delaying me from claiming my woman, I should’ve done more than just chase him away.

  “Do you think he’s in trouble?” Tessa asks, and I can only grunt a sound, my hand fine tuning the CB, trying to get a better signal.

  “He could be trying to hail whoever sent that flare up, but with this storm, the signals are all over the place… It does look close to his station though,” I say under my breath.

  Wondering why I didn’t listen to Brad yesterday, until I look over and see the answer staring right back at me, blinking.

  “We’ll have to go check it out.” I tell her, if Brad or anyone else is in trouble, we might be the only ones who can get them out.



  With his trademark style, Sean has set my mind at ease, continued our escape plan as well as taken the time to put others first by deciding to rescue someone else along the way.

  What can I say? The man’s incredible.

  My own hang-ups aren’t my imagination, Sean’s helped me to realize that. And going to the camp sure has been a surprise revelation about how much the forgotten past really has affected my adult life.

  But best of all, hearing Sean tell me he loves me no matter what, that he loves me for me and not just for what I look like. There are guys who like bigger girls, and like his bed, Sean needs a bigger woman to accommodate his size.

  I’ve still got some issues with how I look, but they’re my own, I guess. I tell myself to stop wasting time wondering whether or not Sean’s into me and start enjoying the fact that he really, truly is. And I’m so deep into him that it hurts my chest when I think about how much I love him.

  I try and keep my eyes on the flare and where it looks like it came from, but Sean seems convinced it’s coming from near the ranger’s station so he tells me we’ll head over there.

  I keep an eye on the huge swirling mass of sky behind us, which seems so close but Sean assures me it’s still a fair way off.

  “If we can keep up our speed, providing that doesn’t get any quicker, we should be okay,” he says confidently.

  He dials the radio some more, and before long we both hear Brad’s voice.

  He’s stranded alright. His truck’s broken down and with the storm cell almost right on top of us, he’s trying to radio anybody he can for help.

  The satellite signals are down and it looks like we’re the only ones who can get to Brad in time.

  “Did you try the radio before?” Sean asks him, “It was switched off…” he says, looking a little guilty.

  “No,” Brad says, “After yesterday, I figured you would be the last person who’d want to help me… I thought you were gonna break me in half… whatever I did… I’m sorry! Can you come get me?”

  Sean smiles to himself, looking over at me, “You just turned up right in the middle of something special, that’s all… we’ll be there soon, on our way.”

  “We?” Brad asks, but the signal drops. Sean looks over at me again, smiling to himself pleased as punch.

  “Yeah… We.” Meaning him and me. It makes me feel good too, hearing him say it, and I kind of really wish all this could be over so we can pick up where we left off last night.

  Sean knows his way to the ranger station better than anyone and we spot Brad and his truck about a mile before we get to the station, which he tells us is locked down now.

  “I was trying to leave, having seen the reports and then saw the sky, damned electrics went in the truck and I don’t have time to repair them.”

  “We can take you wherever you need to go,” Sean tells him.

  “Did you get my messages? About the storm?” Brad asks, and Sean shakes his head with a sly grin, winking at me as he glances over.

  “I’ve been kinda tied up with something…something special.”

  Brad shrugs and looking at the sky behind us, he jumps into the back seat of the truck. Leaning back with complete relief.

  “I guess we’d better be going,” Sean smiles to me and he makes his way back to the highway, the first signs of a twister starting to touch down on the horizon, far behind us but heading straight for the camp.

  “Figured you might’ve been in your shelter at the campsite there.” Brad muses, looking behind us again and marveling at the incredible but terrifying sight.

  “Where are you headed?” Sean asks him flatly, suddenly changing his mood from ‘happy to help’ to ‘how soon can I get rid of this guy I just rescued?’

  I know Sean just wants it to be the two of us, and Brad seems to be the chatty kind when he’s a little excited, like he is now. Sean growls low and looks straight ahead, ignoring Brad after a few minutes, once it becomes clear that Brad has nowhere else to be and is only grateful we picked him up when we did.

  “As far away from that twister that’s just touched down is where!” Brad exclaims, and breaks out into a loud laugh that sounds like a donkey.

  Sean seems to remember something and gives me another knowing look.

  “Where’s the wife?” he asks Brad, whose started to wheeze a little after his nervous laughing fit, and he takes a puff from something for what sounds like an inhaler.

  “Oh! She and Beth, that’s our baby girl… they’re over at her mom’s in Florida, thank god. I just don’t know what we would’ve done if they’d been over here with all this going on… you’re a real hero, Sean. D’ya know that?”

  Sean’s all man compared to the ranger, who not only looks skinnier, but sounds nervous, edgy.

  Sean’s deep and commanding tone lets us both know he’s got everything under control, saving the day by rescuing the only rescuer left within a twenty mile radius.

  “We’re not out of this yet,” Sean reminds us all, and another gray-brown twister snakes from the sky down to the ground not too far behind us.

  Brad and I gasp, while Sean growls low, in tune with the V8 of his truck as he lets his foot get heavy on the gas, breaking the road rules now, but guaranteeing we’ll out run any trouble that nature can throw at us.

  My hero.




  The nearest town has a tornado shelter, a series of underground tunnels from the colonial mining days.

er had to use ‘em myself, but Brad’s familiar with the set up and half the town’s already filled up one set of tunnels, which he joins.

  I’d prefer to keep driving, and Tess is with me on that, but some people from the township have access to weather data that I don’t, and there’s more than just one storm cell passing this way. It makes sense to bunker down and ride it out.

  “In that case I think I’ll find someplace I can park my truck.” I tell Brad, eager to get free of him and any other prying eyes. I don’t mind people. But I do now that I have Tess to protect now. I don’t want anybody near my fresh claim. She’s all mine.

  “Suit yourself,” he says, suddenly looking ill at the thought of his own truck being left out in the elements.

  I know property doesn’t really matter at a time like this, with most people only carrying themselves and their loved ones.

  But if I’m gonna see things through once the worst of the storm’s passed, I’d like to do it in my truck, with Tessa by my side. No woman of mine is gonna have to walk anywhere, or wait for somebody else to give her a ride or tell either of us what to do.

  She’ll be driven by me and me alone. Same goes for her shelter during the storm.

  It’s with me and me alone.

  I find a spot where I know we won’t be disturbed, a huge brick tunnel with big timber and steel doors, which I bar shut from the inside.

  They use these for market stalls and community events, and for now there’s still lights running. With nobody else needing shelter, we have the whole place to ourselves, which is just the way I like it.

  Tess has a glazed look in her eyes and I just know she’s thinking what I’m thinking.

  Storm be damned.

  Once I park the truck, I flick the heating up a notch and lean over, fishing in my jacket pocket that Tess has wrapped around her.

  I don’t know why I picked it up on the way out when I left, but maybe I had a premonition. Or maybe it just got in my jacket by magic.

  “Now,” I tell Tess firmly, “I’ve got something here I should’ve used yesterday… spread your legs.” I order her, and hear her gasp, her eyes going wide and then narrowing as she smiles, noticing the chafing cream I produce from my jacket pocket.

  “You wanna rub that on me before or after?” she asks me coyly, starting to purr like a kitten.

  “Before or after what?” I ask her knowingly.

  “Before you chafe me a whole lot more down there.” And I drop the cream, sliding myself over the bench seat to take her into my arms again, finally.

  She feels better than ever against me, and underneath my jacket she’s hardly wearing anything, her chest spilling out of her top, nipples thick with her instant arousal and she’s needing no encouragement to slip off her shorts, letting me run my hands all over her as she straddles me in the front of our truck.


  A word I have to remember to use for everything now. She’s mine, forever, and everything that was once mine is now also hers too. Everything, forever.

  But for now, we’re each other’s once again, and I can feel the pressure of the rising tempest outside, as well as inside my own body. Inside my jeans which Tessa’s fighting to free me from.

  I slide my jeans all the way down, and notice the truck’s windows have steamed up fully already, our own breathing being so intense in such a small space.

  With no need for anything else other than what we both crave, Tess slides herself straight onto my rock hard thickness and we both let out long moans of relieved pleasure.

  We can take our time now, I’m in no rush to claim her. I know she’s mine. I want to pleasure her like she’s never known, and have her treat me to the same, just by being herself.

  Kneading her heart shaped ass with both my hands as she pumps up and down on my glistening, stiff cock, I squeeze her cheeks in time with each of her movements.

  She returns the favor, clenching her pussy as tight as she can and again once I’m fully inside her, pressing deep against her new favorite place, which sees her shuddering to the first of many climaxes in no time at all.

  She keeps her own climax going by riding me non-stop, and I can tell by the determined look in her eyes that she’s trying to get me to join her in her next explosive orgasm.

  Her breathing does that thing where it gets fast, like she can’t breath and she’s gasping for air, then she starts to shudder.

  “I love you, Sean,” she whispers in my ear then bites my neck, making me lose all control and drawing the most intense orgasm we share together.

  Hearing her the words, right at that moment, when I know she means it most. It’s the greatest gift next to her virginity. It tells me she’s not only mine, but that she loves being mine. She loves me and I tell her how much I love her, as well as show her. Over and over again while the terrible storm outside rages, we find a new peace together, a tranquility I thought I’d never know in this life.



  I’ve never felt safer, Sean’s strong arms along with his super strong and insistent everything else, sees us through the storm and then some.

  It’s the perfect way to get to know each other, and we manage quite well in our little isolation truck. Whiling away the hours with each other’s bodies, with conversation. But mostly with our bodies.

  Sean finally does get some of the chafing cream onto my thighs, but gets sidetracked again, ending up with both of us needing some of the same ointment in a few other places once we’re through.

  We end up curled in a huge blanket Sean has in the back of his truck, naked and him just holding me. We doze and chat, then make love some more until we’re finally spent, but far from being tired of each other.

  “Nowhere near even getting started,” I caution him. He looks different though somehow, I think it's maybe because we’re both tired, but it’s something else.

  He has a new look in his brooding eyes as he studies me.

  “What do you want, Tessa?” he asks me softly, and I don’t have to think twice about that.

  “You,” is all I can say, because it’s true.

  “You have me,” he tells me, “but what do you really want, from life?”

  It’s a big question, and not one I’ve really thought about much. I know I’ve always wanted to write, but that’s a pretty vague ambition.

  “I want family.” I tell him after a time, making him grin and press his lips against my forehead.

  “Lots of family, I hope?” he says wistfully and I feel my stomach getting butterflies all over again as I feel his hand rubbing my belly in wide circles.

  Sean’s just about to ask me something, something I know is important when the CB radio crackles to life.

  It’s Brad, asking if we’re okay. The storm’s passed and seems to have blown itself out, except...

  Sean flicks the radio off, but soon after there’s a loud pounding on the huge doors outside, we both hear excited voices, with Brad’s being the loudest, shouting something about us being trapped in the tunnel, which we’re not.

  Sean growls with dissatisfaction, and I sigh, resigning myself to the fact that like it or not, we’re being interrupted and now there’s an official ‘rescue team’ trying to reach us.

  Trying to spoil everything.

  “We may as well let them in,” I tell Sean, who looks less than impressed.

  “You did bolt us in a tunnel.” I remind him. “They might be worried.”

  “To be continued.” Sean promises me with a kiss and we both start to get dressed. I thank Sean for remembering to grab my bag from when he pulled me from my car.

  My car!

  I feel a stab of worry, but considering how things might have panned out, if the car is no more, and I get to keep Sean. It’s totally worth it.

  Sean seems relaxed enough to wear what he had on, but I’m grateful for the extra layers of my own clothes once I get dressed from what I have in my bag.

  Using his strength, Sean lifts off
the huge iron bar he used to keep the main doors to the tunnel closed, and once the doors open, there’s hardly the crowd of rescuers I expected.

  I blink to focus, there’s actual sunshine streaming through the opening, and there’s no more than a handful of people standing around, looking equally confused, wondering what the ranger’s shouting about people being trapped in a tunnel that only has its doors closed.

  “The twisters moved east,” Brad starts to say, grabbing Sean’s hand and pumping it, thanking him again for rescuing him, making a bigger deal out of it than I think Sean wants to.

  “But…” Sean growls, sensing there’s another reason why Brad wanted into the tunnel so badly.

  “Well… there’s some bad news…” Brad says mournfully. Sean taking a step closer, losing his patience with the man.

  “Beaver Pines is no more, Sean… I’m sorry… According to the radar the twisters went right through there before heading east. I’d be surprised if anything will be left standing… I just thought you should prepare yourself.”

  I gasp at the thought. We were just there, what if we’d slept until it was too late? What if we just never heard any of it coming?

  I’m suddenly grateful for my traumatic memory, even grateful in a strange way to those horrible girls who tormented me all those years ago.

  In a very roundabout way, they might have ended up saving our lives last night.

  If I hadn’t run away, Sean wouldn’t have come after me and we might not have survived.

  “I know how much you invested in the place is all,” Brad continues, putting his hand on Sean’s shoulder until Sean makes eye contact with him and his hand darts back.

  “Camps canceled, permanently, I guess,” Sean says calmly. But with finality

  “You have insurance though, right?” Brad asks, and I feel my head tilting to one side.

  I’m confused.

  “Why would Sean have insurance on the camp he works at?” I ask, thinking it a strange question.

  “Because he owns it,” Brad says, looking at me like I have something seriously wrong with me.


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