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It's Only Make Believe

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by Roseanne Dowell

  It’s Only Make Believe

  A Novel


  Roseanne Dowell

  ISBN: 978-1-77145-155-0


  Books We Love Ltd.

  Chestermere, Alberta


  Copyright 2013 by Roseanne Dowell

  Cover Art Copyright 2013 by Michelle Lee

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.


  Michele swore she’d scream if she had to look into one more smiling face or listen to the words, ‘you make such a perfect couple’, one more time. And her feet hurt. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. To make matters worse, the warmth of Brad’s hand on her back sent heat coursing through her body. How had she let them talk her into this?

  The exquisitely decorated hall looked like a fairyland. Mother sure went all out this time. Twinkle lights sparkled through gauzy material that draped from the center of the ceiling and cast a glow on Brad’s face. He was so handsome in his tux. She could almost love him. That is, if she were inclined to love anyone.

  The guests sat at round tables adorned with a single red rose in three-foot tall vases. Sure looked like they were having a good time while they awaited the announcement of the newlyweds. Michelle inhaled the scent of roses from her bouquet. The red roses that cascaded through the center of the bridal table looked beautiful, one of the few things Brad had insisted on.

  Her mother had sure loved that. “Such a romantic gesture,” she had said. Little did her mother know the pact Michele and Brad had made. “Red roses,” he had told her, “not only mean love, they also mean respect. And though we don’t share love we promise mutual respect.” A sweet and surprising comment.

  Now their seats awaited them, their places of honor, the happy newlyweds. Ha, happy, Michele felt anything but happy. What she felt was tired, irritable, and just plain sick of this whole charade. If she had the nerve, she’d kick off her shoes and run out of here. But she didn’t and she wouldn’t - couldn’t - embarrass herself or her parents that way. She’d agreed to this charade. So she’d stay here, smile and play the happy bride.

  “Almost time to make our grand entrance,” Brad whispered. “Smile.”

  Michele pasted a smile on her face and looked up into her new husband’s smoky blue eyes. He caressed her back, making circular motions with his fingers. The tingling sensation burned through her dress. She moved away, but part of her wanted to move closer. Wanted to feel his arms around her. Wanted his lips on hers again even if for only a brief moment, like when he kissed her at the altar after Pastor Bob pronounced them man and wife. Of course, that kiss had been expected. Everyone would have thought it strange if they hadn’t kissed. Something about that brief kiss, though, the way Brad barely touched her lips, sent a ripple of excitement through her even now. One she’d never experienced before.

  The microphone crackled. “Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time let’s hear it for Mr. and Mrs. Brad Lawson.” The Deejay’s voice rose to a crescendo and their guests applauded and whistled as Michele and Brad hurried through the hall.


  Brad almost felt sorry for Michele. Almost, but not quite. The last thing Michele expected from him was sympathy. Not independent, self assured Michele. But for just a minute there, she looked so uncertain, so stressed. She’d only agreed to this marriage because her family pressured her into it, especially her grandfather. She wouldn’t have accepted his proposition otherwise. The way she fidgeted suggested she regretted going along with this foolhardy marriage and wanted to bolt. Heck, he’d like nothing better than to run away himself. Nothing about this wedding had been his or Michele’s idea.

  Well almost nothing. He chose the roses. Why, he wasn’t sure. The thought came to him when their mothers dragged them along to the florist. One of the few decisions they consulted him and Michele about. When Michele’s mother thought his insisting on the roses romantic, he almost laughed aloud. Surely she didn’t believe he and Michele were in love. Even now, Brad didn’t know what made him do it. Maybe he wanted some semblance of honesty about this wedding, and he meant what he told Michele about respect. Besides, he found his bride attractive and if they had to play at being married, he at least wanted respect and honesty between them. He’d settle on respect and friendship for now. Hopefully, Michele didn’t think he’d remain faithful and celibate. Faithful was one thing, but he was human after all, and she was very desirable and sexy. He tugged at his tie, avoiding the sudden urge to stroke Michele’s curly, auburn hair. He liked her natural hairstyle, the way the curls framed her face. Her freshness excited him.

  Something told him she wouldn’t object to his fingers in her hair. Not like the girls he usually dated, the swanky socialites, his mother set him up with, who spent hours in beauty shops, with their touch-me-not hairstyles. Not that it mattered - their hair was so stiff you couldn’t run your fingers through it anyway.

  The look of confusion in Michele’s eyes contradicted the smile she pasted on her face. Oh it looked genuine enough, but he knew better. Discomfort screamed through her green eyes. He caressed her back, hoping to relax her, but she stiffened beneath his touch and moved away. What he really wanted to do was take her in his arms and feel his lips on hers again. For that one brief moment in church he felt something in her. Had she responded to his kiss? He wasn’t sure. He wondered about his beautiful bride.

  Brad guided Michele to the head table, while their guests tapped their silverware against their plates in anticipation of a kiss.

  The bridal party stood at their places waiting for the happy couple. How many of them knew the truth about this wedding. The girls’ basic black dresses contrasted the cream of Michele’s ivory satin gown that hugged her small waist and accentuated her height. His wife looked beautiful, innocent, and sexy. Brad wanted to put his arms around her and pull her close. She took her place next to the bridesmaids, and they posed for another picture for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.


  Michele’s stomach growled and she wished they’d let her sit down to eat. Brad looked dashing in his ivory colored tux next to his groomsmen in their black tuxedos. She trembled when Brad leaned down and ever so slowly took her in his arms. She stared into his eyes as his mouth met hers. With gentle pressure, his lips skimmed over hers in a whisper of a kiss that held long enough to satisfy their friends and relatives. Long enough to evoke desire in her.

  Involuntarily, her arms came up around his neck. Then he released her and held the chair out for her. A feeling of disappointment overwhelmed her when he let her go. What was wrong with her? She’d never reacted to a man like this before. She adjusted her dress and sat down, avoiding his eyes. His hand brushed hers, sending sparks like mini-electrical shocks throughout her body. Darn, this man fascinated her. Michele couldn’t quite figure it out. Her hands trembled. She didn’t like this sudden attraction one bit. What had come over her? She excused herself and hurried to the washroom.


  The clanging started again when Michele returned and Brad leaned toward for a kiss. Shouts of standup resounded through the hall. The irresistible urge to kiss Michele didn’t surprise him. He’d wanted to kiss her again since they arrived at the hall. Heck, ever since he kissed her in church. And the guests gave him the perfect excuse. He could hardly hear himself think through t
he din of noise. When he felt the pressure of her arms go around him something erupted in him like the first licks of flames. Something about her helplessness and those frightened eyes, all of sudden he found himself leaning down kissing her again to the delight of their guests. Just a whisper of a kiss, but her lips begged for so much more.

  “Okay you two, save it for later.” Mike, his best man, stood up and raised his glass in a toast.


  Michele managed to get through the meal between guests dinging their plates and Brad’s pretentious kisses. Each one became longer and more passionate. Deep, delicious kisses that unsettled and excited her. He played his part to the hilt.

  After dinner, she escaped to the restroom, needing to recuperate from Brad’s surprising devotion. He had played his part well, too well. She brushed her fingers across her lips where moments before Brad had planted his most passionate kiss yet. He had ignited a charge in her that began slow and increased with the pressure of his lips. By the time he pulled away her body wanted to explode. Her head swirled and their guests shouted for more. She had no idea Brad kissed that good. This wasn’t part of the deal. Right now, she wanted a moment to herself, needed to regroup. Unfortunately, Ruby, Brad’s assistant and ex-girlfriend came in right behind her.

  “Well, well, the happy bride.” Sarcasm and bitterness dripped from Ruby’s voice.

  Michele took a step backwards. She didn’t like Ruby, never had. What Brad saw in her, she’d never know. But right now the confrontational attitude of his assistant and former girlfriend annoyed her. She turned away, ignoring Ruby.

  Ruby moved closer and swished her long, straw-colored hair. “Just remember, sweetie, you might wear his ring, but it’s only make believe. I’ll always have his heart.” She paused and glared at Michele. “Remember that when he tells you he has to work late or takes a sudden business trip.” She pointed her finger under Michele’s nose and anger flickered in her icy blue eyes. “And then picture him in bed with me.” With that, Ruby turned and strode out of the room, her thin hips swinging sexily.

  Michele leaned against the sink and took a deep breath. Her insides turned summersaults, her legs turned to jelly. The ugly sneer on Ruby’s face rattled her. The witch certainly hadn’t pulled any punches. Anger flared in Michele. How dare that woman follow her in here like that? And damn Brad anyhow, that relationship was supposed to be long over. He had promised he’d be faithful. And who the hell invited Ruby to the wedding in the first place. She didn’t remember seeing her name on the guest list.

  Mutual respect and faithfulness Brad had said. Honesty. Well that sure didn’t sound like Brad meant to keep his promise, did it? Minutes that seemed like hours passed before Michele composed herself enough to return to her husband and guests. When she rounded the corner of the hall, her gaze sought out Brad. She immediately picked him out.

  Him and Ruby.

  Michele did a slow burn at the way Brad rested his arm comfortably around Ruby’s shoulders and the way their heads met, in intimate conversation. Ruby threw her head back, laughed, and snuggled into Brad’s chest. Brad looked down at Ruby, their eyes locked and held. Michele backed into the alcove near the doorway. Renewed anger welled up in her. Ruby was flirting with Brad right under her nose. And he sure wasn’t resisting. A tightening around her heart surprised her. Why should she care if Brad strayed?

  Because he promised. He’d agreed they wouldn’t embarrass each other with indiscretions. Indiscretions, Ha! Far from being discreet, making out right in plain view. Michele pulled herself together, straightened to her full five foot, eight height and took a deep breath, determined to carry their act through the remainder of the evening. She’d act as if she were madly in love with her new husband. She coughed to announce herself and came out of the shadows. She took Brad’s arm and managed to disengage him from Ruby’s clutches.


  Brad almost hated for dinner to end. He enjoyed kissing his new bride and the guests certainly encouraged it. They could hardly take a bite of their food when someone started clanging their plate again. His kisses had changed from a simple brushing of their lips to deeper, more meaningful ones. Michele tensed every time he took her in his arms, but he sensed something else too. She felt the attraction as strongly as he did. His stomach knotted as a surge of need rushed through his body. Maybe this marriage wouldn’t be too bad after all. He stood waiting for her to return from the restroom so they could make their rounds of the guests.

  Unfortunately, Ruby came out of the restroom first and snagged him. The woman had a way about her, he’d give her that. She grabbed on to him and started discussing work. Like that was a topic he wanted to talk about on his wedding day. He tried to disentangle himself from her with no success. Not wanting to make a scene, he spoke quietly. “I don’t care to discuss this right now. I told you to put everything on hold until I come back from my honeymoon.”

  Ruby threw her head back and laughed. “You don’t really think Edgehurst is going to wait that long do you?”

  “He doesn’t have much choice, does he? I’m warning you, Ruby, put him off and I don’t care how you do it.”

  Suddenly Michele was at his side, taking his arm in a possessive way. Her action surprised him. It sure didn’t fit her usual behavior. The warmth of her hand felt good on his arm, and he almost laughed aloud at the way she managed to release him from Ruby’s grip. Did he detect a hint of jealousy? Was there something more to his wife’s feelings for him? He had tried several times to move away from Ruby and in one swift movement, Michele accomplished it just like that. And the glare his wife threw Ruby. He almost felt the pain of those daggers himself. Looked like Michele had a temper.

  Brad brushed his lips against Michele’s ear and whispered, “I’ll be right back and then we can mingle with our guests.” He disappeared into the men’s room.


  The rest of the evening, they mingled with their guests, cut the wedding cake, and danced the bridal dance. Things all normal brides and grooms did. But Michele felt anything but normal. Being in Brad’s arms sent shivers of excitement through her. Though she didn’t object to it, the stirring he caused in her and the sudden attraction surprised her. She found herself trembling every time he touched her. What had come over her?

  The Deejay picked up the microphone. “Okay all you single women, let’s go, front and center.” Only a few came forward. With a little coaxing from Michele and Brad, he called a few names. “Come on, Lisa, Jenny, don’t be shy.” He went out into the crowd to pull the more hesitant ones forward. The guests laughed, applauded, and shouted out some names themselves.

  Finally satisfied that all the single women were gathered on the dance floor, the Deejay took his place. Before Michele turned around, Ruby stepped to the front of the crowd.

  “On the count of three.” The deejay’s voice roared. “Ready? One... Two... Three! Michele threw the bouquet. Hearing a scuffle, she turned around to see a group of women fighting over the bouquet. Somehow Ruby came up with it. Michele cringed at the smug look Ruby threw her.

  “Okay, single men,” the deejay yelled. “Let’s get all those single men out here. Come on, guys, front and center.”

  Someone brought a chair to the center of the hall and Michele sat down for Brad to remove her garter. Music played in the background, but she hardly heard it. Her heart beat so loud she thought everyone in the hall heard it. It almost kept up with the drumbeat of the music. Brad’s eyes captivated her. He stared at her with a look so provocative - she almost leaped from the chair. Then, with a hand so gentle, so teasing, he removed the garter. She sucked in her breath. Wave after wave of electricity spiraled through her body as his hand crept higher up her leg. Heat crept into her cheeks, and she lowered her eyes, afraid to look at him. This couldn’t be happening. How dared her body betray her like this?

  Still on his knee in front of her, Brad flung the garter to the waiting bachelors. Then, he stood, took her hand, helped her to her feet, and wit
h one great swoop lifted her into his arms. He carried her from the hall. Guests cheered and followed them to the door. He set her down in the doorway, raised her chin, leaned down, and kissed her. A hard demanding kiss that took her breath away. The kiss drowned out the noise from the crowd. All she heard was the gasp and moan that came from her throat and the beat of her heart.


  Taken up with the moment, Brad whisked Michele away from the crowd, not sure what had come over him. One moment he knelt in front of his wife, her long slender leg in his hand. The strip-tease music played in the background and desire inflamed him. Her eyes widened as he seductively removed the garter, desire filled them before she lowered long lashes, trying to hide it. The urge to kiss her became too strong – now he set her down in front of the door, oblivious to the crowd around them. He took her in his arms and kissed her the way he wanted to all evening.

  Friends and relatives cheered him on, bringing him back to the present. He took her hand and hurried outside. Michele stumbled against him and he tightened his arm around her. Poor thing sure never expected any of that. Not that he was sorry. Far from it. He’d never enjoyed anything more in his life. He held the car door for her then ran around to the other side.


  Anger replaced the sensual feeling when Michele got into the waiting limousine. “What was all that about?” She tried to keep her voice calm, while her insides threatened to erupt. What was he thinking, carrying on like that? “I know we agreed to act out this charade, but I think you carried it a little too far.”

  Brad leaned back in the luxurious leather seat and laughed. “Just play acting, it’s what they expected.” He raised his hand to her face, caressed her cheek with his fingers. “Why not relax and enjoy it, we still have a year of this game and our parents expect an heir.” Lowering his mouth, his lips captured hers, silencing her protests. He moved away, put his arm around her, leaned back, and pulled her close. “Besides, I find you very desirable and you have to admit, I don’t repulse you.”


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