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The other lands a-2

Page 56

by David Anthony Durham

  Corinn had not expected to say what she did then. She had not even known she thought it. But it was true, and it felt very important to say it now. "Then you know that only you can save me. Please."

  As she waited for the answer, the figure before her became that much more tangible, just a little more solid, not quite so transparent, even though he remained vague and half formed. The man held up a hand. He nodded, not in affirmation but to indicate that he would answer her. It was an offer that deserved consideration, and he was not so at peace with death that he would fail to think it through. He just needed a few moments. Then he would answer her.

  Queen Corinn Akaran folded her hands in her lap and sat as straight backed as she could in her fatigue, awaiting the spirit's answer, ready-if he should accept-to whisper his name and complete the spell and bring him truly back into the world. Aliver Akaran, she would say, and mean every word, life needs you still. I need you still. Come back. Fight the coming war at my side. Complete the work you left undone…

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