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Bound Together: a New Adult Reverse Harem Romance (Torn and Bound Duet Book 2)

Page 8

by K Webster

  “Fuck,” he breathes, releasing my dick.

  I do the same, dropping onto my back. I close my eyes, reveling in what just happened. When we were younger, it was Bray pursuing me. At the rink and in the hotel room, it was me pursuing him. But tonight, for the first time, it was the two of us, together.

  “Hey,” he says. His voice is so close, I startle. Opening my eyes, I find him lying next to me again.

  “Hey,” I say back.

  We both stare at each other for several seconds, unsure of where to go from here. And then I speak up because, even though I know what it’s like to be with a man, this was Brayden’s first time. Sure, we’ve kissed, and I’ve blown him, but neither is the same as having someone’s dick down your throat.

  “What did you think?”

  He laughs. “About what? You sucking my dick? In case you forgot, you’ve done that before.”

  I shake my head. “No, about… sucking mine.”

  His face goes serious, and my stomach knots. What if he hated it? What if after all these years, I’m not what he wants? Where would we go from here? “I tried to be with a guy once,” he admits. “It was during our senior trip.”

  “I didn’t go on the trip.” My grandma wasn’t feeling well and I wasn’t comfortable leaving her alone.

  “I know,” he says. “I got drunk and broke away from everyone… met this guy… I figured it would be the perfect way to figure out if I was gay.”

  “What happened?” I considered doing the same thing over the years, but every time I couldn’t go through with it—until Ashton. I quickly push him from my thoughts. I meant what I said to Brayden—it can only be the two of us in this room.

  “We kissed… But the second he touched my dick, I ran.” He chuckles lightly, running his hand along my shoulder and landing on my ass. “But with you… it feels right.”

  He tugs me toward him, and I release a breath. “It does,” I agree. “It feels damn right.”

  “I want this. I want you… I want us.”

  “Then you can have me. It’s why I came back… for you.”

  Brayden nods, but the expression on his face looks like he has something on his mind.

  “What?” I prompt.

  “You keep saying you came back for me, but you also came back because of hockey…”

  My heart picks up speed, knowing exactly where he’s going. What he’s about to ask. I hold my breath, praying he doesn’t ask it…

  “What happened, Drew? Why did you leave the NHL?”

  His blue eyes that had been shining with a mixture of love and lust dim. He completely shuts down, avoiding eye contact. What the hell happened?

  I know it’s not because he lost his ability to play or some shit like that.

  Drew is fucking amazing on the ice.

  The very best.

  It’s something else. Something he’s ashamed of. He did something, I think. But that makes no sense because he’s so by the book about everything.

  Except us.

  He breaks the rules of his coaching position by being with me.

  Definitely not by the book there.

  I shove that thought down and run my fingers through his messy hair. “Drew,” I rumble. “You can talk to me.”

  Pain flashes in his eyes before he slams them shut. As though he can block out my questions and the world around him. Whatever happened kills him.

  I could push and probe, because that’s what we do, but not now. Not when he’s so fucking vulnerable and sad. I’ll tug this information out of him eventually. Leaning forward, I press a kiss to his mouth that felt so good around my dick, and his eyes pop back open.

  “Tell me when you’re ready. Might not be today or tomorrow or next week, but you’ll tell me because not only are we this now”—I wave at our naked bodies tangled together—“but you’re my best friend in the whole goddamn world.”

  He nods. “I’m sorry.”

  Rather than let him feel like shit, I palm the back of his neck and draw him to me for another kiss. We’re just getting hot and heavy again, our dicks hard and pressed together, when we hear voices.


  By the time it registers, Drew barely has a chance to pull the covers over our bodies when someone fills the doorway.

  “Holy shit,” Ashton says, gripping the top of the doorframe as he leans into Drew’s room. “I leave you two unattended for two hours and look at the trouble you get yourselves into.”

  Beautiful fucking Mia peeks her head around him, her brown eyes widening in shock at the scene before her.

  “Oh. Oh my God. Ashton, leave them alone,” she chokes out, her arms going around his waist to pull him away.

  Ashton is wearing one of his devious smirks, but his hazel eyes are gleaming with an emotion I can’t quite put my finger on. Not jealousy. Because he has Mia. Right? Not anger because we’re cool now. It certainly isn’t fucking happiness, that much I do know.

  “If you guys are done fucking, put some clothes on and come hang out with MiMi and me.” His gaze lingers for a moment longer before he releases the top of the doorframe to grab Mia and toss her over his shoulder, making her squeal with laughter.

  “I guess there’s no hiding what we just did,” I say with a nervous chuckle.

  Drew gives me a quick peck to my lips. “I don’t want to hide what we just did. Felt pretty damn good to me. Long overdue too.”

  We crawl out of bed and I throw on some St. Louis Blues sweats I find folded neatly on the dresser. Drew smirks at me but doesn’t tell me no. He grabs another pair from the drawer and throws them on. I’m too hot for a shirt, so I head into the living room to see what Mia and Ashton are up to while Drew makes a beeline for the bathroom.

  “Where’s Mia?” I ask, scanning the space.

  “Ran next door to change,” Ashton says, not looking up from whatever he’s doing in the kitchen. “You two kids have fun?”

  I walk into the kitchen to find him cutting oranges. “Yeah. How was your date?”

  His eyes cut over to mine, a smile playing at his lips. “We didn’t have a happy ending like yours, but I did feed my girl.”

  “Hopefully lots of carbs,” I tease, stepping closer to steal an orange wedge.

  He stiffens and his hazel eyes take on the despondent look they had all week. “I fucked up with her, man. It should have been me who went to see her.”

  I try not to take offense at his words. What Mia and I shared that weekend was amazing. I don’t regret one second of it. “But it wasn’t. I made sure she was okay.”

  Rather than get jealous, his shoulders hunch. “Thanks for that. Was her mom really a witch?”

  A disgusted snort escapes me. “She’s more than a witch. She’s a rotten, evil cunt. I fucking hate her mom.”

  Fiery eyes meet mine. “I’m glad you were there to protect her from that horrible woman.”

  “Me too.” I bring the orange wedge up to my lips and bite down.

  Ashton’s gaze peruses from my mouth to my pectorals to my naval and then he shakes his head, continuing on his task.

  “What are you making?”

  “Bahama Mamas. Apparently some douchebag was after my rum.” He points his knife at the bottle on the counter. “MiMi wanted something fruity, so I figured I’d please everyone.” His eyes are once again taking in the way I eat the orange.

  A flash of heat zapping through me has me quickly stepping away to toss the peel in the trash. Drew saunters into the kitchen smelling like fucking paradise and I can’t help but grin at him. He throws a wink at me before leaning a hip against the counter to watch Ashton.

  Ashton darts his gaze between us and then laughs. “You two are way gayer than me. Look at you in your matching pants. So fucking cute.”

  We all laugh as Mia returns, dropping her bag on the floor just inside the door.

  And then nothing’s funny at all.

  She’s changed out of her clothes she wore to the meet. Her dark hair has been braided into pigtail
s and her cute glasses are perched on her nose. I’m not sure she’s even wearing pants because the white Nintendo hoodie hangs halfway down her thighs. Her bare, naked thighs. Thighs I’ve kissed and been between. She has on knee-high red and white striped socks and stupid unicorn slippers.

  That whole ensemble should not be sexy.

  I should not be reliving every second of our time together where I tasted her and touched her.

  I’m with Drew. She’s with Ashton.

  “What?” she asks, her eyes bouncing between the three of us who’ve gone silent. “Do I look stupid or something?”

  Ashton snorts. “Fuck no, MiMi. You’re so damn cute, you gave everyone a boner just by being you. Now come over here and help me make these drinks.”

  Tearing my gaze from her, I discover that Drew’s eyes are snared on the way Ashton now has Mia pinned against the counter. Ashton playfully nips at her neck while she places the orange slices into each of the glasses. I walk over to Drew and grab his hand. As though breaking from his trance, he threads his fingers with mine.

  “Let’s play NHL 20,” I say to Drew, tugging him out of the kitchen.

  Ashton cackles. “Drew sucks at that game, dude bro Bray.”

  “I do not,” Drew grumbles as he sits on the floor in front of the television.

  I smirk at Drew as I set up the game. He’s such a bad liar. Once the game is on, I plop down next to him and begin whipping his ass, loving how pissed off he gets each time I knock the puck into his net. Ashton shows up with drinks. We absently drink while we play and before long, I’m getting a refill.

  “Fuck you,” Drew barks out, tossing his controller to the floor. “I’m not playing this dumbass game.”

  “Aww, Drew’s a sore loser,” Mia taunts. “Need a hug?”

  “I need a shot,” he mumbles back.

  Ashton drops down next to me, grabbing the abandoned controller. He’s a lot harder to beat. We spend the next hour in a heated match, neck in neck. If Mia stopped refilling our glasses, maybe I could focus on the screen a little better.

  “Pause it,” Ashton says. “I gotta take a piss.”

  He stands and slightly staggers before heading out of the living room. Finally tearing myself from the game, I glance around, looking for Drew. Mia—no longer wearing her hoodie, but a tight red camisole—is curled up next to him and his arm is around her. They’re talking lowly, both of them wearing serene expressions. Her tiny shorts have crept up her thighs, showing a lot of silky skin.

  My gut twists in a weird way and I’d like to think it’s jealousy at the way he holds Mia when he could be holding me, but I don’t think that’s it. It reminds me of how it felt to hold her too. She’s so soft and sweet and—

  “Mine,” Ashton says, a playful lilt in his voice as he returns and scoops Mia out of Drew’s arms. He sits down at one end of the couch with her in his lap. “Game’s over, man. Put on a movie.”

  “I’m not your bitch,” I grumble back.

  Ashton laughs. “You’re just mad I was gonna beat you again and you won’t have a chance to try and win. Later, loser. Later I’ll whip your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.” His eyes drag down my shirtless front for a second and then he pulls his stare away, jaw clenching.

  I flip off the game and turn it to some Brad Pitt movie where he ages in reverse. Drew looks like a king sprawled out on the other end of the couch, his blue eyes blazing with heat. Bypassing the recliner, I sit down next to Drew, angling my body where I can watch Ashton and Mia right along with the movie. Drew absently strokes his fingertips over my hardened nipple, making my dick all kinds of hard in my sweats. Luckily, Ashton is too wrapped up in Mia to notice what Drew does to me from one simple touch.

  “Love you, MiMi,” Ashton murmurs, his thumb hooking one of the straps and pulling it down her shoulder.

  The movie is forgotten as I watch the way he caresses her skin so reverently. It makes me wonder if he’ll take her shirt off with us here. My dick twitches at that thought. Then, my dick twitches for a whole other reason when I feel warm lips at my neck. Drew’s tongue is hot as he licks my skin. His teeth nip at my flesh and then he sucks, making me groan.

  The loud, desperate sound that escapes me has both Ashton and Mia pulling from their kiss to look over at us. Drew’s palm rubs over my abs, his fingertips teasing the waistband of my sweats. I can’t help but buck my hips up, wishing he’d push his hand down beneath the fabric and grip my aching dick. Ashton’s gaze is fiery lust as he rakes it over me and then his attention is back on Mia. He pulls her thighs until she’s straddling him, kissing her like he might be able to steal her soul—the little devil. Her moans have me reminiscing back to that weekend. When I made her moan like that. He grips her hips, dragging her over his dick, dry fucking her right in front of us.

  It’s hot and it makes me feel guilty for thinking it.

  I hate that I’d totally watch them go at it if they were up for it.

  Needing distance from the scene before me, I turn to meet Drew’s lips for a kiss. He kisses me with such hunger, I feel like he might devour me whole. The couch moves and then Ashton is stumbling away with Mia locked in his arms. They barely get the door closed to his room before her moans really kick up.

  “Ready for bed?” Drew rasps out.

  “I’m spending the night?” I tease with a grin.

  “Damn fucking right you are. I’m going to keep you in my bed as long as you’ll let me.”


  He can keep me forever.

  I wake with a splitting headache and a naked body wrapped around me. I’m not used to a dick rutting against my crack, but I can’t say I hate it. Based on the way Drew is still softly snoring, I’d say he’s having a good sex dream. I fight a smile as I lie in the dark, contemplating last night. After a shower where we took turns blowing each other, we fell into bed exhausted but happy.

  I thought it was the sun shining in that woke me, but when I hear murmured voices, I realize it’s Mia and Ashton. His door is closed but Drew’s remains open. Mia’s sounds of pleasure filter through the wall, making my dick hard as stone. Every so often Ashton lets out a feral snarl or the headboard will thump hard against the wall. The sounds are erotic. I feel like a voyeur listening to them fuck. A strong hand wraps around my dick, making my heart shudder.

  “Someone’s turned on this morning,” Drew rumbles against my neck. “Want me to take care of you?”

  I push my ass against his dick, loving the hiss he makes. He punishes me back by stroking me hard, his hand gripping me to the point of pain. Fuck, it feels good. Our breathing becomes ragged as he rubs his dick along the crack of my ass, never attempting to enter, and jacks me off.

  God, he feels good.

  This feels good.

  Like I’ve been waiting my whole life for this moment.

  “Drew,” I groan. “Fuck.”

  “I know,” he agrees. “So fucking good.”

  He carries us over the edge together. As soon as my nuts seize up to come, his hot cum rushes up my lower back, soaking me. His dick slides through the mess he made, rubbing against my crack. I come hard, nearly growing dizzy from the pleasure. I’ve barely come down from my high when my phone buzzes from my abandoned pants on the floor.

  “Better answer that while I get the shower started,” Drew says, kissing my neck.

  He climbs out of bed and tosses me my pants. I fish out my phone to see I’ve missed a call from Mom. With a sigh, I ring her back, putting her on speaker.

  “Hey, sweetie,” she chirps. “I thought you were avoiding me again.”

  Guilt swims up inside me.

  “Never, Mom. What’s up?”

  “Your dad and I thought you’d like to come over for steak tonight. He’s about to head up to the butcher to grab some meat. We were wondering if we’d need to get one more.” She pauses. “I know you and Drew don’t always get along, but I was hoping—”

  “Yeah,” I say, cutting her off. “We�
�ll be there. Drew loves steak.”

  “Fuck yeah he does,” Ashton says, smirking from the doorway.

  I shoot him a glare. “Go away, man.”

  “Who’s that?” Mom asks, her voice growing higher with excitement. “A friend?”

  “Yeah, Mom, an annoying friend,” I grumble.

  Ashton laughs as he walks into Drew’s room. He crosses his arms over his bare chest that’s red from Mia’s fingernails scratching over the flesh. I have to look away.

  “Bring him, sweetie. The more the merrier.”

  “I’m sure Ashton has shit to do,” I grumble.

  Ashton’s hazel eyes gleam with devious wickedness. “Nope. Me and my girlfriend have no plans. We’ll be there, Mrs. Murphy.”

  Fucking suck-up.

  I shoot him the bird.

  “Wonderful! Your father is going to be so pleased. We’ll pick up six steaks then. See you around six, honey.” Then to Ashton she says, “Can’t wait to meet you, sweetheart.”

  He struts around the room like a fucking rooster. “Me neither. Can I call you Mom? My mom is a drunk—”

  “See you then,” I bark out, cutting him off. “Love you. Bye.”

  “This is going to be so much fun.” Ashton grins like the fucking devil. “Maybe Mom will show me pictures of you from when you were little. Lots of embarrassing shit that I can fuck with you over from now until eternity.”

  “Fuck off and don’t call her Mom.”

  “No can do, dude bro. Already did. It’s a thing now.” He nods to the bathroom where the shower is going. “Go fuck your boyfriend and then help me make breakfast. Mia is going to need her energy after last night.”

  I fling the blanket off my body and stride over to the bathroom, secretly delighted over the fact that I just shut Ashton up—the guy with a never-ending commentary—with my naked ass.

  A small part of me is apprehensive over the idea of Ashton and Mia being in my childhood home, but a bigger part is kind of excited.

  I have friends now.

  I’m happy.

  Mom and Dad are going to be so fucking shocked.


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