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Bound Together: a New Adult Reverse Harem Romance (Torn and Bound Duet Book 2)

Page 20

by K Webster

  Brayden frowns as if just realizing that when he leaves, I’ll still be here. And I have no clue where Ashton will be… And if Drew is still the coach here, we’ll be in the same position we’re in now.

  “Yo, Brayden,” a guy calls out. “Practice in ten!”

  “Shit, I gotta get going.” He jumps up and then dips down, kissing me goodbye. “I’ll see you at home later.” Home… It’s technically neither of our homes, yet it feels like more of a home than the one I grew up in.

  When he’s gone, I take my coffee outside and call Dad. He answers on the first ring.

  “Mia.” The single word is laced with sympathy, and I immediately know there wasn’t a mix-up.

  “So, it’s true,” I say in greeting, not even bothering to ask the question.

  “Your mother felt it was best—”

  “To cut me off financially while I’m in college?”

  “To go with tough love,” he finishes.

  “What the hell is tough love?” I hiss. “Neither of you has shown me any kind of love in years. Now you want to try and parent?” Angry tears leak from the corners of my eyes.

  “Your mother feels you’re making bad choices, sweetheart. Come home and we’ll help you get back on track. You can enroll in college here, live at home…”

  I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing this is probably the last conversation we’ll ever have because I can’t be part of a family who doesn’t love and accept me. Ashton, Brayden, and Drew are my family. They love me and accept me. They support me…

  “I’m not coming back,” I tell him. “This is my home.” And I’ll do everything in my power to make sure of it.

  He sighs. “I understand, but if you change your mind…”

  “I won’t.” Nothing can make me change my mind about my boys. They’re mine and I’m theirs and anyone who doesn’t understand can go kick rocks.

  Without bothering to say goodbye, I hang up and head over to the financial aid office.

  “How can I help you?” a cheery, gray-haired woman asks.

  “I’m interested in applying for a loan.” Because I’m under twenty-five and my parents make too much money, I’m not eligible to receive any grants.

  “Here’s the website.” She slides a paper over to me. “This tells you everything you’ll need on hand when you apply. Applications must be received on or before April thirtieth to be eligible for the summer.”

  “Oh, no, I need to apply for… now.”

  “I’m sorry, but all financial aid is closed for the spring semester. The earliest you would be approved, if you’re approved, is for summer.”

  My heart plummets into my stomach. “Okay, thank you.” I take the paper from her and walk out of the office. My mind is numb and my body is on autopilot the entire walk back to my apartment. Normally, I would go straight to Ashton’s, but I need a few minutes to myself and I haven’t been home in several days.

  When I step up to my door and unlock it, an envelope falls to the ground. I pick it up and, seeing it’s from the leasing management office, nearly throw up my coffee. I rip it open and read it twice before it sinks in. It’s a letter of non-renewal of my lease. I’m being evicted by my parents.

  Slamming my door closed, I rush down the hallway and fly down the stairs. I have to fix this. They can’t kick me out of my apartment. I’ll be homeless.

  When I enter the office, I walk over to the first person I see. “I received this letter. It says I need to be out in two weeks. This can’t be right.”

  The woman’s brows furrow as she reads over the letter. “I’m afraid this is correct. Your lease is up at the end of the month and we received your denial to renew.”

  “That was my parents,” I explain, trying to remain calm. “I would like to renew.”

  She types away on her keyword and then frowns. “I’m sorry, but when we received the letter, we signed a contract with someone else. There’s a waitlist and—”

  “So, that’s it? You’re kicking me out of my apartment without anywhere to go.” Hot tears spill down my cheeks and I almost feel sorry for the woman, who looks extremely uncomfortable. This isn’t her fault. It’s my parents’, and it’s mine. Theirs for pulling this shit, and mine for not staying two steps ahead.

  Snagging the letter off the desk, I run out of the office, needing to get myself under control. My chest is tightening and my body is shaking. My hands are trembling so badly, I can barely hold the letter between my fingers. I wander mindlessly around campus, unsure where to go from here. I have no job, no money, and soon I’ll have no place to live.

  Then there’s the issue of school. I’m going to have to take at least a semester off, so I can come up with the money to rent another apartment. But if I do that, will I lose my scholarship? I’ll have to look into that.

  And by the time I’m back in school, Ashton and Brayden will have graduated. That reality damn near knocks the wind out of me. In less than six months Brayden will be on his way to whatever city drafts him, and Ashton… he’s mentioned more than once that he has no desire to stay here past graduation. Drew will still be here, but it’s not as if we can live together. We can’t even be seen together in public without him risking his job.

  I wrap my arms around my waist, cold and heartbroken at the thought of losing school, my apartment, and my guys.

  “Mia,” a masculine voice calls out, cutting through the fog of my thoughts. When I glance over I find Drew walking down the sidewalk. He’s dressed in his suit, having come from practice and probably a meeting.

  The second he sees me, his lips turn down in a frown. “What happened?” he asks, ignoring that we’re in public and pulling me into his arms. He wipes the falling tears and I close my eyes, breathing in his comforting scent. For several minutes, we just stand here. Me in his arms, my head against his chest. Drew, holding me tightly, running his fingers up and down my back.

  “Talk to me, baby,” he murmurs after a while.

  “My parents cut me off,” I choke out, wrapping my arms around him tighter. “My money, my apartment… They took it all away.”

  Drew’s grip on me tightens. “Are you fucking serious?”

  “They drained my accounts, canceled my credit cards… They even made sure to let the leasing company know they won’t be renewing my lease. I have two weeks to move out.”

  “Fuck,” he hisses. Then he pulls back so he can look at me. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.” I nod slightly, wanting to believe him, but I don’t know how we’re going to figure it out.

  Drew walks with me through campus, never letting go of me. When we get inside his and Ashton’s apartment, both guys are already there. They’re playing a video game and when they hear the door open and close they glance back.

  Ashton is the first to speak. “What the fuck happened?” He springs to his feet and stalks over to me.

  “Her parents cut her off,” Drew says since I’m now crying too hard to speak. “And your fucking dad evicted her.”

  Ashton tenses. “He what?”

  “How?” Brayden barks out.

  “It’s his building,” Drew grumbles. “I thought he was better than that.”

  “It’s okay, Mia,” Brayden says, rubbing his hand along my back. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “Goddamn right we will,” Ashton growls. “I’m going to figure it out right now.”

  Brayden pulls me to him and I watch as Ashton dials his dad, putting him on speaker. Drew remains scowling nearby with his arms crossed over his chest while Ashton paces, thrumming with rage.

  “Hello?” Curtis greets.

  “You kicked Mia out? What kind of asshole are you?” Ashton berates. “You can be mad at me and the shit I pull, but do not ever think you can punish me by hurting her. Fuck you, man!”

  “Hold the hell on, Son. What’s going on?” Curtis snaps back, annoyed. “I don’t know what you’re running your head about.”

  “Give me a fucking break, Dad. It’s your goddamn building!
” Ashton fires back. “Don’t play stupid.”

  Drew walks over to Ashton and speaks. “Mia’s been evicted.”

  “There must be some misunderstanding. She wouldn’t just get evicted,” Curtis states, confusion in his tone. “Let me take a look at my email. All evictions have to be sent to me.”

  We wait quietly, a thread of hope keeping us on edge, as Curtis taps away on his keyboard. After a few minutes, he groans.

  “I was afraid of that,” Curtis mumbles to himself. “It’s not an eviction. There was a signed non-renewal of the lease by her parents.”

  “Same fucking thing!” Ashton yells. “You let it happen. Fix it!”

  “I can’t just fix it, Ashton,” Curtis grinds out. “There’s already a new lease that’s been signed. The new tenant will take possession in two weeks.”

  “Undo it,” Ashton orders.

  “I can’t,” Curtis mutters, exasperated. “It’s a matter of legality. I can put her on the waitlist—”

  “Thanks for all the help, Dad,” Ashton sneers. “Mia’s homeless now.”

  He ends the call, tossing his phone onto the couch before he yanks me into his arms. I cling to him, overwhelmed by the sudden changes in my life.

  I’m sobbing so hard, I’m hyperventilating now. Ashton strokes his fingers through my hair.

  “Shh, MiMi,” he murmurs. “We’ll take care of you. You’ll move in here. Sleep in my bed. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I nod, because I want to believe it will all be okay. With my guys touching me and whispering assurances, I think it might be.

  “They took all my money,” I tell Ashton. “I won’t be able to help pay—”

  “You’re not paying for shit,” Ashton growls. “Don’t you dare worry about money or housing or anyfuckingthing. Between Drew, Brayden, and me, we’ll make sure you’re all taken care of. You trust us?”

  I pull away so I can give him a watery smile. “Yes.” And that’s the truth. I trust all three of them completely. I should’ve known my guys would have my back. Instead of wandering around aimlessly for hours, I should’ve come straight here. We’re a unit. A family. When one of us needs the others, we’re there for each other. They’re not my parents. They love me and would never let anything happen to me.

  Ashton kisses my forehead. “Good. Now go find an ugly sweater. We’re going Christmas tree shopping to celebrate.”

  “To celebrate my financial ruin?” I say with a weak laugh.

  “To celebrate you officially becoming ours. And picking out a family Christmas tree for our living room seems like a fucking fantastic way to do it.”

  Officially becoming theirs…

  That’s something to celebrate for sure.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” I say, arching a brow at Mia, who’s standing in the middle of Ashton’s room with just a towel on.

  “What?” She chews on her bottom lip. “I’m just getting ready to go visit your parents.”

  “No, MiMi,” Ashton says, not looking up from his video game. “You’re prancing around asking to get dicks in every one of your holes.”

  Drew snorts out a laugh as he enters the bedroom. “Every hole, hmm?”

  She puts her hands on her hips over her towel and scowls. “I am not. It’s not my fault you three are horny asses who can’t let a girl walk through a room without a fuss.”

  “Not just any girl,” Ashton pipes up. “Our girl.”

  “I guess we could make time,” I tease, grinning at her. “Seeing as you’re hinting about wanting three dicks.”

  “You guys are assholes,” she grumbles, unable to hide her laugh. “I hate you all.”

  Mia’s a big liar.

  She doesn’t hate us.

  And she’s totally fucking prancing.

  When she passes by the bed, Ashton tosses the controller away so he can grab her towel. It falls away, exposing her perfectly curvaceous body. She sighs as though she’s annoyed, making a great show of bending over to open one of the drawers on Ashton’s dresser that he emptied for her to store some clothes in. My dick hardens just thinking about being inside our girl.

  We’ve done lots of stuff.

  The one thing I haven’t done, though, is fuck Mia.

  Not that we haven’t wanted to. It’s just, when we all get together, it gets a little crazy. Each time, it just hasn’t worked out that way. Today, though, I’m going to make sure it happens.

  On the same wavelength, Ashton starts stripping as Drew kicks his shoes off. I whip off my hoodie and shirt, eager for this little detour before we have to leave to go have dinner at my parents’ house. By the time Mia turns around, having slowly settled on the skimpiest pair of red panties she has in her drawer, we’re all naked and stroking our hard dicks.

  “We’ll be late,” she whines.

  Ashton stretches out on the middle of the bed, curling his finger to beckon her over. “You shouldn’t have strutted in here, swaying that ass, MiMi. You know we can’t resist you.”

  She smirks. “Fine, you caught me. I’ve never lived with boys before, though. I’m not sure I know how to act.”

  After Christmas tree shopping a few days ago, the three of us helped her pack up her stuff. Since her parents were being such dicks and cut her off, and she insisted she didn’t want to completely depend on us, we helped her sell the furniture on CampusList to give her some cash. Then, we moved all her stuff into Ashton’s place. She’s officially ours.

  “Get the lube,” I tell Drew. “We gotta get Mia’s ass nice and slick to take Ashton’s big dick.”

  He grins like a loon from the bed. “Damn right.”

  “And I’m going to sink inside this pretty pussy I’ve been dreaming about since the day I met you,” I say to her, dipping to kiss her lips.

  “Both?” she asks, a nervous edge to her voice.

  “Or one at a time,” I offer. “Whatever you want, Mia. I just need to be inside you. I’m starting to feel neglected.”

  She laughs. “Poor Brayden.”

  Drew approaches, the lube in his hand. “What’s it going to be, sweetheart? You going to let us tag team you or are you going to be a good girl and take all three of us like you were born to do?”

  Her eyes flutter closed and she gasps as he pushes his finger inside her ass. I grip her jaw and kiss her hard, in a claiming way. She’s ours and I want her to know it.

  “Fucking hot,” Ashton growls. “I could whack off to the three of you all damn day until my dick fell off.”

  Mia and I smile through our kiss at his words. I pinch her nipple and then slide my hand down to her pussy. She whimpers when I rub her clit.

  “You like that, baby?” I murmur.

  “Yes,” she breathes. “So much.”

  “I’m going to fuck your throat,” Drew growls. “While these two guys fuck you senseless, I’m going to let you put those pretty lips around my dick.”

  She moans in pleasure. It’s easy to bring her to orgasm. Mia gets incredibly turned on by dirty talk. Add in a little ass play while you touch her pussy and she goes off like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

  Her cries of ecstasy are garbled and incoherent, making the three of us guys chuckle. Once she’s come down from her high, Drew removes his fingers from her ass. He grips her hair, tugging her head backward, and then plants a hot kiss on her lips.

  After their sexy-ass kiss, I guide her over to the bed and help her on it. Ashton smacks her thigh when she tries to straddle him.

  “Other way, cowgirl.” He takes the lube Drew hands him and then rubs it all over his dick. “Get on it and ride.”

  Mia glances my way, her brown eyes darkening with lust. “Tell me what to do.”

  “Put Ashton’s dick in your ass and lie back so he can hold you,” I instruct. “I want that pussy open and waiting for me.”

  She nods, straddling him but facing me. Then, she eases down over his dick, making both her and Ashton groan. Once she’s impaled on his cock, he pulls her b
ack against his chest. With her tits jiggling and him inside her in a fuck-hot way, I’m so turned on.

  “Straddle her face, Drew,” I instruct as I pull pillows on either side of her to give him something to kneel on. “Put your thick cock in her mouth. Hold on to the headboard.”

  He flashes me a deviant grin before he climbs into position. I love that his ass is on display for me. I give it a bite that has him growling.

  I take extra care to lube up my dick and her pussy. With my fingers inside her, I can tell this is going to be a tight fit with Ashton’s dick sharing space behind a thin wall of tissue. They both groan from the simple intrusion of two fingers. I straddle Ashton’s thighs as I place each of Mia’s legs over my shoulders. She’s exposed and spread apart, waiting to be filled by a third dick. The sounds coming from her mouth are sloppy where I know Drew is fucking her mouth. Each time his ass flexes, more precum dribbles from my dick.

  “Relax, baby,” I murmur. “I’ll go slow, but I think this is going to feel really fucking good for all of us.”

  Gripping my dick, I tease her opening and push against her hole. There’s resistance because she’s so tight and Ashton has already filled her back end with him. But, with a little maneuvering and a lot of whimpering on her part, I manage to squeeze the fat head of my cock inside her. Ashton curses when I inch in slowly. It feels like my dick is being strangled in the best possible way. I can feel the firmness of Ashton inside her ass through her pussy wall. It’s fucking insane.

  “Holy shit,” I hiss out. “Fuck, you’re tight, Mia.”

  She gags on Drew’s dick, clenching her pussy. I grip onto Drew’s hip for leverage as I buck slowly into Mia. It’s maddening how good it feels. Like every movement might lead to an embarrassingly quick orgasm on my part. I have to go at a snail’s pace so I don’t hurt her, but also so I don’t come like a chump.

  Ashton is trapped beneath everyone, but it doesn’t stop him from bucking upward. It reminds me of the way his body moves when he’s in the water. So fucking strong.

  Everyone is moaning and grunting, each of us finding great pleasure in each other. I rub on Mia’s clit, hoping to give her another orgasm before I find mine. She hums around Drew’s dick, making him hiss. His movements become more erratic, causing her to gag. When she comes with a howl like a fucking banshee, all the while squeezing the fuck out of my dick with her tight-ass pussy, I release her clit to help Drew over the edge. He groans when I slide a finger into his ass, seeking out his prostate.


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