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Queen of Savon

Page 14

by Tricia Andersen

  “I have been thinking about that also,” Cassandra replied.

  “Soon, my love. Very soon.”

  Cassandra gazed up at him. “How soon?”

  “Sooner than you can imagine, Cassa.”

  Turning her attention toward the window once again, she smiled. Then, her heart fell. It would be at least another month or two before the ceremony. Her soul feared Joseph's influence on Matthew would cause him to change his mind.

  Matthew tightened his arms around her. “I love holding you,” he whispered.

  “I love being held.”

  Cassandra felt Matthew’s hand drop to his side as he rummaged through his pocket. He clenched something in his fingers then took hers. “I am not supposed to give this to you yet, but I cannot wait to see you wear it,” he offered.

  Something was slipped on her finger. She looked down to find a ruby ring laying there, Savon’s coat of arms radiating through the clear, red stone.

  “A signet ring?” Cassandra breathed in awe.


  “This is mine?”

  “Well, not until the coronation, but yes. My mother wore it, and now it belongs to you, my love.” Matthew twisted her to face him. “This way, I know you will remain here beside me until our wedding.”

  Cassandra gazed at the ring. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.” He held her close as he pressed his lips against her face. She hugged herself tight to him, wishing she would never have to let him go.

  Matthew held Cassandra’s hand as he escorted her to her chamber. She clung to his shirt, unwilling to let him go so quickly. They stole several moments in the darkened hallway, their lips entwined in sweet, soft, passionate kisses. She could feel his strong, hungry hands grip the satin of her gown, wishing to touch more than the fabric.

  She fought against the desire to coax him into her chamber then into her bed. She sighed as he pressed one last kiss goodnight against her mouth, watching as he slipped down the hall to his chamber. He turned to gaze at her before he closed the door. Crawling beneath the sheets, she hugged her pillow as sweet slumber quickly claimed her.

  The dying embers in the fireplace gently reflected off the rose tapestries of Cassandra's room. The birds chirped happily in the trees of the garden to greet the new morning. The sky was still dark and the stars still shone as Cassandra hugged her pillow tightly in her sleep.

  Cassandra woke with a start as she heard her bedchamber door open. She blinked tiredly as she studied the ring she had been given the night before. After several moments, she glanced around to find the intruder. Angelique stood against the wooden door, pressing it closed with her body.

  “Angelique, what are you doing?” Cassandra asked. “The sun is not even up yet.”

  Angelique breezed to Cassandra's wardrobe, opening the doors and shuffling through the gowns. She pulled free Cassandra's crème and gold bridal gown and scooped up the gold silk slippers sitting on the floor of the closet. Lying them on a chair, she knelt on the bed. “Come, my lady. Get up. They are waiting for you.”

  Cassandra buried her face into her pillow. “No. I will not be a part of your joke.”

  Angelique retrieved the veil from the shelf of the wardrobe then closed the doors. She tugged at the linen bed sheets until Cassandra huddled on the mattress uncovered. “Please, my lady, they are waiting.”

  “Fine.” Cassandra sat up angrily. “I will play along with your cruel gag.” She stood quietly as Angelique dressed her.

  Then, the young woman led Cassandra to the vanity and gently pushed her onto the bench. She brushed the sorceress’ long, brown hair gently then weaved it into braids as Cassandra laced her bodice with a scowl. Angelique quietly wound the braids together then pinned them and the veil to her head. Urging Cassandra to her feet, she directed the soon-to-be queen out the door and down the halls.

  “Everyone is asleep,” Cassandra protested. “Who is waiting for me? The other servants, so they can mock me? Did Rosa and Marie put you up to this?” Cassandra cringed at the memory of the gossiping maids. Didn’t Cook say she punished them? Obviously, my new lady-in-waiting feels the same as they do.

  Angelique said nothing as she quietly opened the entrance door. She smiled warmly as she found Henry outside by the carriage, waiting patiently for them.

  “You are going to great lengths for this gag,” Cassandra sneered.

  Angelique sighed as she took her place at the reins. Henry helped Cassandra into a seat then climbed next to Angelique. He took Angelique’s hand gently in one of his and the reins in the other, urging the horses on.

  Cassandra sat fuming inside the curtained carriage as they wove down the dirt path through the countryside of Savon. They jolted to a stop as sunrise broke through the hangings. She peeked out, discovering them in the same forest that Matthew had found her in two days previous.

  Henry pushed the cloth back on the opposite side. “My lady.”

  Cassandra took the hand offered and stepped out into the lush green ferns. Her breath escaped her as she gazed at the scene before her. The faithful servants of the palace gathered among the trees, all dressed in their best clothes. Beside the waterfall stood the bishop clothed in his ceremonial garb.

  Next to him was Matthew, standing tall, regal and handsome in his crème and gold bridal coat with his sword ornamentally displayed from the sash tied around his hip. Behind him was Otto in his military uniform, a smug look of pride embedded on his face as he stood ready as Matthew's groomsman.

  “Angelique, did you dress her in the dark?” Cook chided as she stormed across the forest floor to Cassandra. She fluffed the folds of the gown vigorously as she muttered under her breath.

  Cassandra's eyes met Angelique's as she flashed her lady-in-waiting a knowing smile. Both of them understood what unsettled Cook so much. The silver haired plump woman was not upset with Angelique's performance at her morning task. She fused over the bride as a mother about to give away her daughter.

  Cook stood up, clasping Cassandra's cheeks in her hands. “Bless you, child. Be good to him.”

  “I will. I promise.” Cassandra turned to Matthew as her heart beat wildly. She felt weak as he smiled at her, a look of anticipation glowing in his dark eyes.

  “Your majesty, shall we start?” the bishop asked.

  “Nay, we are still expecting some important guests.” Matthew pointed to the sky. Cassandra looked up beyond the tops of the trees, finding two birds circling above. The gray eagle dove amongst the branches and landed on the grass.

  With a flash of light, Malicar appeared. He stood tall as Eliezar lighted upon him, gripping his talons gently on the shoulder of his master. Cassandra ran to her grandfather and wrapped her arms tightly around his frail waist.

  Malicar crushed her to him. “I would not miss my granddaughter's wedding day for anything.” Malicar took her hand in his and led her across the forest to the bishop and Matthew. He placed her hand in the young king's. “Nor do I know any man I would be more honored to give her to.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” Matthew breathed as he looked from Malicar into the eyes of his beloved. He laughed. She felt her face flush warm as she gazed at him, anxious to be his bride. Even though I spurned his proposals one after the other. The thought made her face grow redder.

  Matthew touched her cheek softly as the bishop began to speak. “Friends, we are gathered here to witness the marriage between this man, King Matthew of Savon, and this woman, Lady Cassandra. Lady Cassandra, do you vow yourself to this man, to honor and respect him, to bind yourself…”

  “Bishop,” Matthew chided, “We are marrying for love. Please speak of love.”

  The bishop looked at him, an amused smile spreading across his face. He flipped through several pages of his book before beginning again. “Cassandra, do you take this man as your husband, to love him, to comfort him, to hold and cherish him, to cling to him in body and spirit in all trials that afflict you, giving yourself to him alone until death does par
t you?”

  Cassandra looked at him then at Matthew. “Yes, I do,” she replied eagerly. “I will be a good wife.”

  Matthew chuckled warmly. “Aye, I know you will be, my love.”

  “Those are not the traditional vows,” Joseph hissed under his breath. Otto pressed his fingers against Joseph’s lips to silence him.

  The bishop cleared his throat. “Matthew, do you take this woman as your wife, to love her, to comfort her, to hold and cherish her, to cling to her in body and spirit in all trials that afflict you, giving yourself to her alone until death does part you?”

  Matthew's eyes shone brightly as he answered softly, “Yes, I do. I will be a good husband.”

  The bishop closed the book in an attempt to prompt Matthew. “Your majesty?”

  Matthew reached into his coat pocket, revealing two bands of gold inside his palm. He gazed at her lovingly. “My father and mother wore these to symbolize their bond to each other. Would you wear it to symbolize ours?”

  “Of course,” Cassandra whispered, still in awe. She held her breath as Matthew slipped the smaller one onto her finger. Stopping him as he fit the other on his own, she trembled as she pushed it into place.

  With a laugh, the bishop continued, “With the honor and duty given to me by the crown of Savon, I declare you husband and wife.” He smiled at the king. “Seal your bond, my lord.”

  Matthew cupped Cassandra's face in his hands and drew her to him, parting her lips in a conquering kiss. As it grew deeper, she gripped her hands around his to hold tight. Finally, he pulled away and gazed into her eyes. They spun as the sound of applause thundered throughout the forest. The guests approached them with congratulatory hugs and kisses.

  Everyone turned as Cook spoke. “We need to return. I am sure breakfast is ready. Let us go to celebrate.”

  All of the guests climbed onto their carts. Matthew helped Cassandra into the carriage then followed her. He held her close as they bumped along the dirt road to the palace. He kissed her fervently as he smiled proudly at her. “I told you it would be soon,” Matthew whispered before laughing. “I have captured my butterfly.” Cassandra buried her face in his jacket.

  As they pulled to a stop, Matthew stepped out and turned to help his new wife. The couple led the processional to the dining hall where the table was laden with a feast of breakfast delicacies. Matthew stopped at the head of the table, pulling out the ornamental chair and motioning Cassandra to sit. Only then did he take his place at the other end of the table as the rest of the group filtered in.

  Platters were passed back and forth, everyone gathering the delicious food to their plates. Cassandra saw Matthew look at her with concern as he found one lonely tart in front of her. She smiled at him as she mouthed, “Nervous.”

  As the meal ended, Matthew rose and took her hand. “Joseph, no interruptions today. I will be in my bedchamber.” He kissed her hand as she blushed.

  “But, Matthew, what about court?” Joseph protested.

  “No interruptions.” Matthew strode out of the room, leading Cassandra behind him.

  They climbed the stone staircase and swept across the balcony. Escorting her inside, he closed the door behind him and latched it shut. He cupped her face in his hands and drew her lips against his, driving his tongue into her mouth to search for hers.

  He moaned as she willingly surrendered to him, stroking his softly and deeply as she knotted her fingers in his raven locks. His lips wandered her throat as she undid her braids and let the locks fall past her shoulders. He tugged unmercifully at the laces of her bodice to loosen them. She grasped her falling gown as she pulled away.

  “What is it, Cassa?” Matthew asked breathlessly.

  “My body is not the one you took that night. It is not slim or pretty as it was,” Cassandra murmured.

  “I know.” He took a step towards her. “It is more beautiful to me.”

  She looked at him puzzled. “When I look at you and see your swollen belly, I see me. You carry my son, Cassa. You are so beautiful to me. Even more now that the best part of you and me is safe inside you.”

  Cassandra’s gown slipped from her fingers and pooled around her feet. She wrapped her arms around Matthew’s shoulders as her lips brushed his. “Oh, Matthew.”

  Hours later, Matthew and Cassandra held each other in silence as they recovered from their lovemaking. For those few precious moments, there was no kingdom, no war. There was just the two of them and the perfect union that they shared. Finally Cassandra spoke, “Is this real?”

  “Is what real?”

  “This. Is this a dream that I am your wife?”

  “Nay, love. Not unless we dream the same dream. You are my wife. I am your husband.”

  “I have always indulged in fantasies of being a wife and mother. I always pictured you as my husband. I never thought it would come true.”

  Matthew covered Cassandra’s soft face with kisses. He stared into her eyes. “There is something I must tell you. I have to leave for Gavoy in the morning.”

  “Why?” Cassandra asked.

  “To look into a matter that my father began. It deals with the legitimacy of the throne.”

  “But the matter has been mute for two years. Must you look into it now? Can it not wait?”

  “No, my love.” Matthew brushed Cassandra’s hair with his hand. “I must.”

  “I understand,” Cassandra whispered then suddenly cringed in pain.

  “Cassa, are you alright?” Matthew drew her closer.

  “I am fine. The baby moved.” Cassandra glanced up to meet Matthew’s puzzled look then took his hand and laid it against her bare stomach. His eyes opened wide as the child rose under his palm against the young mother's skin.

  “My son,” Matthew breathed in awe. He moved his hand to the opposite side of her abdomen. The baby followed, pressing against his mother's womb towards his father's hand. Matthew laughed and pulled away. He grazed his fingers across her soft, sensitive skin. The babe followed the invisible trail he had blazed.

  Stunned silence embedded itself on Cassandra's face. “Cassa?” Matthew asked uneasily.

  “He has never done that. He has never followed someone's hand like that, not even mine,” Cassandra gasped. “He knows who you are. He knows you are his father.”

  Matthew pressed his lips against Cassandra’s stomach as he murmured, “My son.” He stretched out beside her, gazing down on her as he leaned over her on his elbow. “I have never felt so powerful, so invincible, as I do right now. I will not let any harm come to you or him.”

  “Aye. I know, my lord,” she cooed softly.

  Matthew stared at her as he pulled the linen sheets over her naked body. “Cassa, you are no longer my servant.”

  “But you are my master.” Cassandra touched the side of Matthew’s face, brushing back his raven black hair. “The master of my heart and soul.”

  Matthew laughed as he parted Cassandra’s mouth with his thumb, descending upon her lips with his own. She boldly probed to taste him as he met her embrace before pulling away.

  “And you are the mistress of mine,” Matthew whispered. “But please use my name, my sweet.”

  “Yes, Matthew.” Cassandra kissed him softly then paused, “What happens now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Will I come to you? How will we love each other?”

  Matthew roared in laughter. “You will sleep here with me. This is your room now also. Everything that I have is yours. All that is yours, mine.”

  “I do not bring much to the offer. I really have nothing.”

  “I have all I want. You. I need nothing else.”

  Cassandra sighed, touched by Matthew’s words.

  He lingered over her lips for several sensual moments before he continued, “My hunger for you has grown again. I think it is time to feed my appetite.”

  Cassandra groaned in pleasure as he devoured her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her heart pounding in anticipation as
he drove her into a wild fury of passion.

  Chapter Twelve

  The early morning sun glowed through the courtyard as Cassandra watched Matthew secure his belongings to the back of his horse through tear-filled eyes. He turned slowly to face his new wife as she stood on the stone steps, her hands absentmindedly smoothing the pale blue silk of her gown.

  Sighing miserably, he walked over to her. She took a step lower, laying a hand on her pregnant stomach as he took her other one and pressed it to his cheek.

  “Must you go?” Cassandra begged softly.

  “Yes. You know that. I will only be gone a day or two,” Matthew replied.

  “Can it not wait? Please? I do not want you to go.”

  As she gazed into his eyes, she could see his resolve breaking. She wanted him to unpack and remain at home in her arms. She truly couldn’t understand why he was leaving.

  He kissed her gently. “I will not stay long. I will return as soon as I can. I promise,” Matthew whispered.

  “Let me go with you.”

  Matthew laughed. “In your condition? No, Cassa. It would not be safe for either you or the baby.”

  They both turned as the large wood door opened. Joseph stepped out, glaring at the young couple. Cassandra looked back to Matthew, a sudden look of fright radiating from her eyes.

  “Do not worry, my love. I have spoken to both Otto and Cook. They will watch over you and keep him at bay,” Matthew consoled.

  The sudden tide of emotions set loose Cassandra's tears. “Please, Matthew. Stay with me.”

  Matthew drew Cassandra to him and quieted her lips with his. She closed her eyes as tears splashed her cheeks. He pulled away as he let go of her hand then he turned for his horse. Without a thought, she followed him, her silk clad feet padding down the stone steps. He turned to find her. “Cassa,” he breathed.

  Cassandra stayed silent. His breath shuddered as he gently brushed away her tears.

  “Cassa, I have to do this. I am doing this for you. You need to believe me. I swear I will return as soon as I am able.” Matthew kissed her once more. She tasted his lips softly before he drew back.


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