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Page 3

by Melissande

  One stab of his tongue into her pussy had her moaning.

  His hands squeezed hard enough to leave prints. "Quiet. You want everyone in there to come watch us?"

  Her insides clenched at the thought. "Maybe."

  He chuckled, and the hot breath of it against her tender, exposed flesh made her shudder. "Yeah, you a hellcat, all right." He slicked over the smooth flesh again and again as she rocked her pelvis helplessly in agonizing need.

  "Please." Though she wasn't sure what she was pleading for.

  "Tell me what you want, baby," he cajoled. Then he swirled his tongue upward in a taunting circle, just missing the puckered hole once more.

  She gasped. "Please."

  "Not until you say it. Lick my asshole, Dax. Say it."

  She didn't like to talk during sex. "No."

  Another swirl, while two fingers slipped into her pussy.


  "God ain't gonna help you, baby. Only me and my tongue here."

  She shoved back against the pressure, moaning.

  One hand tweaked her nipple. "Told you to be quiet."

  She pushed her breast into his hand, reaching down to bare it.

  "Unh-uh." He shoved her hand away. "You keep your hands out in front of you. I'm thinkin' you give too many orders and need someone to take you in hand."

  She tried to rise. "Screw you."

  He pushed her head back down. Yanked her hips backward and roughly shoved her feet apart, spreading her thighs wide. "Say it."

  She was dying. "Lick me."



  A long, thick swipe up from clit, over tender lips...

  He pulled back.

  "My asshole, damn it. Lick it!"

  He did better. A swirl like he was licking an ice cream cone, then a flicking motion that had her tightening her thighs and rocking her pelvis, pleading for more.

  He buried his face and began to suck while his fingers tweaked her pussy lips in counterpoint to her nipple, winding her wire-tight until she couldn't hold back anymore.

  She started coming. A scream rose from her throat

  He clamped one hand over her mouth.

  Then she heard footsteps outside.

  And started to rise.

  "Unh-uh, sugar. I want me some of that creamy, wet pussy that's so ripe and ready for me." He moved his big hand from her mouth to wrap it around her throat, then she heard the sound of metal unbuckling, of buttons popping—

  And a big dick thrust inside, hot and hard.

  She came again, instantly. Helplessly she writhed.

  "That's right, sugar. Now get ready for the ride 'cause I'm gonna fuck you senseless."

  She forgot all about footsteps, forgot anything but the boxes she was gripping for dear life as he rammed into her, sliding out slow and jamming in hard, the uneven rhythm shoving her into a continuous roll of orgasms as his groin ground against her ass, which was tilted up to take more and more and more—

  She didn't think she could take any more, come anymore...

  He slid one long finger down between her folds as he bent over her back and fastened his teeth to her nape, groaning as his dick began to splash hot love juice against her pussy walls.

  One last screaming orgasm slammed through her as he kept pumping into her, his balls slapping against her bare lips—

  The door opened.

  Dax bolted upright. Started to pull out. "Man, I—"

  Her lover held the door wide, knowing what being exposed would do to her.

  She grabbed Dax's hips to keep him inside her.

  Then revolved her pelvis in a long, slow grind as she grinned at Sam. While Dax groaned.

  Her lover's eyes burned, but he only arched an eyebrow. "You've been very bad," he said to her.

  "Sorry you missed the show?"

  His eyes scanned over their two sweaty bodies. "Was he good?"

  She swiveled her hips again, then released Dax and straightened, letting their mingled hot juices run down her thighs. She stretched and preened for both men. "Yeah," she said, casting a glance back at Dax, who was staring back and forth between them. "He was real good."

  Footsteps sounded from down the hall.

  Dax hastily fastened his jeans. "Man, I gotta—"

  Her lover finally drew his gaze from hers. "What time do you get off?" he asked the bartender.

  Dax gulped. "You mean...?"

  Sam drew her to him and began straightening her dress.

  But not before he dipped one hand beneath the skirt and brought glistening wet fingers back out. Staring into her eyes while speaking to the stunned bartender, he painted her lips with the other man's come. Dragged wet fingers down her throat.

  "Penthouse suite," he said, as he drew down his zipper and pressed her to her knees. "Now, if you don't mind..." he said, ushering the bartender out and closing them inside.

  "Bye, Dax," she said as she opened the clasp of her lover's pants to set him free. "See you later."

  Then her lubricated lips slid over the dick she could never get enough of. "I've been so very bad," she purred.

  He dug his fingers into her hair, and she heard both strain and smile in his voice as she deep-throated him. "I know."

  Outside, at last she heard footsteps walking away.

  Knowing Dax would be hard again and hurting.

  She smiled around the hard flesh sliding in and out of her mouth. The dark plum of a head that made a pop against her suction as he freed himself from her.

  She whimpered, and his hands clenched on her head, but he waited.

  And waited.

  Punishing her, she knew.

  She gripped his ass and pulled him toward her.

  Powerful muscles resisted.

  "Please, Sam." She lifted her gaze to his stony one.

  At last he spoke. "You don't behave worth a damn."

  She kept her gaze on him as she dipped her fingers into her pussy, then sucked them into her mouth, letting her tongue loll as she leaned toward his cock. "You like that about me."

  His eyes narrowed. "Sometimes." But still he waited, the feast of him only inches away.

  Their gazes dueled.

  "This isn't the end of this," he warned. Then he yanked her head toward him and jammed his cock between her parted lips.

  Her moan was caught in the vortex of sucking and licking, of dragging him deeper down her throat than she'd ever imagined. He thrust and thrust, and she gripped tight to him and took him, all of him, so big and hard and beautiful—

  And when he started coming, she came, too.

  And Dax was forgotten in the firestorm of what she was afraid this man was coming to mean to her.

  The next morning, Luke Forrester realized he'd missed the last part of his foreman's statement. "Sorry. Say that again."

  "You okay, boss?"

  Luke frowned.

  "Sorry. Not my business."

  Luke gathered his scattered thoughts. "Continue. The warehouse project fell behind schedule because...?" Damn it, she was costing him money now. Ruthlessly he focused his attention on the matter at hand and finished the meeting.

  But once the meeting was over, he whirled in his leather executive chair and stared out his penthouse office window at the city laid before him.

  His fascination with the woman was getting out of hand.

  She was getting out of hand. What had begun as a chance meeting, a casual encounter, had gone from one-night stand to...

  To more than he'd counted on. To the edge of full-blown obsession. Her fantasies were many, and he'd enjoyed every minute of bringing them and his own to life. Everything he'd learned about her had told him that this was a woman in control of her world, a woman who never let anyone get the upper hand.

  With him she'd been…accommodating. Willing to let him call the shots only because he was good at surprising her, skillful at divining the urges she herself hadn't acknowledged—and making them happen.

  But she'd reverted to type
and gone off script—his script—last night. Had abandoned the game he'd carefully set up for her—

  Gone off and fucked another man. Alone.

  And his anger had made him realize the depth of his involvement with her.

  She was getting too important. Occupying too much of his brain.

  Making him want her too much. Want her to himself.


  He'd punished her last night by making her suck him off in the liquor storage room, then sending her on her way. No return engagement with the bartender, no second round with him.

  If, for a second, he'd thought she looked vulnerable, she'd quickly donned the mask of casual and cool. Walked back to the booth, grabbed her shawl and disappeared before he could retract his dismissal.

  The chill she'd left behind made him wonder if she'd answer the next summons. Which was probably best. He didn't have time for her.

  But that didn't seem to matter. The more she bucked him, the more determined he became to master her.

  To win The Game.

  Time to bring her to heel.

  Chapter Three

  "DAMN, YOU ARE ONE HARD woman," said Danielle's assistant, Adam, admiration glowing in his eyes. "You got every last concession when the whole office was betting against you."

  She cast a sideways glance. "It's never wise to bet against me." Her tone was acid, she knew. She also knew why.

  Four weeks and one day. Four goddamn weeks and no word from Sam.

  Or whoever the hell he was.

  Not that she cared.

  But no one left Dani Martin high and dry. No one dismissed her. She had half a mind to go back to that hotel and screw the bartender Dax senseless.

  But what good would it do? Sam would never know, and that's what she wanted, to throw a good fuck-you in his face. To make him watch another man's hands all over her, to watch his dick get hard and his eyes go hot and his jaw clench with lust—and to laugh in his face. To tell him you will never get any of this again, you bastard.

  "Danielle? You okay?"

  Get out! she started to shout, and barely restrained herself.

  But that would be losing control, and she never lost control unless she wanted to.


  Six weeks now, but it didn't matter. She'd practically forgotten him.

  Damn him, she would never forget.

  Where was he?

  Another week went by, and she was busy at work. Today she could count herself as one of the chosen few. She'd come up against one of the acknowledged experts in her field, and she'd kicked his butt.

  "Ready to celebrate, boss?" Adam asked. "A lot of long hours, last couple of weeks. A group of us were headed over to O'Riley's to celebrate." He was bright-eyed and energized, despite the ungodly hours she'd demanded of him, of the whole team.

  All she wanted to do was go home. To the empty, beautifully-decorated, soulless apartment she called home, at least. Where nothing would have changed.

  "Sure," she decided suddenly. "I'd like to come."

  "You...would?" Adam echoed. "I mean, that's great! I—I'll just tell the others." When he pivoted away, she knew that no one else had asked, that it was only Adam with his hero worship eyes, his clever, eager brain... "Adam," she called out, "I—" Can't go. I forgot an appointment. I...don't fit.

  When had she ever?

  Oh, get over it. She had no patience with self-pity, not after all the years she'd spent watching her mother wallow in it.

  Adam turned back. "I'm glad you're coming."

  "Well, I don't—"

  But he was already gone.

  She returned to her office and shut down her computer, packed up her tablet, gathered her purse and her coat and headed for the elevator before Adam could return and she lost all her dignity.

  The doors swished open. There was a man inside.

  She blinked. Went rigid. Not just any man—the one called Sam. His finger still on the button. Eyes locked on hers. "Coming?"

  Her panties went damp. Didn't they always, with him?

  "Screw you." She whirled to escape.

  He lunged for her. Caught her in a steely grip.

  She fought to free herself, but his hold only tightened.

  "Resist all you want," he said in a low, husky tone. "We both know where this will end."

  "" Could he hear the quiver in her voice?

  "I smell your arousal," he murmured. "You're wet for me, the way only I can make you."

  She shot him a glare of pure bravado. "I'm done with you."

  He had the nerve to chuckle.

  "Boss?" Adam said from behind her.

  She whipped her head around. Not only Adam but the rest of the team, all with looks ranging from puzzlement to concern to blatant glee.

  Dani the Giant Killer brought low.

  Sam released her, but before she could react, he'd walked around her, a wide, easy smile on his face. "I'm stealing your boss away for a long-overdue visit. A lot to catch up on."

  Adam's gaze whipped from Sam's to hers. "You know this guy?"

  Before she could speak, Sam laughed, damn him. "She never told you about me." Then he winked. "Doesn't like to admit she's human, does she?"

  She would kill him for this. Anger cleared her head, and she took the reins again. "Sam didn't know what time he'd make it here when we spoke. I'll have to beg off from the celebration, but you go have a great time. Put it on my tab, Adam." She smiled disingenuously. "You have all more than earned it." Then she grabbed Sam's arm and tried to pull him away before he did any more damage.

  It was like moving a boulder.

  "He could join us," loyal Adam suggested.

  Let the lion in among the lambs? Not hardly. Instead she leaned into Sam's arm, pressing her breast into it in a clinging, girly fashion she vowed she'd make him pay for.

  His eyes crinkled as he smiled. "Been too long, if you know what I mean."

  Knowing glances blossomed. "Sure," said Adam, his gaze speculating, while the others practically salivated over the gossip session waiting.

  Oh, you will definitely pay...

  The elevator doors closed, and they were alone.

  "How dare you? How did you find me? What do you think you're doing?" she exploded.

  A muscle jumped in his jaw, and abruptly she realized she wasn't the only one who was furious. "You're...angry?" She shook her head. "You're the one who stayed away for—mmph!"

  He mouth closed over hers in a hard, punishing kiss.

  The kiss rapidly heated as he took her with his mouth, used his tongue to devastating effect, reminding her of exactly how long it had been.

  She jerked away. Opened her mouth.

  "Seven weeks and three days," he finished before she could speak. "You broke the rules, babe."

  "You can't—"

  He flicked her top button open.

  She gasped. Glanced around to see if anyone was still here.

  He drew one finger down her throat as he reached for the second button, prepared to bare her more.

  "Don'" She fought the urge to squeeze her thighs together.

  "In your office, then."

  "What? No, absolutely—"

  Two more buttons and she was in danger of spilling out of her emerald green demi bra.

  He arched an eyebrow, but his eyes were serious. "You know I'll do it." A faint flicker of a smile. "And you know you'd enjoy it."

  Her panties were more than damp now. How was it that she lost her head around him? She'd battled hard to climb the professional ladder, and this man, this...

  God, he was so hot, even now when he was jeopardizing everything. He made her want to throw away all caution. Leap off a cliff and let good sense fly.

  She whipped around and walked away, holding her purse in front of her gaping blouse, putting an extra sashay in her hips as she made her way to her corner office. Her haven. The place that was more home than her apartment.

  She dropped her belongings on a
chair and whirled to slam the door in his face. She didn't want her worlds colliding. Couldn't afford them to.

  He was too fast. Shoved the door open, let it bang against the wall. "Turn around."

  "This is my world. Don't you—"

  He ripped her blouse open.

  She backed away from the ferocity she saw. "What are you doing?" she whispered. "This isn't like you."

  He sauntered toward her, a jungle cat on the hunt. "Turn around. Put your hands on the desk. I want your ass in the air."

  Oh god...her nipples went hard, and her knees went weak. She couldn't catch a breath. "Close the door. At least close the door. Sam, I can't lose this." It's all I have.

  His expression softened as if he'd heard the last. "Turn around," he said more gently as he reached back and closed the door. Locked it.

  She could breathe after all. "Thank you."

  For a moment their gazes met in a way they hadn't before. He was no longer so remote, so icily amused, so unconcerned.

  And she was, for the first time, uncertain.

  "Turn," he ordered again, his voice firm. Definite. "You need to do this."

  "You don't—" Know me, she started to say. But in some ways he knew her as no one else did.

  Closing her eyes, slowly she complied. Placed her hands on the desk. "Sam, this isn't—"

  "You don't speak. Not until I say so. Now bend over and show me those beautiful ass cheeks."

  She couldn't help it. Her pussy tightened and a thrill shimmered upward through her, spiraling from the soft ruby inner lips, rising through her belly, a rush of heat puckering her aching nipples.

  She rocked her hips side to side, rubbing tender flesh together, seeking relief from the growing ache.

  When that didn't help, she spread her legs apart. "Touch me."

  He yanked up her skirt and smacked her ass. "No talking."

  She should be furious. Somewhere in her logical mind she was.

  But she was rapidly losing her grip on logic and mostly she was steaming, aching hot. And dripping wet. She rotated her hips, seeking his hand. His groin. The heat she felt radiating from him.


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