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The Four Stages of Loving Dutch Owen

Page 18

by Debra Kayn

  He sat the bike and scooted back, patting his lap. "Let's try it with you in front like you did when you were little."

  "I get to steer?" She put her foot on the peg.

  He stopped her from getting on that way and picked her up, putting her on his lap, facing him. "You're not a kid anymore. You can face me."

  "Backward?" She gawked at him.

  "Cuddle up, Marla Marie."

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and slid her hands around his back. Small enough, her helmet stayed low enough, he could see over the top. He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Marla Marie held on, squealing when he revved the engine. She couldn't see how slow they were going. She just enjoyed the ride.

  And, he was happy to share what he loved with her.

  Chapter 31

  A CHILD'S CRY PERMEATED the darkness. Dutch opened his eyes, listening for the sound that woke him up.

  Against his side, Marla Marie twitched. He raised his head as she cried out.

  He turned to his side without displacing her and rubbed her back, hoping to soothe her back to sleep.

  She jolted at his touch, sitting up in bed. He caught her hand. "Hey, you're dreaming."

  She sniffled, inhaling a shaky breath. He sat up with her. "Do you want me to turn on the light?"

  "No." She buried herself on his chest.

  He grabbed the pillow and shoved it under his head, and wrapped his arms around her. Stroking her head, he stared straight up at the ceiling, trying to focus in the dark.

  She fidgeted. He gave her several minutes to calm down, so she could sleep, but she kept moving.

  "Want to talk about it?" he asked.

  "No." She sat up and slipped out of bed.

  He got up and flipped on the overhead light. Marla Marie left the room naked. He followed her into the kitchen.

  She opened the fridge, stared at the contents, and then shut the door.

  "Marla Marie?" He held out his hand. "Let's go back to bed. It's four o'clock in the morning."

  She slipped her fingers into his palm and went with him back to the bedroom. He waited until she'd settled on the bed and covered her up before he shut off the light and joined her.

  Snuggled up against him, she fell asleep. But her odd behavior continued to bother him.

  He stayed awake until the sun came in the window. Slipping out of bed, he grabbed his jeans and went to make coffee.

  In the kitchen, he rubbed his hand over his head. He knew everything about Marla Marie but having her dreams cause her pain bothered him.

  He wanted to know what happened in her thoughts. She'd always had an irrational fear of him leaving her. While he was in prison, she'd suffered alone. But he was here now.

  If she held on to any worries, he could help calm her enough to sleep.

  When the coffee finished dripping into the pot, Marla Marie walked out of the bedroom with a blanket wrapped around her.

  She kept walking until she reached him and leaned against his bare chest. The warmth from her sleepy body penetrated the early morning chill. He tipped her face and kissed her softly.

  She blinked her eyes open and smiled. "Morning."

  "Mm-hm." He ran his hands through her hair, pushing the strands down her back. "Want some coffee?"

  "Sure." She yawned, not moving away from him. "I have to work tonight."

  "There's a club meeting this afternoon. I'm going to sit down with them. Afterward, I'm going to see if someone has a truck I can borrow."

  "What for?"

  "We need a lawnmower. The grass in the yard is past my knees."

  She continued to study him. "Are you thinking about changing chapters?"

  "Thinking about it."

  She raised her brows.

  He waited for her to comment, and when she refrained from saying anything, he said, "What do you think? Should I make the move permanent?"

  "Well..." She moved away and turned around to grab two coffee mugs they were now in possession of, thanks to borrowing one from the pool hall. "If you want."

  She glanced over her shoulder, biting her lip to contain how much the news made her happy. He winked. Though he would decide on his own, he understood what the idea of him wearing a Moses Lake Chapter patch meant to her.

  It was a sign that he planned to stay.

  She poured them each a cup of coffee and handed him one. He took a drink and lit a cigarette.

  "You got up early." She eyed him over her mug, holding the blanket around her with one hand. "I didn't even feel you move out of bed."

  "You were sleeping hard." He paused. "What was going on with you last night...this morning?"

  She shrugged and took another drink before meeting his gaze. "Just dreaming."


  She shook her head. "I can't remember."

  He pulled the ashtray closer, flicking his ashes in the small glass dish. Forcing her to talk about what had scared her could make it worse for her tonight when she got into bed and tried to sleep, so he let it slide.

  The blanket slipped, baring her breast. He took in her nipple, all rosy red from him sucking on it last night after they got home from the pool hall. He wondered if there were other parts of her the same color.

  "Turn around, Marla Marie," he said softly.

  She slowly turned. He stubbed his cigarette out and took one more drink of coffee before putting the mug in the sink.

  Giving her all his attention, he said, "Drop the blanket."

  She let the cover slide down her back and stopped. He cleared his throat, and she looked over her shoulder.

  "All the way to the floor." He tilted his head, taking in every inch of skin that was shown to him.

  Once the blanket cleared the roundness of her ass, his cock pulsed to life. She had a slight blush to the two round cheeks.

  She turned back around, staring at his abdomen. "Are you going to take off your jeans?"

  "It's more fun when you do it for me." He braced his hands on the counter and dipped his chin.

  She stepped in front of him and worked the front of his pants open. Looking up at him, she grabbed the material at his hips and dragged them down his legs.

  While she kneeled, he hooked her chin, rubbing the pad of his thumb over her lips. She opened her mouth, and he dipped inside, stroking her tongue until she sucked on his thumb.

  Her eyes closed briefly before gazing into his eyes. His cock hardened in front of her. Removing his thumb from her mouth, he fisted the base of his dick and rubbed the head over her lips.

  Her tongue came out. His ball sac constricted.

  "Have you done this before?" He tapped her lips.

  She shook her head, grabbing onto his thighs for balance. A drop of cum glistened on the end of his cock. He rubbed the liquid over her lips.

  "Open your mouth wider." He pressed against her mouth. "Suck on it like you did my thumb, and don't bite."

  Her eyes rounded the deeper he invaded her body until she had the whole head in her mouth. He held on to his dick, letting her get used to him, and caressed her jaw, keeping her relaxed.

  The warmth of her tongue and the slight suction of her mouth took more of him.

  "Easy," he murmured.

  She took her hand off his thigh and put it over his. He wrapped her fingers around his cock, showing her what to do.

  Then, he braced himself with the counter and let her learn on her own.

  She took her mouth off him, wet her lips, and took him back in. Bobbing her head slowly, she peered up at him. Encouraging her, he widened his stance, making it easier for her. She was a little bitty thing.

  The picture of her enjoying his dick distracted him. Her other hand snuck up his leg, and her fingers tickled him under his ball sac. His toes clenched against the linoleum.

  She sucked harder while cupping his balls, tugging gently, rolling, weighing. He grabbed the hair at the top of her head on instinct and groaned.

  Her eyes lit up. Moving slo
wly, he watched her milk him deeper into her mouth.

  Her fingers wandered, touching, pressing, scratching her nails against his skin. His hips shot forward.


  As if rewarded, she took her mouth off him and lowered her head. Using her tongue, she tried to catch one of his balls and suck it into her mouth but gave up and went back to his cock with more determination to take his length inside of her.

  An impossible task.

  He kept his movements short and steady, making sure she wouldn't gag. He hissed as his breathing struggled through his tight chest. His heart hammered inside of him, trying to burst out.

  Barely having a warning, the base of his spine vibrated. "I'm going to come in your mouth if you keep that up."

  She mumbled something he couldn't understand, and the extra sensation sent him flying. He climaxed hard. He tipped his pelvis back, and she grabbed his ass, holding him inside of her as he shot his load, again and again.

  Marla Marie's mouth came off him with a soft pop, and she swallowed. Wiped out, he picked her hand off his thigh and pulled her to her feet.

  She leaned into him, and he draped his arm around her, catching his breath. Resting her chin on his chest, she smiled up at him—pleased as a kitten with a bowl full of milk.

  "Grab your coffee." He waited for her.

  She held it to her mouth. "It's cold."

  "Pour us another one."

  She quickly filled both the mugs. He took her into the living room naked. There was no use for clothes. He hadn't had his turn at her yet.

  Stretching out on the couch, he leaned against the arm and patted his thighs. She sat on top of him. The dampness of her pussy wet his leg. He needed to recover, and the wait would do her good.

  "I've seen other women suck off men at the clubhouse." She glanced at his cock. "None of them were as big as you."

  His recovery time shortened the more time she spent scoping out his dick. He took in her ease at being around him naked. There was no embarrassment from her, nothing hidden from him.

  Her hand slipped between her legs as she held the coffee mug in the other. He took a drink from his cup. Nothing was taboo to her. She had no hesitation, rolling with the feelings she'd got from blowing him off.

  She grew up within the club, probably seen everything imaginable. Through everything she could've tried or experimented with, she'd stayed loyal to him.

  He came with experience. There was nothing he hadn't tried, but all he wanted was her. He'd wasted years waiting for her to grow up, and here she was with him.

  Uninhibited, openly curious, and making up for lost time.

  She used her middle finger, sliding it slowly over her pussy. "Alyssa has more experience than me."

  He wasn't surprised. Alyssa's older sister Amber was passed around at the clubhouse the moment she turned eighteen years old.

  "I used to pretend that I knew as much as she did." She took her gaze off his cock and glanced at him. "I used to tell her things."

  "What things?"

  "Things that I imagined you doing to me." She stopped touching herself and placed her hand on her thigh, emitting a soft laugh. "I should probably tell Alyssa I lied. Some of the stuff was pretty out there. It was like the crazier things I made up became more real in my mind. I would pretend they really happened."

  She leaned over and set the mug down on the floor, then turned until she faced him, straddling his thighs.

  The lips of her pussy glistened. He stretched his arm out and slid his finger through the wetness. Her nipples peaked.

  "Tell me this big lie. What were we doing?" He tipped back the mug and finished the coffee, setting the cup down beside the couch.

  She fiddled with his dick, bringing life to it. After several long seconds, she whispered, "Like, one time, I told her you'd come over to Rachel and Skull's house, and we were eating dinner. You were sitting across from me." She rolled her eyes. "This is so stupid."

  "Go on."

  She inhaled deeply. "It was right after I had my first orgasm. Do you remember that?"

  "Can't forget."

  She was sixteen and inexperienced. He was happy she'd come to him and felt unashamed about how her body was feeling. It took everything in him not to do anything, and he held that memory with him through the years.

  "Well, I told her you, um, stretched your leg out under the table while we were all eating dinner and rubbed your toes between my legs. And I had an orgasm. It was all secretive and sexy because neither of us showed any expression over what was happening under the table." She slid her hand up and down slowly the length of his hard cock. "I told her that right after everyone heard about you getting arrested."

  Her brows lowered, and her hand stilled on him.

  He watched her, trying to understand what was going through her head. She seemed caught up in that time. A time he'd missed with her.

  She looked him in the eyes. "I don't think I told her because I wanted to brag about being more experienced. I felt like I had lost you, and telling her that lie made me feel like I still had you."

  "Kids lie for all kinds of reasons. It doesn't make it wrong," he said.

  She leaned over and kissed his chest, pressing herself against his cock. "It's silly, really. I hadn't even thought of that until now. Alyssa probably laughs about it, considering I doubt if anyone could have an orgasm like that."

  He hooked his hands under her armpits and dragged her off his body. "Come on."

  "What are we going to do?" She grabbed his hand when he stood.

  "Shower." He led her to the bathroom.

  While he couldn't take her memories of him being in prison away from her, he could prove her wrong and turn her lie into the truth.

  Chapter 32

  THE SIGHT OF DUTCH, butt naked, squirming on a small wooden chair at the table, was too cute. Marla covered her mouth with both hands, trying not to let her laughter slip out.

  "Stop laughing." Dutch groaned as his knee thumped against the table again. "I bet your lie didn't include a round table with a pedestal between us."

  His foot bumped into her shin. "Found you."

  "This isn't going to work," she mumbled through her hands.

  "Scoot your chair over."

  She lifted her butt, moved to the side, and sat back down again. His foot landed on the chair between her thighs.

  Looking down, all amusement left her. He had big feet.

  "Don't look under the table." Dutch crossed his arms over his bare chest. "Look at me."

  She shivered, mainly because she had no idea what to expect. Dutch had taken her crazy teenage lie and wanted to make it a reality for her. He was determined to give her an orgasm using only his toes.

  "I don't know where to put my hands." She rubbed her stomach.

  His wet hair from the recent shower fell over half his face. "On top of the table."

  He moved his foot, pressing the flat of his sole against her pussy. Her spine straightened at the firm contact.

  The corner of Dutch's mouth lifted. She clasped her hands together on the top of the table to keep them in sight. She could sit here all day and look at Dutch when he was enjoying himself. There was an ease about him when he was naked with her. A younger, devilish temptation.

  He slid his foot up and down. She inhaled deeper, letting her breath out slowly.

  The fact that he was sitting there, moving his foot blindly, while aloof and acting like he was innocent, only made her love him more.

  She squirmed, tilting her pelvis. His big toe slipped between her folds and skimmed her clit. It was hard for her to sit still.

  The lure to look under the table and see if he was hard added to the excitement. She couldn't tell if he was getting off on playing with her or not.

  It was all crazy.

  The idea.

  The lie.

  Even Dutch thinking her overactive childhood imagination mattered now that she was an adult and he was with her. None of that mattered.

; She closed her eyes, sagging in the chair at the warmth of pleasure wrapping around her despite her body breaking out in goosebumps.

  His toes wiggled in her wetness. Uncoordinated movements with no set path.

  All she could do was sit there and wait to see how he would move, where he would move, and what he'd do next. It was the mystery and exploration that turned her on.

  There was such determination etched in Dutch's dark eyes, she scooted her ass to the edge of the chair to help him.

  The shift let him align his foot on her. He stroked her as if it was his finger and not his toe, dipping into her vagina and returning to her clit. He slowly rubbed her in a circle, aided by the wetness. She grabbed onto the seat of the chair and arched her back, moving with him.

  Her legs shook. She stared at Dutch. How could he make everything so right for her?

  He removed his toes and pressed the sole of his foot against her sex. Moving against her, open as she was, he knew exactly what to do to push her higher. She humped his foot, grinding her ass against the chair.

  All the while, Dutch refused to take his eyes off her. She sucked in her bottom lip. His foot was impossible to ignore.

  An extension of him, he showed her, touched her, took care of her.

  "Touch your tits." Dutch's chest muscles twitched.

  As if that was what she needed, she pinched her nipples, pulling slightly, trying to mimic what Dutch could do with his mouth.

  It wasn't the same.

  "I want you." She moaned, gyrating on his foot.

  "Not until you come."

  She groaned, squeezing her whole breast. Needing to feel his hands on her.

  The sloppy wetness between her legs and the friction of his foot against her made enough noise in the quiet house she hadn't paid attention to Dutch's breathing. Until now.

  Though he hadn't moved his crossed arms or looked away from her, there were subtle signs that he was affected by what he was doing.

  A single drop of sweat rolled down his temple. His jaw had slightly opened his mouth. His heavy breathing was humming to her ears.

  "Dutch...?" She pressed against his foot. "Are you hard?"


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