The Hurricane

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The Hurricane Page 12

by R. J. Prescott

  “Em!” they all seemed to call out in chorus.

  I blushed, but I was happy that they were pleased to see me. It amazed me how many shoulder bumps and backslaps the guys gave O’Connell, given that most of them probably only saw each other a few hours ago.

  “What do you want to drink, baby?” O’Connell spoke into my ear from behind me.

  It was easier to hear at this end of the club, but I loved the way that his lips softly skimmed the shell of my ear as he spoke. It sent delicate shivers down my body, and I knew that O’Connell felt it too when he squeezed my waist.

  “I’ll have an orange juice, please.”

  “You don’t want to drink?”

  I studied my surroundings and bit my lip. A drink probably would help me relax a little more so that I wasn’t so uptight and on edge, but the idea of voluntarily conceding control of my senses in a public space made me shudder. It made me more vulnerable than I was usually, and despite the small army of gladiators around me, I couldn’t help but wonder whether they’d notice if I went missing. From a place like this, it would only take Frank seconds to snatch me, and nobody would be any the wiser. Most of them clearly looked as though they got an early start at the bar, and given the number of women they were attracting, I would soon be lost in the crowd. I knew I was paranoid, but the foundation of my fear was strong, and I had the scars to prove it. It was scary how O’Connell could read me so well already, enough to sense my insecurity. He hadn’t pressed me about my past, but he knew that something had happened. The fact that he didn’t push the subject made me fall for him a little deeper. Strong arms wrapped around my waist, and he pulled me into his embrace, my back tight to his chest. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply as he buried his head in the crook of my neck and everything just fell away. The blaringly loud music, the shouts of drunken men vying to be heard over one another, the high pitched giggles of flirtation, the chink of glasses, everything. It all fell away until there was only O’Connell and I. There was the tantalisingly sweet aroma of his aftershave, the warmth of his hands spread across my hips, and the strength of conviction in his voice.

  “Don’t panic, sunshine. I’m here with you, and I’m not going anywhere. If I go to the bar or the bathroom, then one of the other guys will be watching, and I promise that they won’t let you out of their sight. You’re mine, and that means you’re un-fucking-touchable, okay, baby?”

  I nodded and relaxed against him. I didn’t know how he did it, but inside of O’Connell’s embrace, the rest of the world ceased to exist. None of the bullshit on the outside could touch us. I gave him something to protect, and he gave me something to cherish.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “There’s nothing to feel sorry for, sunshine. It’s going to take time, but eventually you won’t need my touch to know that I’m there. One day, you’ll know that you never need to be afraid again, but right now you’re here, and that’s something.”

  He had no idea of the gift that he was giving me. His strength and confidence gave me strength. In simply being here, I was saying “fuck you” to Frank. I just needed O’Connell to remind me that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the will to carry on regardless.

  “Thank you,” I answered.

  “You’re welcome. Now show me how grateful you are for lending you this rock hard body as your protection for the night.”

  I turned around in his arms and kissed him softly when the whooping and whistling brought us back down to earth.

  “Fuck off!” O’Connell called over my shoulder with a grin, and I buried my face into his chest in embarrassment. He nuzzled my neck then, pulling away, he grabbed my hand and led me over to the sofa where Mac was lounging.

  “Mac, look after my girl for me, would you? Nobody fucks with her while I’m gone, understand?”

  Mac grinned at him, offering him a two-finger salute. With a wink to me, O’Connell was gone.

  “Well, baby girl, you sure look pretty tonight. I guess you’re around the gym so much it’s hard to remember that you’re an honest to God woman and not one of the boys.”

  “That’s just the way I like it,” I admitted.

  “You know you’re a good influence on him,” Mac told me, nodding toward the bar.

  “So I’ve been told. But I don’t think that Danny is crazy about us being friends.”

  “He’s protective of you, that’s all. He loves Con like a son, but he’s unstable. If things go to shite for Con, he’s worried about you getting hurt in the fallout.”

  “I appreciate his concern, but I think that being O’Connell’s friend is worth the risk.”

  “He’s a lucky bastard, Em. I hope he knows how lucky he is.”

  “He knows, shithead,” Kieran retorted as he sank onto the sofa next to me. Mac grunted at him like he wasn’t so sure, but I was glad to let the subject drop. Determined to steer the conversation elsewhere, I pitched in.

  “We have to find you a girl tonight, Kier,” I told him.

  “Don’t worry, Em. I plan to find at least one tonight.”

  I frowned back at him in response.

  “Not that kind of girl. A nice girl, Kier.” Mac and Kieran laughed.

  “Sunshine, I’m pretty sure that nice girls don’t troll bars like this,” Mac told me.

  I was slightly affronted that they were laughing at me, but looking around, I could see they were right. Most girls here were rail thin with ridiculously large, and I was guessing mostly fake, tits, too much makeup, and way too much fake tan. Skirts were just below the underwear, and any jeans were air brushed on. I tried not to let my insecurities swamp me, but I needed O’Connell back and soon. I missed the bubble that we’d been living in since I met him. I looked up to see two girls walking toward us, and to my horror I realised that one of them was Katrina Bray. Her friend clearly knew Kieran intimately because she didn’t stop when she reached our sofa, but climbed onto Kieran and straddled his lap. Okay, so that wasn’t at all awkward with him sitting right next to me. The tiny mini skirt around her waist rose to her hips as she did it, giving Kieran, and most of the club, a look at her underwear. If I had any guts at all, I would have coughed out the word slut, but most of the girls in this club looked ready for a punch up, and I really didn’t feel like getting bitch slapped this early in the evening. If that was the sort of girl that Kieran wanted to hook up with, that was up to him. Clearly, my demeanour of disapproval did little to dampen his horniness anyway. When his hands started moving up her thighs, though, I took that as my cue to find O’Connell. I wasn’t lucky enough to make it to the bar before Katrina intercepted me. Blocking my path with her hands on her hips, she looked me up and down with an expression of disdain that made me feel like mould.

  “I fucking knew the goody-two-shoes thing was all an act,” she sneered. “You walk around with your nose stuck up in the air, lording it over the rest of us, but when it comes down to it, you’re not above slumming it on a Saturday night.”

  It wasn’t so much that I wouldn’t stand up for myself, although I was naturally non-confrontational. It was just that I was stunned. I barely knew this girl, and yet it seemed like she hated me. It never occurred to me in all those months of trying to keep my head down that she’d see me this way. Not so long ago, I would have stared at the floor and made my escape, as apologetically and as unobtrusively as I could. It didn’t matter what I said now, though. I was in her territory, and she was pissed.

  “I’m not slumming it,” I told her quietly but with dignity. “I’m here with friends.”

  “What friends, bitch? From where I’m standing, the little princess looks all alone.”

  “Then I suggest you open your eyes, bitch, ‘cause her friends are right here.”

  I looked around in surprise to see Nikki, as fierce as ever and shooting daggers at Katrina. Behind Nikki stood Ben, Albie, Ryan, and Nikki’s roommate, Lauren. I was stunned, but there was no way that I was going to let Katrina see. You see, hyenas were essentially pac
k animals. They bonded together with other scavengers and did the best they could to pick off the easiest prey. But when they were separated from their pack, they became cowardly, especially when confronted. Katrina was definitely a hyena, and as my pack grew bigger, her courage began to crumble.

  “Whatever,” she sneered and knocked me aggressively as she shoved past me. I couldn’t even bring myself to be bothered about it as I turned to greet my friends.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked in surprise.

  “THANK HOTTIE MCTOTTIE!” Nikki grinned.

  “Huh?” I grunted, confused.

  “He knew you didn’t feel comfortable about going out tonight, and he thought it might cheer you up to see us here.”

  I looked across the bar to find him ambling cockily toward me, leaving a trail of damp knickers in his wake.

  “Look at your face,” he told me. “You’ve got the biggest grin I’ve ever seen.”

  “How? I mean how did you even know who they were, and how to get a hold of them?” I asked, in stunned amazement.

  “It wasn’t hard, Em. A couple of the guys from the party knew Nikki and gave me her number. I called her from the gym and invited her and a few of your friends out.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from grinning any wider. Could this guy be any sweeter? He handed out drinks to everyone, and I looked around at my two very different groups of friends.

  Albie and Mac seemed to have struck up a conversation, but Ben, Ryan, and Lauren stood around awkwardly, clearly out of their element. Well, at least now I wouldn’t be the only one.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with them being here?” I asked warily. He smiled back then manoeuvred me so that I was standing in front of him. As we looked out over the club, he leaned down to speak to me, and I felt his breath warm against my ear.

  “I wouldn’t have invited them if I wasn’t. Having them here helps you relax a bit, so it’s all good. As long as that kid keeps his hands off you tonight so I don’t need to fuck him up.” He nodded over toward Albie, and I couldn’t believe that he was still bothered about him looking after me at the party. I rolled my eyes and felt him chuckle behind me.

  “I know you’re rolling your eyes at me, but I’m serious.”

  Kieran ambled over without the slut. “Hey guys. Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends, Em?”

  At no point whilst saying this did he take his eyes off Nikki. If Ryan wasn’t careful, he’d have some competition. Most of the guys from the gym had wandered over to us, so I introduced them all.

  “I’m thinking shots for the birthday boy. Anyone up for it?” Tommy piped up, rubbing his hands together mischievously. Tommy was determined to get poor Mac trashed, but he went along with everything in that laidback, mildly amused manner of his.

  “I’m in,” Nikki volunteered. Ryan groaned, knowing what kind of night he was in for if Nikki was starting on the shots this early. Nearly all of the guys agreed to join in except for O’Connell, and nobody dared call him out over it. If O’Connell said that he wasn’t doing something, you didn’t argue. I have no doubt that all the boys at the gym respected what he was trying to do.

  “Don’t worry, peaches. Tonight I PROMISE to look after you,” Nikki reassured me.

  “Really!” I answered, with a raised eyebrow and more than a pinch of scepticism. Last time we partied, she hadn’t even managed to stay in the same room as me.

  “Why does she need looking after?” Kieran asked.

  “She’d never had an alcoholic drink until the last party we went to, and I’m pretty sure she’s never drunk anything other than beer before.”

  Honestly! There really wasn’t any point in my being part of this conversation, when they talked about me as though I wasn’t there.

  “Holy shit, Em! Is she fucking with me?”

  “I’m serious. Tell him, Em!” Nikki retorted.

  I rolled my eyes again at the pair of them. Was my abstinence really that much of a big deal? O’Connell chuckled as though he wasn’t surprised but found the floorshow amusing.

  “Em, drink as much or as little as you like. Just let your hair down and have fun. I’ve got your back.”

  “Hell, yeah, she’s having fun!” Tommy piped up, having returned from the bar. He passed the shot to me and handed the rest to everyone except O’Connell.

  “If you’re gonna drink it, don’t smell it or sip it, just knock it back in one,” O’Connell advised.

  Nodding, I watched as Tommy held up his shot glass in a toast.

  “To Mac. May I never be as old as you look. Happy Birthday, brother.”

  I lifted my shot glass to clink against everyone else’s, then put it to my lips, and as O’Connell recommended, knocked it back in one. I coughed fiercely as the sting hit the back of my throat, and my eyes watered.

  “Holy shit! That’s like drinking lighter fluid,” I gasped between coughs. The whole group burst out laughing and even O’Connell struggled not to join them.

  “Here. Drink a bit of this. It will take the burn away,” Nikki told me as she passed me her beer. I might not be the biggest fan of beer in the world, but the sour, foul smelling beverage was better than this horrible burn.

  “Yuck. Why would anyone do that twice?”

  “You’ll find out, baby girl,” assured Kieran.

  “Ohh. I love this song. Let’s dance,” screamed Nikki as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

  “Wait for me,” shouted Tommy.

  “Tommy, you’re worse than a fucking girl, I swear.” Kieran shook his head and laughed. I hadn’t danced since I was little, and one shot and a swig of beer wasn’t nearly enough Dutch courage. But watching Tommy shake his arse all the way to the dance floor was the funniest thing I think I’d ever seen. Nikki and I laughed so hard, we literally doubled over. He didn’t stop once he started dancing, either. Throwing shapes and moving around like some seventies disco diva, he did it all with a perfectly straight face. I looked up at the DJ booth to see Kieran having a word with the DJ. When he started smirking and shaking his head, I knew that he was up to something. Moments later, the opening bars to “Raining Men” by the Weather Girls sounded out across the club, and the dance floor erupted. Tommy stopped, looked at Nikki and me, grinned, then went absolutely nuts. This was definitely his party trick. I’d never have guessed, but it was attracting women like magnets, and a huge group of girls soon surrounded us. Laughing together, we threw ourselves into the mix. Chucking our limbs around and copying Tommy’s moves, I was having so much fun that I forgot to worry about Frank and anyone else who might be around me. I let go of everything and became caught up in the sheer joy of the moment. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d had so much fun. O’Connell promised me that he had my back, and I had absolute faith in him. I didn’t need a white knight to swoop in and save me from my crappy life. I was just fine saving myself. Besides, O’Connell wasn’t a knight. He was the battle-scarred dragon that would lay waste to armies to protect me. This mismatched band of people, educated and uneducated, fighters and pacifists, were slowly becoming the family that I’d never had. With them around me, I was young and happy, and for the first time in my life, carefree.

  Eventually, the diva songs morphed into something a little edgier and the dance floor became crowded. I couldn’t see O’Connell or the other guys, but I knew that they were out there somewhere, keeping an eye on me. A couple of guys, who looked like college students, had been dancing near us for a while. One of them leant down next to me to speak over the loud music.

  “Do you know what time it is?” he asked.

  I clearly wasn’t wearing a watch or holding a purse, so I frowned as I tried to work out why he thought I’d know. A shiver ran down my spine as strong, big hands skimmed my hips.

  “What do you want?” O’Connell asked this guy from behind me.

  “Chill out. I was just asking her for the time.” The guy smiled, though he looked very nervous. It wasn’t ha
rd to work out why. I could feel the anger radiating from O’Connell like heat.

  “It’s time for you to fuck off. Right. Now,” he added, unnecessarily.

  The guy was already moving off the dance floor, looking like he was going to piss himself at any second. I turned around to face O’Connell.

  “That was rude. He was only after the time!” I lectured.

  He laughed, as he tightened his hold on me. I lay my hands against his chest, trying not to show him how hot his possessiveness made me.

  “We’ve been watching those arseholes eye fuck you and Nikki for ten minutes. I think I deserve a kiss for showing enough restraint to warn him first instead of just walking over and punching him in the face.”

  “Really?” I exclaimed, pondering whether or not that was a good enough excuse for a platonic kiss.

  When Nikki announced that it was time for shots again, I was reluctant to let him go, but desperately in need of another drink. Wanting anything that would quench my thirst, I threw back the shot that Kieran passed me and chased it again with a beer. O’Connell looked at me with an unfathomable expression, probably worried that I couldn’t handle the drink.

  A couple of hours, and countless dances later, I’d lost track of how many drinks we’d had, and my pleasant buzz now had me feeling a bit sick and dizzy. Mac and Albie were still happily shooting the breeze as they had been all night. Nikki was on the dance floor with Kieran, which meant that Ryan stood, beer in hand, staring daggers at the both of them. I’d seen Tommy a while back sucking face with some random girl, who sat in his lap as the others milled around. My ongoing euphoria died a death when I spotted Katrina by the bar, looking at me like road kill she’d like to reverse back over. Right then, I lost my footing and to my mortification, realised that I was going to face plant right at her feet. As I fell, strong hands lifted me like I was weightless, just long enough for me to regain my footing. I turned around clumsily in O’Connell’s arms, and no longer caring about Katrina, kissed him full on the lips. This gorgeous, sexy, lethal man could have as many Katrinas as he wanted, but he’d chosen me. Right now, as drunk as I was, I couldn’t see a reason for not showing him how happy that made me. His firm lips moulded to mine in a way so natural and powerful that it was addictive. Every breath made me crave him even more. His kiss ramped up every one of my senses until all I could smell was the whisper of his aftershave and the uniquely addictive scent of his skin. All I could hear was the rasp of our breathing as we struggled to take in as much oxygen as possible between kisses. All I could feel was the hard strength of his muscles tensing as he hauled me against him, and the gentle shiver that ran through his body when I stroked the soft skin at his lower back. He broke away from the kiss to whisper in my ear.


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