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Page 17

by Land, Alexa

  He rolled partway onto his side and grinned at me. “No.”

  “You wouldn’t?’

  He pulled me into his arms and said, “Of course not. But you can’t actually get that wrong, Trevor.”

  “You say that now. But one inadvertent Vulcan death grip and you’ll realize ‘wrong’ is a very real possibility.”

  He chuckled at that. “I don’t think I was in mortal danger.”

  “Okay, maybe not. But still, you don’t have to endure my clueless poking and prodding.”

  Vincent kissed me lightly and said, “I loved every minute of that.”

  “You did?”

  “Maybe a little too much.” I almost asked what he meant, but then he shifted his position slightly and skimmed his erection against my cock through our swim trunks. I forgot all about feeling self-conscious as my libido kicked in and I draped my arms around him, my lips meeting his.

  “I really don’t mean to keep making this all about sex,” he murmured between kisses. “You’re just so irresistible.”

  “It’s fine.” I kissed him again. “Really.” And again. “I don’t have a problem with that at all.” My tongue slid between his lips, and we rolled over so that I was now straddling him.

  He took off his sunglasses and looked into my eyes as he reached down and tugged the tie on my swim trunks. He pushed them below my balls and took hold of my cock while I rubbed myself against his straining erection. I kissed his face, his ear, his neck, winding my fingers in his hair, and he nipped my shoulder, just hard enough to send a jolt of pleasure through me as he stroked me.

  We both stripped quickly, then got right back to kissing as I rubbed my bare cock against his. He reached for the oil and dispensed some onto his hand, then went back to jerking me off, getting me really slick. After a while he murmured, “You can fuck me if you want to, Trevor.”

  I sat up between his legs and looked at him. That prospect was both thrilling and more than a little intimidating, way more than being fucked, for some reason. Lust finally won out and I nodded, since I didn’t trust my voice to work properly right then.

  Vincent picked up the oil again and drizzled a little onto his fingertips, then reached down and worked himself open for me. “God that’s hot,” I murmured, reaching down and stroking my throbbing hard-on as I watched him.

  He wiped his fingers on a towel, spread his bent knees a little further and relaxed back against the chaise, perfectly passive, his hands resting above his head. “All yours,” he said with a surprisingly shy little smile.

  I scooted forward and positioned the tip of my cock against his opening, holding it in my hand so I could guide it in. My heart was pounding in my chest, from both nerves and excitement, and I took a deep breath before pushing against him. I met with resistance and hesitated. But Vincent said softly, “It’s okay, Trevor. You won’t hurt me.” The trust in his eyes gave me a boost of confidence.

  I pushed forward again and watched as the pink, swollen tip of my cock entered his body. It felt incredible, so warm and tight. I needed more, and I pushed myself into him, both of us moaning in unison. When he’d taken my length so that my body was pressed against his, I held still for a moment, enjoying the intoxicating sensation of being inside him.

  But quickly, the need to thrust took over. I looked down, watching my cock sliding in and out of him as I worked my hips. It was mind-blowingly erotic and it spiked my lust, making me take him harder.

  I fell forward onto my elbows after a while, and Vincent wrapped his arms around me. He arched his back, which somehow allowed me to take him a little deeper still, moaning, totally lost to his own pleasure. “You’re so beautiful,” I murmured as I pumped in and out of him, watching his every reaction, the way his lips parted, the flexing of the muscles in his big shoulders, his olive skin glistening with a thin sheen of sweat.

  When he locked eyes with me I murmured, “Oh God.” My orgasm was mounting, and I told him, “I’m going to cum soon.” I really didn’t want to, I wanted to keep doing this for hours, days, weeks, but I was too far gone already to hold it back.

  “Cum in me. Please, Trevor,” he murmured. When I got up on my knees and began thrusting harder, he fumbled for the oil and squirted some directly onto his cock. He began stroking himself fast as I grasped the backs of his thighs, practically slamming myself into him, my body slapping loudly against his with each thrust. When my orgasm tore from me, I yelled, pounding him even harder, emptying myself deep into him. It was so incredibly intense that my vision faltered, color and light popping behind my eyes.

  Vincent hadn’t quite finished by the time my senses returned to me. Even though I was shaking from the force of that orgasm, I had the sudden, overwhelming need to have him inside me. Quickly, I climbed up and straddled his hips, took hold of his cock, and guided him into me. “Fuck yes,” he moaned as he grabbed my hips and I began to ride him almost feverishly. In just a couple minutes he was crying out, arching up off the chaise, his cum spattering my insides as he thrust up into me.

  Eventually his body relaxed under me as both of us gasped for breath. I collapsed on top of him and his arms came up to encircle me. “That was incredible,” I murmured.

  “It really was.” He kissed the top of my head and I snuggled against his chest. After a few moments, Vincent said, “I’m about to do something kind of weird. Just...pretend it isn’t.” He shifted a bit, which made his cock slide out of me, and grabbed the tube of sunscreen. Then he squirted some in his hand, rubbed his palms together, and quickly massaged it over my exposed butt.

  I burst out laughing. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Told you it was weird. But you were going to burn if I didn’t do it and I couldn’t let that happen.” He put his arms around me again.

  “Well, it’s nice to know someone has my back. Or at least, my butt.”

  He smiled at that, then said, “Since we’re all hot and sweaty now, do you want to cool off in the pool?”

  “You go ahead, I’ll watch.” I rolled off him and returned the chaise to an upright position as he got up.

  “You sure?” When I nodded, he walked naked to the edge of the pool and executed a perfect dive into the water.

  He did a couple quick, graceful laps before crossing his arms on the pool deck a few feet away from me and saying, “This feels really good. You should join me.”

  “I would, but I can’t swim,” I admitted. “That’s kind of lame, I know. But I just never learned.”

  I was hoping that wouldn’t trigger a pity reaction as Vincent realized he’d encountered yet another byproduct of my lousy childhood. And it didn’t seem to. Instead he just smiled at me and said, “Come in and I’ll teach you.”

  “I don’t know...I’m kind of afraid of water.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  “Then come in. I won’t let anything happen to you.” Instead of waiting for a response, he began gliding toward the shallow end of the pool. “Bring my glasses, please,” he called.

  I hesitated for only a moment before picking up his glasses and padding to the far end of the pool, where I took a couple cautious steps down the stairs into the sparkling turquoise water. It really did feel good. I sat down on the third step, my lower half submerged, and when Vincent floated over to me, I gave him his glasses.

  After he put them on, he said with a smile, “Ah, so much better. I can see you again.” He took my hands and gently guided me up off the stairs, and I followed a bit hesitantly. The water in the shallow end was up to my waist, but he guided me just a bit deeper, then took me in his arms and leaned back.

  I gasped and grabbed onto him when my feet came up off the bottom, but he floated effortlessly and said gently, “The key is not to fight it. If you start to struggle, you sink. But if you let yourself relax, you’ll float on the surface.”

  “Okay. Just don’t let go of me.” My arms were around his neck, and I tried to concentrate on not choking him in
my near-panic.

  “I won’t, I promise.” He rubbed my back while holding me firmly with his other arm, and I let myself exhale, relaxing very slightly. I soon realized that this wasn’t nearly as frightening as I’d expected it to be, especially with Vincent holding me, and I let a little more of my tension fall away.

  “This has been a day of some truly astonishing firsts,” I said. “Not only in terms of sex, but you actually got me into a pool. I never thought I’d be able to do this.”

  “You can do anything, Trevor. You’re an incredibly strong, capable person.”

  “Thanks. I don’t feel that way, though.”


  “I feel like so much of me is defined by my lack of self-confidence.”

  “Maybe you should rethink that definition of yourself, because that’s not at all what I see in you.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement,” I said with a grin.

  We floated for a long time, tranquil in the cool water, the sun warming my back as the sound of the ocean far below soothed us with its steady rhythm. “Can I ask you a question?” I murmured after a while.

  “Of course.”

  “How old were you when you lost your virginity?”

  “Seventeen. I barely remember it. Mostly, what I remember is that it hurt.”

  I raised my head to look at him. “How can you barely remember your first time?”

  “At that point in my life I was heavily addicted to heroin, and the first time I had sex, I was totally strung out.” He added quietly, “It wasn’t rape. Not exactly, because I agreed to it. But I was too caught up in my addiction to really make a coherent decision.”

  “Oh God,” I whispered.

  “This is really pathetic, but I lost my virginity to my thirty-five-year-old drug dealer. I came to him in desperate need of a fix, but I didn’t have any cash on me. He told me I could pay him with sex, and I was such a fucked up mess that I actually agreed to that. He got me high first, then put me on my knees in the middle of his living room and fucked me. I don’t remember if he used anything for lube. Like I said, I don’t remember much besides the pain. It really wasn’t until the next day when I woke up and found blood and semen in my underwear that I really grasped what had happened, what I’d agreed to.”

  Vincent fell silent for a while before saying, “Given how reckless I was back then, I really don’t know how I got through those years more or less unscathed. I should have died from an overdose a hundred times over, or wound up with an STD, or crashed my car, or done some other lasting damage to myself.”

  “Thank God you got through it,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him tightly.

  “I probably shouldn’t have told you all of that,” he said. “Not now anyway, so early on. It goes back to what I was saying earlier about opening up the flood gates.”

  “I love the fact that you feel comfortable enough with me to tell me these things.”

  We floated for a long time before Vincent said, “You’re starting to shiver a little, let’s go back to the lounge chair.”


  He piloted me to the stairs and when we returned to the chaise, we immediately started kissing. After a while, I reached down and fondled his cock. When it hardened in my hand, I slid down so I was nestled between his thighs and ran my tongue up his shaft. “You taste saltier than I’d expected,” I murmured before going back for another lick.

  Vincent grinned at that. “It’s because the pool’s filled with salt water. Didn’t you notice?”

  “Nope. I was too busy noticing the fact that I had a gorgeous, sexy guy in my arms. Oh, and also, marveling over the fact that I was in deep water without panicking and drowning.” After a few more licks, I took the head of his cock between my lips and sucked him experimentally. Since I’d never done that before, I immediately began to doubt myself. I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him as I stroked his shaft. “You have to tell me if I do this wrong. Please? Don’t spare my feelings.”

  He reached down and caressed my cheek. “As long as you’re careful with your teeth, there’s really no getting it wrong. Please don’t feel you have to do this, though. If you’re not ready, we can hold off. Today has already been full of firsts, and we can leave a few things on our to-do list for further down the road.”

  “We can, but I don’t want to,” I said with a little grin, then wrapped my lips around his cock again.

  Despite the fact that I was pretty clueless, Vincent relaxed against the chaise and began moaning softly as I sucked him. I figured out really fast that I had a fierce gag reflex and could only take half his cock in my mouth, so I ended up stroking the lower half of his shaft and caressing his balls while I sucked the end. I was disappointed in myself. I wanted to be able to give him what he’d given me earlier in the outdoor shower, but I didn’t know how to take him any deeper.

  I finally sat back with a sigh and said, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just can’t seem to get it right.”

  “Why do you think you’re not getting it right?”

  “Well, because I can’t seem to take more than half your cock without making super flattering gagging sounds.”

  “Who says you need to take it deeper than that?”

  “Don’t I?”

  “What you were doing felt incredible. The only reason I haven’t cum yet is because I came really hard earlier.”

  “Oh. Well, good to know. I still hate being so clueless and inexperienced, though. It has to be annoying for you, even though you’re being nice about it.”

  He smiled and said, “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Trevor. This is all new to me, too. I’ve never had a normal relationship, one where my partner and I could just take our time and get to know each other’s bodies. Early on, all I had was anonymous sex with people I met in bars or clubs. Then there was my thing with Liam, which is a million miles away from you and me.” He reached out and ran his fingertip along my lower lip, then said, “All of that was a long way of saying I’m right there with you.”

  I grinned at him and said, “Do you want more of what I was doing?”


  I bent down and went back to sucking him, feeling him swell and harden between my lips as I stroked the base of his shaft. When a little of his precum leaked onto my tongue, I moaned with pleasure, which seemed to get him more excited. He began breathing harder and rocking his hips ever-so-slightly, which completely turned me on.

  I relaxed a bit, looking up at Vincent as I sucked him. His lids were closed, but when he opened them and we made eye contact it was riveting. I forgot about technique altogether and just concentrated on him. I watched how he responded when I made slight adjustments to what I was doing, and within a few minutes he murmured, “Oh God Trevor, I’m going to cum.”

  No way was I going to miss that by pulling off him. I sucked harder and faster until he arched up, grabbing my head, his warm jizz filling my mouth. Without hesitation, I swallowed him down because that was what felt completely right in the moment, my hands grasping his hips, holding him to me so I could get every drop.

  When he finally collapsed back against the chair, he was grinning. I rested my head on his thigh, my palm idly stroking his taut stomach, and he said, “You’re a really fast learner.”

  I grinned at that, too. “Turns out it was just a matter of paying attention.”

  After a while we put on our swim trunks and sunglasses, retrieved a couple floating loungers from the cabana and went back in the pool. We held hands as we drifted lazily, becoming engrossed in conversation, a game of twenty questions giving way to long, meandering tangents.

  “I couldn’t imagine a better birthday than this, Vincent,” I murmured hours later as the sun was sinking over the horizon, streaking the sky with gold and orange.

  “Well, damn,” he said. “I’ll have to think long and hard about what to do for your twenty-second birthday, so it doesn’t pale in comparison.”

  I grin
ned at that. It was a sweet notion, that he and I would still be together a year from now. The part of my brain that had gotten far too used to disappointment over the years whispered don’t count on it. But some usually ignored little romantic part of me allowed me to hope.

  As soon as the sun went down and the breeze picked up a bit, I shivered and said, “Maybe we should move this party indoors.”

  “Good idea.” Vincent slid gracefully off his lounger, then held out his arms to me, treading water easily. My own dismount was more of a gangly near-belly flop, but he caught me and kissed me before I could completely embarrass myself, and swam us both to the stairs.

  We rinsed off in the outdoor shower, then hurried inside. As I dressed in my new outfit I exclaimed, “Holy crap, I actually got a tan, even with SPF 70!”

  “I noticed,” he said with a smile. “The sun also brought out a few adorable freckles, here,” he kissed one of my cheeks, “and here.” He kissed the other.

  Once we were both clothed we went to the kitchen, where he finally got to fill and frost my birthday cake, ganache on the inside, a light chocolate buttercream on the outside. As he worked, he started throwing out suggestions for elaborate dinners, but I told him I really only wanted the cake. When he finished what he was doing, he rummaged in the drawers and found a few assorted birthday candles, which he stood up in the thick frosting and lit with a wooden match. “Okay, don’t laugh. I have a terrible voice, but I insist on doing this for you,” he said. He then proceeded to quickly run through the birthday song, before ducking his head embarrassedly as I smiled and clapped my hands. “Make a wish and blow out the candles,” he said.

  My wish was a single word: Vincent. That was what I wanted more than anything. I blew out the candles and grinned at him. “Don’t tell me what you wished for or it won’t come true,” he said as he plucked the candles out again and deposited them on a napkin.

  He served up two big slices of cake and two glasses of milk, and we sat down around the kitchen island. “This is delicious,” I said after my first bite. “Thanks for doing this.”


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