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Water Dragon (The Bride Hunt Book 2)

Page 7

by Charlene Hartnady

  Chapter 8

  Understatement of the century.

  Not happy. Hah! More like completely pissed.

  There was a hard, bone jarring knock at the door. One single bang. After about three seconds the key turned in the lock and the door was flung open. The hinges were practically torn out and the wood creaked with the force of the impact as it crashed into the wall.

  The door was bigger than a regular one, yet Torrent took up the entire space with his huge body. His whole stance reminded her of a bull about to charge. He even huffed out a breath, making his nostrils flare. His eyes were an even more vivid blue. They were narrowed in on her. His mouth was set, his jaw tense.

  Her first reaction, on instinct, was to run, to hide, to get away. Candy had to force herself to stand her ground. She would stand up to him. She still had rights.

  The big man advanced, taking enormous strides. His movements were fluid, graceful even considering his enormous bulk. His intense gaze bore into her and for the second time since meeting him she felt like he was the hunter and she the prey.

  It became even more difficult to keep her feet rooted to the spot. Candy held up a hand. “Wait. You can’t just…”

  Torrent ignored her and closed the small remaining distance between them. He picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder like she was a sack of goods. She made a noise that spoke of shock. He was essentially manhandling her so she was well within her rights. “Put me down.” Her voice sounded relatively calm. Way to go, Candy. “Now.” A little more panicked.

  Torrent had turned and was walking towards the door.

  “Put me down.” All out panicked. She dangled halfway down his back. His ass was even more sculpted up close. His glutes shifted and clenched with each long stride. She wasn’t just checking him out, was she? What was wrong with her? “Put me down.” She shouted and began to beat her fists on his lower back and on his ass. Damn him and his ass and his pecs and abs and… just damn him.

  “Stop that.” A low growl that vibrated against her thighs, which were on his chest.

  “Screw you!” she yelled.

  “Stop! Or I will be forced to punish you.” He slapped her ass, hard. It stung. The patch immediately warmed up. She’d have a red hand mark for sure.

  Candy made a yelping noise.

  Torrent rubbed on the spot, almost tenderly. It made her squirm. It made her… uncomfortable. It felt good. What was wrong with her? Tears stung her eyes but she wasn’t about to cry.

  He pushed open a door. It was at least twice the size of the one he’d almost broken. He slammed it shut, not as hard as before. It wasn’t easy being upside down but she tried to take in the space. Her head felt swollen from all her blood rushing to it.

  The chamber was huge. It had a similar design and layout, only there was more of everything. More couches, a bigger kitchen, a huge tub and a huge… bed. There were feminine touches, yet it came together as masculine.

  The bed was humungous, probably one and a half times a regular king size bed. It was a four poster bed carved from a dark wood. The sheets were black and looked like they might be silk. The room was designed in dark, masculine colors. Blues, greys and black dominated, as did big motifs and rich fabrics like velvet and…

  She landed on the bed and bounced once. Candy turned, her eyes immediately locking with his as he got onto the bed as well. “What do you… ?”

  “Be quiet and don’t move.”

  “Like hell I…”

  He smiled, it was predatory. “I enjoyed spanking that sexy ass of yours and would like nothing more than to put you over my knee and make you scream out with every hard whack.”

  Shit! What the! She wanted to retaliate just to see if he would follow up on his threats but by the look in his eyes she knew he was deadly serious. The biggest problem was that the thought of him spanking her wasn’t nearly as horrible as it should’ve been. She was oddly turned on by his words. Candy didn’t move a muscle.

  “That’s better.” Torrent kept his eyes on her as he moved closer to her.

  What was he planning? She plastered herself against the sheets, which were indeed smooth, cool silk. Every muscle inside of her tensed.

  He straddled her, putting his hands on either side of her head. He was so damned close that she could feel his heat and yet, he didn’t touch her. Not even one hair on her body. “Do I have your attention?”

  Candy swallowed hard and nodded.

  “Good.” He leaned forward and the air froze inside her. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, she couldn’t think. His chest was heaving. Then again, so was hers. Why did he have to smell so good? This was crazy. She should be terrified, or angry, or something. The problem was that despite everything that had happened, she trusted him. Torrent was not about to hurt her in any way. He was different from human guys. God, like chalk and cheese. He had a gruff exterior and could act like a colossal jerk but she sensed that he was good deep down. She could see it. She also trusted Sky and respected the woman’s opinion. The newfound knowledge should’ve had her relaxing under his close scrutiny. It didn’t.

  His face was a couple of inches away from her. His eyes moved to her mouth and he licked his lips. Was he going to kiss her again? Then he lifted his gaze to meet hers. “You’re staying here, with me.” A deep rasp that had goosebumps forming on her skin.

  She sucked in a breath, intent on arguing but he covered her mouth with his fingers. The guy could move really quickly. She couldn’t help but swallow again. “This isn’t a discussion. You’re staying here. We are mated, mated couples live together.” His gaze moved to the right of her, focusing on the mattress for a few beats before returning to lock with hers. “I am a reasonable male.”

  Yeah right! His fingers were still resting on her lips so she couldn’t say it.

  His eyes flared with humor. “I can see by the look in your eyes that you don’t believe me.”

  Candy narrowed her eyes for a moment. She didn’t believe it for a second.

  Torrent removed his hand. “I won’t try to rut you. I won’t so much as touch you. No sexual behavior whatsoever.” He removed the hand from her mouth.

  “What would you call this?” She allowed her eyes to travel over his body for a few seconds before looking back up at his face. The guy had her caged in with his massive bulk. He was sporting an erection. The sight of it wasn’t as scary as it had been before. She was becoming more used to seeing it. He might not be touching her anymore but everything about him screamed sex. Sex with a capital S and then some.

  Torrent smiled. It wasn’t fair. It only made him more attractive. His rugged good-looks turned a tad boyish. In short, he was devastatingly handsome. “This? This is nothing. Less than nothing. We are both fully clothed. Now, if we were to remove these barriers.” His eyes darkened up a tad and he turned serious. “If I were to touch, stroke and caress you.” His voice both lowered and deepened. “If I were to do so with my hands, my mouth and my cock… now that would be sexual. If I were to make your pussy weep with a need so great that—”

  “Okay, I get it.” Her voice shook just a little, which made his mouth twitch and his eyes crinkle a little at the edges. He found her reaction to his words humorous.

  “Believe it or not, I want more than just sex. I want to get to know you. I want to be reasonable about this because, as my mate, you are my equal. I really want you to give this a chance. I’m willing to discuss it.”

  He’d turned down the advances of another woman. He was trying to be nice, well, sort of. She got the feeling that this was being nice for a guy like Torrent. “If that is true, then I want to negotiate one other thing aside from the no sex rule.”

  “It’s not a rule.” He frowned. “A rule would indicate that sex is off the table. I want us to rut. Ideally right now and in as many positions as possible.” He swallowed, causing his throat to work.

  Oh flip! Those crass words were affecting her. She felt overheated, her heart was beating out of her chest and he
r palms were sweaty.

  “However…” A deep purr. “I understand that you need time and space. I gave it some thought. It would be best if you initiated sexual contact. I will avoid doing so. You tell me what you want, when you want it and how you want it and I will oblige. It would be my pleasure and yours.” His gaze moved back to her mouth and he inhaled deeply.

  This was different. It was also not something she was used to. Normally her ‘dates’ dictated when and how they wanted it. This was new and refreshing. Not that she was going to actually take him up on it. “Okay… fine. We’re mated, so even though I’m not fully onboard, I agree to give this thing a try. I agree to at least getting to know you a bit better but without the pressure of sex.” What did she have to lose? It’s not like there was much for her back home and Torrent intrigued her. He was multilayered, that was for sure.

  He nodded and seemed to relax. Torrent moved off of her and went to sit on the edge of the bed, finally giving her some room to breathe.

  Candy pulled herself into a sitting position, she smoothed down her sweatshirt and tucked her legs underneath herself.

  Torrent twisted his body so that he was facing her. “You said that there is something you wish to negotiate.”

  Candy nodded.

  Her big blue eyes were focused on him. She picked some lint off of her baggy sweatshirt. He wished he could rip the garment from her body.

  Note to self, procure some proper fitting human clothing and as a matter of extreme urgency.

  Her agreeing to stay with him was a major breakthrough. They were actually communicating. Excitement coursed through him. It was just a matter of time before she sought to have her needs met. He could scent that she was aroused even though he had barely touched her.

  How bad could her requirements be? If it meant her staying with him, he would grant them in a heart beat. How bad could they possibly be?

  She licked her lips and took a deep breath. Why was she stalling? He didn’t like it. Candy finally looked him in the eyes. “It doesn’t matter that we are… mated.”

  Yes, it did! He didn’t say anything. He needed to give her an opportunity to talk first. She seemed to struggle with the notion. Although he had never spent any extended time with humans, he had plenty of experience with them. Those that wanted more after one night were normally running away from something. Most were happy with just the sex. There were also those that were somewhere in-between.

  “I don’t see us in that way. As mates.” She licked her lips. “It’s just too soon. I think it’s too soon to live with you, even if the situation is temporary.”

  He growled softly at her words, he couldn’t help it. It’s not temporary! He grit his jaw to keep himself from saying it out loud.

  “You might not like it but it’s how I feel. I’m willing to meet you half way by staying here but I can’t share a bed with you.”

  It was bad.

  Really fucking bad.

  Torrent squeezed his eyes shut and clutched the back of his neck, which felt like it had gone into instant spasm. He willed calm to come but it didn’t. “You are my mate.” He released his neck. “Mates should sleep together. I won’t try anything.” He held up his hands. “I swear.” He never thought he would ever say such a thing but here it was.

  “If you want me in your space then I need to sleep alone.”


  The question was how badly he wanted her here. He could sense that this would be a deal breaker. Candy had made up her mind. He couldn’t move in a second bed because everyone would know that his mate didn’t want him in their bed. The best he would be able to do was sneak in an extra blanket. It was a no brainer. He would deal. He had to. Torrent nodded. “Fine, but this is my private chamber. I need to feel comfortable and to be myself in this space. Do you agree to that?”

  She widened her eyes, seeming to contemplate what he had just said. Then she frowned looking confused. Candy finally shrugged. “I suppose that’s reasonable. So… let me get this straight… no sex.”

  “No sex initiated by me. You on the other hand…” He couldn’t wait until that day came. It would be soon if he had anything to do with it.

  Her pupils dilated. This female did want him whether she liked it or not. “Yeah, that.” She breathed in and out a few times. “I get to sleep in the bed... alone,” she quickly added.

  “Lastly…” She smiled. This female was spectacular. “We need to make a concerted effort to get to know one another. Did I miss anything?”

  Torrent shook his head. “That sounds about right.”

  “I would appreciate it if we could get out. I want to explore this place. I want to walk on the beach and swim and meet some of your people.” She looked animated, excited even. He wished he could give her everything she asked for and more. It would certainly help them get to know each other. It was a pity it couldn’t happen.

  Dammit! He’d expected this to come up but not so soon. “Let’s first concentrate on getting you settled. We’ll enjoy an evening meal together here in my chamber and then, we’ll see.”

  Candy nodded. “That’s fair but we’re going out tomorrow.”

  “It depends,” he blurted. He needed to be completely honest with her and although he’d mentioned this in passing, it seemed, he needed to spell things out for her. Torrent couldn’t allow himself to forget that she wasn’t a she-dragon. They were very different.

  She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “I told you that although we are mated, we still need to make it official.” He raised his brows.

  Her frown deepened. “I think I remember you saying something along those lines. I don’t know what it means though.”

  “I pretended to fully claim you but I never actually did it.”

  She had no idea what he was talking about.

  “I believe you humans call it to consummate the relationship.” He registered shock on her face. He’d already come so far may as well go the whole hog. “In order for our mating to be binding, we need to rut.”

  Candy laughed. There was a whole lot of shock, mingled with humor. It registered on her face, clear as day. “Are you telling me that there is a way out of this, that we’re not technically bound together?”

  Torrent shook his head. “We are bound female. I told you that I consider you to be mine. All that is left is to claim you.”

  “What you are saying is that the whole ceremony hasn’t been completed. It’s not done yet. We can still back out.”

  Torrent felt anger course through him. The need to throw her down on the bed and to make her his rode him hard. He knew that he could have her begging him to take her and in no time, but he couldn’t do such a thing. Candy would regret it. She would grow to hate him.

  “We openly chose one another. According to our lores, the bond between us has begun to take hold. I know that you can feel it. It is only a matter of time before we can no longer resist one another.” He had to smile. “A matter of time before you give in to me. You won’t be able to help it. Even if I were to take you home, your body would crave mine, just as mine craves yours.”

  Her eyes darkened up for a second and she pulled her lower lip into her mouth. Then she snorted. “You’re so full of it.”

  He couldn’t understand her aversion to him or her statement for that matter. His words were true. It was that simple. “You are attracted to me and we are bonded. It is only a matter of time before things progress naturally.”

  “This changes things. If we’re not already mated then take me home, I’ll take my chances with the whole craving you thing.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t do that. You need to give this a chance. You agreed.”

  “That was before I knew the facts.”

  “This doesn’t change anything.”

  Her eyes widened and a look of horror appeared on her face. “It changes everything.”

  “You are staying right here. I agreed to your terms and you agreed to mine. You stay here, in this chamb
er until I have officially claimed you. I’m sorry but you cannot leave before then.”

  Her chest began to heave and her fists balled in her lap. “That’s bullshit! You’re essentially keeping me prisoner until I agree to have sex. That’s wrong on so many levels. You realize that, don’t you?” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  Shit! He hated to see her upset like this. This wasn’t how he had planned for this to go. “You asked me to help you. You begged. I agreed. I helped you, Candy. I didn’t know that you didn’t know the rules. I wasn’t aware that you hadn’t been informed. I didn’t have to choose you. I could’ve left you to the lesser males. I helped you. I bound myself to you in front of them. I was injured and may not have been able to fight all of them and win. It was the only option left to me, to us, at the time. I chose to help you and now I’m asking you to help me.”

  “It was convenient for you.” The anger had left her voice. “You need a mate right? Someone to have your babies? You didn’t do it to help me, you did it because you had to. You did it for you.”

  Torrent shook his head. “I didn’t have to take you. There is another hunt in a few weeks.” He shrugged. “I could’ve waited. Maybe I should’ve waited but I didn’t, you begged me to help you. I did it.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. Hell! He was making this worse.

  “So I’m a charity case.” She swallowed hard. “Look, I know you actually wanted the other woman. That you and that other dark haired guy were fighting over her. Her name is Julie.” Another tear slid free and she sniffed. It was as if she suddenly realized that she was crying because she wiped her face using both hands before looking back at him. “Let’s just forget this. You don’t really want me. Let’s annul this thing and you can start over on the next hunt.” Her lip wobbled like she hated the idea of him hunting for another female.

  Torrent shook his head. “The fact of the matter is that I did help you. I wanted to help you. I am bound to you now just as you are bound to me.”


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