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Master of Desire

Page 27

by Multiple

  “You have thirty minutes to think on this. To consider why you needed your behavior corrected. When the time has passed I will return. Further good behavior will earn further rewards.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He swept his hands down the length of my arms and then pushed away from me. The heat of his hard body left me. I heard Chloe follow Master out of the room and I jumped a little as they turned off the lights.

  Only the barest illumination crept in past the velvet curtain. I dared not look around. Master had not said anything either way, but I sensed his desire in this matter was for me to remain in position, as still as possible.

  The vicious song of agony on my ass had eased slightly. I heard various noises outside the room. Domestic noises, cups clanging on saucers, and I felt a surge of something so ancient as to be almost unrecognizable.


  Chloe was serving tea to Master. I wanted to be out there. I wanted to be where Master Sweet was. My Master. Even rolling those words through my mind gave me a surge of heat in my belly.

  The blood was slowly draining from my arms, but I was grateful for the support of the ring. My body was still recovering from the cocktail of adrenaline and emotion that Master’s discipline had awakened in me. My ass was craving the soothing touch of His warm hands.

  I felt at a loss to explain my feelings. In what amounted to no time, I had formed an enormous, but bizarre, attachment to Master Sweet. There had been something comfortable about him from the moment I’d arrived. Though dangerous-looking with that dark mask, the tone of his voice had been comforting and familiar. Too familiar, even. He’d spoken like a parent, or a confidant. I had willingly given trust – a treasure I hoarded more tight-fistedly even than money. His Mastery was brilliant and complete. I concentrated on that for a short while as the sting in my cheeks mellowed to a throb, matching the beat of my heart.

  And now I found myself here in this darkened room, alone, feeling as if I were nothing to Him. As if I had failed Him. And I had never failed at anything in my life.

  But you are failing at life. Derek’s words came back to me, but this time I saw them for what they were. Truth. Maybe not the truth, but certainly a truth.

  The realization hit me as hard as the paddle had.

  Everything Master said had proved true. He had found the little seed of my true self. The seed I’d buried so long ago in the hope it would never see the light of day. The person I’d hidden.

  My tears came in earnest now. Maybe I was channeling some childhood memory, or maybe it was just a dam bursting. But now that Master had stripped away my defenses the force of them was too much for me to contain. They coursed down my cheeks, over my lips. They hit my breasts and tickled their way down my body as if washing me clean of myself. I released all tension and simply hung from the iron ring, all my weight cutting the rope into my wrists.

  The thirty minutes passed quickly. I stirred to Master’s touch on my shoulder, his breath against my neck.

  “Stand tall, Natasha. You have earned back your name.”

  I found my feet and pressed upwards. Chloe mopped my face with a fresh cloth as Master held my shoulders.

  “Natasha. Tell me what you have learned today.”

  “Master, it’s still so early. I’m unsure if...if I’ll know the right answers.”

  “This is not about right and wrong, Natasha. I know what I taught you. Only you know what you’ve learned.”

  I still hesitated. Everything in here seemed so black and white I found it hard to focus on semantics.

  “Then tell me what you feel, Natasha. What you want.”

  The fear in my heart was not from the idea of further punishment. It was the fear that I would disappoint Him. “Master, I feel... relaxed. I do not have the worries I normally carry. I feel as if you have chased away my anxiety.”

  “Be wary, Natasha; it will not be completely removed by one session. You are learning well, though. In here you have no other concern than me and what I want of you. You will only deal with that world outside when I see fit to allow you out there.”

  “Yes, Master.” Board meetings, AP reports, lay-off lists, budget cuts...they had their place and were by no means trivial. But life at the top sounded good until you realize you are depended upon by thousands of people. In here, in this small time, I hadn’t worried about any of that. It was such a relief.

  “Is that all?” He startled me from my musing.

  “I...I was going to say I feel complete, but...”

  “But of course you don’t.”

  “No, Master. Just...closer to it than I ever have.”

  “Natasha, turn and face me.”

  I kept my eyes to the floor as I obeyed.

  “You may look me in the eye.”

  I lifted my gaze to his throat before I realized he had removed his mask. I should have felt shocked seeing his face, but deep down I’d known who was behind the mask all along. I’d known him for so long, trusted him with all of my darkest, dirtiest secrets. In that time he had taken such abuse from me with patience and emotional mastery. It seemed only fitting that now, he would be the one to school me in those same virtues.

  I wondered if removing the mask meant that he was no longer Master Sweet. If he would revert to the old Dr. Benson again. Seeing him now, bare-chested still, and with nothing hiding his expression, I wondered why I’d never really noticed him before. Not in this way. His skills at deception were even greater than my own had been.

  “You are not surprised,” He said.

  I smiled earnestly and shook my head, nudging loose a few stray tears. There was no need for words. He already knew so much about me, I was certain He knew how I felt at his revelation. I realized I’d been desperately hoping for this to be my truth. For Him to be my Master.

  Chloe’s arms curled around my waist to take my weight, while Master untied the rope from the ring, leaving my wrists still bound. He bent and picked me up as if I were a kitten, and then carried me from the room.

  Chloe opened another door and Master took me through into a room that was comparatively bright. A cast-iron bed sat in the center of the floor and Master took me to it. He sat on the bed with me draped across his lap, a gentler imitation of our positions in the training room.

  Chloe secured my wrists tightly, but gave my ankles a lot more slack. She dropped the oil bottle and some cloths on the bedspread and left the room.

  “Natasha, I have coveted your beauty since you first came to me.”

  Master drizzled the warm oil onto the small of my back. I whimpered as he pressed his hand onto my back and spread the oil lower, easing it over the raw patches all over my bottom and thighs.


  His fingers pressed into the thick tissue of my ass cheeks, bringing sharp tingles to my skin and sharper tingles to my wanton pussy.

  “I saw through you the moment you walked into my office. The brittle pride that impaled you. The shadow you cast that you could not flee. I would have disciplined you on the spot.”

  Clearly he knew what effect his hands were having on me. I risked moving my hips to grind my clit against his thigh. He ran his hands around the curves of my ass and began to work my thighs.

  “Master, why did you wait so long?”

  He dipped his hands down between my legs and didn’t stop me when I slid them apart.

  “You know the answer, Natasha. Ask yourself why you came here today.”

  Because I’d had no other option. Because I had refused all other help. “Because you told me to, Master.”

  “That is an excellent answer, Natasha.”

  He brought one hand back up to my ass, slowly infusing His heat into the raw sting of my skin. His other hand pressed against my clit and the jolt it sent through me almost tore my senses apart. I sucked in a breath as sharp as any I’d taken during my discipline. And I finally found the truth of this relationship: that while Master may hurt me, He would never harm me.

  “Now, Natasha
. You still have not answered the second part of my question.”


  “You told me how you feel. You have not told me what you want.”

  “Master, I want to feel You inside me. I want to come against You.”

  He ground tiny circles against my clit and I moaned with want. “Raise yourself off me, Natasha.”

  I did as I was told and Master slipped off the bed and released my bonds. For an awful moment I thought we were done. That He was sending me back to work.

  “Natasha, this is new to you, and I am a fair Master. We clearly still have much work to do.”

  “Master, I have displeased you?”

  “Turn yourself toward me.”

  I rotated on the bed until my face was level with His bulging groin. He took my hands and rubbed at the marks where the rope had bitten in.

  “Natasha, you want to feel me inside you. That is what you said.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Do you know what I want?”

  “No, Master.”

  “Exactly. That must be your first thought.”

  I felt my belly freeze, knowing He was right. Even with all I’d learned, I was still caught up in my own needs. I’d failed to think of Him, of His needs, just as I had done with everyone I’d ever been close to. Self-absorption was what started me on the power grab of success. I wanted to be the best, I wanted to have everything money could buy, I wanted the corner office in the tallest high-rise, I wanted to be CEO of the most prestigious companies. Two of the most despicable words there were, leaning against each other for support.


  “I’m sorry, Master,” I said earnestly. He was still teaching me lessons.

  He cupped my cheek and I leaned my face into His hand. “You have made great progress. I don’t expect you to know everything yet, and that was a difficult test.” He placed my hands on His waistband. “The privilege of undressing me is yours.”

  I worked His pants open and slid them down. His swollen cock was fierce and musky, and I kissed the length of it reverently before drawing it deep inside my mouth. Master’s nostrils flared and His breath hissed. I knew I was earning His praise.

  His cock bucked inside my mouth, trembled against my tongue. I squeezed Him, ready to take Him all the way with just this, if He so decreed.

  “Natasha, stop.”

  I let His length slip from my lips and looked up at Him. I hoped He could see in my eyes what I needed next. It was not my place to ask for it.

  “Turn around. Leave your legs hanging off the edge of the bed.”

  I obeyed as quickly as my stinging ass would let me. Master squeezed a little more oil onto my flanks and rubbed it in, finishing with His hands at my hips. His fingers dug deeply into my flesh.

  The rounded end of His magnificent cock pressed against my swollen pussy. I had to fight my instinct to push back. I needed Him inside me, but knew any false move might earn me the punishment of more waiting.

  Finally, blissfully, He penetrated me with His beautiful cock. He drove steadily inside me until our hips bumped. His coarse pubic hair scratched against my reddened skin and reminded me of the paddle’s bite.

  I was unsure if I was permitted to cry out, but it was beyond my control. All the pretty gigolos, all the quickie solo shower sessions, none of it was a patch on this.

  He drove hard into my body and I panted in desperation, needing Him to go deeper still, harder, and faster.

  “More please, Master. Give me more,” I begged before realizing I was making demands again.

  Rather than punish, He rewarded my desperate pleas by giving into my request. His hips were like a piston. Each wet slap of skin to skin sent pleasure shooting through every nerve of my body. My body thrummed to the beat of His pelvis. I reveled in the unbridled ecstasy, matching His rhythm with my own. Together our bodies flowed as if one.

  “Natasha, you may come.”

  When He said those magic words, the explosion tore through me and with a cry, my body spasmed against His groin.

  A deep roar tore from His throat. He tensed, His fingers dug into the tender skin of my ass, adding spice to my already-cosmic orgasm, and I felt the warmth of His seed spilling inside me. He pumped once more before relaxing his grip.

  “Thank you, Master.” There was no more arrogance in my voice. He’d given me so much more than just raw physical pleasure, and I felt it was my duty to let Him know how grateful I was.

  He eased out of me and pulled me down with Him onto the bed. He snaked his arms around me and held me to His broad chest. With one gentle hand He caressed the stinging skin of my bottom.

  “This soreness you feel will last for several days.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Let it serve as a reminder of what you’ve learned. Think of it as my eyes watching you at work.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I could barely believe how enslavement had given me such freedom. It was the diametric opposite to all that my life had held before. I’d had so much freedom that I was enslaved by it. Now, every time I gave my willing assent to one of Master’s commands, I grew just a step closer to the woman I wanted to be.

  Master rolled me onto my back and leaned across me, His mouth almost touching mine. His eyes filled my vision, icy blue and calm. I simply lay still, under His protection, both physically and emotionally. He was my shield and my sword. My home.

  “Master, I have read about...this kind of thing before. About men who dominate. And it always sounded...well, just plain awful. Name calling, neglect, abuse. But You...this is not like I imagined at all.”

  He ran His finger across my mouth. “You must remember, Natasha. A Dom is not someone who has experienced a life of riches. He’s a man whose life is rich with experiences. Those megalomaniacs who Dom, the ones you’ve read about...they’re vicious narcissists. They’re simply bringing their work home with them. In the end, they are very much like you were before you came here. They fear the loss of power, and are blind to the old adage: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

  “There is power in success. Of that there can be no doubt. You came here with a concrete definition of what success is. You measured it in dollars. Boil that down far enough, and you were already submissive. And money was your Dom.”

  I rolled myself off the bed and knelt on the floor before Him. I took His hand and kissed it, then placed it atop my head.

  “Not any more, Master.”

  The End


  Willsin Rowe falls in love with a scent, a playful expression or an act of casual intimacy more easily than with physical beauty. When confronted by any combination of those elements he is a lost cause. He has done many things over and over, done even more things only once, and half-done more things than he cares to admit. He loves to sing and doesn’t let his voice get in the way. He is intelligent but not sensible. He is passionate but fearful. He is not scruffy enough or stylish enough to be cool.




  Katie Salidas is a Super Woman! Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, She can get the munchkins off to gymnastics, cheerleading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons. She can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime… And, She still finds the time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). She can do all of this and still have time to write.

  And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale…

  Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment.


  Facebook: http://www.facebook.


  The Master’s Exploits: Night Two


  Jessi Bond

  A NOTE TO READERS: This book is Part Two of an ongoing narrative that will be released as a series of short “episodes” every Friday, much like your favorite T.V. shows. While each episode has its own story arc that will be concluded by the end, the over-arching romance storyline will continue throughout, reaching its conclusion only in the final episode. Each episode can be enjoyed as a standalone.

  If you want to be a part of the unfolding story, visit my blog after reading and leave your ideas about what you want to read next. Each week, I will pick some of my favorites for an upcoming installment.


  My heart thudded in my ears as I stood, shifting my weight from one foot to the other, staring at Dalton Alexander’s front door. Wondering if the experienced Dominant, the man so many women had called Master, was on the other end of the peephole, staring back.

  It had been almost three full minutes since I rang. Not that I was counting. He’d changed our meeting time last-minute, but he didn’t seem like the kind of guy to spontaneously forget something like that. My finger hovered over the doorbell, but for some reason I didn’t press it again. Probably because I knew he’d heard me.

  He just liked making me wait.

  My head was swimming with memories of his first story. Madison. The sad, beautiful girl from the bookstore who’d submitted to him so readily. She’d once stood exactly where I was standing now. Moments later, she was being thoroughly spanked in Dalton’s living room. A hot blush rose on my cheeks, until my ears started to burn. Why couldn’t I stop imagining myself in her shoes?

  Because he’s a great storyteller. That’s why you’re helping him fictionalize and publish his memoirs.

  To be honest, I still wasn’t sure that he actually needed a ghostwriter. But I certainly wasn’t going to say no to the paycheck.


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