Book Read Free

Protect Me

Page 3

by Lacey Black

  “Hello?” he answers after two rings.

  “Hey, whatcha doing?”

  “Getting ready to head over to the man cave. Maddox is finalizing the bachelor party for next weekend, and I think he clearly needs supervision,” he responds with a chuckle.

  Maddox bought Avery her dream house which came with Maddox’s dream man cave. I frequently find myself dropping by and enjoying a cold beer with my brother-in-law in the comfort of his domain.

  The bachelor party has been in the works for several months. Jake had planned a big, elaborate party for Maddox a year and a half ago, complete with a no-show stripper, and I think Jake is a little worried about what Maddox has planned in return. But, it wouldn’t be a true bachelor party without some naked ass dancing around, right?

  “Are you in town? Wanna stop by for a beer?” Jake asks.

  “Yeah, I’ll stop by. I just left the firehouse,” I say into the portable Bluetooth I stuck in my ear.

  “Heard about the Frazier barn. Glad they got the horses out before it went down,” Jake adds.

  “Me too. I’m nearing Ave’s now. I’ll see you there shortly,” I say.

  “Yep,” Jake starts to say but then I hear Erin’s voice in the background. Jake’s conversation quickly steers away from me and focuses on his fiancée. I hear what sounds like kissing into the phone.

  “Seriously, man? Don’t screw your almost-wife while you’re on the phone with me,” I tell him in mock horror.

  Jake starts laughing. Bastard. “Sorry, but when the most beautiful woman in the world walks up and starts to rub against you like a cat, you tend to get a little distracted.”

  “Gross. I really don’t want to picture Erin rubbing up against you next time I see her so keep that shit to yourself,” I respond as I turn into Avery’s driveway.

  Jake throws a deep laugh my way as he says, “Suit yourself, brother. I’m heading your way in a few moments.” But the way his attention returns to Erin and the noises I hear coming through the phone receiver, something tells me that he will be a little late to Avery and Maddox’s place.

  I don’t even answer as I click off the phone. I’m pretty sure Jake doesn’t even care about our lack of goodbyes right now anyway.

  I step out into the early August evening and head towards their front door. Maddox may already be out in the man cave, but I’ll be damned if I don’t stop in and see my niece and nephew first.

  I throw a quick knock on the front door and give it a push open. The house is cool with air conditioning and filled with the warm and welcoming noise of laughter. I hear my niece, Bean, laughing hysterically and my nephew, Ryder, giggling as only a five month old can.

  When I step around the corner and into the living room, I see Maddox crouching on the floor, tickling Bean in the stomach. Her laughter fills the entire room, bouncing off the walls like sweet music. Ryder is sitting next to them on the floor laughing and throwing his arms up and down as he watches his dad tickle his sister.

  “Stop it, Daddy! I’m gonna pee!” Bean exclaims in between tickle fits.

  “Don’t pee on me,” Maddox laughs and jumps off of her.

  Maddox notices me for the first time and produces a big, full-watt smile. He reaches down and picks up Ryder who has his arms extended upward towards him.

  “Hey. I didn’t hear you come in,” Maddox says as he settles his son on his hip.

  “Uncle Nate!” Brooklyn exclaims as she climbs up off the floor and runs towards me.

  I catch her mid-leap and smile as I snuggle my only niece against me. I feel this ping of emotion deep within my chest which causes me to hold her extra tight.

  “Hey, Bean. How’s my favorite niece?” I ask following a big kiss on her cheek.

  “Good. I got to play in the sprinkler today with Grant at Grandma’s house,” she informs me.

  “Awesome,” I reply. “Who’s your favorite uncle, anyway?” I ask with a big smile.

  “You, of course,” she informs me with another giggle and scrunches up of her cute little nose.

  “That’s what I thought. Your smelly Uncle Jake is on his way over. Don’t tell him that I’m your favorite or you’ll make him cry,” I inform the girl in my arms.

  Bean throws her head back in laughter, enjoying the attention each of her uncles give her as we vie for the title of Favorite Uncle. We’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember.

  “It’ll be our secret,” she informs me with a kiss on my scruffy cheek.

  Maddox and Ryder walk up and I happily kiss my nephew’s forehead while he’s in his father’s arms. “Hi, buddy. Is Uncle Nate your favorite, too?” I ask the drooling child. He doesn’t answer, of course, but the way he throws his arms up and down in excitement, I’m pretty sure that’s answer enough for my question.

  “Jake on his way?” Maddox asks as we head towards the kitchen. We walk into the warm, inviting, spacious kitchen that smells of cooked meat and warm sugar.

  “Yeah, though he may be a few minutes late. I think Erin was distracting him as he was walking out the door,” I say with a wink.

  Maddox laughs as he walks up behind my sister and kisses her passionately on the mouth, which after nearly two years, still makes me uncomfortable. I don’t imagine I’ll ever get used to a man – even her husband – groping my sister. Ryder giggles and grabs a hold of Avery’s hair which dangles down by his face.

  “Hey, little man,” she says as she pulls her long blond locks out of his grip. “Hey, Nate. Hungry?”

  “Always,” I remind her.

  She pulls the Italian sausage links out of the oven and places them next to all the condiments spread out on the island counter. Maddox buckles Ryder into his highchair, and I go about placing Bean in her designated spot at the table.

  “Help yourself. I figured we’d have extra mouths to feed when Maddox mentioned that the guys were meeting in the back to discuss Jake’s bachelor party.”

  “Thank you, little sis,” I say as I lean down and place a kiss on her cheek. Avery smiles back at me as she fixes plates for both kids.

  Maddox and I each dig into the delicious array of food spread out. Avery has grown into a decent cook over the past year. Back before she hooked up with Maddox, Avery’s idea of cooking was mac and cheese or pancakes. Now, she’s a regular Suzy Homemaker, and I’m pretty sure Maddox has put on about ten pounds since they’ve been together. Lucky bastard.

  “Hello?” I hear called out from the front entry. Travis, my youngest brother, walks into the room carrying his toddler, Grant.

  “Hey,” we all holler at them as they make their way into the heart of the kitchen. I take one look at my little man and a huge smile spreads across my face. Grant sees me and reaches out, shimmying to get out of his father’s grip and get to me. See, favorite uncle.

  I abandon my plate and stalk straight over to my happy little nephew. “Hey, little man,” I say as I take him from his dad and into my arms.

  “Where’s Joss?” Avery asks as she places food in front of Bean and Ryder.

  “She went over to Erin’s to help her with the final plans for the gala next month,” Travis says.

  Erin is holding a fundraiser gala for the library at the beginning of September, over Labor Day weekend. The library is in desperate need of an updated children’s area so she decided to organize a large fundraiser to help cover the costs of the renovation. The gala is just two short weeks after her wedding to Jake so she’s trying to finalize all of the plans before then. Josselyn has been helping her out with the entire process.

  “Food is on the counter, Trav,” Avery says as she goes about making her own plate.

  “Thanks,” Travis says as he dives into the food.

  I sit down on my chair with Grant securely on my lap. He digs into my potato chips and steals a bite of my potato salad. I don’t care. I’d give this kid - hell, any of my niece and nephews - whatever in the hell they want.

  “Why does he always go to you so quickly?” Maddox asks as he sits d
own at the table.

  “He knows who’s the coolest of all his uncles,” I say matter-of-factly.

  “You wish, sweetheart. He’s just too young to know the difference yet,” Maddox says with a smug smile.

  Travis sets a plate of food next to my plate and Grant dives into his food with gusto. Just as he’s sitting down next to me at the table, his cell phone chimes in his pocket. He quickly pulls it out, scans the message, and bursts out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” Avery asks.

  “Apparently, Joss got to Jake’s a little too quickly. I have a text that says, ‘I just got the full view of your brother’s ass!’ with a face sticking out its tongue and one green with sickness,” Travis tells the table.

  We all laugh just as Jake comes strutting through the front door. We take one look at his cocky, shit-eating grin, and all burst out laughing all over again.

  “How’s it going, brother?” I ask with a smile.

  “Excellent,” he replies as he pulls up the sides of his pants. Jake struts over and helps himself to a heaping plate of food. “I’m famished,” he says as he sits down at an empty seat and dives in. “Oh, and Travis?” Jake asks with a mouthful of food.

  “Yeah?” Travis replies.

  “It’s not my fault if your wife finds you second best now that she’s seen my ass,” he mumbles as he swallows his food. The entire table erupts into laughter.

  “If anything she’s going to have nightmares now, man,” Travis quips with a smile. “I guess you need all the practice you can get before the honeymoon,” Travis adds.

  “Practice what for the honeymoon?” Bean asks in all of her five year old innocence.

  “Uncle Jake needs to practice his laziness for the honeymoon, Sweetie. Uncle Jake and Aunt Erin are going to do a lot of lying around,” Avery tells her daughter.

  “You’re right. You do need practice,” Bean says innocently which causes the entire table to burst into another fit of laughter.

  “Not funny,” Jake mumbles and takes a huge bite of his sausage.

  I lean forward and look straight at Brooklyn. “See what I mean about crying? He has already had his feelings hurt,” I tell her with a wink. She giggles, eyes sparkling with mischief.

  After the food is consumed, the guys, along with Grant who is still contently nestled in my arms, head out to the man cave to get down to business. Avery stays behind to give Ryder a bath before bedtime and to read Bean her choosing of princess stories.

  “So, what’s the plan for next Saturday?” Jake asks.

  “You just be ready at one o’clock. I’ll be picking you up at the house and we’re heading to your parents’ house,” Maddox says.

  “Seriously?” Jake asks, annoyance written all over his face. “It’s my bachelor party and you’re taking me to my parents’ house?”

  “To start off with. We’re trapshooting for the afternoon so bring your shotgun and as many shells as you can get your hands on. I have eight cases of clay pigeons ready to go. A handful of guys from the force are coming out, plus your brothers and father. Your mom is providing some appetizers in the afternoon and we’ll have plenty of beer,” Maddox says.

  “Cool. I like it,” Jake says between swallows of beer.

  “Then around six, we’ll head up to Jack’s Pub where your dad arranged for Laverne’s to cater steaks and a bunch of sides,” Maddox adds.

  “Entertainment?” Jake asks with the rise of one of his eyebrows.

  “I plead the fifth. This way, if anyone asks you,” Maddox starts as I interrupt, coughing the name, ‘Erin’, “you know nothing about the rest of the evening.”

  “I’m pretty sure she already knows,” Jake says with a smile.

  “What are the girls doing?” Travis asks.

  “Spa night, I guess. Sounds boring as hell, but the thought of Erin getting rubbed on in some strip club makes me see red. So, spa night it is,” Jake says.

  Details are gone over and plans are finalized as we finish our drinks in the cave. Grant fell asleep in my arms about fifteen minutes ago so Travis gathers up his stuff and gets ready to head out.

  “See you all Sunday,” he says quietly over his shoulder, referring to Sunday family dinner. Our family always gathers every Sunday afternoon at my parents’ house. As a bachelor, it’s one of my only links to real, home cooked food.

  “No you won’t,” I say. “I’m working.” Since I work every other weekend, I’m only able to attend half of our gatherings.

  “Us, too,” Jake replies with a nod towards Maddox, referring to their weekend shift as local county deputies.

  I say my goodbyes to the guys and retrieve my car keys from my pocket. It’s after eight o’clock which is still plenty early for a Thursday evening since I’m off tomorrow. As I walk towards my Mustang, I contemplate calling Vicki. I haven’t talked to her in several days, but the thought of hanging out with her tonight has completely lost its appeal. Alluring blue-gray eyes and soft brown hair stands foremost in my thoughts.

  I back out of the driveway and point my car towards my house.

  I wonder what Lia is doing tonight?

  Chapter Two


  Nighttime is the worst. When the darkness of night sets in and the quiet of the apartment wraps around me, I can’t shut off my brain. I’ve been in Rivers Edge for just over two weeks now, and I was fortunate enough to find a job right away.

  When I drove into this quaint little town, the first stop I made was to the bakery for a cup of coffee and something sweet. It was late morning and the place was empty. The young woman at the counter started chatting with me as she prepared my coffee and readied my warm cinnamon roll.

  Talking to her had been so easy, which is completely unlike me. No connections. No emotions. Don’t talk about anything personal.

  Before I knew it, we talked for over an hour and she was offering me a job as her full-time assistant. I wasn’t sure where the road was taking me yet so I decided to take her up on the job offer. I could hang around Rivers Edge for a few months.

  Three months is the max that I allow myself to stay in any given location before moving on. I don’t get cozy. Cozy will result in dropping my guard. Dropping my guard will result in being found. I don’t want to be found.

  The single bedroom apartment above the bakery was perfect for my needs. It was mostly furnished already which is good because I have very little in the way of personal effects. The clothes on my back, some personal toiletries and effects, and a small stack of extra clothing is all I brought in the old, used Honda Accord I got from a shady used car salesman. Tennessee? Kentucky? I don’t remember. The states, the towns, all seem to blur together into one big cluster-fuck of a mess.

  Avery’s mother, Elizabeth Stevens, owns the building I currently call home. She’s the sweetest woman ever and waved the security deposit when I inquired about moving in above the bakery. She didn’t bat an eye to renting her place to a young woman that she didn’t know or who wasn’t from here. She just smiled and handed me the keys.

  I actually have my degree in interior design, but I worked in a bakery as I paid my way through college. Scholarships helped a girl like me, with my colorful background, but I was far from receiving a full ride.

  I force the memory of college and those years since out of my mind. Dwelling on the past or what could have been doesn’t help any. Right now, I need to focus on today. Keep my head down and off anyone’s radar. Use cash whenever I possibly can. And never get personal.

  As I lie down on the queen-sized bed, I can’t help but think about my run-in with Nate Stevens earlier this morning. He scared the crap out of me. For the first time in months, I felt like I had been found. It’s enough to make me consider moving on a little quicker than usual. I could pack up my measly array of personal belongings, hop into my worn-out Honda, and find another town - on the other side of the country.

  But something makes me want to stay. Something pulls deep in my chest like an unwanted need. Maybe not
something, but someone. Nate. Stevens.

  I sigh as I recall the intensity of his sparkling blue-green eyes. I swear he saw completely through me as he dissected my soul with his deep gaze. But for some strange reason, I want to be dissected by him. I’m not sure if it’s the way he filled out that tight white t-shirt or the way those Levi’s hugged his fine ass, but Nate Stevens definitely made me feel things I haven’t felt before. At least, things I haven’t felt in a long time.

  I watch a rerun of Desperate Housewives on late night television and can’t help but wonder what it would be like to settle down. To stop running. To find someone who makes me want to plant roots and spread my wings. Someone who actually wants to give me my dream instead of a nightmare.

  As I close my tired eyes, I picture those blue-green eyes that I’ve been seeing all day. Eyes I’ve seen ever since I slammed the pan against his skull. Twice.

  For the first time since I ran, I feel content.



  I’m startled awake from the dark recesses of sleep by another nightmare. They’re always the same.

  I feel his warm, angry breath against my skin as he wraps his hands around my neck. He usually avoids touching me in places where the public can see his marks, but tonight, my black sequined gown has a full neck which gives him the perfect cover for his markings.

  The air is sucked from my lungs as I struggle to breathe. I feel my feet dangle off the immaculate cherry hardwood floor as his livid, dark eyes bore into me.

  “Why must you test my patience so much, Amelia?” he seethes through gritted, pearly white teeth.

  I blink back the tears as the fog of the nightmare slowly fades away. My breathing is labored, coming out in short little pants. You’d think I would be used to the never-ending nightmare that was my life, but I’m not. It still affects me like it happened yesterday, not nine months ago.

  The alarm clock on the used nightstand reads four a.m. Almost time to get up anyway, so I roll out of bed and step onto the cool hardwood floor. It’s not nearly as nice as the hardwood floors I became accustomed to during my previous life, but these may actually be better. There’s nothing perfect about these floors. They are marked, scarred, and battered. Like me.


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