Book Read Free

Protect Me

Page 5

by Lacey Black

  I decide not to push again and steer the conversation towards her work. “So how do you like working for my sister?”

  “Avery is wonderful,” she replies with a friendly smile. “I worked at a bakery while I was going through college and then afterwards for a few years,” she adds with a shrug.

  “Where did you go to college?” I ask, hoping that she doesn’t clam up again.

  “Down in Florida,” she says nonchalantly. She doesn’t elaborate, and, again, I don’t push. I have a feeling that if I’m going to get answers from her, I’m going to have to bide my time and take this slow. She’s completely withdrawn and the last thing I want to do is push her away. “What about you?” she asks as she picks at her cuticles.

  “Born and raised here in Rivers Edge. Thought about leaving for about two minutes after high school. Ended up enrolling in the fire academy before the ink was completely dry on my diploma.”

  “So you work in St. Charles, is that right?”

  “Yep. Been there for ten years already.”

  “You must really love it. Your eyes light up every time you talk about it,” she says with a small smile.

  “I do. Don’t get me wrong, though, it’s a hard job. The days are long and the work is grueling. And not every call has a happy ending,” I reply and look distantly out the windshield. If she only knew some of the ghosts that haunt me in the dark, quiet night.

  About that time, thankfully, the server brings out a tray of food. Saved from the heavy shit by mouth-watering, greasy burgers.

  I hand the server a twenty as I start to distribute our food. Lia doesn’t hold back as she removes the paper wrapper from the burger and dives in. With the first bite, she moans and her eyes roll back in delight. Fuck me. That was the sexiest, most erotic display of eating I’ve ever witnessed. Check my damn pants if you need proof.

  I clear my suddenly dry throat. “Good?” I ask. It sounds deep and husky. Like sex.

  “This may very well be the best burger I’ve ever had,” she replies with a mouthful of food.

  I can’t help the laugh that erupts from deep within my gut. I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman sit in front of me, devouring her big, juicy cheeseburger, and talk with her mouth full. She’s not eating a salad, and I love it. I’d take a girl who will eat real, unhealthy food, any day.

  “Told you they were the best in town,” I reply before taking a huge bite of my own greasy burger.

  “Well, you definitely didn’t exaggerate. I may have found a new favorite while I’m in town,” she replies. Something deep within my gut tightens. The thought of sharing this favorite with her is thrilling and yet terrifying on so many levels. Or maybe it’s the fact that she said ‘while I’m in town’ like she knows she’s not staying.

  We make small talk, nothing too heavy, as we consume our dinner. Lia let me steal a couple of her fried pickles without giving me too much grief, and in return, she ate more than her share of fried cheese curds. I don’t even care. I would gladly give her every bit of food I have if it makes her happy. That smile. I’d give my left nut to see that smile on her face all the time.

  Knock this crazy shit off! Quit thinking like a chick, you emotional bastard. I mentally punch myself in the face.

  Maybe I need to go get laid.

  I wonder if I could make Lia moan like she did earlier while her eyes roll around in that pretty little head of hers as I drive myself deep within her sweet wetness.

  Damn with these tight pants. Maybe it’s time to get a bigger size?

  I adjust myself as casually as possible as I ball up my burger wrapper and throw it back up on the empty tray. Lia all but licks the bottom of the square wrapper before mirroring my action.

  Once our mess is cleaned up and the drinks are nothing more than melted ice, I look back over at the beauty sitting shotgun in my car. I can’t help but stare. She’s fucking beautiful. Her gray eyes are like magnets. I can’t fight the intense pulling as my eyes seek hers. It’s uncontrollable and that’s what confuses me the most. I like control. I like order. Lia makes me want to throw both of those out the damn window.

  “Do you want to go somewhere with me?” I ask, the words out of my mouth before I even process what I’m saying.

  She looks startled, yet curious. “Where?” she asks cautiously.

  I clear my throat. I can’t backtrack now that the words are already out there, so I have two choices. Lie and take her someplace else or take her to the one place no one has ever gone. The one place that is mine and mine alone. “I wanted to show you something,” I tell her as casually as possible, even though I’m starting to get a little sweaty in the pits.

  She raises an eyebrow in question and searches my face for an answer. I hold my breath again as I wait for her reply. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

  “Okay,” she says so quietly that I almost don’t hear her.

  I don’t hesitate. I scoot the metal arm that holds the food tray back towards the ordering platform, turn the key, and throw my Mustang in reverse. We’re bouncing out of the craterous parking lot a few moments later.

  Once on the highway, I chance a glance over at Lia. She’s picking at her nails again. Nervous habit? I crank up the stereo to help drown out the silence. It’s not a bad silence, but one filled with question. And not just Lia’s questions. My own, too. Like ‘What the hell are you doing?’ kinda questions.

  Ten minutes later, I slow my car down as I approach the entrance to the worn, grassy path. I turn off the highway, shut off the car, and hop out. I grab my keys and walk towards the padlock that keeps the rest of the world off of this path. Once the gate is opened completely, I slip back in my car and start it up. I look over at Lia who seems way more nervous than anyone has ever been before.

  “Hey, I’m not a serial killer or anything,” I tell her with a smile to try to break the tension and, hopefully, ease her nervousness.

  “Okay, if you say so,” she replies with a shrug. “Though, I’m pretty sure all serial killers say they aren’t serial killers before they torture their victim with ropes and tasers.”

  I chuckle a little and make a grab for her hands that are wringing together in her lap. I give them a gentle squeeze and look deep into her uneasy eyes. “If you want to turn back, we can. Just say the words, Lia, and we’re out of here and on our way back to your car,” I tell her as I rub my fingers along her fidgety ones.

  Lia exhales loudly and closes her eyes for a few seconds. “No. Show me,” she says. It’s in that moment I see the trust in her eyes. She knows I’m not some crazy psycho delivering her to her untimely death.

  “Okay. If you’re sure?” I ask, giving her one last chance to change her mind.

  “I’m sure. Let’s go,” she replies with a small smile.

  I throw the car in drive with my left hand before returning it to the steering wheel. I have to use my left because I don’t let go of her hands with my right. They feel so small and warm nestled within my own. It’s comfortable.

  I drive about a quarter of a mile back along the path before my headlights hit the small wooden shed along the creek bank. I park my Mustang in its usual spot next to the outbuilding. I turn off the engine, bathing us in instant quiet and darkness. You can hear the crickets chirp and the fish jumping. I still hold Lia’s hands within mine as if offering her reassurance and comfort in her time of need.

  “What is this place?” she finally asks after a few minutes of quiet.

  “This is my favorite place,” I tell her. “This is on the edge of my parent’s property. We’ve always fished and camped here when I was growing up, but it was owned by old man Baxter. He never used it so he sold this little strip of land - about ten acres - to my parents earlier this year. My dad has been the one taking care of the land anyway. He built that shed there when I was about ten years old. The creek that feeds into the Missouri River is right there,” I say as I point to the darkened area in front of us. “This little building is a small camping or fishing shed. Jus
t a little place to get out of the elements if needed.”

  The day is growing darker by the minute. Lia looks through the darkness and surveys the area. It’s heavily wooded right up to the creek bank. The small shack houses an old cot, folding chairs, fishing supplies, and some cookware.

  “Wanna see?” I ask nervously.

  “Yes,” she replies instantly, excited gray eyes meeting my slightly nervous ones.

  I slide out of the car and walk around. Lia already has her door open and is stepping out by the time I get around to her. I take her soft hand within mine and walk her towards the shack. I use the key to unlock the second padlock on the door and pull out a couple of folding chairs.

  The earth in front of the building is pretty flat so I open up the first chair and place it on level ground. I make a gesture with my hand, indicating for Lia to take a seat, before I open the second chair. I set my chair nice and close. Maybe I’ll grab a hold of her hand again.

  Hell yes I’m doing it again.

  With Lia sitting snugly next to me, I reach over and take that hand within mine. We sit in silence for several minutes, just enjoying the quiet and warmth of nightfall. The breeze is warm and has a sticky, muggy feel, but I’m so used to it that it doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t appear to bother Lia too much either, as a matter of fact.

  I glance over at her. She has her legs extended in front of her, her head back and her eyes closed. She looks so peaceful in the dark of night. Like nothing could possibly bother her. No secrets. No past. No baggage that I know we all carry.

  Lia must feel my eyes on her because she slowly opens hers, lashes seductively moving like a slow motion dream sequence, and then looks over at me. We stare in that crazy dreamlike trance for several heartbeats before she finally speaks. “So, tell me about this place.”

  “This is my favorite spot. I’ve fished right here along these creek banks for as long as I can remember. My dad and brothers don’t really come out here too much anymore, but I still do. My parents’ house isn’t too far away past those trees over there so they can always tell when I come out here. It’s not like the Mustang is quiet. But, they don’t bother me. They just let me be,” I tell her and look off into the distance.

  “I can see why you love it,” she says and stares at the slow moving creek.

  “Someday, I’ll have my own place like this; preferably along the creek with a bunch of trees.” I don’t know why I told her that. I’ve never told anyone that - ever. My dream of living in the quiet of the woods is similar to that of my dad and a few of my brothers, but to actually share that piece of my soul with someone is so unlike me. I haven’t shared anything real in years. Fourteen years to be exact.

  “That sounds nice,” she replies without looking at me.

  “What’s your dream?” I ask curiously.

  Lia exhales and continues to stare off into the night. I start to think she’s not going to answer my question when she finally says, “Freedom. Safety. Roots. That’s what I want,” she whispers into the quietness surrounding us. I know those three little words mean so much more than their basic definitions. Lia is like a giant jigsaw puzzle that you don’t have the box to anymore. You can’t see the picture, and I’m working hard at putting the pieces together in their correct spots. With each piece that falls into place, I start to learn a little about the real Lia. I know that it’s going to take work to get it right, but damn it if I don’t love fucking puzzles.

  “That’s a nice dream.” Lia doesn’t reply. “Lia,” I start and I sit forward and turn towards her. I take her hand that is still securely tucked within mine and turn her towards me. “This place is my safe haven. I know that when I’m here, nothing can bother me. Nothing can get me. I am safe. No one comes back here.” I stand up and pull her upright. I lead her towards the shed and grab the flashlight from its spot on the shelf by the doorway. I flip it on, bathing the room in light. I head towards the cot, finally letting go of her hand for the first time since we got here. I quickly squat down and retrieve the small locked box from underneath.

  “This is a twenty-two pistol,” I say as I turn the dial on the locking mechanism. “Five-Eight-Two. That’s the combination,” I say as I line up the numbers and open the box. “It’s always loaded. Do you know how to use it?” I ask, looking at Lia for the first time since we entered the shed. Her eyes are wild. She stares down at the gun in my hand. Hell, I’m not sure if she’s breathing right now.

  “Lia? Do you know how to shoot?” I push. She shakes her head from side to side. “Then we are going to come out here very soon and show you how, okay?” I place the gun inside the box and set the box on the cot. “Lia, I want you to know that if you ever need a place to go - a place that’s safe - you can come here. Anytime. Day or night. No questions asked. I will come for you. I promise. Okay?” I ask, urging her to acknowledge me.

  She stares up at me, seriousness and fear lacing her beautiful features, and she shakes her head tentatively. I have no idea why I felt the need to show her the gun - to tell her about the safe haven of this place. But something twisted deep in my gut like a knife and told me that this woman needs this safety. Needs the reassurance. Needs the protection. And damn it if I’m not going to be the one to give it to her.

  “Thank you,” she says as she slowly steps forward and into my broad chest. She fits perfectly. Like that damn puzzle piece. The top of her head hits just below my chin, and I snake my arms protectively around her lean body. I can feel the shivers rake through her, and I know it’s not from the dampness of the night. It’s fear. Fuck if that doesn’t make me want to go out of my damn mind, throwing punches and kicking ass.

  Why in the hell is she so scared?

  The possible reasons terrify me as much as my need to find that answers.

  We stand together, locked in each other’s arms, for several minutes until Lia’s breathing becomes even again. I feel her hot breath against my chest and, damn, if it doesn’t make my heart beat a little faster. I swear she can probably feel my heart somersaulting around against her.

  Lia finally pulls back and gazes up into my eyes. I can’t stop my hands as they slide up her back, across her shoulders, and caress up her neck. Her neck is fucking fantastic. The desire to stroke, lick, and kiss it consumes me like a wildfire. I always thought of myself as an ass man, but holding Lia against me, my hands touching the soft, delicate skin of her neck, has me rethinking my entire stance on female body parts.

  I watch as Lia’s eyes darken to a deep gray, almost black. Her sexy little mouth opens just a little and her breathing picks up. My eyes lock on those lush, pink lips, and before I can talk myself out of it, I lean forward, lightly rubbing my lips against hers. Just a little taste. I wait a breath for her to pull away or tell me to stop, and when it doesn’t come, I go in for the kill. My hands slide up her neck and hold her in place. My fingers caress her earlobes as I devour her mouth with my own, tipping her head upward to give me better access to her mouth. Her breath is as sweet as I imagined it would be. Her lips are soft and full and taste like honey. Her tongue is wicked as she slides it against mine. We battle with our mouths, pulling and pushing with just enough tenderness and force. It’s a damn awesome kiss.

  The sound of Lia moaning into my mouth does two things. One, it makes my already hard cock scream for attention. It’s practically banging itself against my stomach and ripping through my jeans like The Hulk. Two, it slowly brings me back to the fact that we’re standing in my dad’s fishing shack and I’m kissing a girl who is fearful and anxious. The last thing I need is for her to think I’m forcing myself onto her. She’s like a mouse, all scared and timid. I know I need to back this up a little, but damn, if these lips aren’t heaven on earth.

  I slowly pull myself away from her. Her eyes remain closed and her lips are parted. She looks sexy as hell, and man, if I don’t want to go in for another kiss.

  “I should probably get you back to your car,” I finally tell her. She slowly opens her eyes and the
looks she gives me about knocks me on my ass. Her eyes are filled with lust. Not the kind of lust you see when you take home a date from the bar or a night out. No, this look is trusting and seductive. It’s fear of the unknown and excitement. Lia is so damn different.

  I clear my throat and pull farther away. I drop my hands from her neck and turn to lock the gun in the safety box. Once it’s back in its place under the cot, I take Lia’s hand and lead her back outside. Night has completely fallen now and the only light is the glow of the almost full moon. I throw the chairs back inside the shed and lock the padlock. With Lia’s hand securely inside of mine again, I lead her towards the passenger side of my car. I don’t kiss her like I want to. I don’t want to push.

  Slow. Take this slow.

  I walk slowly around to my side of the car. I use my non-existent superpowers to will my hard-on to subside, but nothing seems to work. Not with Lia sitting right next to me. I start the ignition, throw the car in reverse, and slowly make my way out of the path towards the highway.

  After making sure the lock is secure on the main gate padlock, I head back towards town. We are both quiet the entire ten minute trip to town, but it’s not weird or anything. Neither of us say anything as we enjoy the quiet of the night. While I drive, Lia reaches over and links her fingers with mine. Instant calm washes over me as her warm skin presses against mine.

  When I pull back into the lot next to the hardware store, I kill the engine and get out, taking my keys with me. Lia is already sliding out as I reach her side. We both stare at each other, neither one really knowing what to say.

  Finally, I say, “Thank you for going to dinner with me.”

  “Thank you for inviting me,” she replies with a small smile. God, I love that smile.

  I reach down into my pocket and take out my keys. I remove the small padlock key and slip it into her hand. “Take this,” I tell her.

  Her eyes drop down to examine the key she’s now holding. She gazes back up with questioning eyes. “If you ever need it. It’s safe,” I tell her.


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