The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1

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The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1 Page 76

by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

  Otsep, 377

  Ovsyannikov, 169–70

  Palchinskaya, Nina A., 6, 74

  Palchinsky, Pyotr A., 6, 44, 74, 200, 374–75, 395, 409, 630

  Palen (Pahlen), Pyotr A., 37

  Pannwitz, Helmuth von, 263

  paradise islands see prisoners, special-assignment work passports, internal, 11, 39, 54, 82

  Pasternak, Boris L., 614, 630

  Paul I, Tsar, 433

  Paulus, Friedrich von, 210

  Pavel, 580

  Pavel, Andrei, 11, 12

  Pavlova, Anna P., 262

  PD (Criminal Activity), 284

  peasants, 30, 33, 55–56, 57–58, 302–03, 360

  Committees of the Poor, 29, 55, 303, 637

  intensivniki, 420

  podkulachniks, 56–57

  “Siberian Peasants’ Union,” trial, 33

  see also agriculture; collectives; famine; kulaks; Working Peasants Party

  Perel, 73

  Peresvetov, R., 133

  Perkhurov, Aleksandr P., 367, 630

  Peshekhonov, Aleksei V., 372, 630

  Peshkova-Vinaver, Yekaterina P., 41, 59, 227, 630

  Pestel, Pavel I., 132, 630

  Peter I (Peter the Great), 28, 54, 93, 432

  Peter and Paul Fortress, 34, 275n, 479

  Peters, Yakov K., 314, 318, 321, 630

  Petrograd see Leningrad

  Petunin, 401

  PFL (Identification and Screening Camp), 248–49

  Pilnyak (Vogau), Boris A., 215, 630

  Pintsov, Rudolf, 126

  Platonov, Sergei F., 51, 630

  Plekhanov, Georgi V., 39, 194, 630

  Pletnev, Dmitri D., 60n, 630

  Pobedonostsev, Konstantin P., 310, 631

  Podbelsky, Yuri, 463n

  Podgaisky, 312–13

  podkulachniks, 56–57

  Poincare, Raymond, 47, 385

  Pokhilko, 151n

  Pokrovsky, Viktor P., 443

  Poland, 41, 260n, 384

  World War II, 254n, 257n;

  Polish prisoners of war, 86, 219

  Poles (in U.S.S.R.): arrests, 77, 81

  Political Red Cross, 40–41, 227, 332, 468

  polutsvetnye (“bitches” or “half-breeds”), 559, 580–81, 619

  Pomgol see State Commission for Famine Relief

  Ponomaryev, 609

  Popkov, 164

  Popov, Blagoi S., 247n

  Popular Socialist Party, 30, 640

  Postyshev, Pavel P., 412, 631

  Potapov, Seryezha, 125n, 580

  Prague: World War II, 235, 258–59

  Pravda, 336, 367, 369, 374n, 463

  prisoners: “beavers,” 507, 546

  body searches, 481, 533, 569, 570

  case files, 514, 533, 559, 560, 561, 562

  clothing, 515, 542, 569, 583, 598

  communication, clandestine, 189, 205, 215, 280, 461, 481

  correspondence, 6, 460, 480, 481, 514–15, 549–50

  commissary, 114, 457, 460, 480

  under death sentence, 444–55

  exercise, 204, 211–13, 275n, 460, 466, 474, 478, 480, 601

  food and drink, 53, 93, 98, 110, 111, 113, 114–15, 182, 204, 206–07, 224–25, 452, 457, 479, 494–96, 498, 509, 510, 511, 533, 536, 538, 540, 541, 556, 564, 571–72, 576, 577, 578, 581, 583, 584, 607

  food parcels, 6, 114, 195–96, 214, 280, 452, 469, 479, 546, 606

  general-assignment work, 514, 556, 564, 619

  hunger strikes, 464–74

  illness and disease, 34n, 114, 125, 207–08, 446, 453, 479, 482, 535, 536, 564, 579, 585

  number of, estimate, 595

  personal possessions, 460, 465, 481, 492, 502, 503, 506, 507, 508, 510, 511, 515, 529, 544, 546, 569, 570, 584

  petitions, 208–09, 446, 483

  reading matter, 214—16, 457, 458, 460, 465, 468, 474, 477, 482, 484, 601

  registration cards, 589–90

  rights, 140, 141, 207, 208–09, 460

  sanitary facilities, 125, 183, 203–05, 210, 225, 274, 280, 496–98, 527, 533, 540–41, 542, 569, 578, 579, 597, 601

  special-assignment work (paradise islands; sharashka), 556, 563, 588, 590, 596, 598, 604, 640

  stool pigeons, 128, 153, 185, 186, 448, 574, 618

  “suckers,” 497–98, 505, 515, 571, 619

  see also amnesty; arrests; camps; family and relatives (of prisoner); interrogations; prisoner transport; prisons; sentences; thieves; transit prisons and camps

  prisoners, nonpolitical, 65, 86–89, 250–51, 499–500, 619

  short-term sentences, 288n-289n, 560

  terms switched or sold, 560, 561

  as trusties, 536, 543–45, 559–60, 570, 580–81, 619–20

  World War II, release for military service, 81

  see also amnesty; thieves

  prisoners of war, 242, 249–50

  and Criminal Code, 61, 245

  Finnish War, 77, 243

  and Hague Convention, 219

  surrender forbidden by military statutes, 61, 77, 239, 243

  World War I, 219n, 242

  prisoners of war (World War II):

  British, 219, 243

  German, 84, 584, 602

  in German camps, 218–19, 239, 243, 245–46, 248, 256

  Japanese, 84

  Norwegian, 219

  Polish, 86, 219

  Soviet, 218, 219; arrests after return, 25, 81, 82–83, 142, 164, 221n, 237–51 passim, 255–56, 259–60, 260–61, 602; as fighting force with Resistance and partisans, 244–45, 261; as police (Polizei), 142, 218, 245, 246, 640; repatriation by Allies, 82n, 249, 259–60; as spies for Wehrmacht, 220, 221–22, 246–47, 247–48, 260, 261; as work force, 82n-83n, 238, 245, 246, 258; see also World War II, anti-Soviet fighting forces with Wehrmacht

  Yugoslav, 219

  prisoner transport, 489–532, 565–87

  Black Marias, 42, 160, 489, 525, 527–32

  boats and barges, 32, 435, 499, 535, 565, 577–82

  carts, 491, 563, 583

  convoy guards, 64, 490, 491, 494–98 passim, 506–15 passim, 523, 533, 567–75 passim, 579, 580, 584, 585, 586; on special convoy, 16, 588, 589, 590–91

  food and drink, 494–96, 498, 509, 510, 511, 571–72, 576, 578, 579, 581, 584

  on foot, 491, 525, 527–28, 565, 567, 576, 578, 583–86

  loading and unloading of prisoners, 490, 524–27, 567–70

  police dogs, 568, 575, 576, 584, 585

  railroad cars (vagonzak): red cattle cars, 489, 559, 565–67, 568, 570–74, 584, 585; Stolypin cars, 490–94, 501, 513, 521, 566, 641

  sanitary facilities, 496–98, 527, 578, 579

  thieves, 492, 498–99, 501–08 passim, 515–16, 529–30, 570–71, 572, 573, 575, 579–80

  Tsarist regime, 495n, 499–500

  women, 38, 491, 494, 498, 499, 521, 530, 584

  prisons, 457–83

  cells, 68, 444–45, 457, 478, 479–80, 480–81, 533, 534–35, 537–38, 597–98, 606; interrogation, 98, 99, 100, 113–14, 179–89, 606; KPZ (Cell for Preliminary Detention), 9, 124–25, 180; punishment cells, 98, 99, 100, 113–14, 182, 481–82, 494, 638; solitary confinement (“box,” pit), 109, 110, 113, 124, 163, 180, 468

  churches and monasteries used as, 438, 450, 479, 605

  DPZ (House of Preliminary Detention), 180

  internal prisons, 184n, 190

  isolator, 460, 473, 474, 475, 479–84, 638

  TON (Special Purpose Prison), 457, 478–84

  see also interrogations; transit prisons and camps; Tsarist regime, prisons and camps

  Prokopovich, Sergei N., 34, 631

  Promparty (Industrial Party), 640

  trial, 1, 47, 48, 49–50, 299, 336, 376–99, 400, 406

  Provisional Government, 355, 359, 402, 434, 640

  Prugavin, Aleksandr S., 437n

  Pryubel, Artur, 369n-370n

  PSh (Suspicion of Espionage), 64, 284

  Ptukhin, Yevgeny S., 80, 631

  Pugachev, Yem
elyan I., 433, 631

  Punich, Ivan A., 73n

  Pyankov, 281

  Pyatakov, Georgi L., 354, 411, 415–16

  PZ (Toadyism Toward the West), 91

  Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 262

  Radek, Karl B., 370n, 410, 415, 416, 631

  Radishchev, Aleksandr N., 131, 500, 631

  Rafailsky, 314

  railroads, 28, 44–45, 493, 592–93

  Chinese Eastern Railroad (KVZhD), 72, 156, 217, 637

  militarization of, 87, 439

  Vikzhel (All-Russian Executive Committee of Railroad Workers Union), 28, 641

  see also prisoner transport, railroad cars

  Rakovskaya, Yelena, 90

  Ralov, R., 129

  Ramzin, Leonid K., 377, 386–90 passim, 394, 396, 398–99, 401, 631

  Ransome, Arthur, 13n, 631

  Rappoport, Arnold, 279, 471–72

  Raskolnikov (Ilin), Fyodor F., 467, 631

  Rasputin, Grigory Y., 199, 322, 631

  Ratner, Yevgeniya M., 364

  Razin, Stepan T. (Stenka), 599, 631

  Red Army see military forces

  Red Cross see International Red Cross; Political Red Cross

  Reformatsky, Mikhail A., 443

  Reilly, Sidney G., 127, 631

  religious persecution and arrests, 51, 58, 59, 90, 475; see also Jews; Moslems; Orthodox Church; Roman Catholic Church

  Repin, Ilya Y., 557, 631

  Repina, 531

  Reunov, Volodya, 580

  Revolutionary Tribunals (Revtri-bunals), 32, 282, 301–05, 308, 640; see also individual trials

  Rimalis, 107

  RKI (Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspection): Oldenborger trial, 336–41 passim

  ROA see “Russian Liberation Army”

  Rodionovites see Gil-Blazhevich (Rodionov)

  Roginsky, Grigory K., 399

  Rokossovsky, Konstantin K., 252n, 448, 631

  Roman Catholic Church: arrests and persecution, 37

  Romanov, Panteleimon S., 215, 632

  Romanov, Vasily F., 420, 421

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 259n, 553–54, 611–12

  Rossiya Insurance Company, 134, 210–11

  Rostov-on-the-Don: House 33, 43, 103n, 104–05

  Rottenberg, 314, 316, 318

  Rozhansky, Dmitri A., 48, 49

  Rozsas, Janos, 279

  Rubin, Pyotr P., 465–66

  Rudzutak, Yan E., 412, 632

  Rumania, 384

  World War II, 610

  Rumanians: arrests, 86

  Rumyantseva, Yuliya, 133

  Rusov, 152, 421

  Russell, Bertrand, 537n

  “Russian Liberation Army” (ROA), 251, 253, 257

  Russian Orthodox Church see Orthodox Church

  Russkaya Pravda, 132, 640

  Russkiye Vedomosti: trial, 310—11

  Ryabushinsky, Pavel P., 47, 632

  Rybakova, Vera, 15

  Rykov, Aleksei I., 335, 405, 410, 415, 416, 632

  Ryleyev, Kondrati F., 131–32, 632

  Rysakov, Nikolai I., 132, 632

  Ryumin, M. D., 126, 127, 157–58, 182n, 297, 596, 632

  Ryurik, 64, 232, 435, 632

  Ryzhei, Pyotr L. see Tur Brothers

  sabotage: and Criminal Code, 65, 67

  Saburov, 421, 429, 430, 450

  Sakharov, Igor K,, 257n, 632

  Saltychikha (Darya N. Saltykova), 211n, 437, 632

  Samarin, A. D., 322, 324

  Samsonov, Aleksandr V., 253n, 632

  Samulyev, 110

  Sandormirskaya, 41

  Sanin, 508–09, 510, 511

  Santerre, Max, 517

  Sapropelite Committee, 95–96, 640

  Saunin, 75

  Savinkov, Boris V., 310, 357, 367–69, 369n-370n, 632

  Savinkov, Lev B., 369, 371

  Savva, St., 325, 632

  Savvatyevsky Monastery Prison see Solovetsky Islands

  Sayenko, 156

  Schlüsselburg Fortress, 41, 434n, 457–58, 462, 479, 480, 482, 640

  schools and universities: arrests and persecution, 26, 28, 31, 34, 38–39, 40, 43, 48, 59, 73, 90, 313, 357, 358, 416, 611

  see also intelligentsia

  Schrödinger, Erwin, 599

  Schultz, 291n, 497

  Schutzbündlers, 59, 608, 640

  scientists: arrests and persecution, 31, 73, 90, 95–96

  see also intelligentsia

  Sedelnikov, 336, 339, 340, 341

  Sedin, Ivan K., 231, 632

  Sedykh, Lyuba, 159

  Selivanov, Dmitri F., 372, 632

  Semyonov, 350

  Semyonov, 362

  Semyonov, Nikolai A., 248, 601

  Senchenko, 152–53, 164

  sentences, 284–86, 288–89, 291

  in camp, 81, 248

  death penalty (supreme measure), 60, 62, 63, 67, 243, 283, 291, 300, 302, 352–53, 432–55; abolishment, 89, 302, 324, 434, 435–36, 439; appeals and commutation, 446, 453; during Civil War, 300, 435; (1937–38), 438–39; reinstatement, 89n, 290–91, 433, 434, 435, 436, 439; during Tsarist regime, 301, 432–34

  disenfranchisement (“muzzle”), 245, 248, 291

  “minus,” 35, 271, 282

  repeaters (second-termers), 25, 89–90

  terms switched or sold, 560, 561

  see also amnesty; Criminal Code Serdyukova, 14

  Serebryakova, Galina I., 540n, 632

  Sergius, St., 326, 632

  Sergius, Archimandrite, 352

  Serov, Ivan A., 149n, 632

  Seryegin, Viktor A., 293

  “Seven-eighths” law, 58, 88, 436–37

  Shakespeare, William, 173–74

  Shakhty case: trial, 47, 336, 373–75, 376

  Shalamov, Varlam T., 99n, 632

  Kolyma Stories, xii, 632

  Sketches of the Criminal World, 580n

  Shanghai: Soviet émigrés, 264

  sharashka see prisoners, special-assignment work

  Shchastny, Aleksei M., 306–07, 434, 435, 632

  Shchebetin, 545

  Shcherbakov, Aleksandr S., 157, 231, 632

  Shein, 373

  Sheinin, Lev R., 22, 633

  Shendrik, 555–56

  Sheshkovsky, Stepan I., 131, 633

  Shevtsov, Sergei P., 41

  Shipovalnikov, Father Viktor, 127, 169, 576

  Shitov, 150

  Shkurkin, 154

  Shmidt, Pyotr P., 614, 633

  Sholokhov, Mikhail A., 244n, 633

  Shpakov, Volodya, 580

  Shpalernaya (prison; Moscow), 144, 459

  Shtrobinder, Aleksandr, 443

  Shubin, 425

  Shulgin, Vasily V., 264–65, 633

  Shvernik, Nikolai M., 399, 405–06, 633

  “Siberian Peasants’ Union”: trial, 33

  Sidorov, 116

  Sikorski, Wladyslaw, 77

  Sinebryukhov, 286

  Sivakov, 98

  Skobtsova, Yelizaveta Y. (Mother Mariya), 188, 633

  Skorokhvatov, 154

  Skripnikova, Anna P., 8, 34n, 43, 98, 483, 500

  Skrypnik, Nikolai A., 411, 633

  Skuratov, Malyuta (Grigory L. Belsky), 168, 633

  Skyrius, Romualdas, 100

  Slesarev, 292

  Sliozberg (Adamova-Sliozberg), Olga, xii, 294, 480

  Smelov, Gennady, 473

  SMERSH, 23, 640

  Smirnov, 351

  Smirnov, Fyodor I., 420, 421, 422, 427, 429, 430

  Smirnov, Ivan N., 410, 411, 472, 633

  Smushkevich, Yakov V., 80, 633

  Social Democrats: arrests, 30, 36, 191, 460, 472, 474

  Socialist Revolutionary Party, 191, 355–61 passim, 409, 640

  arrests and trials, 29, 30, 31, 36, 41, 63, 302, 460, 463, 472, 474, 475; amnesty (1919), 358–59, 360; Central Committee, trial, 306–07, 342, 351–52, 354–67

  socialists: arrests, 35–36, 39, 51, 59, 72, 469, 473–78, 500

  SOE (Socially Dangerous Element), 8
6, 284

  Sokol, 115

  Sokolnikov, Grigory Y., 414–15, 633

  Sokolov, 447

  Solovetsky Islands (Solovki): Special Purpose Camp (SLON; Muskalmsky, Savvatyevsky, Troitsky monastery prisons), 32, 37, 38, 43, 189, 463–65, 480, 640

  Solovyev, 314, 316, 317, 318

  Solovyev, Vladimir S., 37, 633

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I.: arrest and imprisonment, 16–23, 66–67, 133–34, 153, 164–67, 250, 277–79; Butyrki, 237, 239, 241–42, 248, 252n, 260, 265, 267–68, 269, 271–80, 395, 594–615; camp, 142, 589–90, 598, 601; Krasnaya Presnya, 537–38, 546–49, 551–54, 557–58, 563–64; Lubyanka, 134–42, 144, 184–235; prisoner transport, 524–26, 530–32; special convoy, 588, 590–94 passim

  The First Circle, 157, 590

  and Khrushchev, 234n

  military career, 19, 162–64, 169–70, 238–39, 255–57, 260, 594

  One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, 170, 175n, 298, 540n

  Rostov University, 160, 161

  Sorokin, 422

  South Africa, Republic of, 290n

  Spain: Civil War, 86, 263

  Spanish Inquisition, 435n

  Special Boards (OSO), 143, 275, 281, 283–86, 288, 289, 290, 295, 641

  Special Purpose Prisons (TON), 457, 478–84

  Special Purpose Detachments (CHON), 303

  spies see espionage

  SR see Socialist Revolutionary Party

  Sretenka (prison; Moscow), 568

  Stakhanovite movement, 139

  Stalin, Iosif V., 633

  amnesty (1945) and rumors of, 78, 190n, 191n, 251, 271, 272, 273, 274, 278n, 280, 608

  and Bukharin, 411–18 passim

  Okhrana, possible service in, 67n, 195n

  Order No. 227 (World War II), 81

  and public trials, 47–48, 49–50

  “Six Conditions,” 48

  Stalingrad: World War II, 81, 162

  State Bank, 401

  State Commission for Famine Relief (Pomgol), 34, 344, 345, 346, 347, 351, 638

  State Planning Commission (Gosplan), 44, 63, 272, 392, 401

  Stavrov, 420, 421, 426

  Steiner, 258

  Stelmakh, 98, 300

  Stempkovsky, V. I., 330

  Stepun, Fyodor A., 372, 634

  Stolyarova, N., 131

  Stolypin, Pyotr A., 301, 310, 389, 491, 634

  Stolypin cars see prisoner transport, railroad cars

  stool pigeons, 128, 153, 185, 186, 448, 574, 618

  Strakhovich, Konstantin I., 153, 289, 442, 444, 445, 446, 447

  Strakhovich, Yelizaveta V., 153

  Strik-Strikfeldt, Wilfred, 253n

  Strutinskaya, Yelena, 109

  Struzhinsky, 462, 503

  students see schools and universities

  Sudrabs, Yan F. see Latsis (Lacis), Martyn I.

  Sukhanov (Gimmer), Nikolai N., 49, 634

  Sukhanovka: prison, 113, 117, 126, 181–83, 479

  Supreme Council of the Economy (VSNKh), 43–44, 63, 392, 401, 641


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