The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1

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The Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1 Page 75

by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

  Industrial Party see Promparty

  informers, 40, 46, 59, 97; see also denunciations

  Ingal, Georgi, 613, 614

  Ingush, 84, 638

  Inoshin, 5

  intelligentsia: arrests and persecution, 28, 31, 41–42, 72–73, 371–72, 399: “Tactical Center” case, trial, 327–33, 401

  Lenin on, 32, 328

  see also engineers and technicians; literature; schools and universities; scientists

  International Red Cross, 219

  interrogations, 65, 67, 93—143, 144, 504, 619

  Form 206, 70, 141, 142–43

  physical methods, 53, 54, 93, 98–99, 100, 102, 103, 108–17, 126–27, 127–28

  psychological methods, 97–98, 99, 103–08, 448

  Tsarist regime, 132, 409

  see also Code of Criminal Procedure; prisons

  Ion, Father Superior, 325

  Iosse, Konkordiya N., 40, 154

  Irakly, Father, 14–15

  Irkutsk: prison, 534, 535, 542

  Italy: World War II, Resistance, 257n

  ITL (Corrective Labor Camp), 248

  Ivan Kalita, 339, 625

  Ivanov, 243

  Ivanov, V. I., 505n

  Ivanova, 361

  Ivanovo: prisons, 445, 450–51, 452, 489, 534–35

  Ivanov-Razumnik (Razumnik V. Ivanov), 99n, 111, 125, 150n, 395, 625

  Ivkov, 117

  Izgoyev (Lande), Aleksandr S., 372, 625

  Izmailov, Nikolai V., 51, 625

  Izvestiya, 36n, 133, 290n, 291n, 297n, 375n, 400, 413

  Japan: World War II, 84, 259n

  Japanese War, 272

  Jews, persecution of: Germany, 55, 174

  Soviet: Black Hundreds, 312, 339, 627; “doctors’ case,” 92, 157, 158, 638; Hehalutz, 38, 638

  judiciary see laws and judiciary

  Kadenko group, 83

  Kady case: trial, 419–31, 449, 450; see also Vlasov, Vasily G.

  Kagan, Viktor, 601

  Kaganovich, Lazar M., 45, 414–15, 416, 417, 625

  Kalganov, Aleksandr, 71

  Kalina, Ira, 562

  Kalinin, Mikhail I., 344, 345, 449, 455, 472n, 586, 625

  Kalinnikov, Ivan A., 379, 389, 398

  Kalmyks, 25, 84, 638

  Kalyagin, 292

  Kamenev (Rosenfeld), Lev B., 130, 358, 397, 409–13 passim, 467, 625

  Kaminsky (and “Kaminsky brigade”), 257n, 258n

  Kanatchikov, 345

  Kaplan, Fanya (Dora), 328, 362, 625

  Karakozov, Dmitri V., 287, 625

  Karasik, 425, 428

  Karbe, Yuri, 539

  Karetnikov, Aleksandr G., 294–95, 296

  Karger, N. K., 6

  Karklin, 354, 435

  Karpov, Fyodor F., 248, 601

  Karpunich-Braven, 10, 116, 126

  Karsavin, Lev P., 372, 625

  Kasso, Lev A., 310, 626

  Kasyanov, Vasily A., 98

  Katanyan, Ruben P., 465, 626

  Katyn, 77

  Kaverznev (Kolbe), 79n

  Kazakov, Ignati N., 5n, 626

  Kazan: prison, 480, 481, 482

  Kerch: World War II, 81, 239, 241

  Kerensky, Aleksandr F., 434, 626

  KGB (State Security Committee), 638

  Khalkhin-Gol, 80, 110, 638

  Kharkov: Political Red Cross, 41

  World War II, 81, 239

  Khasan, 80, 639

  Khodkevich, Tanya, 37

  Kholik, 294

  Khomenko, V. N., 453–54

  Khrennikov, 375, 396, 409

  Khrushchev, Nikita S., 159, 230–31

  reforms, 158n, 296–97, 407–08, 555

  and Solzhenitsyn, 234n

  Khrushcheva, L. N., 332

  Khrustalev-Nosar, Georgi S., 435, 626

  Kineshma: prison, 450, 489

  Kirov (Kostrikov), Sergei M., 58, 412, 437, 626

  Kirov (form. Vyatka): prison, 462, 537

  Kirpotenko, 393

  Kishkin, Nikolai M., 34, 330, 626

  Kiula, Konstantin, 603

  Kizevetter (Kiesewetter), Aleksandr A., 372, 626

  Klegel, 8

  Klempner, Volodya, 602

  Klyuchevsky, Vasily O., 326, 626

  Klyugin, 425, 426–27, 450

  Klyuyev, Nikolai A., 98, 626

  Knyazh-Pogost: camp, 539–40, 573, 584–85

  Kocherovsky, 41

  Koestler, Arthur, 409, 412

  Kogan, Lazar, 42

  Kokhanskaya, 156

  Kolchak, Aleksandr V., 123, 314, 326, 359, 360, 626

  Koloskov, 469

  Kolpakov, Yakov P., 452

  Koltsov, Nikolai K., 331, 626

  Kolupayev, 557

  Komsomol (Young Communist League), 42, 48, 612, 639

  Kondratyev, Nikolai D., 50, 331, 626

  Konopleva, 362

  Kopeikin, 478

  Korea, 260n

  Koreans (in U.S.S.R.): arrests, 72, 247

  Korneyev, I., 154, 479, 480–81, 507

  Korneyeva, Vera A., 107–08, 170–72, 279, 494, 527

  Kornilov, Lavr G., 402, 467, 626

  Korolenko, Vladimir G., 31, 281, 434, 523, 626

  letters to Gorky, 34, 36n

  Letters to Lunacharsky, 343

  Korzukhin, 153

  Kosaryeva, Lena, 90

  Kosior, Stanislav V., 412, 626

  Kosyrev, F. M.: trial, 95, 314–22, 370n

  Kotik, Liza, 476

  Kotlas: prison, 538–39, 546, 557, 584

  Kotlyarevsky, 330

  Kotov, 140, 141

  Kotovich group, 73

  Koverchenko, Ivan, 517–21

  Kovno Fortress, 96

  Kovsharov, 352

  Kozlov, 461

  Kozyrev, Nikolai A., 480, 481, 482, 484, 627

  KPZ (Cell for Preliminary Detention), 9, 124–25, 180

  KR/KR’s (Counter-Revolutionaries), 41, 227, 468, 475–76, 500

  KRD (Counter-Revolutionary Activity), 139n, 284

  KRM (Counter-Revolutionary Thought), 284

  KRTD (Counter-Revolutionary Trotskyite Activity), 284

  see also Anti-Soviet Agitation

  Kramarenko, Georgi, 185, 196, 206, 208, 216–17, 232–33

  Krasikov, Pyotr A., 350, 351, 458n, 627

  Krasnaya Presnya (prison; Moscow), 489, 537n, 542, 545, 558–59, 560, 568, 607

  Solzhenitsyn in, 537–38, 546–49, 551–54, 557–58, 563–64

  Krasnitsky, 351

  Krasnov, Pyotr N. (and Krasnov Cossacks), 85, 246, 254n, 259, 262n, 263, 627

  Krasnov (Levitin), Anatoly E., 346n, 627

  Kravtsov, Vasya, 580

  Krestinsky, Nikolai N., 408, 627

  Kresty (prison; Leningrad), 26, 83, 179, 183n, 437, 443–44, 448

  Kretov, 603

  Kronstadt Fortress, 30, 33–34

  Kruglov, Sergei N., 589, 627

  Krutikova, Mariya, 476

  Kruzhkov, Nikolai F., 153, 155, 447

  Krylenko, Nikolai V., xii, 306, 309, 311, 349, 434–35, 627

  arrest, 318, 324, 375n, 395, 412

  prosecutions by, 306–10; “All-Union Bureau of the Mensheviks” case, 49, 399–407; “churchmen” case, 322–27; Glavtop (Main Fuels Committee case), 97, 334–35; Kosyrev case, 95, 314–22, 370n; Malinovsky case, 319, 628; Moscow Revtribunal case, 311–13; Oldenborger case, 336–41, 372–73, 391; Promparty case, 1, 47, 48, 49–50, 299, 336, 376–99, 400, 406; Russkiye Vedomosti case, 310–11; Shakhty case, 47, 336, 373–75, 376; Shchastny case, 306–07, 434, 435, 632; Socialist Revolutionary Party case, 306–07, 342, 351–52, 354–67; “Tactical Center” case, 327–33, 401

  Krylov, N. I., 421, 422

  Kuibyshev, Valerian V., 339, 627

  Kuibyshev: prison, 550, 569, 570

  kulaks, 54–57, 79, 99, 303, 343, 578

  Kupriyanov, 393

  Kupriyanov, G. N., 116n, 627

  Kursky, Dmitri I., 352–53, 627


  Kuskova, Yekaterina D., 34, 627

  Kuznetsk Basin, development of, 51, 378

  Kuznetsov, 159n

  Kuznetsov, 322, 324

  Kuznetsov, Vasily I., 252n, 627

  KVZhD see Chinese Eastern Railroad

  Ladyzhensky, Aleksandr I., 12

  Ladyzhensky, Nikolai I., 45–46

  Lamsdorf, 257n

  Lapshin, Ivan I., 372, 627

  Larichev, Viktor A., 379–80, 387, 388, 394, 398, 399

  Larin, Y., 13n

  Larin, Y. (Mikhail A. Lurye), 146, 627

  Latsis (Lacis), Martyn I. (Yan F. Sudrabs), 627

  on Cheka, xii, 31, 96–97, 101, 300, 301, 303, 314, 425

  Latvia/Latvians, 189, 384

  arrests, 25, 62, 72, 77, 78, 91, 247

  laws and judiciary, 299–431

  acquittal, lack of grounds for, 291

  constitution, 412, 415

  decrees, 30, 32, 33, 55–56, 78, 86–87, 87–88, 89n, 91, 289n, 290–91, 336, 344, 439

  “Four-sixths” law, 58, 88–89

  “Fundamental Principles of Criminal Prosecution of the U.S.S.R.,” 291

  Guiding Principles of the Criminal Law of the R.S.F.S.R., 301

  judiciary, 286–98; circuit courts, 301, 302; closed courts, 286–87, 288; military tribunals, 81, 286, 293–98, 301, 436; people’s courts, 301, 302; public trials, 47–48, 299, 306–431; Revolutionary Tribunals (Revtribunals), 32, 282, 301–05, 308, 640; Special Boards (OSO), 143, 275, 281, 283–86, 288, 289, 290, 295, 641; Supreme Tribunal (Verkhtrib), 286, 295–98, 327, 366, 641; Troikas, 281–83

  Khrushchev reforms, 158n, 296–97, 407–08, 555

  “Seven-eighths” law, 58, 88, 436–37

  Tsarist regime, 281, 287, 301, 432–34

  see also Code of Criminal Procedure; Criminal Code; sentences; individual trials

  Lebedev, 241–42

  Lebedev, 292

  Lefortovo (prison; Moscow), 113, 180–81

  Leist, 312

  Lelyushenko, Dmitri D., 252n, 627

  Lenin, Vladimir I., 6n, 27, 30, 33, 192, 193, 297n, 306, 310, 321, 337, 434, 541

  April Theses, 445, 637

  assassination attempt, by Kaplan, 328, 362, 625

  correspondence, 31–32, 328, 352–53, 371

  Criminal Code, work on, 352–53, 354, 371

  and Gorky, 31–32, 328

  “How to Organize the Competition,” 27

  illness, 354, 372

  on the intelligentsia, 32, 328

  in Siberia, 350, 491, 579n

  “What Are Our Ministers Thinking Of?,” 132–33

  Leningrad (Petrograd), 6, 30

  Institute of the North, 73

  mass arrests, 13n, 25, 50–51, 58, 69, 70, 72, 73, 77, 80, 441

  Orthodox Church, 36, 345–46; trial, 36, 350–52

  Political Red Cross, 41

  Polytechnic Institute, 48

  World War II, 80, 81, 179, 183n, 252n-253n, 441–42, 511

  see also Kresty (prison); Kronstadt Fortress; Peter and Paul Fortress; Schlüsselburg Fortress

  Lenka, 314

  Lermontov, Mikhail Y., 161, 173, 627

  Levina, Revekka S., 100, 627

  Levitan, Yuri B., 75n, 627–28

  Levitin see Krasnov (Levitin)

  Levitskaya, Nadya, 10

  Levitsky, Vanya, 12

  Liberov, 362

  Libert, 314, 316, 318

  Libin, 142

  Likhachev, Nikolai P., 51, 628

  Lipov, 289

  literature, 31, 66, 262–63, 372; see also intelligentsia

  Lithuanians: arrests, 25, 62, 72, 78, 91, 99–100

  World War II, with Wehrmacht units, 253n, 262n

  “Living Church” see Orthodox Church, “Living Church”

  Lomonosov, Mikhail V., 197, 628

  Longinov, 346

  Lordkipanidze, G. S., 111, 628

  Loris-Melikov, Mikhail T., 310, 628

  Lorkh, Aleksandr G., 57, 628

  Loshchilin, 571, 577

  Lossky, Nikolai O., 262, 372, 628

  Lozovsky, 292–93

  Lozovsky, A. (Solomon A. Dridzo), 230, 628

  Lubyanka (prison; Moscow), 96, 98, 114, 125, 187–88, 214–16, 322, 461, 639

  Solzhenitsyn in, 134–42, 144, 184–235

  Ludendorff, Erich, 357

  Lunacharsky, Anatoly V., 192, 261, 343, 628

  Lunin, 346

  Lunin, 529–30

  Lunin, Mikhail S., 132, 628

  Lurye, Mikhail A. see Larin, Y.

  Lysenko, Trofim D., 57, 599, 628

  Lyubavsky, Matvei Kuzmich, 51

  Main Fuels Committee see Glavtop

  Maisky, Ivan M., 34, 628

  Makarenko, Anton S., 506, 628

  Makarov, 50

  Makarov, 452

  Makarov-Zemlyansky, 337

  Makhotkin, 596–97

  Makhrovskaya, 97

  Makotinsky, 472n

  Malinovsky, Roman V.: trial, 319, 628

  Maltsev, Viktor I., 258n

  Manchuria, 260n

  World War II, Soviet émigrés, 85, 602

  Mandelstam, Osip E., 370n, 628

  Mariupolsky, 314

  Mariya, Mother see Skobtsova, Yelizaveta Y.

  Mariyushkin, 265–66

  Markos, Vafiades, 92, 628

  Martov (Tsederbaum), Yuli O., 402, 628

  Marx, Karl, 242, 313, 414

  Masaryk, Jan, 260n

  Matveyeva, G. P., 74

  Maximych, 314

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir V., 41, 42, 66, 525, 628

  Meck, Nikolai K. von, 44–45, 200, 375, 629

  Medvedev, 607–08

  Melgunov, Sergei P., 133, 219n, 372, 629

  Melnikov, 440

  Mendel, Gregor: disciples arrested, 90

  Mendel, Irma, 8

  Mensheviks, 355, 386, 402, 639

  arrests and trials, 30, 38, 41, 49, 63, 475; “All-Union Bureau of the Mensheviks,’’ trial, 49, 399–407

  Foreign Delegation, 405, 406

  Sotsialistichesky Vestnik, 39

  Menshikov, Aleksandr D., 517, 629

  Menzhinsky, Vyacheslav R., 34, 314, 629

  Meretskov, Kirill A., 252n, 629

  Merezhkov, 508, 509, 510, 511

  Merezhkovsky, Dmitri S., 216, 263, 629

  Meshcherskaya-Grevs, 316, 317, 318

  Metlin, 163

  MGB (Ministry of State Security), 639

  “Mikhail, Emperor” see Belov, Viktor A.

  Mikhailov, Nikolai A., 230, 629

  Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw, 86, 260n, 629

  Mikov, Nikolai M., 73

  Mikoyan, Anastas I., 423, 629

  military forces: arrests and purges, 8, 26, 31, 32, 39, 68, 77, 79, 80, 81, 110, 238, 252n, 303, 307

  conscription made universal and compulsory, 303

  and Criminal Code, 61, 79, 245, 352, 436

  surrender forbidden, 243

  “Tsarist Reds,” 39

  see also Civil War (U.S.S.R.); Finnish War; Japanese War; prisoners of war; World War I; World War II

  “Military Plot,” 31, 307

  Milyukov, Pavel N., 47, 629

  Minayev, 571

  “minus,” 35, 271, 282

  Minusinsk: prison, 541, 584

  Mirbach, 370n

  Mironenko, 146

  Mirovich, Vasily Y., 433, 629

  Mirov-Korona, 72

  Molotov (Skryabin), Vyacheslav M., 58, 176, 416, 417, 629

  Morozov, Savva, 333

  Moscow, 29, 30, 44, 433

  Higher Technical School, 389

  mass arrests, 42–43, 80

  Orthodox Church, trial, 36, 346–49

  Political Red Cross, 41

  prisons see Butyrki; Krasnaya Presnya; Lefortovo; Lubyanka; Shpalernaya; Srentenka; Taganka

  Moscow Revtribunal: trial, 311–13

  Moslems: arrests and trial, 254n

  World War II, with Wehrmacht units, 85, 257n, 262n
br />   see also Tatars

  Mova, 40

  Muksalmsky Monastery Prison see Solovetsky Islands

  Müller, Wilhelm, 487

  Munshin, 155

  Muralevich, Vadim S., 330

  Muravyev, 53

  Murom: rebellion, 29, 302

  Mussavatists, 38

  MVD (Ministry of Interior), 604, 639

  Myakotin, Venedikt A., 329–30, 372, 629

  Nabokov (Sirin), Vladimir, 220, 263, 629

  Narodnaya Volya, 287, 433, 456, 639

  Narodniks, 409, 639

  Narokov (Marchenko), Nikolai V., 444, 629

  Nasedkin, Aleksei A., 404

  “National Center” plot, 31

  nationalities and ethnic groups: arrests and persecution, 51–52, 54–57, 62, 77–79, 84, 91–92, 99–100, 565–66

  see also individual peoples

  “National Labor Party of Russia,” 254n

  navy, 355, 356

  Kronstadt rebellion, 30, 33–34

  see also military forces

  Nazarenko, 314

  Nekrasov, Nikolai A., 60, 629

  Nevsky, Nikolai A., 6

  New Economic Policy (NEP), 30, 41, 52, 337, 340, 391, 392, 639

  Nicholas I, Tsar, 131–32

  Nicholas II, Tsar, 41n

  Nicolaevsky, Boris I., 595n

  Nikolsky, 304

  Nikovsky, Andrei, 51

  NKGB (People’s Commissariat of State Security), 639

  NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs), 27, 30, 32, 639

  nobility: arrests, 40, 58

  Nogtyev, 463

  Norway: World War II, 219

  Novikov, 74

  Novikov, Nikolai I., 281, 629

  Novitsky, Y. P., 352

  Novorussky, Mikhail V., 41, 457n, 482, 630

  Novosibirsk: prison, 293, 534, 542

  Obolensky, Yevgeny P., 132, 630

  Ochkin, V. I., 388, 389, 394, 399

  OGPU (United State Political Administration), 639

  Ohola, Richard, 127

  Okhrana, 67, 195, 639

  Okhrimenko, 446

  Okorokov, Vasily (Robert Shtekker), 78n—79n

  Oldenborger, V. V.: trial, 336–41, 372–73, 391

  Olenyev, A. Y., 575, 578, 584–85

  Olitskaya, Yekaterina L., 15, 461, 468–69, 472, 476, 630

  Olitsky, Dima, 48

  Olminsky (Aleksandrov), Mikhail S., 500, 630

  One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, 170, 175n, 298, 540n

  Ordzhonikidze, Grigory (Sergo), K., 45n, 416, 630

  Orel: prison, 466, 479, 567

  Orthodox Church, 342, 345

  arrests and trials, 28, 29, 36–38, 50–51, 59, 86, 227, 325–27, 342, 352; “churchmen” case, 322–27; Moscow church trial, 36, 346–49; Petrograd church trial, 36, 350–52

  and famine, 343–47 passim, 351

  “Living Church,” 36–37, 351

  property requisitioned and confiscated, 29, 323, 325, 326, 342, 344–51 passim

  Osadchy, 372

  OSO see Special Boards

  Osorgin (Ilin), Mikhail A., 372, 630

  Ostyaks, Yenisei, 6


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