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by Alexandra Christian

  One Hundred Strokes

  Alexandra Christian

  Selene and Julian need to get away from it all and rekindle the excitement that has been sorely lacking of late. Heading to the mountains for a romantic getaway, Selene packs the one thing she knows will make her weekend enjoyable. However, when Julian discovers her little secret, he’ll make her pay for her deviance. With the help of a forbidden text and an antique hairbrush, their passion will ignite in a way that neither expected.

  A Romantica® BDSM erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave

  One Hundred Strokes

  Alexandra Christian

  Chapter One

  Selene shivered as the night air slipped through the curtains and blew across her skin, still wet from the bath. From the rumbling sounds outside, she could tell that a storm was brewing somewhere over the mountains. The late summer humidity had settled over them like a warm, wet blanket, charging the air with a strange electricity. It seemed to reflect the dark mood of confusion and excitement that was rumbling deep inside her. When her boyfriend Julian had suggested they go away, just the two of them, she’d been taken by surprise. He had always been one of those workaholic types and lately she’d grown tired of his excuses. Their relationship, once hot, heavy and constant, had turned into a bi-weekly date night that might or might not culminate in half an hour of mediocre sex. And even when they managed to have sex, something was missing. She always found herself alone and unsatisfied.

  During last week’s dinner date, Julian had sprung the idea of a weekend getaway to the mountains to escape the August heat. Selene had been apprehensive at first, thinking that perhaps it would end up being a business trip for Jules and she’d be left alone in some hotel room, but her reservations had been quelled immediately. He’d arrived at her apartment to pick her up with only a small valise of clothing and no cell phone. Instead of his usual suit and tie with crisp white collar and perfect hair, he’d donned a pair of jeans that were stylishly ragged and a T-shirt that seemed to cling in all the right places. He looked relaxed and more sensual than she’d ever seen him. After she’d commented about it, Julian had only laughed and said simply, “This weekend is for you, darling.”

  As Selene gazed around the room, she felt the truth in his words. The palatial mountain house he’d reserved for their getaway was like something straight out of her imagination. Dark wooden pillars rose all around the room, ending in exposed rafters that held up the high ceilings. She could smell the rugged scent of pine and cedar all over, coming through the windows that surrounded the entire place. It was the smell of the forest and it made her feel animalistic. As if she were Julian’s prey, waiting in nervous anticipation for him to strike. A bed sprawled in the center of the room, covered with an assortment of lush pillows and comforters. The thought of lying back on that monstrosity with Julian had already made her wet with desire. Selene could only hope that he would live up to her expectations.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” Julian’s voice startled Selene as he strolled into the room. She turned toward him, her breath catching. He’d shed his T-shirt and his jeans hung low on his hips. She watched him, savoring every movement. He moved with an unearthly grace that she had to admit had fascinated her since the day they’d met. She watched the muscles in his back and shoulders work as he pulled back the coverlets and tossed the decorative pillows onto the floor. His dark hair, usually perfect, was tousled and stood up at strange angles all over his head, highlighting the strands of silver at his temples.

  “Oh, nothing,” Selene replied, crossing the room to sit at the small vanity dresser beside the bed. “Just wondering what you’re going to do with me now that you have me all to yourself in the middle of nowhere.” Looking into the mirror before her, she could see his mischievous smile.

  “Thinking I brought you out here to have my way with you?”

  “Well, didn’t you?” Her heart fluttered in her chest at the thought of Julian having his way with her.

  “Of course,” he replied, sitting on the bed behind her. He stared at her in the mirror, his green eyes burning into hers. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “Not at all,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “There are few things in this world I enjoy as much as you having your way with me.” A combination of the charged air and the dark expression in his eyes made Selene nervous. She could feel the blush rising in her cheeks, so she looked away, picking up the wooden hairbrush on the dresser.

  “Look, Selene… I know I’ve been distracted lately. My work takes me away from you.”

  “It’s all right, Jules. I know how busy you are.”

  “Busy is no excuse, Selene. I haven’t been there for you.” He slid forward on the bed, getting so close that she could feel the heat of his body resting against her back. Reaching around, he closed his hand over hers, taking up the brush she clutched lightly. “I realize that I haven’t attended to your needs as I should have.” As he spoke, he began pulling the stiff boar-hair bristles through her auburn hair. “You’re such a beautiful woman, Selene. The thought of losing you is…unbearable.”

  “You shouldn’t worry so much, Jules.” She sighed, relaxing into his words. “I knew what you were like when we started dating.”

  “Oh? And what am I like?” he asked, continuing the gentle, rhythmic strokes of the brush through her hair.

  “Just…intense.” Selene shivered as his fingertips found the cuff of her ear, brushing a strand of hair away from her cheek. “Perhaps a little obsessive at times.”

  “You think me obsessive?” Julian asked, gathering her hair into a ponytail at the back of her head and picking at a small tangle.

  “A little,” she replied, biting her lip as the brush tugged at the small hairs at the base of her skull. “It’s just that sometimes I feel as if your work comes before me.” She let her eyes stray to the mirror, staring into his face and searching for some kind of reaction. “Every now and then I’d like to be first.”

  “Is that what you think?” His lips were set in a hard line. He gazed at her with a stoic expression. “That I don’t put you first?”

  “I didn’t mean that you don’t love me. It’s just that sometimes you put me off for work. I don’t feel…you know…like the center of attention. And sometimes being the center of attention is nice.”

  “I see,” he replied. He said no more but continued brushing out Selene’s thick locks. Over and over he dragged the bristles through her hair, smoothing it until the gentle strokes lulled her into a relaxed state of contentment. After several moments, his voice broke the silence, jerking Selene from her reverie. “You know, some might say that a need to be the center of attention all the time is selfish and rude.” Selene glanced into the mirror, seeing that his mouth was quirked into a playful smile. “Very unbecoming of a lady.”

  “I’ve never thought of myself as a proper lady. You know that,” she replied, returning his smile with a spark of mischief in her eyes. “You of all people should know that.”

  “Despite my tutelage.” He pulled back, standing up and tossing the hairbrush onto the bed. She started to follow, but Julian laid a heavy hand on her shoulder, pushing her back onto the seat. “Stay here. I have something I want to show you.” Selene nodded, watching him as he crossed the room, disappearing into the enormous bath off of the sitting area. Her stomach, deep down, lurched and fluttered at the thought of what he might have up his sleeve. What sort of game was Julian playing at this time? Perhaps a ring? The thought made her blush clear down to her toes. Of course she’d thought of marrying him. Who wouldn’t? Julian had it all—a partnership in his law firm, more money than he could ever spend, a sprawling townhouse right in the center of Savannah, an intelligence to rival Einstein,
an incredible body that could only be described as godlike. What more could a woman ask for in a potential husband? But she had always assumed that he’d never ask her. And recently he’d seemed to lose interest. Could it be that all this mysterious banter was a ploy to surprise her with an engagement ring? Doubtful, but Selene couldn’t help but hope.

  When he returned, what he held in his hand was not a small velvet box, but a book bound in red leather. Selene’s breathing ceased when she saw it, recognizing the intricate leatherwork on the spine. Though the light in the room was dim, she could just make out the title scrawled in gold leaf on the cover. “A Feast of Fetishes,” Julian read, staring down at the book as he leafed casually through the pages. “I had no idea that you indulged in such decadent literature, Selene.”

  Selene’s face flushed bright-red and she could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks. “It looked interesting in the bookshop,” she murmured.

  “Indeed. Just looking through the table of contents, one can see how interesting it is.” His eyebrow was raised, but she couldn’t tell whether it was in amusement or anger. “And they say women aren’t interested in pornography.”

  “You yourself said that everyone has their own pornography,” Selene muttered shyly. “And I didn’t know…”

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t know what it was about when you bought it.” Julian snickered. “A Feast of Fetishes? Really? Perhaps you thought it was a cookbook.” He strolled toward her, looking predatory, almost disapproving. “Last week when you were getting ready for our dinner date, I happened to see this book lying out on the coffee table. I just couldn’t help myself…”

  “So you invaded my privacy?” Selene interrupted, unable to keep the irritation from her voice.

  “Perhaps. But I think you’ll agree that my finding this has opened my eyes, as it were. After looking through its dog-eared pages, I knew that I had to take you away this weekend. All your most heated fantasies are obviously contained within.”

  “I wouldn’t say all of them.”

  Julian smirked and opened the book, holding it out to her. “I think it’s pretty obvious the ones you coveted the most.” As his delicate fingertips slid across the pages, she could see that he was right. It was apparent by the smudged pages which ones she found most appealing. One story in particular, titled One Hundred Strokes, had even been marked. Again she flushed, thinking about the dark fantasies that just the title brought to mind.

  “Ah, yes, I see I’ve found your favorite. One Hundred Strokes, is it? Pray, love, enlighten me as to what that one is about.” Julian’s mouth quirked into a malevolent smile as he saw her blush deepen. “Perhaps a tale of hair brushing?” Selene could tell by his expression that he knew full well what the story was about. After a few moments of her staring silently up at him, he raised his eyebrow expectantly. “Well? Answer me, pet.”

  Pet. The same term of endearment that the man in the story had used. Yes, Julian had read the story in great detail. The heroine of the story was a spoiled princess whose Prince Charming gave her a lesson in love and discipline with her silver-backed hairbrush. “It’s about a woman who wants…um…” she stammered, trying to avoid Julian’s gaze. She was squirming inside and he knew it. Was enjoying it, even.

  “Wants what?” he urged, tossing the book aside and sitting down on the end of the bed so that they were nose to nose. Selene sighed almost inaudibly. He was so close. She could feel his breath, warm and wet against her chest and neck. She wanted to be closer, but right now he was frightening. Intimidating. He was pushing her to admit something she wasn’t sure she could breathe aloud. Some deep-down desire that she had never shared with anyone, and he wanted her to say it. “Tell me, Selene. What is it that she wants?”

  “She… I…” Her words trailed off and suddenly she realized. She couldn’t say it. The words died in her throat as she tried to verbalize. How could she tell him that her secret desire was to be dominated? To be punished with pain and rewarded with pleasure. She wanted him to take control and push her limits to their absolute edges. All this time she’d been blaming him for not being there, but it was as much her fault as his. She couldn’t tell him what she wanted.

  Julian stood and took a step toward her. Reaching down, he took her chin between his fingers and tipped her head back to stare up at him. “Tell me what you need, Selene.” He didn’t wait for her to respond, taking her wrist with his free hand and pulling her roughly to her feet. Her body crashed against his, knocking the breath from her chest. Their fingers interlocked and he pushed them behind her, forcing her chest hard against him. He stared down into her green eyes, searching them for some sign. But they were pleading. Pleading with him not to ask her this. They willed him to know what she was thinking without her saying it aloud. Selene breathed slowly and heavily, waves of nervous sexual energy thrumming in the pit of her stomach. He leaned over, brushing his lips suggestively over hers before pulling back, a wicked smile playing over his lips. “Leaving that book out was your way of telling me, wasn’t it, pet?” His mouth was close to hers again and she closed her eyes, waiting for the warmth of his kiss. A kiss that never came, only the mere whisper of his breath, warm and scented with scotch and clove. “Well I’m afraid that won’t be nearly enough.”

  “Please,” she whispered, arching her neck to find his mouth, but he would not give in. Just a taste of his tongue as it flickered over her lips was all she would be allowed. His arms gripped her tightly, his hands holding her wrists firmly behind her back, nearly bruising with their intensity. “Kiss me,” she whispered. “That’s what I need, Julian.”

  Covering her mouth with his, he kissed her hard. She gasped, opening her mouth to accept his tongue as he pushed inside deeply, a foreshadowing of things to come. His tongue swirled around hers, licking and stroking and leaving her breathless. For a moment Selene was sure she would drown in the tempest of his kisses, but all too soon he pulled back. Staring down at her and pushing her hair away from her face, he examined her expression closely. With a single fingertip he traced the crest of her cheek and the line of her jaw. “No,” he growled. “I don’t think I will kiss you, Selene. That’s not what you need.” Releasing her wrists, he stepped back, leaving her to stumble backward. Sitting back on the bed, he watched Selene shivering with cold humiliation. She wanted so much to explain, but when she tried to speak no words would come.

  After several moments, he licked his lips, speaking in a low but serious tone. “I’m going to give you exactly what you want. What you need, Selene. But first…” He paused, a clap of thunder rattling the window behind them. “Take off your robe.”

  Selene started to reply but the tone of his voice and the darkness that had settled behind his eyes told her that she’d better not protest. Something about him was frightening and she found it strangely erotic. She quickly obeyed, feeling the fluttering in her belly bubble over. Her fingers were clumsy as she pulled at the sash on her robe. She looked down at the knot, a tangled bit of slippery silk.

  “No,” Julian said, his voice taking on a sharp edge that caught her attention. “Keep your eyes on me, pet.”

  Selene looked up, her eyes locking onto his as the knot pulled free. A flash of lightning illuminated the room, highlighting the curves of her body as the robe slid from her shoulders and down her arms. For a moment she hesitated, not wanting to let the fabric, that last shred of control, slip from her body, but Julian’s eyes narrowed. With a deep breath she let it go and stood before him naked. A warm flush heated her cheeks and instinctively she tried to cover herself. She and Julian had been together for a while and had slept together many times. But her shyness had always gotten the better of her. Never had she allowed him to look at her body, nude and unobstructed by darkness. Her mind raced, going over each and every imperfection and praying he wouldn’t notice. She felt exposed, trapped by his gaze, but to her surprise it didn’t waver.

  “Do not cover yourself,” he said, the hard edge of his voice turning somewhat softer
. “Do not ever hide your body from me again, Selene. You are a stunning beauty, made to be enjoyed by my eyes. Do you understand?” He watched with a resolute gaze until she placed her hands at her sides and nodded. “Good girl. Now come here,” he commanded, gesturing to his side. She obeyed, this time without hesitation, to stand at his side. Again she was highly aware of his proximity, could almost feel the heat radiating from his skin. Selene was fearful of what might happen next, but more afraid that it wouldn’t. Whatever Julian had in mind, her heart was racing and she felt alive in a way that she hadn’t in a very long time.

  Selene relaxed as she felt his hand on her hip. Gently it slid over her skin, following the curve of her hip and the slope of her belly. With a slow cadence, he touched her, feeling each and every intake of breath and letting her suspense grow with the passing minutes. When she groaned slightly, he smiled. “Are you enjoying my touch, pet?” She did not answer, but nodded, closing her eyes and enjoying the gentle caress. Suddenly he pulled his hand away and snapped it sharply against her thigh, drawing a surprised yelp from Selene. “Answer me, Selene.”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, sir.” Her voice was a whisper, almost embarrassed to answer, but her excitement was stoked by the strange title. The spot on her thigh where he’d struck her still stung, but there was something underneath. A feeling that she could not place, somewhere in that gray area between pleasure and pain. It was what she’d been needing.

  “Good girl,” he replied, sliding the palm of his hand from her thigh around to the fleshy curve of her ass. His fingertips trilled along the space where her thigh met her ass, making her squirm, then gently squeezing the flesh. “A good girl, but that will hardly save you.” Before she could breathe, taking in his words, his hands closed around her wrist. In a movement that was both graceful and rough, Julian pulled her over his lap, steadying her position with an arm across her lower back.


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