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Enchanted Beauty

Page 4

by Marly Mathews

  Chapter Five

  Annabelle felt something indescribably soft beneath her. She felt as if she were floating on a cloud. The piercingly unbearable pain in her head was now dulled to only a hint of an ache. She slowly opened her eyes, and looked around the room. She could feel the soft glow of firelight and the gentle warmth of the crackling hearth comforted her. Someone had thrown a knitted blanket over her.

  “It is good to see you awake.” She jolted at the sound of Malachi’s voice. “I took the liberty of administering a healing potion to you. You should begin to feel as right as Thaliana rain soon.”

  “Thank you. Where am I?”

  “You are still in my castle. You are in the bedchamber the two of us will eventually share.”

  “I don’t think so.” Silence met her fervent proclamation.

  “You do remember our bargain we made just before you swooned?”

  “I didn’t swoon. I passed out. Since the accident that blinded me, I’ve had blackout moments. I don’t know why, and none of the healers in my village have been able to give me an explanation.”

  “You toyed with untapped magic that is lying dormant inside of you. Whatever potion you were mixing, obviously backfired and turned into something you could no longer control. In essence, you cursed yourself. I am sorry. But, you needn’t fear, there should be a solution to your injury. We’ll just have to work together to see what will set it right.”

  “I am afraid,” Annabelle whispered. She couldn’t believe she’d finally voiced the fear that plagued her day and night.

  “I know. We are all afraid of the unknown. I, too, have my inner demons that I must wrestle with on a daily basis. I have to tell you that what your father told you was true. I do not look as I once did.”

  “You have scars from your days in the war…that’s to be expected. If you think I’m going to be revolted just because you have a few marks on your face, you needn’t fear. When it comes to people’s appearances, I don’t judge. Beauty comes from within. That’s what my mother always told me, and I firmly believe her.”

  “You have a kind and pure soul. You are what members of the Noble House of Hawthorne are supposed to be like. My mother will be proud to hear that I’ve married such a delightful woman.”

  “Your mother? I didn’t think your parents were still alive.”

  He patted her hand. “There is much for you to learn about me, Annabelle. And, in turn I think there’s probably quite a lot I need to learn about you. I’ve already met your father…I’m glad to say that you must be your mother’s mirror image. You don’t look or act like him.”

  “I am my mother’s child.” She tried to sit up. Her body felt so heavy. She took a deep breath.

  “Have you eaten? I thought you could dine down in the great hall with me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a companion like you.”

  “I think I’ll just stay up here and try to go back to sleep. I’m so tired.” She turned her head on the pillow. “Is there a place for me to bathe and change into something more comfortable?”

  “I’ll assist you with that once you’ve nourished your body. You need to eat. You are skin on bones, Annabelle.”

  “I am much like my fellow villagers. You must know that Thaliana is short on food.”

  “How can they be when I send shipments of food out to my villagers every week? You must know that my lands encompass about a dozen villages, I am feeding my own. Each noble is supposed to ensure that his or her subjects don’t suffer because of the war.”

  “No. We are suffering. We are on strict rations, because we’re sending most of what we produce to the front lines.”

  “Bullocks. Someone has pulled the wool over your eyes. You are being stolen from—and in the process, they are making me out to be the monster. I will not have this. At first light tomorrow, I will set things straight.”

  “I—are you saying that we’ve been half starved for more than a year for no bloody reason?”

  “Yes. I am sorry. Do you think I would sit up here in my castle, richly fed, while my people paid the price of a war they didn’t ask for, but rose to when the need came knocking at their door? Our queen will be furious to learn that her loyal subjects are suffering. The magic kind can make their own food … just as I do. It doesn’t matter if we have a bad season, I can conjure it. Anyone with half a heart, or half a mind wouldn’t allow this suffering to happen.”

  “Obviously, there’s some lack wit out there making a pretty profit on the war, by selling our food to the non-magic kind. There are some villages that no longer have their magic kind lord, and so, they are in need of food…when King Roland’s troops came through Thaliana last year, they burned everything in sight. In a way, I guess the food is going to people that need it.”

  “How can you be so understanding when you are hungry all of the time? I have never witnessed such compassion. You are a true gem.” Malachi’s voice welled with warmth.

  “You don’t know what I can be like when I’m angered. I can be quite a—monster.”

  He snorted. “I don’t think you know how beastly some people can be, Annabelle. You are no doubt being too hard on yourself. Now, let us talk about more happy subjects, until you are feeling better.”

  She licked her dry lips. “What did you do with my father?”

  “I got him out of my hair. He was being quite a little nuisance.”

  “You didn’t…?” her voice faltered. “You didn’t…?” Again, she couldn’t quite vocalize her worries.

  “I didn’t touch a hair on his head.”

  She frowned. “He is bald.”

  “Yes. As a matter of fact, so was my father,” he laughed. “Don’t worry, your father is fine. He’s back at your cottage no doubt having quite a good time with your cousin.”

  “Oh…you didn’t need to give me that mental picture.” She shuddered. “I’d like it if you could give me a few moments of privacy. I should think I could still ask for that much.”

  “The washing room is adjoined to this bedchamber. I’ll see you in the Dining Hall in a few minutes.” She nodded her head. She was only pacifying him. If he actually believed that she was going to dine with him…well, he had to get his head out of the clouds.

  “The inhabitants of my castle will be overjoyed to be introduced to their new Countess.”

  “I rather doubt that,” she muttered.

  He snorted. “You shouldn’t cast judgment until you meet them. Sometimes, my castle can be quite astonishing.”

  “This entire night has come as quite a shock and surprise to me.” Annabelle gave a shaky laugh, and squinted her eyes, trying to make out her surroundings. From what she could tell, the bedchamber was lavishly decorated with Thaliana silk and velvet. It was a chamber fit for a king…or an earl with royal blood running through his veins.

  “Yes, well, I hope you like lamb. I’m having that prepared as we speak.”

  “Yes. Fine. Lovely.” She thought back to her lamb stew and wondered how he knew that it was her favourite meat. Shaking her head, she heard him get up off his chair and walk to the door. Try as she might, she still couldn’t make out his visage. She wondered what colour his eyes were.

  “You have beautiful sky blue eyes, Annabelle. We must make sure that you regain your sight,” he promised. She heard the massive door click shut behind him. Could he read her thoughts? A chill ran up her spine.

  “You said you wanted to refresh yourself. You should do so, the evening meal will be ready soon.”

  She whipped her head around searching for the source of the voice. It was female, but she couldn’t see anyone in the room. “Who goes there?” Annabelle called out.

  “I am a spirit in service to this castle. You mustn’t fear me. I would suggest that you freshen yourself up, and put on something more suitable to be in your husband’s company at the evening meal.”

  “He isn’t my husband.”

  “Don’t tell the lord that, my dear. As far as he is concerned, you are his wife
. You did sign a legally binding document that stated as much. Marriages work a little differently in times of war, my dear. You should be grateful. You made a good deal in bartering your father’s freedom. Lord Markham was true to his word, he did release your father in better health than he was when he was imprisoned.”

  “I don’t believe this! I’m talking to thin air, and listening to you preach about a man I barely know.”

  “In time, you will know him just as well as you know yourself.”

  “Don’t bet on it. As soon as I can figure out a way out of here, I’m gone.”

  “Then, you are not what I thought you were. You are not a woman of your word.”

  “Yes, I am. But things are complicated. I will not stay here as his wife—I thought…”

  “You thought incorrectly. Do not mess this up, Annabelle. Malachi trusts you. You must not break that trust. He has been betrayed in a manner most foul. Pray, do not shatter his heart again. If you do, he will not recover. These days are dark. We must find the light in the wherever and whenever we can. Soon, the war will come to the final battle, and when that time comes, Malachi will need your loyalty.”

  “I have no reason to give him that loyalty. He tricked me—he forced my hand. I had no choice but to sign that marriage contract. No choice whatsoever.”

  “I disagree. As soon as you met Lord Markham, you knew you had come home. You knew your heart had found its match. Do not deny what you feel, Annabelle. You have been doing that in the years since your mother’s death. You must cease that at once. You need to learn how to love again, and you will learn that with Malachi. The two of you will heal your broken hearts—together.”

  “I just want to sleep.”

  “You aren’t nearly as tired as you let on. You are curious to know more about my—about Malachi. You should take those spectacles over there and wear them. They will aid your impaired vision into seeing what you have not been able to see.”

  “No. Those aren’t mine.”

  “They may not be yours, but they were once enchanted by a very powerful witch to see what the heart desires to see. They will help you, until Malachi can find a way to help you indefinitely.”

  “Thank you,” Annabelle whispered.

  “You are most welcome. During my time in the living world, I was quite useful. In the days since I left my physical body, I’ve felt useless. I was once a Queen’s Guardian.”

  “Were you killed by King Roland?”

  The spirit sighed. “I must go and assist the others down in the Dining Hall. You should freshen up, and get downstairs as soon as possible.”

  “If I do, I will be following his orders.”

  “Now, is not the time to give into your rebellious nature, Annabelle. Please, I beg of you, give Malachi one night of happiness, before you shatter his pristine image of you.”


  “You do owe him a great debt of gratitude,” the spirit reminded her.

  “No. I don’t.”

  “Yes, you do. If not for him, you would have fallen into a deep fevered coma. His fervent ministrations brought you back to us. Your condition is far worse than even you imagined, Annabelle. If Malachi doesn’t find a way to help you…”

  “I will go blind. I know. And I’ve made my peace with that.”

  The spirit heaved another great sigh. “You will not just go blind. That will happen first of course. As the transformation has already started. But what will happen next will be far, far worse.”

  “What could possibly be worse than losing what little sight I still retain?”

  “You will die.”

  Chapter Six

  “Die?” Annabelle’s words came out as a strangled whisper.

  She’d never believed her injury could turn out be fatal. A lump formed in her throat. The walls were closing in on her, she almost felt as if she laboured for each breath.

  “You need to calm yourself! You will give yourself a fit if you are not careful. Do not worry overly much. Malachi will find a way to cure you.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because he is intent upon it. It has now become one of his life missions. He will not fail you. You’ve changed his life in too many ways for you to know the full extent of it. Your presence in his life has given him new meaning for living. Before he was wallowing in his self-pity. Because of a most horrible betrayal, he has cloistered himself off from the living world.”

  “I thought he had retreated to his castle because he was no longer able to fight in Her Majesty’s service.”

  “Not able in the sense that he was broken. His heart had given up on him, he has been cursed by dark magic, but that is not keeping him here. He is here because he does not believe he still has greatness burning inside of him. With you though, he is different. He had regained his stamina, he is practicing all forms of magic again, and he is looking forward to the next day. You will give him the will to fight once more. If he keeps himself away from the battle that has laid siege to our kingdom for long, we will lose.”

  “I don’t think his presence or lack thereof in the war will cause that much of a negative ripple effect. How could he be the deciding factor of who will win the war? That just makes no sense.”

  “It makes perfect sense. Malachi is the most talented and the most powerful white wizard in the realm. His presence is crucial. Already, the queen has suffered devastating losses. If she continues on this path of defeat, she will end up seeing her death come to fruition.”

  “Then he must return to the fight. He can’t dally around trying to make love to me. His queen, our queen needs him. He must answer to his duty.”

  “Then you must convince him of that. You must make him see that he needs to return to the fray of battle. You must give him the hope he needs to believe in a victory for Thaliana. We must drive King Roland back to his homeland, and make sure he never dares to cross the shores to Thaliana again!”

  “You are right. I will stick around to ensure that Malachi sees the light.”

  “And, in turn, perhaps he will be able to return to you, your sight.”

  “If he’s able to work miracles.” She forced out a shaky laugh. Death didn’t scare her as much as she thought it would. At least she knew she was going to die, and in turn, she could put her affairs in order. She would write a letter to her father and cousin, detailing who would get her most cherished possessions. She held her wedding ring up to her eyes, squinting, she tried to make out the intricate design on the band. She couldn’t see it clearly no matter how hard she tried. Then, she rubbed her fingers up against the warmth of her mother’s ancestral ring. Her life was on a different path, and she had to come to terms with her new course in life.

  “You should stop daydreaming and get to your freshening up.”

  She looked away from her, edged her way to the washing room, and took care of what she needed to attend to. Then, she slipped out of the room, and looked over at the desk that housed the enchanted spectacles.

  Dragging in a deep breath, she reached for them and put them on her face. For some reason, every part of the spectacles molded to her face. They were more comfortable than she’d expected. She let out a shaky breath, and finally—opened her eyes. Her vision was nearly crystal clear.

  “Good Heavens.”

  “So, they are working for you. I like the sound of joy in your voice. How does it feel to finally see again?”

  “I don’t know how I can ever thank you.”

  “You just did. The happiness in your voice is all the thanks I need. Now, why don’t you put on something in that wardrobe over there?”

  “I feel like wearing something bright and gay.”

  A bright blue gown appeared on the bed. “The wardrobe has answered your wish.”


  “Oh, the impossible becomes possible in this castle of enchantment.”

  “I’m beginning to see that now.” She looked at the dress in casual wariness. Should she, or shouldn’t she? W
ell, in order to have any influence over Malachi, she had to have his loyalty. The queen needed him. That meant she had to make him see just how much he was needed. She could be married to worse men.

  The village butcher had fancied her for quite a while. But he’d been a pig, and he’d also been without a brain. She couldn’t even fathom marrying him, and when she’d nearly blown herself up, he’d suddenly disappeared from her life.

  “Lady Markham,” Annabelle’s whisper was faint.

  “Indeed you are.”

  “I can’t be. Once Malachi goes back to the war, he’ll forget about me.”

  “You are selling yourself short again. Come now, if you’re not going to put that dress on. Wardrobe!”

  Something cool wafted over her. She shivered, and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she found herself wearing the blue dress, and her blonde hair had been pulled up into a chignon.

  “Thank you. Everything seems quite easy in this castle, doesn’t it?”

  “Just think of it as looking through rose coloured glasses.”

  “You haven’t told me your name yet.”

  “My name is Melody.”


  “Indeed. Now get down to the Dining Hall before Malachi storms through the castle looking for you.” She jumped at the sound of someone knocking against the door.

  “Too late. I’m going to take my leave now, Annabelle. Good luck!”

  “Annabelle! Are you still in there?” Seconds later, he stormed through the door.

  She gasped. “How did you do that? How did you walk through the door?”

  “Magic.” He smiled. Cocking his head to the side, a look of fury invaded his eyes. He had handsome dark green eyes.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “A dress.”

  “I am not referring to your lovely gown.” She smiled. Even when he was enraged he could still show her the charm. She didn’t know why he thought he was a monster in appearance. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. With his dark green eyes, and his sun kissed reddish blond hair—and if he thought his flawless face was marred, then he was insane.


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