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Enchanted Beauty

Page 15

by Marly Mathews

  Annabelle couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow. She wasn’t sorry to hear about Blackburn, she was only glad she wasn’t in Blackburn’s place. Maybe both she and Malachi had underestimated her father when it came to being Blackburn’s puppet. Right now, it seemed as if he had Blackburn on a very short string.

  “Annabelle, you haven’t said hello to your…to…well, to Delbert.” She looked at Roland. He couldn’t call Delbert her father. Interesting.

  “Delbert and I have nothing to say to each other,” she muttered, looking away from him to stare instead at Roland.

  “I have no doubt of that. He was the one that sold you to Lord Markham,” Roland said, distaste flooding his tone.

  “Sold? I do not follow, Your Majesty,” Annabelle queried.

  “Please, call me, Father if you would like. I would like it greatly,” Roland murmured.

  “F-A-T-H-E-R.” She drawled the word out thinking it would stick on her tongue. He smiled. Delbert looked over at her. Was that longing in his eyes?

  “Indeed. Dear Delbert here, sold you. In return, he was given a priceless pair of antique silver candlesticks.” She smothered a smile. She doubted that Malachi had given Delbert the candlesticks…although, she couldn’t very well tell Roland that. Then, he would think she was defending Malachi, and at the moment, she couldn’t risk that.

  “I do hope I was worth it,” she murmured.

  “You are priceless, my dear,” Roland said, looking at her affectionately.

  Katrina kept her eyes fixed on her plate. She was obviously trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible. The way she shoveled the food into her mouth, made Annabelle wonder how she managed to stay so bloody skinny. If she could eat like Katrina seemed wont to do, she’d be as big as a barn.

  “Eat your chicken, Annabelle. You need to get some colour back into your cheeks. I promise you, you will not come to any more harm. You have my protection now.”

  She shivered, and swallowed the piece of meat she had just placed into her mouth.

  She had Malachi’s protection and Roland’s protection. Now all she needed was for Blackburn to offer his protection as well. She shoved another piece of chicken into her mouth to keep herself from responding.

  “Delbert, Mavis, you may go now,” Roland ordered, waving his hand in dismissal.

  She wondered why he called Delbert and Mavis by their names, and yet, he kept calling Ardal, boy.

  “We have much to talk about, Annabelle. Namely, how and when you found out about me.”

  “I found out about you at the earl’s castle.”

  “I see.” He pinned his eyes on her in an unwavering stare. “Forgive me, for my boldness. I can’t seem to stop looking at you. Your beauty is astonishing. You are so lovely.”

  “Thank you.”

  Katrina looked up, narrowing her eyes at her for a brief second, and then a smile lined her lips. “His Majesty speaks the truth, you are the most beautifully radiant woman in all of the enchanted kingdoms.”

  She could feel her cheeks growing hot. “Ah, look, Lady Katrina, we are embarrassing the dear girl. You could take some lessons from my daughter in how to be humble. Look at her, she is blushing. A beauty such as she, and she isn’t vain about it. Even though you were stolen from me, I can see you were raised right. However, that doesn’t lesson my pain of having you taken from me. I have much to discuss with your mother.” He started tapping his fork on his plate. She swallowed and looked at her goblet of wine.

  “I don’t drink wine.”

  “You don’t?” Katrina looked at her aghast.

  “Aye, I don’t. It gives me a frightful headache and with the way that my head feels right now—”

  “Then, you shall have water.” Roland waved his hand, and a goblet of water appeared in front of her, along with a decanter of water in case she was still thirsty for more.

  “You have my thanks, Father,” she said the last word so low that he probably had to strain to hear it. She knew Malachi was probably watching her, and she knew that she was most likely breaking his heart. Her heart ached.

  “Ah, you look so sad, suddenly, Annabelle. Do not worry about the time we have lost, I have no intentions of every losing you again, we have scads of time to make up for the time that was robbed from us.”

  “I look forward to the future, then.” She fell into another contemplative silence. She looked up when she felt Katrina staring at her.

  Katrina gave her a stilted smile. “Forgive me, I just find myself mesmerized by you. You look like a living portrait.”

  “You are both swelling my head.” She looked to where Delbert lingered in the doorway. His hesitation signaled to her that he had spoken in haste earlier.

  “Delbert. You may leave, now. You’re straining my patience,” Roland insisted.

  She flattened her lips together. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t say anything to give Delbert the inclination that she forgave him. To do so, would only arouse Roland’s suspicions.

  “I hope you like the tart we are having for after dinners,” Roland murmured.

  “I’m sure I will. I always have had a terrible sweet tooth.”

  “So have I.” He gave her what seemed to pass as a genuine smile. She wrenched her gaze away from his penetrating stare. She couldn’t tell if he was trying to get into her mind or if he was just watching her closely. Annabelle had a feeling he would be keeping her on a very short leash. She would have to watch her every step—for he would be monitoring her closely.

  The main course disappeared and the tarts on the tray hovered over to land on the plate that had appeared before her. She wrinkled her eyebrow. Even Malachi hadn’t used his magic so liberally.

  “I trust you know that I offered to trade Daniel for you,” Roland mused.

  Her heartbeat quickened. “I’m sorry your trade didn’t work. I don’t think Malachi was in the mood to barter for me. He wanted me all to himself. With a most disturbing hunger.”

  Roland’s eyes flashed with anger. “I will make him pay for the way he used and abused you, my dear. You just rest easy and take comfort in that. He wasn’t fit to lick your shoes, let alone fit to touch your body, especially in anger. I will have my revenge. You will have your revenge.”

  “My gratitude knows no bounds. I thank you.”

  “It is my duty as your father to keep you from harm at the hands of such a barbarian. I will be returning his brother to him tonight. His injuries are severe, and I do not wish to use one of my own healers to heal him. Besides, I don’t think he will last out the night.”

  Fear pinched her heart. She held her breath. Realizing she couldn’t look like she was being emotionally affected by Daniel’s physical plight, she looked down and found newfound interest in her treacle tart.

  “You should get him off your hands then, as soon as possible,” Annabelle advised.

  “I would let him die—but seeing you has filled me with a compassionate streak. I would like to imagine Malachi’s pain when he watches his brother die. Not only that, but Daniel’s twin will fear the pain tenfold. Aye, it will give my heart great delight.”

  She suddenly felt sick. Her stomach muscles clenched, and her insides twisted. She couldn’t keep the tears from welling in her eyes. Katrina noticed her turmoil and helpfully pointed it out to Roland.

  “You are upsetting her, Your Majesty. I’m sure after the physical hardships she has been through that she is quite on edge. Why don’t we talk about the lovely magical artifacts we’ve collected over the course of our journey into Thaliana? You should see some of them, Princess. They are so exquisite.”

  “Indeed, they are.” Roland effortlessly switched the subject. She was relieved that he hadn’t insisted on dwelling on the more bloodthirsty aspects of his personality. She could only pray that Ardal had made his way to Daniel by now. Her heart went out to the man.

  She stuck another piece of treacle tart into her mouth, praying it would occupy her mouth so she wouldn’t say anything out of turn.

/>   “My dear, you look quite peaked. Perhaps, you should retire early tonight. I’m sure you could use the sleep.”

  She nodded her head, swallowing her bite of tart. Treacle was stuck to the inside of her mouth and to her teeth.

  “That necklace you are wearing is lovely. Even though the Hawthornes are barbarians they do have good taste in jewels.” Katrina looked greedily at the necklace she wore. Annabelle instinctively placed her hand over the necklace that was warm against her skin. She swallowed. Her wedding rings glinted in the candlelight. “Your wedding rings are even lovelier, if that’s possible. They must be worth a King’s ransom.” Katrina paused before continuing. “I must say though, it’s highly unusual for you to be wearing your rings when you ran away from Lord Markham.”

  She bit her lip.

  Roland laughed, and sipped his wine. “Not unusual at all, Lady Katrina. Women work in mysterious ways. You should learn that if you ever become someone’s wife. Though, I daresay Annabelle, you can remove those rings. They must only remind you of the pain you suffered at his hands.”

  Thinking quickly, she looked steadily at Roland. “That is why I continue to wear them. They make me remember. To forget would be unthinkable.”

  “I agree. You should keep the memory of what Malachi did to you fresh in your mind. That way when I wreak hell on his life—you will be able to take endless pleasure in it.”

  “I’m glad that someone knows how I think. For a long time, no one understood me.”

  “I know how that can feel. It makes you feel lonely and isolated. Never fear, Annabelle, I know just what makes you tick. It’s the same things that motivate me. We are likeminded individuals must stick together. I will never let you go, Annabelle. I should have had you under my guarding eye when you were but a child. But I will make it up to you. I vow I will.”

  She shivered. She didn’t like the angry gleam in his eyes. He looked like he was out for blood—and she knew whose blood he wanted to spill.

  His eyes clouded. “I must leave you early. I have matters that need my attention. Katrina, I trust you will show my daughter to her quarters?”

  “It will be my honor, Sire.”

  “Aye. It certainly will,” Roland agreed.

  She looked to the doorway expecting to see Delbert still hovering there, unfortunately, he had disappeared. She sighed.

  Katrina looked over at her. “Would you like some tea? I have a habit of drinking a cup or two after my meal. I should have poured some for us while we were having our tart. My brain must have been elsewhere,” she laughed nervously. “Your father is overjoyed to see you. However, he has been in a foul temper today. He did not like what happened at the last battle. He knows your mother was hurt.”

  “Was she?” She feigned ignorance, hoping that Katrina wouldn’t notice the falseness of it.

  “Yes. Blackburn did it. I was with him. Fortunately, your father was merciful to me. It’s another story with Blackburn though.”

  “That is unfortunate.”

  “To fall out of the king’s favour, is not a pleasurable place to be.” She smiled, and waved her hand. A teapot appeared in front of them, along with two china cups.

  “I find the tea from this region of Thaliana to be extremely palatable.”

  “I know. It is the finest in the known kingdoms,” Annabelle said.

  Katrina sipped at her hot tea. Annabelle fought the urge to throttle the life out of her. She was an untrustworthy woman. Her allegiance switched at the drop of the hat. She feathered her nest depending on which way the winds of victory blew. Right now, she was playing her cards right so she remained in Roland’s favour.

  One thing that enlightened Annabelle was the way that Roland took charge of everyone around him. He was the king, and by the looks of it, he ruled with an iron fist. Malachi had definitely been mistaken when he’d had the impression of Roland being controlled. She doubted that anyone could control Roland. Not even she could hope to control him.

  “I feel compelled to tell you that you made the right decision in running from Malachi. He always has had brutish tendencies. You are safer with your father, than you are without him. Roland’s power is limitless. The man is the greatest warlock of our age. He holds more power in his pinky finger that Malachi holds in his pinky toe.”

  “Does he?” Annabelle asked innocently.

  “Oh, yes. The royal line you hail from always has been endowed with the greatest of magical powers. You are magical royalty. Not only on your father’s side, but on your mother’s side as well. The powerful magic that runs through your veins is astounding. I envy you. I wish I had half as much power.” Katrina sighed.

  “Only half? The magic must be great in both of my families if that is the case.”

  “Aren’t you going to drink your tea?” Katrina looked innocently at her. For some reason, Annabelle didn’t like the coquettish way that Katrina was fluttering her eyelashes.

  “I’m not in the mood for tea right now.” Her admission made Katrina’s eyes narrow.

  “Tea is good for the body, and the soul. It is wonderfully relaxing.”

  Annabelle smiled. She could imagine just how wonderfully relaxing it was. It was probably relaxing enough to make her sleep for a very, very long time.

  “Just the same, I think I’ll just stick with the water I’ve been sipping.”

  “Suit yourself, Princess. You are missing out on a good deal, though.” Katrina sighed, dabbing her mouth daintily with her napkin. Yawning, she rolled her eyes. “I am quite tuckered out. I’m still recovering from the trials of our last battle. It was a great and momentous victory for our side. I must go and bathe and then, I shall sleep the entire night through. My dreams will be blissful, since I won’t have to visit you in your dreams. You have made my life so much easier. I will never be able to repay you for that.” She stood up, her chair made a screeching noise as it scraped along the stone floor. “Sweet dreams, dear Princess.” She bowed her head to her, and then in a flash, she was gone.

  “Spooky,” Annabelle muttered. Looking at the room, she sighed. Katrina had forgotten to show her the way to her own private residence in the castle. Forgotten—or had she deliberately left her behind? She wouldn’t put such a thing past the little witch.

  She pushed her chair back and stood up. She was about to walk away from the table, when the door flew open.

  “Annabelle! You don’t know how long I’ve waited in the shadows biding my time until everyone left the room,” Delbert cried.

  “How did you know that Katrina had left?”

  “Because she rematerialized in the hallway, and scurried back to Blackburn’s room. They are partners in bed…if you get the drift.” Delbert wrung his hands nervously the pinched look on his face set her nerves ajar.

  “Why are you here? If King Ronald catches you talking with me—he will have your hide, literally by the sounds of it.”

  “I don’t care one bloody fig. You have to believe that I didn’t sell you.”

  “I know, you didn’t.” She smiled, clenching the napkin in her hands. “I knew that even you would never stoop so low.”

  “You’re damn right, I wouldn’t. You have to get out of here right now! You can’t stay one more minute under this roof. It’s no place for a girl of your delicate sensibilities.”

  “Delicate sensibilities? I assure you, Da—Delbert, I can look after myself. My sensibilities are made out of pure steel. Do not worry about me. You should flee the castle. I don’t want you bearing another brunt of Roland’s temper. Leave now!”

  “I won’t leave. I’m staying her to keep a watchful eye on you.”

  “I have so many protectors. The problem is, they aren’t all on the same side,” she sighed. “The main thing is, you don’t have to stay behind because of me.”

  “I—I don’t think there’s anything else I can be. Where else do I have to go? I have no one.”

  “Return to our village. Return to…” she stopped. She heard footsteps approaching. You
have to leave…”

  “It’s too late. Oh, damn, if I’m discovered.” Thinking quickly yet again, she ran to the table.

  “If you have a mess to clean up, that’s a good enough reason to be seen in my company. Besides, that bloody bitch, Katrina left me here high and dry. I wouldn’t know how to find my way through this castle if my life depended on it.”

  “I’m sure you would. You always did manage to find your way most of the time. You just sell yourself short.” He gave her quick smile. She threw the teacups on the floor.

  “Oh dear, look I’m all butter fingers today.” Unfortunately, the sound the smashing cups created drew the attention of the approaching person. Delbert obediently grabbed a broom and a tray from the trolley and got to work.

  She had just turned away from him, when the person walking toward them reached them.

  “Are you hurt?” Roland looked around, obviously searching for someone. He thought she was being attacked. She didn’t know if she should be happy or a little wary, if he thought she was open to attack, then she probably was.

  “I’m fine. I’m sorry I guess I’m just prone to having klutzy accidents tonight. I’m so out of sorts, my nerves are just frayed.”

  “I understand. Thank you, Delbert for cleaning up the mess. When you are done, you are dismissed.”

  “Aye, sire.”

  She wrenched her gaze away from Delbert. “I trust you sorted out the problem that needed your attention?” Annabelle asked.

  “After knocking a few heads together, yes,” Roland answered.

  “And Daniel?”

  “I am having him brought up here as we speak. I thought you would already have retired to your rooms.”

  “I—well, Katrina hurried off, and in her haste, she must have forgotten me.”

  “Indeed.” His eyes narrowed and flashed with pent up anger. She should feel guilty that she had raised his ire against Katrina but she couldn’t muster the compassion.

  “I will just leave, then.”

  “You’ll need a guide. Delbert needs to get a move on, he’s expected back in the kitchens. You can stay here, and then I will show you to your rooms.”

  “You could always just pop me back there,” she suggested.


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