Book Read Free

Take It SLOW

Page 20

by AKM Miles

  “Oh, yes. It’s fine. More than I ever expected. I love working with Mama Sasy, especially making pies. Everybody has been so good to us. This is the first time in over a year that we’ve felt safe. We’ll never be able to thank you enough,” Robb said, taking Jeff’s hand in his and squeezing.

  Daniel looked at the two of them and realized that they really were incredibly good-looking men. They were about the same height, probably five-feet-ten or so, both slim, both with blond hair. Jeff’s was a darker color and his eyes were a bright green. Robb’s hair was much lighter and his eyes a clear, stunning blue. Robb’s lips were fuller and were a dark pink color. He really was very pretty. Both had perfect teeth, which was a wonder considering where they’d been the last year.

  Daniel didn’t know how the two young men had ended up on the street, and no one had pushed for the story. If they wanted to share, they would. They were just accepted into the group and they had shown that they were good men, kind, helpful, and friendly.

  They all trooped out to the huge garage that would house the apartment on the top floor. Daniel was surprised that the work was as far along as it was. The lights were in and the walls were up. The rooms were divided out, and they discussed where the furniture they’d talked about could go best. It was an enjoyable task, one that had them all pretty excited.

  Franklin said he’d be the only one left at Mama Sasy’s and Nick said, “Don’t count on it. I don’t think that dorm has been empty for more than a week at a time since I’ve known her. It’s a sad statement about the way of the world for young gay men. I hope you have it to yourself for a while, but I’m sure there’ll be others sharing your space soon.”

  They all sobered at that thought and soon were headed back outside. They thanked Nick for the meal and the evening. It was late when they pulled back in to the lot behind the diner. They headed inside to get ready for bed.

  Benny said to Daniel, “You and your dad seemed really close tonight. You feel good now, huh?”

  Daniel pulled Benny over to his bed, and they sat close to talk while the other boys hit the bathroom.

  “Yes, tonight it just really hit me, standing there in the kitchen, that it wasn’t a place to hate or fear anymore, it was home, my former home, but I felt welcomed there. I looked at him and I think he was feeling the same thing, and it was just a really good moment for us.” Daniel took Benny’s hands, twining his fingers with Benny’s and sliding them in and around.

  “I was happy to see it. I’m so glad you are getting the feeling back in your relationship. It’s good,” Benny said, his fingers moving against Daniel’s in a mutual hand dance.

  “I’m going to ask him to come over tomorrow afternoon and see if he has any ideas on where I can go from here. Not physically, I mean, but with my life. I know we’re going to the apartment and so on, but I’m going to need to find a way to make what I want to do with my life work for me.” Daniel was looking at their hands, not at Benny.

  “Hey,” Benny said, quietly.

  Daniel raised his eyes to Benny’s gaze and smiled at the sweet look in Benny’s eyes, those pretty wood- colored eyes.


  “It’s going to work out. You’re going to be able to do what you want. Don’t rush it, it will happen. We have time to think about it. Do you still want to go out, looking for others? If you do, you know I’ll go with you. I don’t want you to ever go alone, you hear me? Don’t frown at me, Daniel Webster,” Benny said, voice sounding very stern, almost making Daniel smile.

  “Relax, I have no intention to go scouting on my own. I love that you’ll go with me. I wonder if Jeff and Robb know of anyone, like Franklin knew about them.”

  “I heard our names,” Jeff said as he came back into the room, hair wet from his shower, towel over his shoulder.

  “Oh, we were talking about how Franklin told us about you and wondering if you or Robb knew of anyone in the same situation you all were in who might need help.” Daniel hoped Jeff didn’t get upset at the question.

  “Not really. Robb and I really tried to stay away from others. We scrounged, tried to find odd jobs that we could do together. We didn’t want to be separated. I’ll admit we were hungry a lot, but we managed. It was just the last few months that Butch kept hassling us, and then it got worse, as you know.” Robb had come out and stood beside Jeff, and Daniel again noticed the absolute beauty of the two men. They were gorgeous.

  “I’m sure it was hard for you on the street. Did the fact that you’re both so good looking cause you lots of problems?” Franklin had suggested that it was part of the reason they’d been targeted, but Daniel wondered how much it played into their story.

  “Some, well, a lot really. You’re right. It seemed like all these creeps thought that since we look like we do, not something either of us take credit for, by the way, that we were stupid and would just do anything they wanted. They’d offer us stuff and be really surprised that we wouldn’t do what they wanted just for money. We never did any of that, I swear it,” Jeff said, turning a little, putting his arm around Robb who snuggled in.

  “I never thought you did. It’s clear what you feel for each other, and I’m sure you wouldn’t do anything to hurt that relationship.” Daniel really hadn’t thought that. He just had the feeling they’d been through a lot before coming to Mama Sasy’s.

  Through all this Benny had been quiet, listening to them talk around him.

  “We both want to help out other guys just like you two and Franklin. We love what Mama Sasy has going on here and are proud to be helping her after she has helped us so much. Daniel and I are interested in helping boys, young gay men, here in Nashville. It’s not like there aren’t plenty of them. We just haven’t figured out how we’re going to do it yet.” Benny explained.

  “You’ll figure it out, Daniel. Hey, your dad is really a good guy. We had a good time tonight. We have to get some sleep now though. We promised to be in the diner really early tomorrow morning, and I’ve got to help Mama with the pies. I like Mama Rosa, too. She’s really sweet. Oh, and talk about good-looking? Both Easy and Mano are some good-looking dudes. Really,” Robb said, laughing when Jeff looked affronted by the statement. “Not as good as you, babe, don’t worry,” he teased. Jeff put both arms around Robb and they headed back to their semi-private area.

  Benny and Daniel headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed, nodding to Franklin as he came out.

  § § § §

  The next day, Daniel was in the kitchen with Boddy when Jeff came in and headed straight for Mama Sasy.

  “Uh, can I talk to you a second? There’s a guy out here, and he freaked me out,” he said.

  Daniel’s blood ran cold. He was picturing someone like Jack out there, causing a problem for his good- looking friend. He stopped what he was doing and watched as Mama cleaned her hands and headed out with him immediately. Robb did the same, naturally heading out to be with Jeff.

  Daniel followed and stood beside the others at the counter where Mama picked up the coffee pot and moved to fill a cup here and there. She put it back, stepping over by Jeff to ask, “Who, hon? I don’t see anyone who looks like he’s watching you or anything.” She looked around the diner, as did Daniel and Robb. Daniel relaxed as he saw that there weren’t any obvious threats in the room.

  “Back there in the corner, across from your family booth. The guy in the suit,” Jeff said, softly, not taking his eyes off the man, who seemed to be working on something in front of him on the table.

  “What is it about him that bothers you? Did he say something to you, something ugly?” she asked.

  “Um, no, but, look, he’s got coffee. Why don’t you go fill his cup and tell me what you see on the table? See if it doesn’t freak you out, too,” Jeff said, stepping closer to Robb, who leaned into him, offering his support.

  Mama looked at Jeff for just a second and seemed to realize that he was still spooked, so she grabbed the pot and headed for the back table. Daniel couldn’t hear what wa
s said, but soon she was coming back to them. She nodded her head toward the kitchen and they all trooped back in.

  “Well, did you see them?” Jeff asked.

  “What? See what? Jeff, you’re scaring me. What’s up with the guy?” Robb said, never losing contact with Jeff.

  “His table is covered with pictures of young men, good-looking young men. Some of them have big X’s on the picture. I asked if he needed anything, and he said he would order in a few minutes after he finished his work. If you don’t want to wait on him, I’ll do it. You can stay in here. It’s probably nothing at all to worry about. Maybe they’re actors, and he’s like a talent scout or something.” She was clearly trying to come up with a reason why the man would have those pictures.

  Daniel thought it sounded kind of strange, but the guy hadn’t looked dangerous. He said, “I’ll do it. Take his order, I mean. I want to see the pictures and see what he sounds like.”

  “He sounds like a businessman. He seemed nice and was very polite. He even asked if we had chocolate pie today. He can’t be all bad, huh?” Mama asked, patting Jeff. “You work back here, and Daniel and I will take over out there for a few minutes. Benny and Daniel will be able to get a read on the situation. You and Robb stay in here until we come back for you. You’re sure he didn’t say anything to you?” she asked.

  “No, he was just watching me, really watching me, while I took orders and moved around in there. It was weird, gave me a creepy feeling. I’m sorry for causing a fuss. I’m just being paranoid… probably,” Jeff said.

  “Hey, it never hurts to be cautious. We’ll get this straightened out. And Boddy is always here with his bat if there’s any trouble. I don’t expect any, though.” Mama Sasy chuckled as she and Daniel headed back out to the front.

  Daniel moved around, waiting on a couple of truckers, helping Benny clear tables, all the while keeping an eye on the man at the corner table. He never looked up from his work, didn’t watch the two of them at all. That gave Daniel a little pause. Jeff had said he was really watching him closely. Was it because Jeff was so handsome? Was the guy scoping out Jeff for some reason?

  Since he was paying such close attention to that table, Daniel saw the man look up and around as if wanting something. He hurried over with a pad and pen to take his order.

  “Can I get you something? Are you ready to order?” Daniel asked, trying not to be too obvious about looking at all the stuff spread out over the table. There were several pictures of young men in different poses, all with clothes on, he was happy to see. And like Mama had said, some of them had X’s on them. Odd, Daniel thought.

  “Yes, please. I’d like the special, whatever it is. The food here is always great. I’d like some sweet tea, and when I’m done, I’d like a piece of chocolate pie. I can’t resist the pie here.” Daniel smiled and nodded as he took the order. That made it clear that the man had been here before, maybe even many times. Okay, a little less nervous now.

  He went into the kitchen, gave Boddy the order and asked him to look out there and see if he recognized the man. He told Mama, who’d followed him back, and the others what the man had ordered and the things he said.

  Boddy spoke up behind Daniel. “Yeah, I’ve seen him in here a few times before. He told me once that he had a friend who owned a trucking company who had recommended us to him. He travels a lot, I think. Comes in when he’s in town. Why?” Boddy was working on getting the man’s order ready and didn’t seem too worried, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

  Jeff said he would take the order out and he was sorry about freaking them out. Robb watched nervously and then went out with Jeff and the order.

  Daniel watched from the kitchen doorway to see if anything strange happened. Robb stuck to Jeff as if he was attached. Jeff set down the plate and tea, and Daniel saw the man’s eyes widen as he took in the two young men standing by his table. As Daniel continued to watch he thought it strange that the man didn’t say anything, just sat looking back and forth between Jeff and Robb. Did he know them? What was going on?

  “Mama, come here, please. That guy keeps staring at Jeff and Robb. It’s kind of weird.” Mama Sasy and Daniel headed back into the front of the diner and over to the table.

  “Is there a problem, sir?” Mama asked, putting a hand on Jeff’s shoulder.

  It seemed that the guy reluctantly pulled his eyes away from the two boys and looked at her.

  “No, ma’am. Not at all. I was just noticing how handsome these two young men were. This is going to sound strange, but would you be interested in modeling?”

  Jeff snorted, and Robb blushed. Daniel was torn between thinking he was a pervert looking for fresh meat and wondering if this was for real.

  Mama wasn’t as hesitant. She sat right down across from him and crossed her arms on the table.

  “How do I know you aren’t just looking for pretty young boys for some other reason?”

  Well, that was straightforward and to the point.

  Daniel watched the man, whose lips turned up and he smiled at her.

  “I take it you speak for them?” he asked.

  “Nobody has to speak for us,” Jeff said. “We can speak for ourselves. We just don’t trust you.”

  The man considered all four of the people around his table.

  “Why don’t you all join me? Is it okay if I eat while I talk? I don’t want this good meal to get cold. Please, sit down.” He pointed to the table. Jeff and Robb took the two other chairs, and Daniel pulled one from an empty table nearby. They sat, watching the man expectantly.

  “Mama Sasy, you’re something of a legend in certain areas. I applaud you for your good work and the success you’ve had with it. My brother is impressed also, and he is the one who told me about what you do and how good the food is here.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate the kind words and his recommendation. But, right now, you’ve made a couple of my boys nervous. What is it you do, exactly?” Mama asked, pointedly.

  “I’m sorry. I never meant to do that,” the man said, looking at Jeff and Robb. “Forgive me, but you’re perfect for what I’ve been looking for, well, it’s been weeks now. Let me explain. My name is Brad Portney and I work for Proud Magazine. We are strictly a LGBT publication. Our magazine has fashion, current events, design, and health sections. We try to be a full-service mag, something for everyone, so to speak. I’m in charge of talent, or models, in this case. We’ve been looking for a couple for a while now. We have lots of good-looking young men, but we want to feature a couple, and I’ve had a hard time finding just what I wanted.” He paused, taking a few bites while that information sank in.

  “So, you’re legitimately looking for models for your magazine?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes, I am, young man. I’m sorry if my staring caused any alarm,” Mr. Portney said, glancing at Jeff and Robb.

  “How come I’ve never heard of Proud Magazine? Is it for real?” Robb asked, surprising everyone but Mr. Portney, who didn’t know that Robb was the more reticent of the two young men.

  “We’re relatively new, and mostly in the north. We’re based in New York, but have been planning to open an office here in Nashville, hoping to get a larger base in the south and Midwest. I know it’s a hard area to get approval for our type of publication, but it really is true.” He smiled at them. “We’re everywhere.”

  “What is it you would want with Jeff and Robb? And, do you mind if I have a lawyer friend of mine talk with you? They can speak for themselves, but Nick represents anyone who comes through here,” Mama asked. “I’m not ready, and I don’t think they are, to just accept what you’re saying. We don’t want to take chances with our boys, but we don’t want to lose an opportunity, if they are interested, either.”

  “I think that would be a great idea. I have an appointment in Atlanta the day after tomorrow, so I can afford to stay in Nashville tonight. Would it be possible to meet with this person soon? I’ll make myself available whenever it’s needed. But first, we shou
ld ask these two if they are even interested in modeling as a career.” Mr. Portney looked at Jeff and Robb, his brows raised in a questioning look.

  Jeff looked at Robb and something in the glance had Robb moving to get up. “Excuse us,” Jeff said, and with that, he and Robb left the table and went into the kitchen. Mama and Daniel looked at each other and she shrugged.

  “Did I do something wrong? I really am serious in my wish to see if they would be interested in working for me. They have exactly the look I’m going for in this. They are a couple, right? I think they could have a really good chance at this. I hope they’ll consider it.” Mr. Portney kept glancing at the door to the kitchen, brow furrowed.

  “Let me get you the pie, and I’ll see if they’re okay,” Daniel said, getting up. He knew Mama would continue to grill the man on his intentions. He wanted to make sure Jeff and Robb were okay and what they thought of the man’s offer.

  He came into the kitchen to see Jeff and Robb over in the corner by the outside door. Robb was in Jeff’s arms, and Jeff was talking into Robb’s ear. Robb nodded and put his forehead onto Jeff’s shoulder. Daniel left them alone for a moment.

  Boddy came over to Daniel and quietly asked, “Is everything all right?”

  “I think so. That guy is looking for models for a magazine, one that is for the gay community, and he thinks they would be good for a thing he’s been working on. I think they just needed a moment to talk about it. Mama’s gonna have Nick come talk to the guy and make sure he’s on the up and up.”

  Boddy nodded at the information and went back to work. Daniel looked at the two in the corner again and saw that they were looking back at him. He went over to them and waited for one of them to speak.

  Of course it was Jeff. “What do you think, Daniel?”

  “I’m not sure what to think. If the man is for real, it could be a fantastic opportunity, a good job. It would be a way to make money, have a better life, and have it based on something that has caused you problems in the past. It’s kind of ironic, don’t you think? Maybe now you could embrace the fact that you’re both drop dead gorgeous and get something out of it.” Daniel didn’t know the first thing about modeling or the magazine business, but a job was a job.


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