Take It SLOW

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Take It SLOW Page 21

by AKM Miles

  “What if he’s not, as you say, for real? How do we know it’s not just a scam and he’s one more person who wants something from us that we’re not interested in giving? It’s hard to know. We don’t trust people too easily. You guys here being the exception.” Jeff grinned at Daniel to show he was only partly teasing.

  “That’s where my dad comes in. You know he’s a lawyer and a very smart man. If this guy is not what he says he is, Dad will find out and that will be the end of it. If this guy has your best interests in mind, then Dad will help make this happen for you. That’s what my dad does here for Mama Sasy. Is it something you could see yourself doing?” Daniel wanted these two young men to be happy with their decision whatever it was.

  “Maybe. I don’t know anything about modeling, but I figure he would tell us what to do. He said it was like, a gay magazine, right? So, long as we don’t have to be doing anything naked or tacky, I’d consider it.”

  Robb chimed in with, “Yeah, me too. What he said.” Daniel laughed, not at all surprised with those words. Daniel’s cell phone rang. It showed his dad’s number. “Hello, Dad.”

  “Hi, Daniel. It’s so good to hear you say that again. Mama Sasy just called and asked me to come over. Can you give me an idea of what’s going on? I just finished with a meeting and have about two hours before I have to be somewhere else. I’m on my way to the car now.”

  Daniel filled him in on the situation, and Nick said he would check on some things and be there in about half an hour. Daniel went back to the front and told Mama Sasy and Mr. Portney that Nick was on his way.

  Mr. Portney enjoyed his pie, and Jeff and Robb came back out and sat down with him. Mama and Daniel left them to it. They could ask him whatever they wanted and when Nick got here they would know more about the legalities of the business.

  When Nick came in he headed straight to the kitchen and Mama Sasy.

  “He’s legit, as is the magazine. I stopped at a drugstore on the way over and found two copies, last month’s and this month’s issues. I thought you’d like to see them.” With that, he handed one to Daniel and one to Mama Sasy. The covers were very glossy and quite — Daniel searched for a word — classy, maybe. He thumbed through it and saw lots of ads for clothes, lots of sections on designing your space, some on keeping fit, and there were, indeed, several good-looking models throughout the magazine. He looked at the contents page and found a couple of features about people, one on music and one about, of all things, construction work. It looked like a very interesting publication with a variety of topics covered, all relating in some way to the gay community in a positive manner.

  “Impressive, huh?” Nick’s voice came from over Daniel’s shoulder.

  He looked at his dad and nodded. “Yeah, definitely. It looks really classy, not like a tacky thing at all. I’m not as worried about him being out to hurt Jeff and Robb now. Will you talk to him and find out what happens next if they want to pursue this?” He closed the magazine and saw that Mama was looking through her copy.

  “That’s what I’m here for. Well, and I’m always happy to see you,” Nick said, putting one arm around Daniel’s shoulders and giving him a quick squeeze. “Let’s go see this guy and find out what his plan is for our handsome two. Maybe someday when they’re famous, they’ll remember how their meteoric rise to fame started here at Mama Sasy’s.”

  Nick smiled at Daniel and then paused in his steps toward the front. “You know, if they do get a career out of this, you can take some credit, Daniel. You went out looking for them, found them, saved them, and brought them here to safety, and now they have this opportunity. You should be proud. Uh, no pun intended.” He laughed as Daniel held up the magazine with the title prominent across the top.

  Daniel wanted to stay and listen to the conversation between the magazine executive and his father, the two boys, and Mama Sasy, but he had duties in the kitchen. He and Benny left them to their meeting and resumed their work. Daniel hoped this would be a good thing for the two good-looking young men. God knew they were due a break. And, as his dad said, he felt just a little bit of pride that he had something to do with them getting a chance at a better life. There was enough pride there to reinforce his desire to do this with his life.

  Daniel wasn’t naïve. It didn’t always work out this well. Things could go really wrong in so many ways. The boys he found might not want help, they may not like the restrictions that would be put upon them after living on the streets on their own. Daniel knew that. He had no illusions about his choice being one that would always be rosy and light. Sometimes it would be dark and heartbreaking, but he had to try to make a difference. Daniel would never forget the feeling he had when Mano had shown up in that bathroom at the truck stop in Georgia, told him that he was safe now, and that his dad was waiting for him. Life-changing. That’s what he wanted to effect for others, a life-changing moment. Now, to talk to his dad and see what they could come up with in the way of ideas on how he was going to manage it. Maybe he needed to have Mama Sasy in on the strategy meeting, too.

  Chapter Eleven

  Three weeks later and it was damn cold in Nashville.

  Thanksgiving was next week and the dorm was once again occupied by just the three boys: Franklin, Daniel, and Benny. Jeff and Robb had left with Mr. Portney, and they’d heard from the boys twice. Evidently, things were going well for them. Their first shoot had led to a couple of others and it seemed they were on their way. A really good thing was that so far, they were being photographed each time as a couple which made them happy. They weren’t rich yet, but it looked like this really was going to be a great opportunity for them.

  The apartment was nearly ready to move into. Daniel wasn’t sure how he felt about that, excited and anxious in varying degrees. He was certainly ready to spend more intimate time with Benny and wasn’t worried about taking their relationship to that level. He wasn’t even concerned about being closer to his dad, as they had spent more time together lately. Nick came by more often, and Daniel had even gone out to eat with his dad a couple of times while they talked about the apartment or shopped for smaller items for the living space. Benny came with them, too, when it was okay with Mama Sasy and Boddy. Maybe it was just that this was going to be another big change.

  The more time Nick spent at Mama Sasy’s, the more Daniel got a chance to watch his dad and Mama together. He knew they both had feelings that they, for some reason, didn’t act upon. He wondered what was holding them back. Well, no time like the present.

  They were sitting in the family booth at the diner and Mama had been called back to the kitchen so they had a moment of privacy.

  Daniel asked, “Why don’t you just tell her that you love her?”

  Nick dropped his fork and looked up, clearly stunned at the question from out of the blue. “What? I’m not, well, I mean, I’m…why did you ask that?” Nick looked perplexed and a little flustered.

  “Because I think that both you and Mama Sasy have feelings for each other. I’ve watched you both for a while now, and I can’t figure out why you haven’t said anything. Why aren’t you together? Do you think she’s not good enough for your life?” Daniel almost slapped his hand over his mouth at the question he hadn’t known he was going to ask.

  “Daniel! Shame on you. You know better than that. If anything, I’m not good enough for her. I didn’t know it was that obvious,” Nick said, looking back down at his plate.

  “Yeah, actually, you both have that sappy lovesick look on your faces half the time.” Daniel laughed when his dad’s eyes widened and he blushed. “You need to do something, Dad. Why don’t you ask her out, like on a real date? Go out somewhere, just the two of you, and see if there’s more than what you have together with your work here.” Daniel thought the two of them made a great couple.

  “You wouldn’t mind? Really? You think she’d go?” Now Nick looked like a teenager with nerves.

  “No, I wouldn’t mind, and I can’t really say if she’d go, but it couldn’
t hurt to ask, could it? Come on, Dad, you know you want to,” Daniel teased, a warm feeling washing over him at his ability to do it and at his dad’s blush.

  “Here she comes,” Nick said, low-voiced. “Go away. I don’t want you laughing at me. I’m nervous enough.”

  Daniel laughed, but he got up and passed Mama Sasy as she headed back to the booth. She looked at him with a question in her eyes, but Daniel wasn’t about to say anything.

  Benny looked over at Daniel with his own question in his eyes as Daniel went to where Benny was rolling silverware into napkins. He paused to help and whispered, “My dad is going to ask Mama Sasy out on a date.”

  “No way!” Benny said, and Daniel shushed him quickly, making himself not look back at the booth to see what was happening.

  “Can you see them?” he asked Benny.

  “He has his hand on top of hers on the table. It looks like she’s blushing. The back of her neck is red. Isn’t that sweet, Daniel? See, we thought there was something there. Maybe now that you’re back and safe and happy even, he’ll think about getting a life again.” Benny looked up quickly at Daniel with wide eyes and said, “Not that it was your fault that he didn’t have one before, but, I mean…”

  “Shh, I know what you mean, Benny. Relax. I’m going back to the kitchen. Let me know if anything happens.”

  It wasn’t long before the door opened and Daniel turned, expecting Benny, but there stood Nick with a big grin on his honest-to-God blushing face.

  “Good news?” Daniel asked, hoping he hadn’t started something that would cause pain to either his dad or Mama Sasy.

  “Um, can you all cover things tonight? I’m taking Sally Ann out to dinner and a movie.” Nick’s face was almost comical. That was a stunned, but happy look. Daniel instinctively hugged his dad.

  “I’m so glad. Yeah, we’ll take care of things here. It’ll slow down soon, with the holiday coming. It wouldn’t matter, though, we’d still cover it. I hope you have a good time. I’m happy for you, Dad.”

  Nick tightened the embrace and murmured, “I’m happier than I’ve been in two years, Daniel. Happy you’re back and healthy and that we’re good again. I’m excited that Sally Ann has agreed to go out with me. You’re right about how I feel about her.”

  When Daniel pulled back, he noticed that Boddy was watching them and turned more fully toward him. He wondered if Boddy had any reservations about Nick and Mama Sasy dating. He raised his brows in question and Boddy just shook his head, mumbling.

  “What is it, Boddy?” Nick asked, being right up front with it.

  “Just don’t hurt her,” Boddy said, looking at Nick intently, then relaxing to say, “Not that I think you plan to, but well, she’s special.”

  “No one knows that better than me. She means the world to me. Rest assured, I intend to treat her like a queen.” Nick told the man.

  Mama, coming in the door behind him, snorted, “Crap. Come on, what’s going on in here? Are you being grilled, Nick? I’m no queen and don’t need to be treated like one. Just show me a good time and it’s all good. Nobody else needs to worry about it.” Well, that was pretty clear to all watching: stay out of their business. Daniel hid his smile and went back out to tell Benny about it.

  § § § §

  Thanksgiving was celebrated all day Thursday. Nick spent the whole day at the diner, and it was clear to those who knew them that things were moving along with the relationship between him and Mama Sasy.

  There were looks and touches and a general feeling of happiness that was evident on both their faces. Daniel and Benny were tickled, and Boddy seemed relieved that things were going smoothly with everyone.

  Boddy was spending more time with Mama Rosa since Mama Sasy spent a lot of time out front with Nick. Daniel fleetingly wondered if maybe something couldn’t happen with Boddy and Mama Rosa. Wouldn’t that just make everything perfect? Everyone, well, except for Franklin, would have somebody to love by Christmas. He promised himself to keep an eye on things and see if there were really any sparks between his favorite mama and Boddy. He mentioned his thoughts to Benny.

  “You going into the matchmaking business now? Finding lost gay boys isn’t enough for you?” Benny teased.

  “No, it was just a thought. They spend a lot of time together, and they laugh a lot. He helps her out all the time and, well, why shouldn’t they have someone, too?” Daniel thought it made perfect sense.

  “You’re cool, you know it?” Benny said, bumping shoulders with Daniel.

  “Ya think?” Daniel asked, looking into Benny’s eyes.

  His answer was there, and it warmed his heart.

  “Order up!” Boddy yelled from the window and Benny jumped to get it. Franklin was helping in the back today, so Daniel was working the front with Benny.

  He’d almost lost his fear of having a run-in with Jack Basham. His world had pretty much righted itself these days. He was happy.

  Nick had rolled up his sleeves and helped out during the busiest time today, and now he and Mama Sasy were in the family booth talking and drinking coffee. Daniel went to the pies and fixed a piece for each of them. He knew they’d both abstained at lunch.

  “Hey, how about something sweet now?” he asked, as he set them down in front of the two.

  “Mmm, good timing. I have just about enough room now,” Nick said, eyes lighting up at the chocolate pie.

  Mama laughed and teased, “When do you ever turn down pie?”

  “Hey, I did at lunch, didn’t I?” Nick wasn’t able to really sound too upset.

  “Only because you knew you’d get some later,” she said, taking a bite of her own.

  “Daniel, we want to talk to you about something after the supper rush tonight. You and Benny, okay?” Nick asked.

  Daniel looked back and forth between the two of them, but neither was letting anything show.

  “Uh, sure. Everything’s okay, isn’t it?” Now he was worried.

  “Never better,” coincided with, “Absolutely.”

  Daniel breathed a sigh of relief and headed back to the kitchen. He went straight to Boddy and asked, “Do you know what’s going on with Dad and Mama Sasy? They want to talk to me and Benny after supper tonight.”

  Boddy nodded his head and said, “Maybe.”

  “Well, that’s helpful.” Daniel was a little put out.

  “They didn’t say go talk to Boddy, did they? They said they wanted to talk to you all, so you can just be patient until then. Now, take this out. Rosa just took out two more pies. Let these cool and then put them in the front.”

  “You’re right. Sorry, Boddy.” Daniel grabbed the pies to take them out.

  “No problem, Daniel. Just, keep an open mind, okay?”

  Now Daniel was really wondering what was going on. He knew his dad had taken Mama Sasy out a couple of times since their first date, but he hadn’t asked where. He had noticed that she came back smiling, though. Surely his dad wasn’t going to ask her to marry him. Was he? He didn’t have to search his heart to know that he would be fine with it. He hurried over to tell Benny that they had a meeting to go to that night.

  Franklin came over and said, “Don’t look right now, but there’s a guy that’s been hanging around out front. Black dude. Looks kind of hungry and scared, you know? Should we do something? I don’t want to scare him away.”

  Daniel nodded his head and went about bussing a table, looking out the front window to see the guy that Franklin was talking about. He didn’t know if Mama had any particular way she connected with these boys, so he went over to her and told her what they’d seen. She got up immediately and walked slowly to the front door.

  Daniel watched her walk right up to the boy, who looked like he was about to run. She talked to him steadily, no gestures, no sudden movements. After a few minutes he trailed along behind her as she came back in.

  “Daniel, this is Bass. He could use a hot meal. Will you tell Boddy to get him one? And he likes chocolate milkshakes. I think that would g
o fine with Thanksgiving dinner, don’t you?” She stood near the boy, Bass, and talked quietly. The boy looked really young, early teens maybe. He had very short hair and light green eyes. He was pretty good looking, but he seemed really scared, a little dirty, and if the sounds coming from his stomach were any indication, very hungry.

  Daniel answered, “Yes, ma’am, right away. Welcome to Mama Sasy’s, Bass. You’re safe here and the food is the best.” Daniel went to the window to pass the message on to Boddy.

  He heard Mama ask Bass to sit with her and Nick at the booth, and when Daniel got there with the plate, she asked him to join them. Benny was making the milkshake.

  Mama was beside Nick, so Daniel paused at the end of the booth, waiting for Bass to scoot over and let him in. After a few seconds of hesitation, the boy moved, making room for Daniel.

  “It’s okay, really. Dig in! All of the boys you’ll see here have been where you are, myself included. It’s a long story, but, uh, this is my dad, Nick Webster. You met Mama Sasy, and here comes Benny with your shake. He and Franklin showed up here just like you, well, sort of. We went looking for Franklin. Anyway, after you eat, we’ll find you a bunk, some clean clothes, get you a kit, and let you hit the showers. I know that was one of the best things when I got here. Finally, I felt clean after such a long time.” Daniel realized that Bass was watching him closely and not eating. “I’m sorry. I’ll shut up and let you eat. Go on, while it’s hot. I just wanted you to feel safe here and to know that it’s okay to stay. No one will hurt you, or hound you with questions and so on.” Daniel finally shut up.

  He wanted to ask so many questions. Where did Bass hear about Mama Sasy’s? How did he come to be here? What was his story? Daniel felt such an eagerness to find out more about the kid and find ways to help him. He understood what drove Mama Sasy all this time.


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