Take It SLOW

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Take It SLOW Page 22

by AKM Miles

  He caught his dad and Mama Sasy sharing a look, and then they both looked at him. What was that? Mama began talking quietly to Bass, telling him what he could expect the next few days, the spiel Daniel had heard several times before.

  Finally, his dad asked Bass what Daniel wanted to know. “How old are you, Bass?”

  Bass stopped with his fork halfway to his mouth and his eyes looked like those of the proverbial deer in the headlights.

  “D-does it matter? Do I have to be a certain age to get to stay here for a while?” His voice was shaking a little.

  “No, baby. We just want to make sure you’re okay. We don’t need to know everything about you, but we do need to know if anyone is likely to come looking for you. We’ll look out for you, but we just like to make sure no one is making trouble for the boys who are here.” Mama stopped talking at the scared look on his face. She just waited, clearly getting that there was a story.

  “I’ll be sixteen in December, on the sixth.” Bass looked down, putting his fork down as if waiting to be told to leave.

  “Relax, hon. Go ahead and eat. We’re not going to make you leave. Like I said, we just have to make sure you’re okay. You’re a little young, and look even younger than that, but if you need us, we’re here for you. Your parents, they’re not in the picture, I take it?” Mama asked.

  “No, ma’am. My mama died, and my old man, he, well, when I left, let’s just say he lost his favorite punching bag. He didn’t like that I had these green eyes, and he made my mom’s life hell because of them. She told him over and over that her daddy had green eyes, but he swore she cheated on him. I think the cancer that took her so quickly was almost a relief to her. Well, except she was worried about me. He really went ballistic when he saw, uh, well, there was this magazine that my friend let me borrow. That was it for him. I was out on the street.” Bass started eating again. Daniel figured he thought he’d given them enough.

  “How long have you been on your own?” Nick asked.

  “Since March. Sometimes it’s okay, but I’ve been kind of scared lately. There’s this guy that’s sort of been stalking me?” The words went high at the end, making the statement a question, like he wasn’t sure if the guy was really stalking him, but it was clear that Bass feared him.

  “Are you from here, from Nashville?” Daniel asked, wondering if he had been living near here, and if the guy bothering him was Butch, the same one that had gone after Franklin, Jeff, and Robb.

  “Yeah, I mean yes.” Bass had finished his meal and was yawning widely.

  Daniel slid out of the booth, saying, “Come on, let’s get you settled.”

  Bass thanked Mama Sasy for the food and for letting him stay before he followed Daniel.

  Daniel introduced him to Boddy and Mama Rosa in the kitchen, then led him back the hallway to the dorm. He showed Bass where each of their bunks were and let him choose one for himself. Once that was done, Daniel got a kit out for him, handed it to him and showed him where the bathroom and showers were, promising to get him some clean clothes and leave them there for him. He went over the rules about no drugs or alcohol, no guests without clearing it first with Mama Sasy, and so on.

  “Hey,” Bass said, standing in the bathroom just before Daniel left to get him the clothes.

  “Yeah?” Daniel turned back around.

  “How come they do all this, really?”

  Daniel wasn’t surprised at the question. They’d all asked it at one time or another, in one way or another. It was hard to accept that someone wanted to do something nice for you after you’d been living in hell, alone and scared, for so long. It didn’t seem real. After living on the streets you just knew that if someone tried to help you, they had an ulterior motive.

  “It’s a pretty neat story, but trust me, they’re on the up and up here. No one will ask anything of you that you don’t want to do. They don’t expect anything. I know it’s hard to believe, but you’re safe now. We’ll tell you how we all came to be here later, okay?” Daniel could tell the kid was nearly asleep on his feet. “Is there anything you need?” Daniel asked. “A doctor or anything like that?”

  Bass shook his head, saying, “No, thanks though.” Bass finally turned to go to the shower, and Daniel got him some sweats and left them in the bathroom for him.

  Franklin came in and headed for his bunk. Daniel was glad that someone would be there when Bass came out, but he needed to get back up front. Walking into the kitchen, he saw Boddy leaning down, talking quietly to Mama Rosa. She had her hand on his where he had it resting on the arm of her chair. His other arm was almost all the way around her back. Whoa! Was there something going on there, too?

  They both looked up when he entered, and Daniel just grinned and kept walking. Something must be in the air around here. He thought about it as he went on into the diner. He really would love it if Mama Rosa and Boddy get together. They were about the same age and both were great, kind, caring people.

  Benny caught his eye and raised a brow at the smile on his face. “What’s up?” he asked as he joined Daniel.

  “I’ll tell you later. Right now let’s go find out what Nick and Mama Sasy want to talk to us about.”

  Benny followed him and they sat across from the two older people in the booth. Daniel waited expectantly for one of them to explain why they were there.

  Nick and Mama Sasy looked at each other, and Nick dipped his head as if telling Mama Sasy to go first. She smiled at him and turned back to them.

  “Your father and I have been talking, and we have an idea. We’d like to see what you all think about it.”

  “Okay.” Daniel waited.

  Nick took over, saying, “We’ve noted just how important helping others like Benny and yourself is to you. You have a gift for it, if that makes any sense. You know how these boys feel, and you have a sincere desire to help. Mama Sasy and I have an announcement that I hope you’ll be happy about. It’s really a double-sided one. First, Sally Ann has agreed to marry me.” At the big grins on both boy’s faces, Nick paused before adding the second bomb. “And I’ve bought Mama Sasy’s.”

  “Huh?” Daniel wasn’t sure if it was an exclamation or a question. That was about as eloquent as he could get. Mama was leaving Mama Sasy’s?

  “Mama’s not leaving Mama Sasy’s,” Nick said, and Daniel breathed again. He looked at Benny who looked just as stunned as Daniel felt.

  “So, uh, that means what?” Daniel asked.

  “Mama will be here every day, well mostly every day, but it will be run by the new manager. Boddy and Rosa will continue as they are. Basically, everything will run as usual, but it will just be under new ownership and management. This will take some of the load off Sally Ann, allowing her some time with me, and give the new manager a chance to get new programs in place. There’ll be a transition period, of course, but eventually, Sally Ann and I would like to do some traveling and enjoy being married.” Nick sat back and waited, obviously waiting for a barrage of questions and exclamations.

  Daniel was too freaked out to formulate a question. A new manager? Married? Well, that one wasn’t too much of a surprise, though it was pretty quick. What did it mean for all of them, though?

  Mama looked at them, smiled, and reached across for Daniel’s hand. Surprised, he put his in hers and waited.

  “Honey, I know it’s a lot to take in all at once, but I hope you’ll be happy for us.” This was the first time Daniel had ever seen her hesitant. She seemed wary of his answer, and that made him feel like crap, like an ungrateful little shit who hadn’t yet made her realize how important she was and how much he loved her despite the awkward beginning.

  “Of course, I’m happy for you. I figured this might happen. I’ve known since early on that you were crazy about each other. But, you’ve only been dating for like, what, a week or so?” Daniel tried not to sound like he thought they didn’t know what they were getting into, but it was pretty sudden.

  “As you said, we’ve had these feelin
gs for a long time, but all of my focus was on finding you, and all of hers was on helping her boys, and we just drifted along. All the while, the feelings were getting stronger. We’re both, uh, old enough to know we don’t need to wait around and see if our feelings are real or not. We both worried about what you would think, though.” As his dad spoke, Daniel could feel Mama’s hand trembling a little in his. He tightened his fingers around hers and smiled at her.

  “I’m fine with it, guys, really. Wait, Easy didn’t say anything. Is he okay with it? Hey, he’s getting a brother!”

  “I saw Mano and him leaving a while ago. He had this funny look on his face when he looked at me. Now I get it. This is weird, but kind of neat, too.”

  “To tell you the truth, Daniel,” she glanced over at Nick, and he nodded, as if giving permission to say whatever she wanted. “Your father never felt like he deserved happiness until you were found. He never came out and said it, but I know that is what he was feeling. The day you came home was such a joy for him. I’m so glad you have mended your hearts and your relationship. Is there room for me in there, Daniel?” Mama was earnest in her request and Daniel could be no less honest in his answer.

  Now he looked at Nick, too, letting him know that he wanted him to be part of this conversation, even if it was mainly between he and Mama Sasy. “I’m glad, too, Mama, and you and I have talked about the way I treated you at first. I admit that it was harder to get close to you because you were so tight with him and I wasn’t ready to mend things with him. But, if you’ll forgive me for that, I’ll admit that I am thrilled that the two of you are together, officially. So, when’s the wedding?”

  Nick was smiling, looking back and forth between Mama Sasy and him, clearly happy with the results of their talk.

  “In a week, here, with whoever is here at the time. Your father has a judge who is willing to perform it here, and I want my guys around me. I know your father would love for you to be his best man. Rosa will be my matron of honor. Nothing fancy, but we do plan on taking a honeymoon. I can’t believe I’m saying that.” Mama Sasy was blushing. Daniel thought it was sweet.

  “Okay, a week. That’s cool, but so, when do we meet the new manager? I take it you’re going to be moving in with Dad, and wait, will Mama Rosa be all right in the apartment by herself?” Daniel hadn’t thought about that.

  From behind the booth, Boddy spoke up.

  “Don’t you worry about Rosa. I’ll be taking care of her.”

  “I knew it!” Daniel said, turning, with a big smile on his face. Rosa was sitting there, smiling, blushing, too. Boddy looked proud and bashful all at once.

  Nick addressed Daniel’s question then, saying, “Sally Ann will be living in my house, Boddy will move into the apartment and be there with and for Rosa. That will leave his room for the manager on the nights when he needs to be here for something. Sally Ann will be here early each day until I come to pick her up. She’ll still be the driving force behind the place, and the name will stay the same. But from now on, it will be run by someone I have just as much faith in and believe will do a wonderful job for many years to come.”

  Daniel couldn’t imagine who it could be. He didn’t know of anyone who came in that seemed interested in working with them. It was a mystery to him. He turned to Benny who was looking at him and smiling. He noticed a look that passed between his dad and Benny. What in the world?

  “What’s up? I think I’m the last one in on something that is making you all smile like you have some big secret.”

  “Daniel, can’t you guess who we want to manage Mama Sasy’s from now on? It’s someone we trust and believe in and feel will do a wonderful job in furthering what Mama Sasy started. We think he will even make it a more wonderful program.” Nick was smiling, looking at him like he thought he would just spout out a name any second.

  “Uh, Boddy?” That was the only name he could come up with, since they were all waiting, expectantly.

  “I’m a cook, Daniel, just a cook.”

  “You’re more than that, and you know it,” Daniel said.

  “True, but still I’m just the cook in this case. Come on, Daniel, think.” Boddy laughed.

  Daniel felt like he was taking a test. Everyone was waiting for him to say the name of someone who would be good at running Mama Sasy’s, someone they trusted and felt like would do a good job. It dawned on him then why they all had those shit-eating grins on their faces.

  “Oh, good Lord, me?”

  Suddenly they were all applauding like he’d passed the test and graduated.

  Daniel looked around at all of them, even Easy and Mano had come back in and were standing with Boddy. Franklin and Bass were behind them. Everyone was smiling and looking at him expectantly.

  “You have to be kidding! I haven’t even graduated from high school. How can you trust me with something this big?” Daniel couldn’t believe they were serious. This just didn’t happen.

  Daniel looked from Benny to Mama Sasy, and finally to his dad. His eyes filled with tears and he sat there as they rolled down his cheeks. His dreams were being handed to him. He just had to step up and take them, accept them, and build on them. Finally, still unable to speak, he nodded.

  Benny hugged him and wiped his eyes with a napkin he took from the table.

  “We’re not leaving you to run things on your own, son. There will be a long transition period, like I said, during which time you will learn everything you can from Sally Ann and Boddy. You’ll get your GED and your diploma. You’ll take over and eventually this place will be yours, passed down from me to you. You can’t deny that this is what you want to do with your life. This way, Mama Sasy’s continues as it has been and maybe even better with you and Benny running it. Benny can get his degree and take over what I’ve been doing. I’ll groom him in what he needs to know to help the boys like I have. I’ll introduce him around so he knows some of the same people who have been able to help me. This isn’t going to happen tomorrow, but over the next few years. So, now what do you think?”

  It was a party then. Easy pulled a table up to the edge of the one on the booth and everyone took a seat. Boddy went to the kitchen and made a tour around the room making sure the few people left in the diner were all set, then came back to join them. Daniel noticed he sat by Mama Rosa and their shoulders were touching.

  “I can’t believe this. I was going to talk to you both to see if you had any ideas on how I could start a program like Mama’s. Now I don’t have to. I can step in and work here, where I love it, and where we already have a good reputation. Hey, do you think we could expand if we need to? We could add another floor on the top of the warehouse, couldn’t we? We could help more people that way. We’d never have to turn anyone away. Have you ever had to turn anyone away, Mama Sasy, because you didn’t have enough room? That would be, like, really bad. I’m getting so many ideas—” Daniel wound down when he saw the looks on the faces around the table. Okay, so he was rambling and not just a little bit excited.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, embarrassed.

  “Don’t be. That’s exactly why you’ll be great at this. We know how much it means to you, and it will flourish under your guidance. It will just take a while, Daniel. First, finish school and learn about the GED program since you’re going to have to help others with it. College isn’t for everybody. It was something that was in your future before, but you’re a different person now, huh, with different goals, needs, and life experience? If you want to continue with that, you know that option is always open to you. We do like for our boys to have at least the high school diploma. If they want more, we try to find a way, a sponsor or something. If not, then a job doing what they like.” Mama smiled at Daniel as she spoke.

  “What if somebody doesn’t know what they want to do yet? Like, if they don’t have any skills?” This came from Bass, who’d been quiet until then.

  “Honey, you’re just fine. By the time you need a job, you’ll probably know just what you want to do. Until the
n, you can get your education and work part time here to earn spending money. We’ll find out later what will make you happy. Don’t you worry.” Mama always knew what to say to make her boys relax and feel accepted. Daniel knew he had a lot to learn from her.

  It said a lot for Bass that he was worried about being able to help out and have a future. He looked relieved, but Mama went a little further with her explanation.

  “We’ve had a good run lately with our boys. Mano has a fantastic job at a dance studio, Franklin got one at the garage he wanted to work in, and Jeff and Robb weren’t here very long before they were off to model for a magazine. That’s got to be the strangest thing yet. They’ve worked steadily and seem to like what they’re doing, and according to the last phone call, they’re good at it. They said that one photographer told them that they were going to be the next big thing, whatever that means.” Mama Sasy smiled as the others nodded as if they knew exactly what it meant. “Now our Daniel and Benny have their future planned. It sounds like things go smoothly all the time but don’t believe it. We’ll do everything in our power to make sure you find out what you want to do with your life and then try to help make it happen.” Mama settled into Nick’s shoulder as he put his arm around her. She finished with her speech. “Sometimes, boys are here for a long time before they find what they want, and that’s fine, really. You are to consider this your home, Bass. We’re happy to have you here.”

  Bass looked around the table and seemed to find what he needed to believe that his lot in life had indeed changed for the better. He gave Mama Sasy a small grin. “I’ll be glad to help around here. I’m good at cleaning stuff. Do you have someone, like a janitor, who cleans the dorm place and in here?” Bass asked.

  “Actually, we don’t. We all just help out. If you would like to take on that job, we’ll pay you for it. We’ll keep your hours low, so we don’t break any laws. How about school, hon? I guess you haven’t been going since you left home. How about starting in January? We’ll help if you have any problems.” Mama Sasy made it sound like an offer, but everyone knew it was more like telling him what would happen.


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