Book Read Free

Take It SLOW

Page 24

by AKM Miles

  Daniel wouldn’t even apologize for sounding corny. He didn’t care. Leaning just a little, he put his lips to Benny’s again as he continued mapping Benny’s body. He found that while Benny was still slim, he wasn’t bone skinny anymore. Mama and Boddy’s cooking was working wonders for both of them. Healthy, he thought, smiling. They were both finally healthy.

  Benny didn’t seem to question the movement of Daniel’s lips, he just eagerly responded to the differences in the texture of the kiss. They moved in and out of the spray, occasionally chuckling as they got tangled, arms, legs, hands, and lips trying to touch as much as possible. But it was still slow, as they’d promised. Eventually, they reached for the soap and shampoo and there followed the most wonderful experience of Daniel’s life.

  He stood in absolute ecstasy as Benny washed his hair, massaging and rinsing his scalp gently. Following that, his whole body was treated to tender touches and soft caresses as his body was cleansed. When Benny knelt and took great care washing his cock and balls, Daniel thought he was going to embarrass himself, especially when Benny, after rinsing him, planted a soft kiss on the tip. Daniel gasped and jerked.


  Benny got up and laughed. “Just promising to be back a little later. You’re all clean, Daniel.” Benny’s voice had dropped a couple of levels and sounded husky, and Daniel recognized need when he saw and heard it.

  “My turn. I’m going to enjoy this.” And he did. He didn’t know how he did it, but he managed to take his time, despite becoming more and more eager, more desperate for the coming night of lovemaking. Taking great care, Daniel washed Benny’s hair, rubbing his scalp, scratching, knowing how wonderful it felt.

  Benny’s shivers and moans let him know that he was doing things right. Daniel used soft touches as he mapped Benny’s whole body, his eyes enjoying the trip just as much as his fingertips. Smoothing his hands over Benny’s shoulders, seeing the freckles there, taking a moment to kiss them made him happier than he’d ever thought he’d be. Just touching Benny brought him such joy. Daniel tried to communicate his feelings through his caresses.

  Finally, he mirrored Benny’s steps and went to his knees, taking great care to wash Benny’s cock, balls, and the crack between his cheeks. Benny spread and let Daniel have access, holding on to Daniel’s shoulders. Benny’s soft sounds of approval accompanied the movements and Daniel felt a sense of pride that he could make his lover feel good.

  His life hadn’t been one dictated by thoughts of sex, except for trying to avoid it. Now Daniel found that he liked Benny’s cock. It was pretty long, with a big head on it that was soft and spongy. Daniel moved his hands over it, watching as it got harder and turned a darker red. He made himself finish up and stand, knowing that Benny was on the edge. He knew it because he was, too.

  Daniel kissed Benny quickly and turned the water off, feeling that if they didn’t get horizontal soon, he was going to explode. They both grabbed towels and instinctively turned toward each other, using the soft tan cloths to continue the caresses that started in the shower. Slowly, Daniel dried Benny from head to toe, and sighed as Benny did the same for him. They hung the towels and moved to the bedroom. He felt like they were savoring each moment with each other, anticipating the lovemaking to come but giving each new experience a chance to fill their hearts with warmth and caring.

  Daniel opened the drawer by the bed and pulled out a new tube of lube and a box of condoms. He opened them and took out a few, dropping them onto the table by the lamp. Benny was pulling the big comforter and sheets back, and Daniel turned to find him smiling, clearly as ready for this as Daniel was.

  “Can I say something before we do this?” Benny asked, pausing by the side of the bed, looking hesitant.

  “Of course,” Daniel said, turning to look closely at him. Was something wrong?

  “I love you, Daniel Webster. Just that. I love you.” Benny blushed, strangely enough after all the touching and eagerness in the bathroom. Daniel thought it was the sweetest thing.

  “Just that? Like it’s not huge? I love you, too, Benny Adams. I think I got lucky and found my soul mate. You’re perfect for me, and I can’t wait to show you how much I want you.”

  “I wanted you to know that before we made love. I didn’t want you to hear it after and think that it was just the heat of the moment or anything. I really love you, Daniel.” Benny must have decided that that was enough said. He tugged on Daniel’s hand, and they both crawled onto the bed. It wasn’t really high, but it did take some effort to get onto it.

  “Oh my God, this is heaven. I may never want to leave this bed.” Benny rolled over and then back to pull Daniel into his arms, and they laughed as they wallowed. It went from the joy of being naked together, rolling around on a big comfortable bed, to the intensity of being in each other’s arms, about to make love, at last.

  Daniel was so excited he was shaking from the inside out. It was like he’d waited forever for just this. Benny, in his arms, felt like liquid silver, moving and flowing around Daniel’s body. Benny’s legs moved in between his, sliding up and down, nudging his cock, then moving again to change positions. Daniel found himself flowing with Benny, liking the constant motion, the ever-changing sensations as different parts of his body were caressed.

  Without words, they both slowed their movements until they were lying on their sides, facing each other. Daniel moved his hand in a slow motion, sliding down from Benny’s shoulder inward, over his chest to his hip and around to caress his backside. He eased his fingers from the top to the base of Benny’s crack, teasing his hole and watching Benny’s face as he nudged his balls. Benny’s breathing deepened and Daniel leaned in, taking his lips as he continued the caresses.

  Benny whimpered and pushed forward with his mouth and at the same time, backward into Daniel’s hand, seeming to relish both caresses. Daniel thrust his tongue in and out of Benny’s mouth, his heart pounding as Benny opened wider and accepted his increasing passion. When he felt Benny’s hand grasp his cock and rub his thumb over the tip, Daniel thought he wouldn’t be able to contain himself. He was so overwhelmed by both sensation and emotion that he had to pull back for a second.

  “Benny, God, it’s amazing, feels so good. I’m going to come. I can’t help it.”

  “Don’t try. That’s what it’s all about. Come for me, Daniel.” Benny tightened his hand on Daniel’s cock and it was over. He shot, his come covering Benny’s hand and stomach. Daniel shook even harder, amazed at how good this felt. He didn’t take his eyes off Benny as he calmed.

  “I made a mess,” he started to apologize, but Benny stopped him.

  “Shh, it’s good, Daniel. Here, wait just a second,” his lover said. Benny slid off the bed and went to the bathroom. Daniel watched as he washed in the sink and brought a couple of washcloths back with him. He cleaned Daniel as well and folded the cloth, laying it on the folded towel he’d brought and put on the table. “Now we’re ready for anything. I expect to make just as big a mess. We just forgot to plan for it. We’ll know next time. Come here.” Benny motioned as he slid back into Daniel’s arms.

  Daniel was quick to comply and reveled in the comfort he found in Benny’s embrace. Benny kissed his way from Daniel’s neck up to his mouth and they lay together, kissing and beginning to caress each other again. Daniel felt the need to give now, feeling Benny’s rock-hard cock against his stomach.

  Reaching down between them, he took Benny into one hand and pushed him back a little with the other. Benny moved as directed, and Daniel moved down to place his lips around Benny’s cock, relishing the sounds that came from Benny. Daniel took his time and nosed around Benny’s groin, his lips and tongue moving from the tip to the base, and then he opened his mouth and took one of Benny’s balls into his mouth. He pushed with his tongue, sliding it around in the sack, then moved over to do the same to the other one. Benny was breathing hard, and Daniel used his free hand to hold Benny’s hips still so he could continue his exploration and his ca

  When he moved back to the tip of Benny’s cock, licking under the big head, he found a knot of tissue that sent Benny into spasms. Daniel worked it until Benny gave a shout. Daniel refused to move at Benny’s push and managed to swallow most of his lover’s come. He had wondered what it would taste like, and decided it was something he could come to crave. His heart felt full. This was his Benny, his to love and to make love to.

  At Benny’s urging, he moved up and into Benny’s open arms. Benny kissed him forcefully, caught up in the passion of the moment. Daniel happily joined in the intense kiss. Benny’s hands were moving over his back now and he wiggled, getting closer, loving the feel of Benny’s body against the front of him and his hands all over his shoulders, back, and behind. There wasn’t any hardness in the caresses. They were just that, caresses. When Daniel had thought of making love, it was this. The actual act didn’t seem to hold as much interest as this feeling of closeness and being one. It felt like love.

  “I want you. Are you okay with that, or do you want to be the one to…?” Benny paused, looking slightly embarrassed.

  Daniel loved that about Benny. He wasn’t pushy, and he could still blush when talking about making love.

  Daniel thought it was unbearably sweet. “I’m good with both, Benny. I’m new to all of this and want to do everything with you, eventually. I just, well, the only thing is, I don’t want to be looking away from you, if that’s okay. I want to watch you, see your eyes when you take me. Is that too corny for words?” Daniel asked.

  “It’s perfect. We’ll end up doing it every which way from Sunday, I’m sure, but right now, I feel the same way. I want to know every feeling you’re having while we make love.”

  § § § §

  It was better than Daniel had expected from the little he knew. Unbelievably vulnerable, undeniably intense, and not just a little bit awkward, it was still a wonderful experience. They both fumbled a little with the lube and condoms but managed to get everything working correctly, and though both felt a little pain, they had both come hard and long, once together, which thrilled them immensely.

  “Oh my God, I can see why that is such a big deal. I never really got it before. But, with you, it feels like, like everything perfect and good and right.” Daniel was able to mumble the words before he gave up and succumbed to sleep, held tightly in Benny’s arms, his face in Benny’s neck. They were wrapped tightly together in the middle of the big bed.

  § § § §

  Daniel woke up with his face pressed into Benny’s shoulder. Benny was draped across him and Daniel could see waking up like this forever. Just the thought of so many mornings like this had him sighing in happiness.

  “What?” Benny jerked awake.

  “Nothing, I’m just happy. Wonder what time it is.” Daniel didn’t want to move but knew he’d have to in a few minutes. The bathroom was calling to him. He turned a little, moving more into Benny’s arms, which always seemed to be open to him.

  “Mmm, feels good. Did I thank you for last night?” he murmured against Benny’s chin.

  “Did you need to? I don’t think thanks are necessary here. If so, I need to thank you, too. I’d say we both enjoyed becoming lovers. That’s what we are now, lovers, not just boyfriends. I really like that.” Benny said, tilting his head down and taking Daniel’s lips in a morning kiss.

  “I was afraid I’d be too much like some teenager, you know?” Daniel said, moments later.

  “Uh, Daniel, you are a teenager. We both are,” Benny said, teasing.

  “Yeah, but I don’t really feel like one, do you? I think with what we’ve both been through and the way our lives are headed, I feel pretty grown up. Do you know what I mean?” Daniel asked.

  “Yeah, the streets have that effect. You grow up in a hurry. I’m so grateful that they found you before that Jack guy did anything to you, other than mistreat you, I mean. I don’t mean to make light of how horrid it was with him.” Benny looked like he was afraid he’d said something to hurt Daniel.

  “Relax. It was pretty horrid, and I was scared shitless he was going to make good on all the lewd promises he made for when I was ‘old enough’.” Daniel put air quotes around the last two words.

  “It was smart of you to tell him you were only seventeen instead of nineteen. It probably saved you,” Benny acknowledged.

  “Yeah, but time was running out.” Daniel shivered at the memory. Benny’s arms tightened around him. His Benny, always there with the comfort.

  “Okay, enough past. When’s your birthday? When will you be twenty?” Benny asked, bringing a hand up and smoothing Daniel’s hair off his forehead.

  “Why? You going to get me something?” Daniel teased.

  “Of course. Come on, tell me.” Benny’s hands went to Daniel’s ribs in a threat, waiting for an answer.

  “Oh shit, don’t, I’ve got to pee. January first. I was a New Year’s baby,” Daniel admitted, getting up.

  Benny followed him, and they both used the facilities, brushed their teeth, and in perfect harmony, reached for each other for a real good morning kiss, without the morning breath. Daniel gloried in the softness inside Benny’s mouth and the warmth of his arms. He squirmed against Benny.

  “You’re starting something. You want bed or breakfast?” It sounded like Benny had a hard time asking the mundane question, what with Daniel’s hands on his behind, pulling him in closer.

  “Both, in that order. Race you,” Daniel said, turning to sprint toward the bed. It was close, Benny hitting the sheets a second after Daniel. They rolled together, laughing. Despite being so very grown up, they grappled on the bed like the teenagers they still were.

  “God, there’s something to be said for a big bed,” Benny mumbled, his mouth occupied with sliding down Daniel’s chest toward the very hard, very eager cock that stood up waiting for attention. Daniel’s cock, when hard, stood straight forward, while Benny’s tended to curve upward a little more and to his right side. Daniel reached for it, making his lover gasp. Yeah, they’d have breakfast later. He wasn’t too sore from last night, and he doubted if Benny was, either since they’d taken such care with each other.

  They were both grateful for the leftover pizza by the time they got up the second time that morning. Starving, they heated the slices in the toaster oven and added a shared peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dessert.

  “Perfect first breakfast together in our new home, don’t you think?” Benny asked, as he stood and headed toward the sink to clean up. Daniel cleared the table and joined him. They threw out the paper plates, washed the glasses, and put the bread and other things away.

  “I feel very domestic, and it’s a very nice feeling. I think I appreciate things so much more after all I went through. I know other guys my age might be more interested in sports or hooking up or bigger, better cars and all that, but to me, this is pure happiness. I have a home with someone I love, and we have a future doing what makes us happy.” Daniel took Benny into his arms, hiding his face in Benny’s neck, afraid he sounded dorky.

  Benny wrapped his arms around Daniel, leaned back against the counter and answered. “I know how you feel. I’ve never been into showing off or trying to be better than anyone else. I was so happy to be helped, and when I saw what went on at Mama Sasy’s and how much they all love just helping others, it touched something in me and made me want to be part of it. Being able to use law, which I wanted to do anyway, as a way to help out, makes it all too perfect to believe.”

  “I know it’s all going to take time, but we can really build something there. It’s amazing that it’s happening like it is, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. We’re going to make this program continue. We’ll expand and improve it any way we can come up with. It will be wonderful working on it with you, Benny.”

  “You’re an amazing man, Daniel,” Benny said, pulling back to look in Daniel’s face.

  “Me? Why?” Daniel was sincerely confused.

have been to hell and back and managed to pull yourself together and forgive your father, build a life that anyone would be proud of, and have a future that will make you happy and help countless others. That’s pretty amazing. Don’t look like that,” he chided, seeing the look on Daniel’s face. “I mean it. Sometimes I can’t believe you love me, Benny Adams, Mr. Nobody.”

  “Where in the world is that coming from? Why would you feel that way about yourself, Benny? Easy, Mano, and Dad may have rescued me, but you saved me, my honey-eyed lover. If it hadn’t been for you, I’d still be thrashing around on that cot freaking out every time I closed my eyes. You grounded me with you warmth and caring and lack of demands when I wasn’t ready.” Daniel took Benny’s face between his hands and held him still, making Benny look right into his eyes as he talked. “We built a strong love through all of that.” He dropped a quick kiss on Benny’s lips before he continued.

  “Besides, you’re just as big a part of what we’ve started at Mama Sasy’s as I am. We went out together, you know, to find Franklin and then the others. The only difference is I lived through hell. You deserve credit for helping me through the aftermath. I love you, Benny. I’m the lucky one here.”

  Daniel didn’t give Benny a chance to say anything else negative, if that’s where he was headed. He covered Benny’s mouth with his and pushed his tongue inside, happy when Benny met it with his, eagerly. Daniel moaned as he felt both their cocks pressing against each other in renewed interest. He put his lips near Benny’s ear and whispered, “Think we’ll ever get tired of this?”

  “Never! Come on, let’s go back to bed.” Benny added to that request with both hands grasping Daniel’s butt and squeezing. Oh, yeah. “We’ll go to Mama Sasy’s a little later. At least it’s Sunday, so it won’t be as busy. We’ll have to try to do better on that, though. Get up earlier so we can allow for things like this coming up, so to speak.”

  They both laughed and hurried to the bedroom, dropping clothes as they went. Since they hadn’t made up the bed, they were able to slip right in, arms already around each other and lips searching. For long moments, they lay still, kissing softly, despite both being full and hard. It was like time stood still and Daniel felt like all his senses were elevated. His skin registered Benny’s soft skin and hard bones covering him. Benny had nothing extra on his body at all. Lean and lithe, he was still pure heaven to Daniel. Moving his hands from the top of Benny’s head slowly down his back, he delighted in the small shudders he felt as he mapped each inch of Benny. Benny pushed his hips hard against Daniel’s in response to the caresses.


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