Page 31
‘complex specified information’, 54, 55
‘concentration camp’, 4
Confucius, 1, 11, 12
‘conservation’, 63
‘conventional weapons’, 121–2
Cook, Guy, 69
Cook, Robin, 65, 105, 141–2, 214
Cooney, Philip A., 61
Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 112
‘corporation’, 206
Council of Europe, 148–9
Courten, Jean de, 92
Cowper, William, 220
Cranmer, Thomas, 91
‘credit’, 205
Crime and Disorder Act (1998), 14, 15, 17
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act (1994), 146, 147
Criminal Law Week, 20, 21
Cuban missile crisis, 108
‘Daisy Cutter’, 115, 120
Dallaire, Roméo, 96
Darfur region (Sudan), 97–8
Darwin, Charles, 50
Dean, Howard, 225, 237
‘debriding’, 111, 187
defence industry, 216
Dembski, William, 51, 54, 57
‘democracy’, 194–200, 202–4, 215–16
Democritus, 60
Department of Health and Human Services, 60
‘depleted uranium’, 110–11
Desert Storm, Operation, 103
Diaz, Dave, 118–19
Dickens, Charles, 206
Discovery Institute, 51, 58
‘disengagement’, 86–7
Dobriansky, Paula J., 157, 158, 159, 202
‘doublespeak’, 4
Dover Area School District trial (2005), 52, 53, 55, 57, 58
Dresden, raid on, 132
Drummond, Bill, 151
‘economy’, 205–6
Egeland, Jan, 97
elections: and democracy, 198–200
Empson, William, 99
Enduring Freedom, Operation, 104
‘enemy combatants’, 175–88
denial of Geneva Convention protection, 176–9
formally defined, 187
imprisoning of at Guantánamo, 180–2, 183–4, 186
‘rendition’ of, 186–7
‘energy’, 63–4
‘environment’, 63
Environmental Protection Agency, 60, 62
Ereli, Adam, 64, 87, 203
ETA, 202
‘ethnic cleansing’, 5, 12, 91–8, 99, 109, 234, 238
Etzioni, Amitai, 33, 35
euphemism, 5
‘evil’, 135
‘evil biology’, ‘evil chemistry’, 122–3
evolution, 52
and ‘intelligent design’, 49–50, 51, 53, 54, 55–6
‘execute’, 207–8
‘executive’, 207
‘extraordinary rendition’, 186–7
‘extermination’, 93
‘extremism/extremists’, 219–24, 235
‘faith community’, 39–41
Falk, Richard, 127, 131, 202
Fallujah (Iraq), 111–12, 142
false dichotomy, 230, 234
‘fascist’, 139–40, 150–1
FBI, 131–2, 173–4, 186
‘fence/barrier’: and Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 78–82, 83
Fighters for the Freedom of Israel, 138
Fisk, Robert, 8–9
forests, 64–5
‘Forward, not back’, 230
Fox, Fiona, 46
Fox News Channel, 8, 123–4, 136, 155, 239
as ‘fair and balanced’, 227–8
Franks, General Tommy, 117, 118
free markets, 214
‘free trade’, 210–11
‘freedom’, 190–6, 213–16
‘on the march’, 190–4, 196
‘trading in’, 208–13
see also democracy
French Revolution, 24
Friends of the Earth, 1, 2–3, 67
‘fundamentalist’, 221
Gaddis, John Lewis, 160
Gamble, Sue, 56
‘gay community’, 28–9
Genesis II, Operation, 105
‘genetically engineered’, 67, 69
‘genetically enhanced’, 70
‘genetically modified’ food, 67–8, 69, 70
Geneva Convention, 162, 176, 177, 178, 179
‘genocide’, 92–8
Genocide Convention (UN), 5, 92, 92–3, 94, 96
German Association for the Extermination of Vermin, 91
Ghose, Aurobindo, 221–2
‘ghost detainees’, 83, 187
Global Climate Coalition, 58
Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism, 219–20, 223
global warming, 42–9, 58, 59, 61–2, 66, 226–7
globalisation, 203, 210–11
Goebbels, Joseph, 6–7
Gonzales, Alberto, 178
on war crimes, 176
on loopholes, 177
Graham, Lindsey: on ‘a sophisticated concept’, 189
Green, Joyce H., 187–8
‘greenhouse gases’, 44, 48
Greening Earth Society, 59
Greenpeace, 67
Guantánamo Bay, 168–9, 171, 173–7, 180–2, 183, 186, 188, 189
guerrilla warfare, 161
Gulf War (1991), 103, 107, 108
Gutic, Viktor 91
Gwyther, Pamela, 22
Hagelin, Rebecca: on MTV as terrorism, 151
Haig, Alexander, 152
Hall, Bishop Joseph: no gym-rat, 220
Halliburton, 212
Halliday, Fred, 94, 160, 216, 217
Hamas, 129
Hamilton, Alexander, 217–18
Harman, Sabrina, 172
Hatem, Ali, 200
Hayden, Col. David L., 163
Hayek, F.A., 196–7, 206
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 190
Hemingway, General Thomas, 162
Herrington, Colonel Stuart, 186
Hersh, Seymour, 151, 199
Hezbollah, 137
Hiroshima, 130
Hirst, Damien, 151
Hitchens, Christopher: on ‘conventional weapons’, 120
on insurgency, 142
on torture, 180–2, 183–5
The Trial of Henry Kissinger, 180
Hitchens, Peter: living on the moon, 47
Hitler, Adolf, 6, 95, 134
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan, 206
Hochschild, Adam, 169
Holmes, Stephen, 37–8
Holocaust, 92, 93
‘holy war’, 137–8
Homeland Security Department (US), 153, 154
homosexuality, 72–3
‘human nature’, 72–4
‘human resources’, 66–7, 206
Human Rights Watch, 104, 133, 145
Hume, Brit, 228
Hume, David, 67, 68
A Treatise on Human Nature, 72
Idir, Mustafa Ait, 183–4
Ignatieff, Michael, 28, 97, 191
IMF (International Monetary Fund), 210, 211
immigration, 36–7
India, 210;
nationalism, 221–2
Indian National Congress, 221
Information Council on the Environment, 58–9
Innocent’, 129
Institute for Public Policy Research, 204
insurgency, 139, 142–3
‘intelligent design’ (ID), 49–58, 227
‘interest’, 205
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 43, 44, 47
International community’, 28
International Court of Justice, 80, 85
International Criminal Court, 97
‘invariably’, 157–8
IRA (Irish Republican Army), 128, 135, 145, 146, 161, 162
Iran, 225
Iraq: constitution, 24
elections (2005), 199–200, 201
post-war, 200–1, 211–12
‘regime change’ in, 231–4
Iraq Liberation Act (1998), 23
Iraq war (2003), 7–8, 39, 103–4, 105, 109–12, 115, 116, 118, 141, 155, 157–8, 160, 197, 198, 232
Iraqi Freedom, Operation, 104, 107
Iraqi Liberation, Operation, 104
Iron Fist, Operation, 106
Iron Hammer, Operation, 105
‘irreducible complexity’, 54, 55, 56
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 78–90, 128–9, 132–3
and ‘absentees’, 82–3, 85
construction of ‘fence/barrier’, 78–82, 83
and ‘disengagement’ from Gaza, 86–7, 88
and ‘road map’, 86–8, 191–2
and ‘sacred space’, 89–90
and ‘settlements’, 85–6
Italy, 158
al-Jamadi, Manadel, 169, 187
Japan, 158
Al Jazeera, 141, 200, 201
Jefferson, Thomas, 192–3, 196
Jenkins, Brian, 130
Jerusalem, 89
‘Jerusalem envelope’ project, 82
jihad, 137, 161
John Paul II, Pope, 72
Johnson, Larry, 136, 223
Johnson, Phillip, 51
Johnson, President Lyndon B., 118
and ‘pacification emphasis’, 102
Johnson, Samuel, 220
Joint Stand-Off Weapon, 116
Jones, Walter, 196
Judt, Tony, 85
Just Cause, Operation, 101–2
Kansas State Board of Education, 55–6, 58
Kant, Immanuel, 165
Kennedy, Helena, 147
Kennedy, John F., 108
Keppel, Gilles, 195
Kerry, John, 39, 155
King, Sir David, 48
King, Larry, 90
Kissinger, Henry, 180
Klemperer, Victor: The Language of the Third Reich, 6
Koh, Harold, 178
Kook Jr., Rabbi, 89
Koppel, Ted, 58
Kosovo, 100
Krasner, Stephen, 202
Krauss, Lawrence M., 58
Krimson Sword, Operation, 105
Krstic, General Radislav, 93
Ku Klux Klan, 37, 105–6
Kyoto Protocol, 46, 48
Lakoff, George, 27, 221
Lang, Kirsty, 30, 156, 237
law: and freedom, 191
law of war, 179
Le Carré, John: Absolute Friends, 134
Leggett, Jeremy, 44–5
legitimate force’, 163–5
Leigh, Edward, 19
Lemaître, Georges, 53
Lemkin, Raphael, 94–5
Lenin, V. I., 159
Libya: US bombing of (1986), 108
Lieberman, Joe, 228–9
Livingstone, Ken, 77
Locke, John, 191
London bombings (2005), 75, 136, 140, 154, 186, 227
Lukacs, John, 73, 213, 2214
Luntz, Frank, 42, 45, 59
Lydon, John, 151
McDonald, Trevor, 62
McEwan, Ian, 104
McGreal, Chris, 80
McVeigh, Timothy, 202
Manila, 210
Mann, Michael, 136–7
‘manpower’, 67
Mao Tse-tung, 11
‘Mark 77 firebombs’, 116
markets, 209–10, 214
Martin, Kathy, 56
Martin, Paul, 208
Masher, Operation, 102
Massing, Mark, 155
Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB), 120
Mayer, Jane, 149–50
Mayes, Ian, 28
Mdaires, Ibrahim, 109
media, 8–9, 12, 237–8
medical language appropriation of by military, 107–12
Meir, Golda, 85
Menezes, Jean Charles de: shooting of, 75–8, 150
mental pain: and torture see ‘psychological torture’
Merciful Angel, Operation, 100
‘meritocracy’, 197–8
methane emissions, 66
Michael, Alun, 15, 18–20
Microsoft: and ‘forbidden speech’, 203
military: appropriation of business language, 206–7
appropriation of medical language, 107–12
‘military necessity’, 178
military operations: naming of, 12, 101–7
Military Spouse Appreciation Month, 112–13
Millennium Falcon, 106
Milosevic, Slobodan, 91, 97, 100
‘moderation’/‘moderate’, 224–9, 230, 231, 234
Monbiot, George, 47
Moody, John: likes ‘sharpshooters’, 123–4
declines to define ‘balance’, 227
‘moral law’, 24
Muslims: as ‘community’, 28, 30, 31
seen as ‘terrorists’, 139–40
‘mutually assured destruction’ (MAD), 121
Myers, General Richard, 181, 219
Nagasaki, 130
names, rectification of, 1, 10–12
napalm, 116
Napoleon Bonaparte, 185
National Rifle Association, 221
‘natural’, 68, 69, 70
‘natural gas’, 66
‘natural resources’, 64–7
‘natural theology’, 50
‘nature’, 67–71, 71
human, 72–4
Nazi Germany, 6, 91, 109, 128–9
Neemeyer, Major Thomas, 143
Newspeak, 4
9/11 (2001), 133, 138, 139, 154, 159, 231
‘noncombatants’, 128
Noriega, Manuel, 101, 102
nuclear weapons, 121
Nuffield Council on Bioethics, 67–8, 71
Oborne, Peter: The Rise of Political Lying, 11
Of Pandas and People, 50, 52
Office of Strategic Influence, 10
oil, 208–9
equation with energy, 63–4
Okrent, Daniel, 78
operation names, 12, 101–7
O’Reilly, Bill: on civil libertarians as ‘terrorists’ and ‘fascists’, 150–1, 227
definition of ‘extremists’ of, 235
‘organic’, 69
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 210
Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four, 4
‘Politics and the English Language’, 5, 6
Osef, Rabbi Ovadia, 89
Overlord, Operation, 103
Paine, Thomas, 214
Pakistan, 24
‘Palestinian hanging’, 169
Palestinians see Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Paley, William, 50
Panama: invasion of by US (1989), 101–2
Pape, Robert, 136
Parenting Orders, 25
Paris Commune, 135
Paxman, Jeremy, 156
Peace in Galilee, Operation, 103
Peacekeeper, 115, 120, 122
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, 221
Peri Bathous (pamphlet), 161
Perle, Richard, 151
Perry, William, 99
Phifer, Lt.Col. Jerald: and ‘stress positions’, 168–9
requests wet towels, 170, 171
Physicians for Human Rights, 172–3
pissed-off Iraqis, 143
PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), 135
‘political economy’, 206
political lying, 11, 236
Pope, Alexander, 71, 161
Popper, Karl, 159
Pound, Ezra, 159, 216
Powell, Colin, 97, 225
Power, Samantha, 96
Preston, Peter, 31
Prevention of Terrorism Acts, 146–7
‘prisoners of war’, 176
‘pro-choice’, 1, 2, 237
‘pro-life’, 2, 3, 234, 237
propaganda, 9, 10, 12, and passim
‘psychological torture’, 171–3
‘public diplomacy’, 9–10
‘public opinion’, 197
Public Order Act (1986), 15–16
; ‘purge’, 5–6, 94
Putin, Vladimir, 202, 209, 222
Qaddafi, Colonel, 108
Al Qaeda, 8, 9, 117, 133, 135, 136, 138–9, 141, 155, 178, 179, 180–1, 208
al-Qahtani, Mohamed, 184
Rasul v. Bush, 177
Reagan, President Ronald, 152, 193
‘reality-based community’, 40–1
Rees, Phil: Dining with Terrorists, 135
‘reform’, 33–5
Reformation, 33–4
refugee, 35
‘regime change’, 231–4
Reid, Richard, 134
‘repetitive administration’, 165, 238
‘resistance’, 141, 142
‘resources’, 64–5
Restore Hope, Operation, 103
Reuters, 140
Rice, Condoleezza, 142, 192, 202–3
fantasised mushroom cloud of, 119
on opening a path, 194
on ‘trading in freedom’, 210
‘ricin plot’ trial (2005), 144–5
Ridge, Tom, 153
Rivera, Geraldo: divines victory in fishy corpulence, 239
‘road map’, 86–8, 191–2
Robertson, Pat: on beards, 139
on God’s promise, 89
on ‘so-called Palestinians’, 83
Robespierre, Maximilien, 24
Ronson, Jon, 114
Rothrock, Colonel John, 186
Rothschild, Eric J., 52, 53, 55
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 198
The Social Contract, 191
Rove, Karl, 230–1
Rumsfeld, Donald, 143, 118, 223, 224
as Dennis Hopper, 9
on fungibility of people, 187
as jazz saxophonist, 156–7
mystical non-sequiturs of, 10
not a lawyer, 166
stamina of legs of, 169–70
and ‘the torture word’, 166
and untidiness of freedom, 191
and war on the moon, 124–5
Russell, Bertrand, 194
Russia: invasion of Chechnya (1995), 131
Rwanda: massacres in (1994), 96, 98, 99
‘sacred space’, 89–90
Saddam Hussein, 119, 120, 123, 141, 160
Safire, William, 117
SALT lexicon (1975), 116–17
Sands, Philippe, 167, 211
Santorum, Senator Rick: pornographic visions of, 72–3
Sarajevo, siege of, 74, 99–100
Saudi Arabia, 43, 44
Scalia, Justice Antonin, 28, 177
Scheuer, Michael, 138
Schlesinger, James R., 181
Schwarzenegger, Arnold: concern for environment of, 229
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 103
Scowcroft, Brent, 94
Scud missile, 119
Second World War, 132, 201
‘security barrier’, 79–80
Senor, Daniel, 112
‘separation barrier’, 81–2, 83
September 11th (2001) see 9/11
Serbia, 91, 95
‘service’/‘servicing’, 112–14
‘settlements’, 85–6
Shakespeare, William, 112, 220
Shamir, Yitzhak, 138
Shanab, Aby, 129
Sharon, Ariel, 79, 85–6, 87, 88