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Iris's Guardian

Page 31

by Lisa Daniels

  The handsome shifter’s voice was almost too low to hear as he whispered, “Because I love you.”

  Kerensa couldn’t help but laugh, “Then stop fighting what you are feeling.”

  Her teacher pushed her out to arm’s length, “Why are you making fun of me?”

  “I’m told it is what you do to the person you love.”

  “What?” His expression was hopeful and fearful at the same time.

  “I love you Heath. Almost since the moment you started talking to me. You have been everything I never thought possible in a living creature. You are kind and cool, affectionate and firm, intelligent and dear. I love you Heath. Even if you are a bit slow to-”

  Kerensa was not allowed to finish talking as Heath’s arms pulled her into him and began to kiss her. A minute later as he pulled away from her, he murmured, “Enough words.”

  Kerensa gave him a sly smile, “Please Heath.”

  The shifter moaned and lifted her off the floor faster than she could have anticipated. By the time she was on the bed, all of her clothes had been removed. Heath’s mouth was near her ear, “Again.”

  Kerensa smiled as she arched into him, “Please Heath. I want you. I want to be physically full of you.”

  “Looks like I won’t have much to teach you when it comes to words. But what about actions.” He cupped her breast in his cool hand, and Kerensa responded automatically. As soon as her nipple began to harden in response to the cool, she felt his tongue gently playing with it.

  “Oh gods!” She ran her hands through his hair as he began to cup her other breast.

  “Try again,” Heath pulled his body away from hers.

  “Please Heath. Oh gods, please!”

  She felt him slide between her legs and penetrate her as he continued to play with her breast. Immediately her body tensed and she pulled him to her as she peaked.

  “Again,” he said. Kerensa began to speak, but felt him plunge into her again. The only sounds she could manage were of pleasure as she peaked again.

  Heath let up a little, playing with her body as she panted under him but as soon as she seemed to catch her breath, he ran his cool hands up her sides, causing her to shiver. As her body responded to his touch, he roughly thrust into her again. Each time was a slightly different experience, but after 15 minutes, Kerensa was sweating and panting as if she had just run several miles.

  “I-oh gods-I” she arched up into him as Heath smiled down at her. He was intentionally distracting her from getting a thought out of her head. As she moaned and pressed her body into his, the shifter slid his arms under her shoulders. Putting his mouth near her ear, he whispered, “You have thought enough with words. Today I will teach you how to think with your body.”

  “Yes! Yes!” She ran her fingers through his hair, and began to kiss his forehead. Kerensa kissed everything she could until he finally covered her mouth with his own.

  She had no idea how much time had passed, but at some point Heath seemed to slow a little.

  “Is the lesson over?” She asked, holding him to her. Though he was still inside of her, she could feel that he was a little softer than he had been.

  “I think you will find that even I get tired after so many days of activity and worry.”

  Kerensa tried to roll on top of Heath, but ended up sending both of them over the side of the bed. Reaching up she pulled a pillow down and placed it under his head. “Then I think it is time for me to advance to a slightly harder level of learning to think with my body.” She slid down, gently caressing him with her warmth and wetness. To her delight, he closed his eyes and moaned. Two more times and he was hard enough that she was able to easily slide him into her.

  She looked down at him and watched his reactions to each of her movements. Leaning forward, she allowed her breast to be a few inches from his chest. Suddenly, he leaned forward and began to suck on one of them. The unexpected pleasure caused her to tense and press further into him.

  Heath groaned and arced his back. Kerensa watched and felt the pleasure of him harden more inside of her. As he peaked, she repeatedly pulsed against him as she matched his tension.

  Heath pulled her down and they kissed, even after both of their bodies had relaxed.

  Without any warning, Heath stood and picked her up. Throwing her on the bed, he lay down on top of her, pushing her legs apart.

  Kerensa began to protest, “I really-really don’t think I can-”

  “Don’t worry. I can’t either. Right now.”

  Gently he kissed her and let his hand roam over her body. It was arousing, but so soft that Kerensa was content to let him explore without pressing for more.

  As he kissed her neck, she finally asked, “Don’t you have something you need to do?”

  “I’m doing it.”

  Running her hand through his hair, the young woman could not suppress a smile. “I mean you had a reason for being on the ship. Don’t you need to see it through.”

  “I do, but they are not expecting me for weeks.”

  “Weeks!” she exclaimed.

  He stopped toying with her body and looked into her eyes, his showing concern and disappointment, “Does that not work for your schedule?”

  For a brief moment, Kerensa had no idea what to say. Then her lips spread into a wide grin, “Well, I do have to let me family know that I am alright. How about a few days?”

  Heath looked down at her with a sly smile, “I guess that will do for a start.”

  With that, and to Kerensa’s surprise, he began to press into her again. With a grin on her face, she looked into his beautiful eyes, “I love you, Heath.” She continued to murmur his name as he threaded his fingers in her and held her arms above her head.

  “I love you too, Kerensa.” They did not need any more words as their bodies merged.

  The End

  Noely’s Dragon

  By: Lisa Daniels

  Chapter 1

  Chance Encounter

  Noely placed her basket to the side and began fighting with her curly blonde hair, which had managed to come out of the tie much faster than usual. It really wasn’t a surprise given how far into the woods she had gone. The branches and twigs left little room for moving about, and even when it was tied back, her hair stuck out. Most women were too afraid to venture into the furthest part of the forest behind the palace without assistance, but it wasn’t like the woman had much of a choice given her nature. At only 22, she felt an extreme sense of responsibility toward others and she had no fear of the woods. Since she knew this part of the forest well, she was able to use the safest paths to quickly collect everything she needed. In fact, she had finished locating the items required to complete the chore some time ago and had decided to just enjoy being away from the palace for a while. The problem was that she really didn’t want anyone back at the palace to know about the area, so she needed to come up with a plausible lie in case there were any questions about how she was able to find everything without incident. Lying was something she knew how to do, but it bothered her.

  As an employee of the palace, in theory the people at her level didn’t have much choice in what they got to do. Noely had always been a little different, though. Of course, she did have a job working at the castle, but so far she had moved from the stables to the kitchen based on her own decisions. It was an improvement, although it was not exactly the kind of job where she was likely to make an adequate living, not unless she found someone who would help her open an inn. Suddenly the young woman was shaking her head, reminding herself that marriage really was not an option for her, even when she was ready to leave the palace. Noely knew perfectly well that she was good-looking enough to get a man. She was rarely the prettiest woman in any room, but there was a charm to her still youngish-looking face that caught more than one man’s eye. Her figure was nice as well. It was relatively evenly proportioned so that anyone who looked at her could tell that childbirth would not be a problem. The cumulative effect of her appearance was to
leave a longing in the men who had seen her, but nothing so pronounced that they would pursue her relentlessly. This could likely be attributed to the fact that Noely was a bit odd for a woman.

  The first hurdle for anyone who took an interest in her was the young woman’s lack of interest in progressing through the ranks of the palace. That meant the man would have to spend time going to the kitchens to see the young woman, something that few men who lived in or around the palace would do. Though her pleasing figure was obvious despite the unflattering dresses worn by the kitchen staff, it could have been highlighted by advancing to be one of the serving girls. The unflattering clothes were all part of being a woman in the kitchen – or anyone employed to work within the hot confines of the kitchen. The clothing was made for practicality, not appeal. When she was dressed for work, as she was at that moment, the outfit was entirely unflattering, but it still looked good on her. The women who served in the dining areas were dressed with a lot more attention to appearance, but Noely had turned down the offer to be a server on two separate occasions. While it certainly had a lot of promise, it was exactly the kind of promise that Noely never wanted. It was true that serving women got a lot of attention from men, but attention from men was not something that Noely sought. The ill will that some of the other kitchen staff had felt toward the young woman after she had turned it down soon dissipated as they realized that she had not changed. Of course, they thought there was something wrong with her, and the other young women shunned Noely when they didn’t need anything from her, but the foreigner had no reason to care what they thought. The young woman had refused to get involved with anyone because of her own personal situation and some very complicated concerns. As a result of her own circumstances, Noely had always made sure to stay away from any situation that would compromise her body. It had not been easy, particularly in the palace, but she had learned how to avoid the worst potential issues.

  As she tried to bring her hair into some semblance of order, movement off to the side caught her attention. It was with a relatively muted sigh that the young woman looked in the direction of the movement in case it was something threatening. Though she could not fully make out what she was seeing, Noely could tell a few things about the figure moving along the boundary between the wood and the mountain. It was a shifter, a male shifter, and he was clearly injured, something that she could tell even from her current distance. He was trying with moderate success to be stealthy, but anyone as familiar with the woods as Noely was would not miss the movements. It was true that while he was failing to be invisible, the man was incredibly silent. Despite the obvious seriousness of the situation, she was impressed by the way he was able to silence everything around him, even with the clearly painful movements it required.

  Tilting her head to the side, Noely picked up her basket and headed toward the figure. Her surprise at his silence became more pronounced as she moved toward him because she could tell that the wounds were incredibly serious, and her concern grew the closer she got to him. Looking around, Noely decided to follow him to see what he was doing. There was no way she was going to leave him to bleed to death, particularly if he was being hunted, and that was a very real possibility. It did not take her long to realize that he was looking for somewhere to hide. The young woman may not have known exactly what kind of shifter he was, but the desperation of trying to hide somewhere in his current state definitely narrowed down the type that he could be. Most shifters would simply move in their animal forms when injured, unless they were being hunted, or their shifter form was substantially larger than their human one. The fact that she had neither encountered nor heard anyone while she was out suggested that the shifter was one of the larger creatures. Also, there would be no reason to sneak around in human form if the man was an animal that people might hunt. No one would take an interest in an injured human, unless they were part of the palace guard. Noely had a certain bias for the larger shifters, so she knew what she had to do.

  Stepping out of the woods with the basket draped over her arm, Noely caught his attention. “If you need somewhere to rest, there’s a cave not too far away.”

  The shifter’s initial reaction was one of surprise as he quickly turned around and looked at her. Despite his wounds, the shifter was unbelievably agile, and his slight stumble at her voice was almost imperceptible. Noely made sure that both of her hands were visible so that he would know she was no threat. It worked. Following his shock, the shifter immediately relaxed a little, although only a few people like her would have been able to see it. The man was clearly used to being on his guard. Most shifters were around Yuezhi, particularly near its capital, Antakya.

  “I can show you where, but it may be a bit of a walk.” Noely found that her mouth was able to keep going, just as she had learned at the castle. With a vague smile, she tried to make sure he remained relaxed – it would have been bad for the shifter’s heart rate to go up in his current state. While her face and voice worked to set him more at ease, the young woman could not help but notice how the man looked. The gashes on his arms and legs indicated that he had been attacked by several soldiers, and judging by the size of the marks, the shifter’s form must have been substantially larger than the most common types of shifters. His hair was a beautiful black that from some angles seemed to shimmer a dark blue, but it appeared that some of it had been cut. If she had to guess, his hair was likely cut during whatever fight he had been in before she found him. Noely had never heard of a shifter walking around with such uneven hair – at least not one who clearly tended to take care of his appearance. If she had met him five years ago, his startling bluish-grey eyes would have made her forget how to talk. That was before she learned how to cope with her shyness. Still, even now she could easily have gotten lost in his extraordinary eyes if habit had not kicked in. It was only in her frequent chatter at the castle that she had gotten accustomed to talking as her mind assessed her surroundings.

  The shifter gave no indication that he was going to follow, or even speak, but from the amount of blood he had lost, he was going to need to rest soon. Shifters could heal much faster than humans, but they healed at different rates, and blood loss could be a serious problem for those who did not heal fast, especially with wounds like his. It was clear that this one needed to lie down as soon as possible because he was going to keep sacrificing blood loss for stealth. Foolish as it was, Noely could easily understand why a shifter would emphasize caution here. After all, it would be no better to be less careful and give away his hiding place than to die in peace while searching for a place to hide. That was a very common way of thinking for shifters.

  She didn’t want to scare him, so she kept her back to him as she moved toward the cave. Figuring that she would need to explain a little, Noely said over her shoulder, “It will be a bit of a walk, but we shouldn’t have to climb too much.” This would be important because it was clear his arms were badly injured, likely rendering climbing next to impossible.

  Finally, a firm, deep voice behind her caught up to her, and Noely found that she closed her eyes at the beautiful sound. “How do I know that you aren’t going to turn me in?” A slight shiver went through her body at his words, and her mind immediately went to the ocean and memories of growing up along the beach.

  Turning slowly, she gave him a calming smile. “The castle is over there.” She pointed slowly in the opposite direction than they were going. “I am actually supposed to go back there tonight, but I don’t think they expect me to return at all.”

  The man’s delicate features were incredibly well-defined as he looked at her with confusion.

  She gave a little laugh. “They sent me out here to collect.” She held up the basket with a number of different herbs, flowers, and other things that could only be found in the wild. “Actually, I volunteered when it became obvious that no one else was going to do it. While others may have been okay with letting things run their course, I am not really capable of sitting idle when there is someone in ne
ed. You see, there are some sick children who need a few of these to get better, and I wasn’t about to leave them to die because others are afraid of the woods. It isn’t exactly my job, but it isn’t too much of a stretch since I work in the kitchen.” She shrugged when the man gave her a quizzical look. It was clear he had more questions, but she didn’t want him to spend too much time thinking and not enough time moving. To silence him, the young woman kept talking. “With the sun setting, it would probably be better for me to stay in the cave with you than to keep going. I’m clearly too distracted now to be safe in the woods when it starts to get dark. Normally I should have noticed you far earlier, although you were incredibly quiet. Someone with injuries as serious as yours should not have been able to be so unbelievably quiet. Still, your movements made it pretty easy to spot you from the right angles. Well, for someone like me anyway. That’s probably one of the reasons I am not afraid out in the forest – because I pretty much always see or hear anything long before it can sneak up on me. Or perhaps it is that the monsters out here are far less concerning. That’s the lesson I think I’ve learned working at the palace for so many years, nearly a decade now. You start to feel safer out in nature with the obvious monsters than in the castle with the human-shaped monsters.”

  The man gave a little laugh.

  “Good,” she said. “I can guarantee you that the cave is safe. I live there on and off, depending on the time of year, so I can tend to you. They won’t be expecting me back tonight, or like I said, ever, so I can ensure you are safe and your wounds treated. You are welcome to stay as long as you like, too. I am currently staying in the city, so after tonight you will have the place to yourself.”

  “Why?” His voice wavered a bit, and Noely knew that he had lost too much blood.

  Quickly she moved back to him, reaching him just as he stumbled. When he tried to move away, the young woman held up both hands. “I can let you walk on your own, but it is a bit of a distance, and I don’t know that you will be able to make it before passing out. While I can help you walk a little faster, I am going to have trouble carrying you if you black out.”


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